Hi Tom! Hey, don't be so hot to trot into the studio and take over. At least, not quite yet, and certainly not over Display's features!
Thanks though, for being willing
Bob, I've decided to ask questions. Perhaps my lack of computer knowledge might simplify? Who knows? If the questions are stupid, ignore them. I know you're busy.
Your invention will "show the source code of any program." So, if I have a program on my computer that tells me how and when I should feed my cattle, etc., your program can reach through the internet, display my program, and show that it's Tom's program in Mabank, TX. Is this correct?
Your invention will "display every published book." When you say "published," do you meant that a book simply has to be in a computer, on the internet, or published by a publishing firm? If simply on the internet, then can't your program reach out to an Arab terrorist sending a message to a fellow terrorist with a plan to blow up a plane?
And you tolld Knight that it would not only show the cure for cancer, but would flag the page that we should read to know the cure. So, can it flag the message that this Arab terrorist is sending to show that this is a terrorist?
You said that "this will be far beyond what the Supreme Court will rule on." Will not the Supreme Court rule that your invention can't be used? If so, your only customer will be the National Security Agency.
Patent rights? Even if you got patent rights, how do you contain an invention like this? Won't it spread like wild fire from one computer to another? For example, I buy it from you. Can I then give it to my brother if I don't care about copyright? This reminds me of the old joke where the man says, "I invented an acid that disolves anything it touches. Only one problem. I don't know what to put it in.
If the whold world had this program, is there anything that would be sacred and privately owned?
God bless, Tom in Mabank, TX
I've read through these posts. Two things astonish me. Some actually seem to understand this. And I read where a man (Stripe I believe) admitted he was WRONG. I don't think I've ever saw anyone say they were wrong on TOL.
Knight, isn't there some kind of reward for this?
God bless, Tom from Mabank, TX