Creation vs. Evolution

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... said the person who doesn't have the cognitive ability tocheck if he's being duped by a ten year old hoax. That's not just silly, it's stupidity.Pat just forgot the location of the M and C keys. He's since corrected himself.... and how do you know that you're not being duped by yet another elaborate hoax?Been there, done that...

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Dear SH,

You see the images in the photos they post, so what do you think they actually are?? And the bones would be preserved pretty well in saltwater, but it has been an awful long time. I believe the images are of chariot wheels and tons of human bones are of Pharoah's army. I thought they found metal shields there also. Anyway, just because a couple people say they aren't authentic doesn't mean they are not. Others seem to believe that they are truly what they look like. It seems like the third link you gave has the best pictures. Of course, you don't believe because you don't even believe in an Israeli, never mind the Exodus or Moses. Well, I've got to run for now. Be back in a bit!!

Don't Forget To Take Your Meds!!


Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Well, I checked out your third link and found it to be wonderful. Except for a slight bit of disbelief, it is mostly just fine, if you read the whole thing. ... and did you skip your evening meds again?
You see the images in the photos they post, so what do you think they actually are?? And the bones would be preserved pretty well in saltwater, but it has been an awful long time. I believe the images are of chariot wheels and tons of human bones are of Pharoah's army. I thought they found metal shields there also. Anyway, just because a couple people say they aren't authentic doesn't mean they are not. Others seem to believe that they are truly what they look like. It seems like the third link you gave has the best pictures. Of course, you don't believe because you don't even believe in an Israeli, never mind the Exodus or Moses. Well, I've got to run for now. Be back in a bit!!

Don't Forget To Take Your Meds!!
Meds? Don't need 'em. All I need do is read one of your posts to know how firmly I am in touch with reality.

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New member
Soft dino tissue and C14 dates of just thousands of years is totally inconsistent with the million of years belief.
However the date is totally consistent with the Bible time frame due to the obvious limitations of C14 dating.

There's some crazy arguments put forth by the humanists here.

Mock the story of Jonah, ask for an explanation. Explanation starts with "God prepares a fish" and the argument suddenly becomes "it is impossible for God to create a big enough fish!" So for sake of argument they say they will assume "God" but will only allow a God that isn't powerful enough to create a large enough fish...

Claim that "carbon dating" proves earth is millions of years old, invoke circular logic that assumes an old earth to so that large carbon counts can be assumed at starting point. When asking creationist to explain Genesis account, they disallow the details of the Genesis account which described 1) a newly created earth and sun, plus 2) for the first 1600 years the surface is shielded by water mist, 3) consistent reports of human life spans that steadily decrease as might be expected upon exposure to an environment with increased radiation.

When asked about the solar system, how so many planets and moons would spin or orbit in the reverse of the predicted direction from "a spinning ball of gas" create an argument for several pages that there is no such thing as "conservation of angular momentum." Repeat until opponent becomes weary and gives up hope of sensible conversation.

... and of course, the never ending favorite, multiple people should always heap tons of abuse as diversionary tactics. If the person is baited into responding they will get drawn off target for sure The monkey cage may be amusing for a while but then you get tired of watching the animals sling poo.


New member
Again 6days illustrates what I said about creationists....argue via assertion.

Jose, maybe you weren't paying attention, but Six Days posted the link to what he is referring to here. Triceratops soft tissue dating in low thousands of years, not millions. The person who properly reported the carbon-dating results was dismissed from his job. There was also a scan of the email from the Carbon Dating center saying that they would refuse to process any more of his samples because his team was in opposition to Old Earth and Biological Evolution. If you were really paying attention you might have seen the scan as the graphic for this thread for a few days.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I do not trust your integrity as a qualified translator of the ancient documents. Whether you speak Hebrew or not is beside the point, what you lack is an understanding of the nature of the documents in question and application to the narration style of those times and peoples.

The supposed "disagreement" you claim might confuse someone who only understands and expects word-for-word every time. For the Hebrew of the time period there would be no confusion, and that's why in spite of whatever reading skill you claim, why your attempt at translation fails in this case. Modern language expects the words every time, whereas the ancient writing style expected you to be able to cross a little space without stumbling.
This has to be a page right out of the Michael Cadry / 6days playbook. You have absolutely no reason to question Chair's honesty. Chair has and does study Jewish history at a university in Israel. He reads and speaks Hebrew. Your qualifications consist of whatever you cut and paste.
Paul was a Hebrew, was he not? I think he was a Pharisee of Pharisees by his own description. How do you translate the text of Dueteronomy 25:4? I would like to compare your translation to his.
I'll go out on a limb and speculate you will cut and paste from a creationist site on how true to the original Hebrew the KJV is

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Dear All (especially Chrysostom},

Part One

The second angel that visited me said, "Babylon is fallen!" and told me that it was, in part, about a woman named Betty Hutton, who was a blonde beauty in Hollywood movies. And that she would lose her husbands and her riches, and then turn to God and call Him Ishi {Husband} See Hosea 2:16KJV {the book after the book of Daniel}. She had FIVE husbands in her lifetime and she was well off financially. The angel made it known to me that this was to fulfill the Scriptures in the book of Hosea, chapter two. Please see Hosea 2 and read it. You should be able to figure it out. The woman turned to God and went to work in a church rectory before she passed away. Her name, "Betty" means 'consecrated to God.'" My Mom's name was also Betty. It is a short version of Elizabeth.

Anyway, later on I had a vision and the Lord explained to me some things in it. It was made known to me that Hollywood was depicted as this woman/whore who is mentioned in Rev. 17KJV {NOT Betty Hutton}. Also that this woman/beast {symbolism} had seven heads {seven deadly sins lifted up} and ten horns which are ten grave sins, which now includes all seven deadly sins, plus three others. Drug addiction, smoking addiction, and fornication {sex with more than just one woman in your lifetime, bondage, straight or gay sadomasochism, etc. It causes babies to be born out of wedlock and harms children greatly to lose their fathers, or never know them}. It was explained to me that a man was to marry the first woman he had sex with. I only tell you what I've been told.

And the Lord explained to me that this woman/whore was Hollywood/L.A. and that this city was 'spiritually' like Babylon, which was famous for her prostitutes and good things to buy. And it was told to me that Hollywood also had many whores, both female AND Male. Also that it was called the Sunset Strip. It was also made known to me that this woman/whore/beast was actually a city, whose name is Hollywood/L.A. Thus it is written in Rev. 17:18KJV saying, "And the 'woman' which thou saw, is that great 'city,' which reigns over the kings (ten grave sins from Satan} of the Earth." I was also told that this woman/city would teach the world to increase their participation in the ten 'kings' {sins/devils}, like thefts, fornication, lies, adultery, gluttony {commercials}, etc. through her media, TV shows and movies, and books, and music, and commercials. All of these mediums/media the city would let other cities see and they would copy them, including killing, torture, etc. I'm explaining this to you as I can. Sometimes I tell my experience better and thorough, and sometimes not as good. I hope you all get the gist of this.

Please read Part Two which follows. Thanks Tons!!

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Dear All,

Part Two

Finally, I had a great vision and saw this 'city' endure a super-great earthquake, like a millstone being thrown into the ocean, and thus shall this city be thrown down and be found no more. {Please see Rev. 18:21KJV}. In other words, land sliding into the ocean in a quake so great, that California has never had such. And when I learned this, I contacted the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey} and told them of my vision and experience of what I learned about it, and they said they would study it. It hit the papers a year later. This happened years ago. I have been going through experiences for the past 42 years of my life and have been taught much, including how to fight the devil/Satan. But when I tell the media/reporters, etc., they get scared and don't want to help me publicize it all, saying it will cause panic and hysteria, etc. and people quitting their jobs and sitting around waiting for Jesus to return. That's NOT what you should do. We have no idea which year or decade, or month, or day, or hour, when Jesus will return again.

Okay, I learned more than just this, but this will have to do for now. Just ponder it all and study it, if you wish, and learn that there are things going on that you know nothing about yet. I've learned tons of other stuff similar to this. I got tired of telling 2-10 people at a time and in exasperation, I asked God what I should do? He told me to write it in a book and to use simple language so that many more might be able to understand it. Everything that has happened to me is hardly included in this book, but some of my basic experiences are in the book.

My book has been in the downtown Phoenix Library since 2003, and is now in it's Seventh Edition. That will be it. I'll not be writing another, that I know of. It's Free to read there. You can also get a Free copy by going to my website and accessing it there. Just go to my website:

Once there, you will find my book's cover {which is a copy of my Avatar, minus the stars}. To the left of that pic, are the words "Book Copy." Left-click on that, and then left-click on the words that come up: SKU-text2.pdf; You will be brought to my Title Pages. The first two are blank, for autographs and readers' notes. On the third page is the Title: "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen." You can flip through the pages by using your up and down arrow cursor keys on your keyboard {for some, you have to use the left and right arrow cursor keys}. Anyway, you can read my book off of your computer screen or download the book to your computer or printer, or both. The book is only 88 pages long, double-spaced, petite pages. I received the info free from the Lord, so I give it away Free!! If you do want your own copy, you can get it from or Barnes & Noble. Okay, that wraps things up. I hope you keep your heads together and be wise. Don't start twisting my words in the book. Be careful what you quote to others. When you make a mistake, it costs a lot. I know from experience.

I guess this is all too much for most of you. If you read it slowly and concisely, you CAN understand it. Oh well, carry on.

God Be With You All Closely And Help You Comprehend!!

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This has to be a page right out of the Michael Cadry / 6days playbook. You have absolutely no reason to question Chair's honesty. Chair has and does study Jewish history at a university in Israel. He reads and speaks Hebrew. Your qualifications consist of whatever you cut and paste.I'll go out on a limb and speculate you will cut and paste from a creationist site on how true to the original Hebrew the KJV is

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Dear Silent,

I think Chair would be biased in this situation. Also, he says he is a Jew, but he has trouble with the Torah? It seems to me that he is like an atheist, tbh. I'm with Rosenritter.

Much Love, In Christ,


Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I think Chair would be biased in this situation.
Why would Chair NOT want archaeological confirmation of his heritage??
Also, he says he is a Jew, but he has trouble with the Torah?
We ALL know Jews are pathological liars. :rolleyes:
It seems to me that he is like an atheist, tbh. I'm with Rosenritter.
We ALL know Athiests are pathological liars too. :rolleyes:

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Meds? Don't need 'em. All I need do is read one of your posts to know how firmly I am in touch with reality.

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O, Silent Hunter,

Wow! If that's true, then you are really sick in the head. You think the millions of Christians are wrong about believing in God and you think God doesn't exist. Does that show you how messed up your thinking is?? You don't believe in Satan either. Millions of Christians and Muslims do. You are past retrieving from the clutch that Satan has on you.



Why would Chair NOT want archaeological confirmation of his heritage??We ALL know Jews are pathological liars. :rolleyes:We ALL know Athiests are pathological liars too. :rolleyes:

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Dear Silent,

I know you believe in lies and you spread your beliefs to others by saying things that are contrary to God. Your whole life is a bunch of lies. So yes, you are a pathological liar, but NOT Jews!! I have a great love for the Jewish people and they are always in my prayers.


Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Wow! If that's true, then you are really sick in the head.
If I base my sanity relative to you and you are crazier than a character from a Lewis Carol novel you must be really, really nuts.
You think the millions of Christians are wrong about believing in God and you think God doesn't exist.
I don't base the truth of something based on how popular it is with crazy people.
Does that show you how messed up your thinking is??
Basing your belief on its popularity isn't rational Mike.

You don't believe in Satan either. Millions of Christians and Muslims do.
Basing your belief on its popularity isn't rational Mike.

You are past retrieving from the clutch that Satan has on you.
I only have me to thank.

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Jose Fly

New member
Jose, maybe you weren't paying attention, but Six Days posted the link to what he is referring to here. Triceratops soft tissue dating in low thousands of years, not millions.

Actually, it's you who needs to pay better attention before you jump into the middle of a conversation. I've been discussing 6days' assertions about archaeology supporting the Bible.


Well-known member
I do not trust your integrity as a qualified translator of the ancient documents. Whether you speak Hebrew or not is beside the point, what you lack is an understanding of the nature of the documents in question and application to the narration style of those times and peoples.

The supposed "disagreement" you claim might confuse someone who only understands and expects word-for-word every time. For the Hebrew of the time period there would be no confusion, and that's why in spite of whatever reading skill you claim, why your attempt at translation fails in this case. Modern language expects the words every time, whereas the ancient writing style expected you to be able to cross a little space without stumbling.

Paul was a Hebrew, was he not? I think he was a Pharisee of Pharisees by his own description. How do you translate the text of Dueteronomy 25:4? I would like to compare your translation to his.

This is really rather silly. Go find a proper Christian person who knows Hebrew, and ask them what the text says. The translations you are using have added words to "correct" the problem in the text. They have done it out of religious reasons. But you accuse me of not understanding.

Here. Try this. Look at the alternate translations of that text. Here.

Some added "brother" but others didn't.
Beyond that, I can't help you much, since you think I am intrinsically incapable of understand things properly.


Well-known member
Dear Silent,

I think Chair would be biased in this situation. Also, he says he is a Jew, but he has trouble with the Torah? It seems to me that he is like an atheist, tbh. I'm with Rosenritter.

Much Love, In Christ,


You can think what you like.
I am an observant Jew. I do not have trouble with the Torah. Only trouble with your view of the Torah.


New member
This is really rather silly. Go find a proper Christian person who knows Hebrew, and ask them what the text says. The translations you are using have added words to "correct" the problem in the text. They have done it out of religious reasons. But you accuse me of not understanding.

Here. Try this. Look at the alternate translations of that text. Here.

Some added "brother" but others didn't.
Beyond that, I can't help you much, since you think I am intrinsically incapable of understand things properly.
What is silly is that are interpreting an ancient record as if it had the accuracy of a teenage fan fiction. The audience for the Hebrew scripture knows what is meant, just like today no one is confused if I say that "He was a Goliath" or "Go Xerox those files (on the HP printer.) Or would that confuse you?

Just because you can pull up inferior English translations of the Old Testament does not mean the Old Testament is unreliable. Everyone knows David and the original Goliath. And if there is any doubt, the extra detail in the parallel account of Chronicles confirms that it was not just any "Goliath" but the literal brother of the Original Goliath.

Further argument from you would just seem like feigning stupidity for the sake of prolonging an argument. Be glad that KJV spelled it out for you (filling in the blanks, literally) so that you needn't be confused.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
What is silly is that are interpreting an ancient record as if it had the accuracy of a teenage fan fiction. The audience for the Hebrew scripture knows what is meant, just like today no one is confused if I say that "He was a Goliath" or "Go Xerox those files (on the HP printer.) Or would that confuse you?
You're making the same assumption with the OT that christians make with the NT. You assume all of the books were avalable to all readers. The stories differ. Why? Who knows. One thing for sure, you can't pick one story over another just because one is your favorite.
Just because you can pull up inferior English translations of the Old Testament does not mean the Old Testament is unreliable. Everyone knows David and the original Goliath. And if there is any doubt, the extra detail in the parallel account of Chronicles confirms that it was not just any "Goliath" but the literal brother of the Original Goliath.
Not only do you not know this, you can't know it. Who are you, or any bible scholar (this obviously excludes you from that elite group), to say with absolute certainty which translation is "correct". Your personal preference doesn't count.
Further argument from you would just seem like feigning stupidity for the sake of prolonging an argument.
Well there's a stopper, the, "You're stupid if you disagree with me", card.
Be glad that KJV spelled it out for you (filling in the blanks, literally) so that you needn't be confused.
I almost predicted your response absent the creationist web site apologetics. Do you believe the KJV is inerrant? How can you know?
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