Direct assault on Satan (Evil's.<(I)> Naughty List)


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I wasn't judging. I was just pointing out that what's his name was judging. And if you are judging me by calling me a hypocrite, does that put you into the same category?

(I would say not, because what you were attempting was to point out a fact, despite it not being accurate. To call someone a hypocrite is not judging. Nor is pointing out that someone is judging.)

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Judging someone for judging is being a hypocrite, and is wrong.

Judging someone for being a hypocrite is not wrong, it's judging rightly.

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I could dismember your "Adoptionist" view with 20 yes or no questions. I could do it with 2 parallel scriptures. (Isaiah 9:6 + Isaiah 46:9). Throw (Deuteronomy 32:39 and Deuteronomy 6:4) in there and you are theologically SLAIN!

Is it TRUTH you seek? Is it TRUTH that you uphold? According to scripture... you aren't upholding THE TRUTH.

What Gives Daqq?

In fact... the Old Testament seems to refute you so intensely... I'm wondering.

How can you be soooo wrong and not see it?

I'm ready to lock swords with you over this. No more dancing. You know the drill. Strike the shepherd and the sheep are scattered. On that note... who is the good shepherd and why is He called Lord... as in YHWH? (Psalm 23 Psalm 23:1 Interlinear (Lord/YHWH

John 10:11, 14 Hmmmm???

Wait??? Did He call Himself "Good"?

Mark 10:18 ?

And... on that note... You say Adoptionist isn't Arian...

Hey @daqq ...

(Leaning in and whispering... You're being "Responded" to.)

It feels good to run with old EE when He's looting the false temples and burning them down... Until... it's yours!

So... about that quote... ARIAN!!!!

What are you insinuating? Is Jesus a "Test Tube Baby"?

Where did He come from?

Who was His Daddy?
Who was His Mommy?

Seriously @daqq ?

I'm not going to let up on you! This is more "Theological Bull" than Calvinism!


You have options...

(1) Refuse to answer
Result? ... I never let you live it down

(2) Throw up some scripture twisting
Result? ... You will be unhappy

(3) You insult me or whine
Result? ... I insult you back or never let you live whining down

(4) You man up and cross swords to the carnal doctrinal DEATH
Result? ... We seriously cross swords now!

What's it going to be?


Seriously... What do these titles mean?

El Gibbor

Hint... (Isaiah 9:6)

Read every word of this @daqq ... before you respond... I'm not joking... this is nuclear!!!


See you tomorrow, @daqq... Stack up all your quotes...

An Arian-optionist straw man view is about to...

How many times have you called me by mention of my name? and I have responded, and most of those times it was only to find you crying wolf again, and denying what I have already told you; even about myself and what I believe from the scripture. And yet when I called with the words of Messiah, and the Word of Elohim; you would not come, neither would you hear, but closed your ears and your eyes, and you deny the Testimony of Yeshua and Messiah the Son of Elohim. Hypocrites and liars are you with your fellow inmates, locked in the prison of your own making, O Herodians. :chuckle:


New member
Judging someone for judging is being a hypocrite, and is wrong.

Judging someone for being a hypocrite is not wrong, it's judging rightly.

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Firstly, the judging comment was only a half truth, meant to rile. (Also, my reference was to Matthew 7, while utilizing the common misconception, my point still maintains integrity, since the poster had wrongly judged) Secondly, the point of my original statement was to highlight his error; being that no verse says "faith alone," outside of James.

Lastly, judging someone for being a hypocrite could still be wrong. Because no one knows the state of another's soul. (1 Cor 2) It is shaky ground without concrete evidence, which you nor he have based on the current discussion.

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Firstly, the judging comment was only a half truth, meant to rile. (Also, my reference was to Matthew 7, while utilizing the common misconception, my point still maintains integrity, since the poster had wrongly judged) Secondly, the point of my original statement was to highlight his error; being that no verse says "faith alone," outside of James.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, *not of works, lest anyone should boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9

Lastly, judging someone for being a hypocrite could still be wrong. Because no one knows the state of another's soul. (1 Cor 2) It is shaky ground without concrete evidence, which you nor he have based on the current discussion.

If someone does something they say is wrong, they're a hypocrite, simple as that. It has nothing (or at least, very little) to do with what's in a person's heart.

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God's Truth

New member
How many times do I need to answer it? It has been fully expounded to you in the thread, "This day have I begotten you", where also "Evil.Eye." the OP of this thread also has visited and therefore, just as you, has no excuse for not knowing my views. My Adoptionist view has been no secret, (and it is not Arian). The man Yeshua is neither the Son of Man nor the Son of Elohim and he plainly tells you in the passages which have been quoted to you over eight times now until finally I put the post in its own thread where you refused to even enter when you were invited by mention to give an answer in front of everyone, (just as was the OP of this thread, "Evil.Eye.", who also refused to respond).

The Son of Man descended in somatiko-corporeal-bodily form at the immersion of the man Yeshua: that is what is written in Luke 3:22, (σωματικῷ-corporeal-bodily), and that is the Spirit of the Holy One, (τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον), just as I have said and shown with other passages many, many times, to you yourself and your fellow like-minded Oneness-Modalists; and yet you have never even ventured to give any explanation as for why your view of that passage makes the Holy Spirit into a corporeal entity which even violates the tenants of Trinitarianism, (for in Trinitarianism the Holy Spirit is not corporeal or physical). If you cannot explain any of the questions that are put to you then how is it that you think you can be right about anything that really counts? I have answered all of the difficult questions that are constantly vexing to all of you, and that are debated over and over again among theologians; but you and yours have answered none of them. The Son of Man descended from the heavens, just as Yeshua says of him in John 3:13, and as it is written of him in Proverbs 30:4-5, and he is the Son of Elohim, and he always was for as far as mankind knows, just as Wisdom was in the beginning with the Father in Proverbs 8:27-31, (for he is the wisdom of Elohim Most High and there is neither male nor female in Messiah). You and your comrades are lost, groping in a world of darkness; and yet the truth is right in front of you, and you continually deny it every time you speak to me and I quote you the scripture passages to your face.

You have made yourselves deniers of the Messiah.

I don't think I knew what your beliefs were until now.
You say the Holy Spirit is neither male or female, is that what you say?
Are you saying Jesus did not become the Son of God until the Holy Spirit descended on him?


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I don't think I knew what your beliefs were until now.
You say the Holy Spirit is neither male or female, is that what you say?
Are you saying Jesus did not become the Son of God until the Holy Spirit descended on him?
A bit like Keypurr.... Slightly different though...

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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The man Yeshua is neither the Son of Man nor the Son of Elohim and he plainly tells you in the passages which have been quoted to you over eight times now...

So when the man Yeshua spoke it was the Son of Man or the Son of Elohim that was speaking through Him?

In other words, when the man Yeshua said the He is the Son of God was it the one you say is the actual Son of God speaking through Him?


Eclectic Theosophist
Judge not, lest you be judged......

Judge not, lest you be judged......

Judging someone for judging is being a hypocrite, and is wrong.

Judging someone for being a hypocrite is not wrong, it's judging rightly.

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Hi JR,

My issue on this point, something TOL 'truthsmakers' pride themselves on, in 'name calling' or 'judging rightly', but in a negative condescending manner, is that it becomes a matter IF they have true discernment without any distortion, presupposition or presumptions, BEFORE They start calling another names or judging them. This is a somewhat dangerous practice, because anyone who calls his brother 'fool' (raca) is in danger of judgment! - so we need to be careful before we judge others, for even Jesus warns us to NOT judge, lest we be judged by the same standard - THIS is important to cognize, to approach such endeavors with care. I despise self-appointed religionists who are full of venom themselves, and use 'religion' to beat up, judge or raise themselves above people, - such a practice was chided by Jesus, as seen in the behavior of the scribes and Pharisees.

I've seen it here among TOL elites and favorites and their poor behavior is 'protected' by the staff here. - this comes with the territory of course of an openly biased forum, so this is not a complaint, as much as an observation.

I've held my own for years here nonetheless, but it is unfortunate when you sense the spirit of one's judgment, attack or response, which is openly condenscending, and these judgers ADMIT it is,...but still feel justified for their demeaning, denigrating words. There is a lost scripture that says one of the worst sins is to GRIEVE the spirit of your brother. If one does this, and they inflict the harm, it is most vital to restore the one hurt, via confession, forgiveness and other means, lest one's heart become all the more depraved and continue to treat others in such a devaluing way. AND we ought to note that HOW we treat one another is perhaps the MAIN thing that we will be judged by, and either be rewarded or punished thereby, since HOW we treat others is HOW we treat 'God', - this is why love is the fulfilling of the law, and 'sin' is but anything that falls short or transgresses the law of love, to any degree.

God's Truth

New member
In order for you to tell someone that what they're doing is wrong, you have to judge that it is wrong. It's hypocritical to judge someone for judging, because if you think judging is wrong, then you shouldn't be judging. Doing something that you think is wrong is a sin, regardless if it actually is wrong or not.

Come on, GT, that makes no sense. I know you're smarter than that.

Fixed That For You (FTFY)

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I have no idea what you think you fixed.

Again, it is NOT judging to tell someone to stop judging.

It is not judging to tell someone to stop cussing at you.

It is not judging to tell someone to stop slandering you, etc.

Judging is telling someone they are going to go to hell.

And, it is only hypocritical if you are slandering others and you tell someone else to stop slandering.


Well-known member
So when the man Yeshua spoke it was the Son of Man or the Son of Elohim that was speaking through Him?

In other words, when the man Yeshua said the He is the Son of God was it the one you say is the actual Son of God speaking through Him?

I see you edited: the man Yeshua does not claim to be the Son of Elohim but a son of Elohim.
THE Son of Elohim dwells within him because THE Son of Elohim is the Logos-Word.
That is the same Spirit who raised the man Yeshua from the dead: the Word.


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I see you edited: the man Yeshua does not claim to be the Son of Elohim but a son of Elohim.
THE Son of Elohim dwells within him because THE Son of Elohim is the Logos-Word.
That is the same Spirit who raised the man Yeshua from the dead: the Word.
Yup, almost exactly like Keypurr.

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God's Truth

New member
I wasn't judging. I was just pointing out that what's his name was judging. And if you are judging me by calling me a hypocrite, does that put you into the same category?

(I would say not, because what you were attempting was to point out a fact, despite it not being accurate. To call someone a hypocrite is not judging. Nor is pointing out that someone is judging.)

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I agree.

God's Truth

New member
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, *not of works, lest anyone should boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9

If someone does something they say is wrong, they're a hypocrite, simple as that. It has nothing (or at least, very little) to do with what's in a person's heart.

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The works Paul was saying they do not save are the ceremonial works.

Paul would not ever rebuke anyone for obeying Jesus.

It is not judging to tell someone to stop judging.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
How many times do I need to answer it? It has been fully expounded to you in the thread, "This day have I begotten you", where also "Evil.Eye." the OP of this thread also has visited and therefore, just as you, has no excuse for not knowing my views.

Your views are a joke, especially when you deny that the words found in "bold" in the following passage did not happen when the Lord Jesus was raised from the dead, the same day when He was begotten of God:

"But God raised him from the dead: and he was seen for many days of them that came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now his witnesses unto the people. And we bring you good tidings of the promise made unto the fathers, that God hath fulfilled the same unto our children, in that he raised up Jesus; as also it is written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption, he hath spoken on this wise, I will give you the holy and sure [blessings] of David. Because he saith also in another [psalm], Thou wilt not give Thy Holy One to see corruption. For David, after he had in his own generation served the counsel of God, fell asleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption: but he whom God raised up saw no corruption"
(Acts 13:30-37).​

We can clearly see that that all of these verses are speaking of the Lord Jesus bing raised from the dead. But you say that despite the fact that the first two verses are speaking of His resurrection and the last four verses are speaking about the same thing you say that the verses in "bold" are in regard to something entirely different from His resurrection.

According to your convoulated idea the words "raised up Jesus" in these verses have nothing to do with His resurrection!

I hope that they treat you well in your padded cell!!!
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