From what I have seen God's Truth is backpedaling and has no answers for the questions that AMR originally started this debate with. Yet GT demands answers to questions before answering those asked.
Well, it looks like Gods Truth is doing an extremely poor job of defending his position and answering AMR's questions.
Right here is the crux of it, IMHO. How much "bad" doctrine has been developed as the result of hatred of the RCC and all things considered RCC? The Trinity being one of those considered RCC by the uninformed.
I would like to challenge AMR one on one with my simple way of reasoning why Trinity is unbiblical and doctrine of demon.
I would like to start with questions that I don't think any trinity believers can answer biblically.
To tell the truth, I don't believe God's Truth is biblical either because He said Jesus is the Father but he denied this claim later on. He does not seem to think he knows what he is talking about.
He has been inconsistent all alone with many other things and trinity is the same.
I would like to challenge any trinity believer on one on one, it has not be AMR.
thank you.
I generally am reluctant to debate women. I know my limitations well enough to understand that I will fall into sin given my tendency to become impatient and even angered during the heat of discussion. I just do not think God is glorified with the likes of myself in heated discussions with a woman. I mean no offense by this. Your views are the reason I have you on ignore--to avoid falling into more personal sin when I become inflamed when reading your blasphemies related to the Godhead.
I only respond now as your comments were quoted and felt you were owed an explanation.
Gt, I wonder what Stephen saw at his stoning at the end of Acts chapter 7? What is your understanding of that vision?
Why not comment on a scripture I quoted and explained? Why not get that scripture and explanation and show me exactly when and why I got it wrong? You do not do know how to because you do not know the truth.
In addition, you could have got the question I ask all trinitarians and answered it, but you did not. You only come on here and state your worthless opinions.
You can lead me to the trinity doctrine if you would answer my questions.
The question is how is it that Jesus is God but not the Father who is God.
The other question is like it: How is Jesus God but not the Holy Spirit who is God.
I will be waiting for your answer.
godrulz makes good points here.
Scripture was not intended to be a tool for proof-texting to support a particular view. We should all be able to make a Biblical argument for our view, but that looks very different from plucking an isolated verse here or there, completely ignoring the greater context, the original hearer, the original language, the circumstances under which the book or letter was written, etc.
Further, proof-texting without explanation or interpretation proves nothing. If AMR simply answered GT's proof-texts with a few of his own, GT would have to admit that AMR's proof-texts are just as valid on the face of it.
Ignoring thousand of years of church history and those who went before us in the faith is downright foolish. GT's objection to quoting others is tantamount to the tired 'I don't believe in any man's religion'. Lone Ranger Christians often end up believing in, at best, slightly unorthodox doctrines, and at worst, outright heresy. And I guarantee none of us came to our beliefs without being taught by someone along the way.
It's clear to me that the root of the issue here is a difference in interpretive method. An overly literal, wooden literal, approach to Scripture yields confusion and error.
GT, you can't simply cite a few verses and claim victory. There are some truths in Scripture that can't be proof-texted. The doctrines are built carefully by viewing the whole of Scripture and, like the doctrine of the Trinity, many came about in response to serious error.
AMR, well done as usual. Glad it's GT and not me. :chuckle:
I don't post here to 'help' AMR. He doesn't need any help.
However, you could benefit by his help for you.
But........that requires humility.
I generally am reluctant to debate women. I know my limitations well enough to understand that I will fall into sin given my tendency to become impatient and even angered during the heat of discussion. I just do not think God is glorified with the likes of myself in heated discussions with a woman. I mean no offense by this. Your views are the reason I have you on ignore--to avoid falling into more personal sin when I become inflamed when reading your blasphemies related to the Godhead.
I only respond now as your comments were quoted and felt you were owed an explanation.
My point, which obviously escaped you, is that if you understood that the Trinitarian nature of God was apparent to those very first Christians, and that it is not a concept that comes out of the RCC, then you would most likely be less resistant to the truth. Your hatred of the RCC and anything you interpret as being RCC clouds your perception and keeps you from seeing the truth.
That is not entirely what prevents you from seeing the truth, but it is a big part of it.
I have not seen a debate actually start yet. Questions have been posed by AMR but no answers have been given
You do not know what you are talking about, so stop with your worthless false opinions of me.
Why did you act as if you did not see my request?
Here it is again:
You can lead me to the trinity doctrine if you would answer my questions.
The question is how is it that Jesus is God but not the Father who is God.
The other question is like it: How is Jesus God but not the Holy Spirit who is God.
I will be waiting for your answer.
Did Jesus teach His disciples to debate everyone at all times and to judge who are His disciples, and who are not? I don't debate much because I find that almost any theological word needs to be defined and agreed upon. I find that many would rather debate what they believe their opponent believes, rather than what the opponent states that they believe. I also do not find many teachable nor humble people, but rather those who would rather attack and name-call. It could prove to be a waste of valuable time that could have been used to do His will. I am not saying that debate is not useful nor profitable, but it seems rather to be a rarity to engage in valuable debate.
Predictable GT response. Your questions have all been answered many times over. You simply refuse to even consider the truth, let alone believe it. God help you.