Creation vs. Evolution

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Michael I've been here far longer than you and Stripe is nothing but a bobblehead. He has far longer than I can remember now been nothing but a sycophant repeating the same catch phrases incessantly for years. I will literally fall off my chair the day he presents something new.

Dear Tyrathca,

I don't like anyone being called names. You'd probably call a disabled person a 'retard.' It isn't kind. Stripe is not a bobblehead, anyway or anyhow!! When you say something substantial, then he answers well. You may have been here longer, but you sure don't post much. Yes, you are an expert on everything, so what you say goes? No, he's not a robot either. Where the carcasses are, there will the vultures be.

You only say what you do because be is also Christian Evidently you don't know him well. He literally has the same phrases on repeat so much I've wondered if he's a bot. Yes they do, have you ever seen someone die? What point do you have with this?

Death is not something mystical. People die and then they are gone except what we remember of them and the impact they have on future generations.

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I really think you and Silent Hunter just like to be smart-alecks. Is that like calling names? Yes, it is!! How do you like it?? And I can see you are not knowledgeable about death either. You all must realize that Stripe and 6days have something you don't. Knowledge, wisdom, and a God!! Far superior is our God than your own intellect! I might make a couple substantial mistakes, but you would not believe how successful my life has been regardless. I'm sure you've made a couple big ones yourself. I know you've made a huge one already, because you don't believe in God, nor Jesus!! You're the ones on the short end of the stick. You don't even know me!! Right now, I'm busy for a couple hours, so I'll chat later.

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Was it this silly flood geology nonsense?
Yeah, me and basically the rest of the developed world.
Oh my goodness. Are you serious? Turn the entire planet into a giant steamer, and then drop the entire content of the oceans back down as rain...what's the big deal? I guess "gopher wood" has asbestos-like properties as well? :rotfl:
Nope, sorry. This whole young-earth creationism and flood-geology thing is total nonsense. It's barely...and I mean just barely...above flat-earth geocentrism on the absurdity scale.
Let me ask you...why do you think creationist flood geology was abandoned by the scientific community (by European Christian geologists no less) 200-some years ago and hasn't been taken at all seriously by anyone since? Is it some sort of massive conspiracy? Is it just a matter of time before it comes roaring back and all universities, scientific organizations, and private industries will start employing it?
I'll give you a tip. I didn't say anything about you. If you are so wedded to this flood stuff that you take ridiculing it as ridiculing you, then you might want to rethink the wisdom of going into internet forums and advocating it.

Darwinists hate explanations. They will automatically set about mocking any description that does not bow to their precious religion.

Instead of your determined ignorance of what we believe, how about acting — even if it is only acting — scientifically and rationally for once and pursue a course that might lead to a better comprehension of the vast difference between mainstream geology and the truth. :up:


New member
Hilarious! How much more could you possibly be out of touch with reality? Why is the Earth not covered in rabbits? I'll give you a hint, it has very little to do with predation.
Silent Hunter..... It would seem you are trying to create rabbit trails.
The current population of the planet is consistent with God's Word and the global flood, about 4400 years ago.


Other evolutionists have different conclusions. Who would claim that all humans came from a common ancestor 5000 years ago? The claim comes from Steve Jones, a geneticist at the University of London. Jones is ANYTHING BUT a creationist. He is a ardent (and arrogant) evolutionist. His claim can be read in the BBC link.

From the article:
"To get to the universal ancestors (when everyone was the forefather of everybody alive today, or of nobody) we need go back only 5,000 years. Had you entered any village on Earth, the first person you met would, if he or she had heirs, trace their descent straight to you and your partner."

The creationist view on this is that humans did all come from a common ancestor about 6000 years ago. Inbreeding (brother /sister) at that time was not morally wrong. It was only later under levitical law that God forbade the practice. (And since that time incest is now considered repugnant). The BBC link discusses genetic problems that arise from inbreeding. The creationist viewpoint is that there would have been no genetic, or birth defects in the beginning. Defects and abnormalities were something that afflicted the human race only later as the years passed.. The more years that pass, the more prone we are to mutations and defects. The human race is continually becoming more susceptible to genetic disorders. There are now several thousand genetic disorders and the number is growing.

As often happens (as in this story) evolutionists come up with scenarios that are strikingly similar, and in some ways support the Biblical record.

Jonahdog..... No need to report back for extra credit, but you can amend your beliefs.

Dear 6days,

I can see what you are saying here. Back when Lot's daughters got him 'drunk' and both of them had sex with their father, so it kept their blood line going {See Gen. 19:32 KJV}. You're very good, 6days. Nice wisdom you have.

Also, regardless of how God opened up the fountains of the deep, nor how He closed them again, if that is even probable, it is up to God to know, not for Him to explain it to us. These atheists and evolutionists put too much upon us. From what I understand, there is almost 300% more water in the fountains of waters and underground oceans than those on the surface of Earth. Either way, they flooded the Earth. Who are we to ask God to explain it to us? Do we have to come up with the answers to all of the questions that these persons ask? I think no way!! Personally, I would just say, see what happens yourselves. We don't have to break our neck to answer all of their questions. We can and will answer some, but others are left for God to know and us to find out, whenever. This has gone on far enough. My friends, don't perjure yourselves, trying to answer every question posed by them. That is how I got suckered into putting a time on when Armageddon would happen. I should have not allowed it to happen. I'm wiser now. Sometimes, God did it; take it up with Him; is all of the answer you need.

By the way, I am gone on hiatus for 3 days and every atheist is trying to have a 'tons of questions' free-for-all for my dear Creationist friends. I'm not going back to answer each question back when. I just won't do it. It's my prerogative and just a lot of work. Besides, I'd never catch up.

DavisBJ, you can, shall we say, get bent for all of the snide remarks you made about me in past posts. You think your BO don't stink, don't you? I'm putting it nicely. 'Mr. Cadry' {per Davis} is too busy to answer some of your questions. Suffice that to be enough for now. You know what I mean. Being derogatory towards me, I don't appreciate. You are a little man, Davis!! Yeah, you don't like to hear this, so surely you will just write Ignore #300. Who are you joking? You just can't answer the questions posed to you. God will pluck you up like a damaging weed. He will not tolerate the way you speak about Him.

Also, by the way, the first time an angel visited me, he said, "Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment is come upon all of the Earth, and worship Him Who made the heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the FOUNTAINS OF WATERS!!" Those fountains are evidently quite extraordinary to be included there!! And yes, I was in great awe upon seeing the angel and could not take my eyes away from watching him! And his voice boomed out loudly and commanding, and clear, and his voice filled the room that I was in. Okay, I'm trying to help you out, but I've got to go for now. For details, read my book. It's FREE, but I don't know if I can tell you how to get it in a post like this!!

With Sincere Thoughts,

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Silent Hunter..... It would seem you are trying to create rabbit trails.
The current population of the planet is consistent with God's Word and the global flood, about 4400 years ago.

Just a note, 6days,

From Jesus to now is roughly 2,000 plus years. That means that, plus 4,400 years ago or so, would only be 6,000-7,000 years since Adam and Eve. Just had to include this. Thanks.

May God Be Your Rock, A Jewel!!

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New member
I really think you and Silent Hunter just like to be smart-alecks.
Maybe, what of it?
Is that like calling names? Yes, it is!! How do you like it??
I dont really care.
And I can see you are not knowledgeable about death either.
:chuckle: and what do you base this off?
I might make a couple substantial mistakes, but you would not believe how successful my life has been regardless.
You're right, I don't think I would believe you :)

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
No, that was not the extent of the argument. He was just showing that the author of that article was arguing against something he was not familiar with.
Then your problem is with Henry Morris not David Milne.

Rosenritter was correct in saying that today's population fits the Biblical account of 8 people about 4400 years ago
The current world population fits a flawed mathematical model of human population growth devised by Henry Morris that does not reflect reality.

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Silent Hunter..... It would seem you are trying to create rabbit trails.
Nope, just trying to show you that Morris' math model does not reflect the real world. Putting your hands over your eyes and your fingers in your ears while screaming,
The current population of the planet is consistent with God's Word and the global flood, about 4400 years ago.
, won't change that.

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New member
?? Instead of your constant belly-aching (something of a habit creationists have, yours being with other posters as well), wouldn't it be more expedient to actually engage the discussion? I'm quite certain you aren't the squarest brick in the wall, you're just going to have to accept the fact that you've more than a little intellectually challenged when it comes to discussing the ridiculousness of creationism. You're no better equipped to answer questions than Stripe.

Really? This is the extent of your dissent? 400 years and 6 people. Please explain why that is significant to the calculation. I can hardly wait...

Spam? Gratitude doesn't seem to be a concept with which you seem to be on friendly terms. You complained that you were unable to access the article I linked and now you're complaining that I made it available! You're some piece of work!

As a personal favor would you quit dodging and return to my prior post and answer the relavent questions I asked (they occur BEFORE the article you requested but decided to dismiss as spam)?

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Please explain how you get a difference of 400 years between "4400 years ago" and "4800 BC."

Does seem like someone's intellectually challenged... Either in the mathematics or reading comprehension department. Maybe your wife can help you with this?

As for whether that was an only objection, I stopped reading at that point because it wasn't on base. Was hoping you might be able to explain but it doesn't seem that you were reading it critically. I'm guessing you aren't in the habit of submitting things to critique if they seem to be "on your side" which illustrates why you are where you are.


New member
?? Instead of your constant belly-aching (something of a habit creationists have, yours being with other posters as well), wouldn't it be more expedient to actually engage the discussion? I'm quite certain you aren't the squarest brick in the wall, you're just going to have to accept the fact that you've more than a little intellectually challenged when it comes to discussing the ridiculousness of creationism. You're no better equipped to answer questions than Stripe.

Really? This is the extent of your dissent? 400 years and 6 people. Please explain why that is significant to the calculation. I can hardly wait...

Spam? Gratitude doesn't seem to be a concept with which you seem to be on friendly terms. You complained that you were unable to access the article I linked and now you're complaining that I made it available! You're some piece of work!

As a personal favor would you quit dodging and return to my prior post and answer the relavent questions I asked (they occur BEFORE the article you requested but decided to dismiss as spam)?

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Yep, looks like you have a trouble with reading comprehension. Remember me saying that I was on a cell phone? The problem is that the display size is all of a couple inches big. Not that I cannot open a PDF document, that the display is not suited to READING it.

Spamming 5639263829 lines of plain text is not a help. Aren't you supposed to be an engineer? Didn't they make you take a Human Factors course or something similar? Make sure your solution targets the actual problem instead of making it worse.


New member
Have we never discussed things such as marine fossils on all mountain ranges in the world? I believe we have discussed that and many other evidences of the global flood.
Did anyone mention to his crew before that the Grand Canyon not only defies Old Earth theory but also supports the Flood? Your old-ager would need you to believe that the river ran uphill for millions of years... And that most of the earth from those years just vanished.

Violates laws of gravity and conservation of matter....

Plus we have a nice one tenth model formed when Mount Saint Helens carved out something similar in short order. Didn't take millions of years.

I imagine if you tried you were probably shouted out by mass numbers for kicking their sacred cow. Humanist zealots are their own breed of fanatics too.


New member
Have we never discussed things such as marine fossils on all mountain ranges in the world? I believe we have discussed that and many other evidences of the global flood.
It seems you prefer to stay in the safety of alluding vaguely to things we may have discussed, rather than specifically showing where and what the outcome was of those flood evidence discussions within this thread. We know why.

Yes, we touched on marine fossils on mountains, and the outcome of that discussion was not in your favor. The invitation is open for you to show otherwise.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Not at all. The worlds population is easily understood within the Biblical timeframe.
Sure it does but only when you fit the data to satisfy your conclusion. That's dishonest. Unfortunately, it's how creationists operate. :sigh:

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