Did God become flesh?

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The Man Jesus Christ who is both God and Man died on the cross for the sins of the elect !

Interesting. I would love to know how you see this. It may be a challenge to produce how you believe something or what your belief entails or involves, but I believe it is possible. For example, what do you mean by God and Man? I believe that the man Christ Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.


By which he did not exclude himself.

Given the dozens of times that Jesus alluded to his equality with God, shouldn't there be at least one clear denial that he was God if that was the case? Except there isn't, only that which would further point to that inevitable fact that He who created all things did walk among them, that he was the first and the last, the beginning and the end, and that there is no other God.

Isaiah 41:4 KJV
(4) Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he.

Revelation 2:8 KJV
(8) And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;

Is Jesus the first and the last person who was dead and is alive? No, "the first and the last" is used the identification for the LORD of Hosts used not once, but three separate times in Isaiah. This title also means "and beside me there is no God."

Isaiah 44:6 KJV
(6) Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

Jesus does not exclude himself when he says that the Father is the only true God, rather he clarifies that HE Himself is that only true God in other passages. It would be unwise to ignore the express clarification of His meaning and to substitute a personal slanted interpretation from an isolated passage.

Revelation 22:13-16 KJV
(13) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
(14) Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
(15) For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
(16) I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

You are following trin churches' reasoning.

I totally disagree.

Jesus' word about His Father and Himself is clear.


You are following trin churches' reasoning.

I totally disagree.

Jesus' word about His Father and Himself is clear.

BTW, Rosen,

Jesus says narrow is the way to life and only a few find it.

Trinity believers are the vast majority, You better watch out, friend.


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You are following trin churches' reasoning.

I totally disagree.

Jesus' word about His Father and Himself is clear.
See, what did I tell ya?


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BTW, Rosen,

Jesus says narrow is the way to life and only a few find it.

Trinity believers are the vast majority, You better watch out, friend.
If we were making an appeal to popularity, the claim, "because most Christians believe the trinity, therefore it is true," then you would have a valid point there.

But we don't make that argument.

We have scripture, plain and simple, saying that God is a triune being. Which makes your argument a red herring, something meant to distract us (and the reader) from what was actually said.

Meshak = :troll:


New member
You are following trin churches' reasoning.

I totally disagree.

Jesus' word about His Father and Himself is clear.

I guarantee you that I am not following Trinity reasoning. All I did was to apply the names and titles God uses for himself and apply them as names are intended, for identification.


New member
If we were making an appeal to popularity, the claim, "because most Christians believe the trinity, therefore it is true," then you would have a valid point there.

But we don't make that argument.

We have scripture, plain and simple, saying that God is a triune being. Which makes your argument a red herring, something meant to distract us (and the reader) from what was actually said.

Meshak = :troll:

Just for the record, please note that I made no argument that "God is a triune being."


I guarantee you that I am not following Trinity reasoning. All I did was to apply the names and titles God uses for himself and apply them as names are intended, for identification.

But you seem to dismiss Jesus' word of "narrow is the way to life and only a few find it".

You need to reason everything according to what Jesus says clearly. There are clear statements of Jesus you are dismissing.

Jesus says His Father is the only true God. this is one of the clear statement which you should not dismiss.

I will bring them when I have time.

I will be back.


I guarantee you that I am not following Trinity reasoning. All I did was to apply the names and titles God uses for himself and apply them as names are intended, for identification.

They all are agreeing with everything you are saying about the trinity.


The nature and character of God are very important to me. Sometimes we say nature and mean all that God is.


New member
But you seem to dismiss Jesus' word of "narrow is the way to life and only a few find it".

Your application hardly seems on target. Can you show me where "the way to life" is defined as rejecting Jesus's own identification of himself as the One and only God and LORD of the Old Testament scriptures?

You will find that the way to life is defined in an entirely different manner.

You need to reason everything according to what Jesus says clearly. There are clear statements of Jesus you are dismissing.

I haven't had a chance to dismiss anything. You dismissed me (with a "Trinity" accusation) as soon as I started to quote Isaiah and Revelation.

Jesus says His Father is the only true God. this is one of the clear statement which you should not dismiss.
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. What I disagree is your unsupported assertion that Jesus excluded himself. I supported myself with multiple statements of Christ identifying himself as the one true God from scripture.

I will bring them when I have time.

I will be back.

OK. Please do.


New member
They all are agreeing with everything you are saying about the trinity.

I haven't said a thing about a Trinity (and I'd rather not.) It doesn't seem as if you're actually reading the words on the page here. Are you able to put aside this "Trinity" fixation and keep to the topic of the identity of God and Christ from scripture?
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