
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
There are laws on the books that prohibit certain people from legally owning guns, but that has absolutely nothing to do with your comments on gun buy back programs.

No kidding, captain obvious. Do you oppose allowing certain people to purchase firearms?

You know what that's called? Gun control. Eveyone supports it to one degree or another.

Now watch the goal posts move....

I'm still talking about your supposed fix to violent crime by supporting voluntary gun buy-back programs. How is that gun control Aaron if it's voluntary?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you do some research you'll find that the cities with huge violent crime rates have the strictest gun control laws. I just read where San Francisco's one and only gun shop is closing (due to political pressure), yet the murder rate in SF has skyrocketed.

I showed you that the murder rate in San Francisco (the city) has not skyrocketed and is on pace to about match 2014's total (which was lower than 2013, etc)...

Ah, now we're discussing San Franciso County. Which is it? By the way, there are still gun shops in San Francisco County so that tears apart your entire premise about the last gun shop in San Fran closing up now doesn't it?

You're terrible at vetting your sources. You just google any old thing that you think says what you want it to, toss it out and hope that it sticks.

What do you think San Francisco is, a walled in city? The entire area is violent. Liberalism breeds violence.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
After all of that trouble you went to trying to pass off ultra liberal San Francisco as a non violent city, can I quote you as saying that cities that have the strictest gun control measures are the safest?

And now we're talking about SF the city again. You're all over the board you

Do you know the difference between a city...and a county????

Come on Aaron, its this simple, just type the following words:

"Cities that have the strictest gun control measures are the safest".

Feel free to copy and paste the above if you need to.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
But Aaron, what about all of those hardcore criminals that come rushing forward to get $50 for their Glock?

Knock them all you want but what's the harm in such programs?

I addressed it in my first post to you: Gun buy back programs are implying that guns are the problem.

I'll say it again for the Libertarian impaired:

You do realize that you're defending the libertarian position in this debate...don't you?

How would you know, you're not one.

That being said: If Libertarians are borrowing from the Bible and the God-given right to self defense, then I suppose you could say that. But since this thread doesn't deal with the Libertarian stance on the legalization of prostitution, all recreational drugs and kiddy porn, I'll stick with saying that my position on the right to keep and bear arms is Biblically based.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I look past the superficial problem (guns in the hands of criminals) and acknowledge why these people are criminals (our Godless society).

And only a clueless idiot like yourself would refer to guns in the hands of criminals as "superficial".

I deal with liberals like you daily that constantly think that putting a band aid on a cancer is the solution to all problems.

Quote: Originally posted aCultureWarrior
There are limits to constitutional rights: Even though American citizens have freedom of speech, one can't yell "Bomb!" in a stadium full of people. The same goes with religion: Even though a punch of heroin using Ron Paul supporters start a church called "The church of the drug using Paulbots", doesn't mean that it has to be recognized by government as a legitimate religion.

To my point. You, like nearly every person in this country, supports gun control to a certain extent.

With God-given rights come responsibilities and hence some restrictions. I said it, you didn't.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Gun opponents are good for business.
Firearms sellers can thank the gun-control legislation lobbies for much of this business windfall. Marked demand increases have been witnessed over the past five years thanks to the 2008 and 2012 elections of U.S. history’s most successful, if unintentional, gun salesman as president. The firearms market got a huge added boost after the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut activated a renewed legislative frenzy.

If that gun-purchasing fervor has abated with the defeat of several congressional regulation proposals, as I’m sure it has, you surely wouldn’t have known it by witnessing the overwhelmingly enormous annual NRA convention in Houston earlier this month. Attendance was estimated to be more than 70,000 people from all over the country.


New member
This is just....beyond sick.

And what is more sick is that it is simply the natural result of what the NRA, their pocketed politicians, and a brainwashed, brutal percentage of the American population have built.

11-year-old ‘bully’ murdered 8-year-old neighbor with a shotgun after dispute over puppy
AAn 11-year-old Tennessee boy has been charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of an 8-year-old neighbor girl.

The Jefferson County sheriff said the boy, whose name has not been released, used his father’s 12-gauge single-shot shotgun to kill his next-door neighbor, McKayla Dyer.

The girl had been outside playing about 7:30 p.m. Saturday when the older boy asked to see her puppy, but she told him no, said Latasha Dyer, the girl’s mother.

She said the boy, who had bullied her daughter since moving to the mobile home park in White Pine, went home to get the shotgun and then shot her daughter in the chest.
Liberals, this is what your "entitlement Culture" has wrought.


New member
Hall of Fame
Gun opponents are good for business.
Firearms sellers can thank the gun-control legislation lobbies for much of this business windfall. Marked demand increases have been witnessed over the past five years thanks to the 2008 and 2012 elections of U.S. history’s most successful, if unintentional, gun salesman as president. The firearms market got a huge added boost after the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut activated a renewed legislative frenzy.

If that gun-purchasing fervor has abated with the defeat of several congressional regulation proposals, as I’m sure it has, you surely wouldn’t have known it by witnessing the overwhelmingly enormous annual NRA convention in Houston earlier this month. Attendance was estimated to be more than 70,000 people from all over the country.

Forbes might right sometimes but they're simply foolish and completely incorrect on this one.


New member
The people responsible for these incidents + lots of guns = death toll

The same people without guns = much lower death toll.

11 year olds shooting 8 years olds over a puppy is not normal, inevitable or acceptable.

Its a sign of a sick sick society.

Yes, it is a sign of the sick sick society created by Liberals.

patrick jane

Gun opponents are good for business.
Firearms sellers can thank the gun-control legislation lobbies for much of this business windfall. Marked demand increases have been witnessed over the past five years thanks to the 2008 and 2012 elections of U.S. history’s most successful, if unintentional, gun salesman as president. The firearms market got a huge added boost after the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut activated a renewed legislative frenzy.

If that gun-purchasing fervor has abated with the defeat of several congressional regulation proposals, as I’m sure it has, you surely wouldn’t have known it by witnessing the overwhelmingly enormous annual NRA convention in Houston earlier this month. Attendance was estimated to be more than 70,000 people from all over the country.

It's true, every time new gun laws are mentioned, people flock to the gun dealers.


New member
I'm still talking about your supposed fix to violent crime by supporting voluntary gun buy-back programs. How is that gun control Aaron if it's voluntary?

:doh: It's a way to control how many guns are readily available.

But exactly, if it's voluntary what's the harm or why would anyone oppose such programs?

What do you think San Francisco is, a walled in city? The entire area is violent. Liberalism breeds violence.

You said the murder rate in the city of San Fransisco has skyrocketed.
I proved that it has not.
You cite statistics from the county of San Fransisco

Can you keep track of your own claims?

Show me that the murder rate in San Fransisco has skyrocketed. That was your claim...remember?

Come on Aaron, its this simple, just type the following words:

"Cities that have the strictest gun control measures are the safest".

Which one did you want to discuss now that your original claim has been debunked? Heck, sooner or later something just has to stick, right?

You've grown far too comfortable with making a fool of yourself.

I addressed it in my first post to you: Gun buy back programs are implying that guns are the problem.

That's the only reason you have to oppose them? Because the perception that it gives?

That's a rather weak rebuttal even for your limited abilities.

You do realize that you're defending the libertarian position in this debate...don't you?
How would you know, you're not one.

Classic! So, unless I am a libertarian I cannot understand their arguments or positions?

How do you know so much about homosexuality?.....:shut: :flamer:

I deal with liberals like you daily that constantly think that putting a band aid on a cancer is the solution to all problems.

I'm sorry I must have missed where you offered a solution to mass shootings.

Kindly point that out...

With God-given rights come responsibilities and hence some restrictions. I said it, you didn't.

It's OK. I know you support gun control you just cannot bring yourself to utter such a nasty phrase.

I support gun control.

Feel free to copy and paste the above if you need to.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
Raise the minimum age required to keep and bear firearm's. Make it 30 or 35 (U.S. president minimum age). Keep background check's, but eliminate all physical permit's for those at or older than the minimum age . . . drivers license or other government identification is sufficient. Allow exception's on a case-by-case basis for those qualified and deemed suitable but who are below the minimum age, and require those to carry physical permit's. Make permit's reciprocal like drivers and marriage license's.,9171,1018089,00.html

Also, lets start a discussion about the terrorism that American's have undergone over the past century or so, perpetrated by organized criminal's. I.M.O., it is this terrorism that has generated the hated and admittedly skewed and confused "gun culture." In response to the gun violence perpetrated by organized criminal's, "gun control" was invented, and "gun culture" is the grassroot's response to "gun control," which was the government response to organized crime.

Organized crime continue's to terrorize American's, and especially Central and South American's, even to this day, and many of those country's suffer from dramatically and horrifically worse gun violence than we here in the State's do.

The right to keep and bear arm's is linked directly to the right to life.



Right wing gun culture glorifies violence to solve problems. It is inherently paranoid. It has become dangerous and cult like.

Owning a gun should be like owning a car. You must have a license and prove mental health and proficiency and get regular renewals. One must also have insurance on the weapon. Also, if parents let children play with dangerous weapons and someone gets killed they should be held criminally liable.


Well-known member
This is just....beyond sick.

And what is more sick is that it is simply the natural result of what the ACLU and removal of prayer in the class-room, their pocketed politicians, and a brainwashed, brutal percentage of the American population have built.
Fixed that for you. You didn't read about this sort of thing since the Revolution in 1776 and before. You read it about it after accountability to God was removed from the classroom.

A society with guns doesn't do this, a society without God does this and hadn't for 200 years! What changed? Oh yeah, "No God!"
"Bad Guns" is passing-the-buck/scapegoating for what is ACTUALLY the reason.

You want to stop this? Stop making it so mothers have to work, and get families back on one-income sustainability. Stop taking God out of the classroom and society. Stop telling kids it is wrong to bring their morals in the classroom because they are inextricably tied to religious values.


New member
Right wing gun culture glorifies violence to solve problems. It is inherently paranoid. It has become dangerous and cult like.

Owning a gun should be like owning a car. You must have a license and prove mental health and proficiency and get regular renewals. One must also have insurance on the weapon. Also, if parents let children play with dangerous weapons and someone gets killed they should be held criminally liable.
100% agree.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm still talking about your supposed fix to violent crime by supporting voluntary gun buy-back programs. How is that gun control Aaron if it's voluntary?

It's a way to control how many guns are readily available.

Being that the mass production and distribution of firearms come from firearm companies, one would think that you'd want to "control" them if you were serious about the availability of guns Aaron.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What do you think San Francisco is, a walled in city? The entire area is violent. Liberalism breeds violence.

You said the murder rate in the city of San Fransisco has skyrocketed.
I proved that it has not.
You cite statistics from the county of San Fransisco

Can you keep track of your own claims?

Show me that the murder rate in San Fransisco has skyrocketed. That was your claim...remember?

The article that I linked subject title was dealing with San Francisco as a Sanctuary City and the amount of violence in the SF Bay area.
If you think that cities that place huge restrictions on gun ownership are safer, please, just come out and say it.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I addressed it in my first post to you: Gun buy back programs are implying that guns are the problem.

That's the only reason you have to oppose them? Because the perception that it gives?

The tyrants behind these gun buy back programs are saying that gun ownership is the problem.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
How would you know, you're not one.

Classic! So, unless I am a libertarian I cannot understand their arguments or positions?

So why did you give credit to Libertarianism for gun rights instead of the original source (Holy Scripture)?

How do you know so much about homosexuality?.....

(Aaron brings up homosexuality twice in a gun thread. I wonder what's on Aarons mind today?).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I deal with liberals like you daily that constantly think that putting a band aid on a cancer is the solution to all problems.

I'm sorry I must have missed where you offered a solution to mass shootings.

Kindly point that out...

It took decades for liberals/Libertarians to destroy this country, it will take time to restore it.

The solution is in the Holy Bible (it talks about government, culture, spirituality, and I guarantee you that if you pick one up it won't burn your fingers).

With God-given rights come responsibilities and hence some restrictions. I said it, you didn't.

It's OK. I know you support gun control you just cannot bring yourself to utter such a nasty phrase.

An entirely different kind than you do.

I support gun control.

As do the tyrants before you: Hitler, Mao, Stalin and now Obama.

On that note: I'm off to the gun store. Thanks for motivating me to buy more guns and ammo.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Americans Say Possessing Handguns Should Not Be Banned

As support for stricter laws regulating the sale of guns has dwindled, the percentage of Americans who say handguns should be banned has remained low. About one in four Americans say handgun possession should be banned for everyone except the police and "other authorized persons" such as security or the military. A near-record high of 73% of Americans now say that handguns should not be banned.

It seems obvious gun control will not work the way most liberals believe it will. Yet not all hope is lost. We have to bear in mind, the vast majority of gun proponents are supporting personal freedom. The vast majority are also not the problem, the problem is guns procured by criminals, and mental defectives. It may not seem like much, and it does not five one the feeling of controlling the desires of others, yet it does strike at the heart of gun violence.

We have more cases of killing by persons to have some form of mental aberration, which are easy to discover if we had laws to investigate mental health records , which we do not have now.

Today, there are more gun owners who have concealed permits than ever before and this demonstrates how many are willing to be investigated. CC permits make it easier to purchase a firearm, yet we know the record of these purchasers.

The other problem with firearm violence is the lax attitudes of so many law abiding owners; they do not anticipate the potential problem, yet is does occur and when it does, had we strict punishments for anyone who has their weapon involved in a crime, then many potential buyers would think twice about making unnecessary firearms.Those who do, will be far more likey to take on a higher responsibility.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Raise the minimum age required to keep and bear firearm's. Make it 30 or 35 (U.S. president minimum age).

No, we cannot do that, we have age discrimination. What may be possible is to set the age at 21, same as alcohol.


New member
Being that the mass production and distribution of firearms come from firearm companies, one would think that you'd want to "control" them if you were serious about the availability of guns Aaron.

I'll let you know when you can speak for me.

The article that I linked subject title was dealing with San Francisco as a Sanctuary City and the amount of violence in the SF Bay area.
If you think that cities that place huge restrictions on gun ownership are safer, please, just come out and say it.

You made a claim that the murder rate in the city of San Fransisco has "skyrocketed". Are you going to prove this to be true or will you keep punting and deflecting?

I'm waiting...:juggle:

The tyrants behind these gun buy back programs are saying that gun ownership is the problem.

Perhaps too many guns is a part of the problem. It's far too easy for people who should never possess one to get their hands on one. :think:

So why did you give credit to Libertarianism for gun rights instead of the original source (Holy Scripture)?

As ususal, you're the one who brought up libertarianism. It needed to be pointed out that on this issue, you and libertarians agree.

The solution is in the Holy Bible (it talks about government, culture, spirituality, and I guarantee you that if you pick one up it won't burn your fingers).

I'm sure if we give all the crips and bloods their very own bible they will stop shooting one another in no time. :plain:

On that note: I'm off to the gun store. Thanks for motivating me to buy more guns and ammo.

Yes, yes. Run along now tuck your tail now that you realize that you've been debunked.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Of course I do, I just think there is a decent case for long arms ownership in the states, especially the rural ones.

The vast majority of problems with guns come from handguns. We cant make a perfect world just a better one.

I do think very heavy guns restriction would change the culture as regards long arms as well, with less of them and those there are being treated with more care.

Someone was very careless with a gun in this case, if you have 300,000,000 of them that is going to be the case.

Don't you care about the children in your article?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It's already 21 for handguns.

Alabama law prohibits any person from selling, giving or lending a handgun to any person under age 18. Alabama law also prohibits the delivery of a handgun to any person under the age of 18