Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Sure it does but only when you fit the data to satisfy your conclusion. That's dishonest. Unfortunately, it's how creationists operate. :sigh:
Haha..... Your inability to refute the fact 7 billion people could result from just 8 on the ark, in a period of 4500 years, is noted.


New member
Do you have any scientific evidence that shows that people actually lived for multiple centuries before dying?
Yes, there is scientific evidence people without the genetic burden that we have, could live 1000 years. Creationists have always been able to explain how some Old Testament people were able to live so many years. Finally science now agrees!. A study from the University of Utah says, "if all processes of aging could be eliminated and oxidative stress damage could be repaired, ‘one estimate is people could live 1,000 years.’” Those processes and stress are a progressive product of a cursed world. Mutations accumulate causing a genetic burden on the human race. It is no surprise that ancient humans could live such long lives.


New member
Yes, we touched on marine fossils on mountains, and the outcome of that discussion was not in your favor. The invitation is open for you to show otherwise.
Ok..... So evidence was presented and discussed.... correct?
Contrary to your bias point of view.... the evidence of billions of marine fossils world wide is consistent with the Biblical creation and flood model.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Please explain how you get a difference of 400 years between "4400 years ago" and "4800 BC."
I really can't believe that you are STILL so concerned with this non-issue. You can't relate to seeing two numbers and making a similar error? The numerical difference only makes the "Morris equation", named for Henry Morris of The Institute for Creation Research, even more untenable.
Does seem like someone's intellectually challenged... Either in the mathematics or reading comprehension department. Maybe your wife can help you with this?
Can I conclude from this that you prefer insults to actually answering my questions in the prior post? Instead of poo-pooing Milne perhaps you should invest more time reading the ENTIRE article and critique it instead of denegrating the author of something you don't seem to understand.
As for whether that was an only objection, I stopped reading at that point because it wasn't on base. Was hoping you might be able to explain but it doesn't seem that you were reading it critically. I'm guessing you aren't in the habit of submitting things to critique if they seem to be "on your side" which illustrates why you are where you are.
?? You need me to explain the article to you? Really? If so, why the insult? Hypocrisy?

It seems you have more of a problem with H. Morris than discussing why you think D. Milne's article is not accurate.

Yep, looks like you have a trouble with reading comprehension.
Really? I'm not the one who needs Milne's article explained to him.
Remember me saying that I was on a cell phone?
:rotfl: Do you think that you are the only one of us responding via a cell phone? I haven't posted on TOL from a PC in months.
The problem is that the display size is all of a couple inches big. Not that I cannot open a PDF document, that the display is not suited to READING it.
Before you start belly-aching again, the article is a URL, not a PDF. My phone display is nice, large, and easily readable. Perhaps you should upgrade.
Spamming 5,639,263,829 lines of plain text is not a help. Aren't you supposed to be an engineer? Didn't they make you take a Human Factors course or something similar? Make sure your solution targets the actual problem instead of making it worse.
Sir, would you like more cheese with your whine?

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Haha..... Your inability to refute the fact 7 billion people could result from just 8 on the ark, in a period of 4500 years, is noted.
Fact? How is your assertion a "fact"? I am perfectly content to concede it COULD happen. It's not my responsibility to prove it didn't happen, but IT IS your responsibility to prove that it DID.

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New member
Fact? How is your assertion a "fact"? I am perfectly content to concede it COULD happen. It's not my responsibility to prove it didn't happen, but IT IS your responsibility to prove that it DID.

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If only we had a genealogy... Oh wait. That's right, we do. Except you have this tendency to disregard any information that conflicts with your religion.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
If only we had a genealogy... Oh wait. That's right, we do.
Seriously? You have a "genealogy" that is internally inconsistent, unverifiable, and requires the suspension of common sense to accept the age dating. You need some reality glasses, they might help you read the small fonts on your phone.
Except you have this tendency to disregard any information that conflicts with your religion.
Would "tu quoque" be an unreasonable response?

Care to answer a few questions? I thought not. :chuckle:

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
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Yes, there is scientific evidence people without the genetic burden that we have, could live 1000 years. Creationists have always been able to explain how some Old Testament people were able to live so many years. Finally science now agrees!. A study from the University of Utah says, "if all processes of aging could be eliminated and oxidative stress damage could be repaired, ‘one estimate is people could live 1,000 years.’” Those processes and stress are a progressive product of a cursed world. Mutations accumulate causing a genetic burden on the human race. It is no surprise that ancient humans could live such long lives.

They have a name.

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Active member
re: "Yes, there is scientific evidence people without the genetic burden that we have, could live 1000 years."

That wasn't the question.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Eyewitness testimony
Really? Perhaps you are unaware that not one of the "gospels" was written by an eyewitness.

It's true because it's written in the bible and the bible is true because I believe it is is circular logic of the highest order.

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
On if something is possible therefore it is fact:
Because your next sentence concedes the point:
I concede that you could be a complete moron. It's possible. By your logic it follows that you are in fact a complete moron. Yeah, let's go with that.

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