6days, this is a fascinating technique you employed. Michael asks about volcanoes making new islands, and about the possibility of channels or fountains of water below the surface. Mike was unusually frank and honest when he admitted at the end of his post that (for him, at least): “This is really deep.”
In response you just provide a link for each subject. The links are fine, but for Mike, with his abysmal background in science and a dedication to staying close-minded to anything he objects to, they are the equivalent of smearing the smell of a steak on a piece of wood and putting it in front of a hungry bulldog. He goes nuts, never realizing what he is gnawing on isn’t what it smells like at all.
The creation of volcanic islands has been well understood for many decades, and has left evidence of processes spanning millions of years.
I read your linked article about subterranean water carefully, did you? I suspect not, since it says nothing new beyond what we discussed last time you subjected us to this illustration of your lack of understanding about the subject (see post 14242 and the posts following). Clearly the last time this was discussed in this thread, it made such a little impression on Mike that he brings it up as though it was a new question for him.
Since neither you nor any other of your cult have shown any way for that deep entrapped water to come to the surface in time scales of a few thousand years, then all you are doing is further deluding poor Mr. Cadry. Not a nice thing to do to one of your own.