Creation vs. Evolution

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6days, this is a fascinating technique you employed.
Thanks! :)
DavisBJ said:
Michael asks about volcanoes making new islands and about the possibility of channels or fountains of water below the surface. In response you just provide a link for each subject. The links are fine...
Thanks! :)
DavisBJ said:
The creation of volcanic islands has been well understood for many decades, and has left evidence of processes spanning millions of years.
Yes, although we disagree on the time frame.
DavisBJ said:
I read your linked article about subterranean water carefully, did you? I suspect not, since it says nothing new beyond what we discussed last time you subjected us to this illustration of your lack of understanding about the subject (see post 14242 and the posts following).
Your post 14242 was answered with this "Thanks for your answer. The article I quoted did give one possible answer.
Gaines Johnson, a Christian geologist and author of*“The Bible, Genesis and Geology”explains this occurrence from a scientific standpoint:“Geysers occur when waters in underground chambers are heated by the surrounding host rock until the pressure and temperature cause them to flash to steam and erupt upwards. When the chamber is emptied, replacement water flows back into the chamber, the replacement water is heated, and the cycle repeats. An excellent example of this is seen in Yellowstone National Park’s “Old Faithful” geyser. !
Also keep in mind that Bible deniers / evolutionists in the past made statements like this ""Additionally, because only 1.7% of the earth's water is stored underground,*there is not nearly enough water in groundwater storage beneath the earth's surface to account for the amount of water necessary to flood the entire earth to the extent described in the Bible."
Research is revealing instead of 1.7%, the correct number is likely over 100%. It's an exciting time to be a Christian!

Also... keep in mind that the water trapped underground now, is likely far,far less than it was before the flood. The Bible tells us that the earth that existed then was destroyed."


New member
Thanks! :)
Your post 14242 was answered with this "Thanks for your answer. The article I quoted did give one possible answer.
Gaines Johnson, a Christian geologist and author of*“The Bible, Genesis and Geology”explains this occurrence from a scientific standpoint:“Geysers occur when waters in underground chambers are heated by the surrounding host rock until the pressure and temperature cause them to flash to steam and erupt upwards. When the chamber is emptied, replacement water flows back into the chamber, the replacement water is heated, and the cycle repeats. An excellent example of this is seen in Yellowstone National Park’s “Old Faithful” geyser. !
Except that this process would not work for Ringwoodite using any biblical time scale.

And then there is the problem of boiling all life on the surface to death with that method... Noah and his animals would be nicely poached and all sea life too.
Also... keep in mind that the water trapped underground now, is likely far,far less than it was before the flood. The Bible tells us that the earth that existed then was destroyed."
So how did God get rid of the excess water? Magic I presume.

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Research is revealing instead of 1.7%, the correct number is likely over 100%.
Over100%?? What does more than all there is look like? It's statements like yours that confirms why creationists aren't to be taken seriously.

It's an exciting time to be a Christian!
Well, only for the delusional ones. :rolleyes:

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New member
... Your post 14242 was answered with this "Thanks for your answer. The article I quoted did give one possible answer.
Gaines Johnson, a Christian geologist and author of*“The Bible, Genesis and Geology”explains this occurrence from a scientific standpoint:“Geysers occur when waters in underground chambers are heated by the surrounding host rock until the pressure and temperature cause them to flash to steam and erupt upwards. When the chamber is emptied, replacement water flows back into the chamber, the replacement water is heated, and the cycle repeats. An excellent example of this is seen in Yellowstone National Park’s “Old Faithful” geyser. !
Also keep in mind that Bible deniers / evolutionists in the past made statements like this ""Additionally, because only 1.7% of the earth's water is stored underground,*there is not nearly enough water in groundwater storage beneath the earth's surface to account for the amount of water necessary to flood the entire earth to the extent described in the Bible."
Research is revealing instead of 1.7%, the correct number is likely over 100%. It's an exciting time to be a Christian!

Also... keep in mind that the water trapped underground now, is likely far,far less than it was before the flood. The Bible tells us that the earth that existed then was destroyed."
Yep, and Post 14265 showed that is just floundering, trying to force fit a square peg into a round hole. That conversation continued for several more exchanges, until you faded away from the subject.

As I recommended late last year:
… If 6days is willing to stand behind his assertion that this scientific study confirms the Biblical “fountains of the deep”, then he should be willing to ask the scientists themselves. The “Science Daily” precis includes this statement:
The study is a great example of a modern international collaboration with some of the top leaders from various fields, including the Geoscience Institute at Goethe University, University of Padova, Durham University, University of Vienna, Trigon GeoServices and Ghent University.​
6days, there are listed 6 different universities or companies that are intimately familiar with this study. Can you provide, or will you get, an official statement from any one of them that concurs with you in thinking this water deep in the transition layer is a reasonable explanation for the Biblical ‘fountains of the deep”?
6days, you have had more than 6 months to ask the scientists themselves. Done it yet? Or … why not?


New member
I said:
… The creation of volcanic islands has been well understood for many decades, and has left evidence of processes spanning millions of years.
6 days reponse:
… Yes, although we disagree on the time frame.
But the time frame you like is based on creation myths passed down from ignorant nomads. The scientific dates are derived from a variety of independent types of tests, and can be (and have been) replicated by Christians as well as non-Christians.
… It's an exciting time to be a Christian!
I’m not on that sinking ship, so I will just take your word for how exciting it is.


You can take it from the horses mouth:


- Albert Einstein.

Hey Hedshaker,

So good to finally hear from you again!! It's quite nice. You know, I got Alwight to come back to TOL last weekend or so, and there were none of his friends her on the Creation thread. I think that's why he didn't post anything here. He did check the other thread in the "...and the Rest" section. I will be emailing him again 2morrow, to see if he'll come back and post at the Creation thread. Hey, Hedshaker, you're always welcome to post here, even encouraged to, but we can't necessarily agree unless we honestly agree. I don't agree with the fact that you gave us enough information to decide whether Einstein believed in God or not. I know he did not believe in the Christian God, but it seems that he did believe something besides atheism. Search again. Just type it in on Google.

How is work going? Are you keeping your music fresh, pertinent, and peppy? I really wish they had those TV talent shows for singers and guitar players when I was younger. It would have been interesting. Oh well, I see that you all have posted more than I can read quickly, so I can't guarantee that I'll get to answer everyone. I'll do what I can. Thanks Hedshaker. It's always interesting to hear what you have to say.

Have A Bloody Good Day!! Cheerio, Matey!!



New member
You have heard the saying – “What goes up, must come down.” It’s true for water that evaporates. So evaporation doesn’t get rid of the water, it just suspends it in the air for a while, until it comes back down as rain or snow. And… the amount of water in the atmosphere is only a very small amount compared to that in the oceans and rivers and aquifers.


As I recommended late last year:

6days, you have had more than 6 months to ask the scientists themselves. Done it yet? Or … why not?

That would require a certain amount of intellectual curiosity that gets stifled by fundamentalism. It might shake 6's faith in his theology and cause him great stress and angst as well. Too hard to handle.


New member
Hey Hedshaker,

I don't agree with the fact that you gave us enough information to decide whether Einstein believed in God or not.

Well if you don't believe what Einstein himself has said, and put in writing, then what? It's not me you are disagreeing with it's Einstein. Unfortunately for you Einstein's writing didn't die with him so the matter is settled whether you like it or not.

That quote has been around for decades, along with many others. Just type it into google followed by Einstein quotes and see for yourself. And if you are still not convinced, go to a library. Blanket denial will get you nowhere.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

- Albert Einstein


New member
Someone clearly failed high school chemistry. Evaporation doesn't get rid of water it just changes what state it is in (liquid -> gas) . Where did all the water vapour go? Because it isn't in the atmosphere or else it would have flooded again. Air can only contain a certain amount of water for a given temperature and pressure before it condenses again as clouds and rain.

Oh and how does evaporation get rid of the water in a biblical time scale without requiring boiling the oceans or magic?

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patrick jane

Someone clearly failed high school chemistry. Evaporation doesn't get rid of water it just changes what state it is in (liquid -> gas) . Where did all the water vapour go? Because it isn't in the atmosphere or else it would have flooded again. Air can only contain a certain amount of water for a given temperature and pressure before it condenses again as clouds and rain.

Oh and how does evaporation get rid of the water in a biblical time scale without requiring boiling the oceans or magic?

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patrick jane

Well if you don't believe what Einstein himself has said, and put in writing, then what? It's not me you are disagreeing with it's Einstein. Unfortunately for you Einstein's writing didn't die with him so the matter is settled whether you like it or not.

That quote has been around for decades, along with many others. Just type it into google followed by Einstein quotes and see for yourself. And if you are still not convinced, go to a library. Blanket denial will get you nowhere.

- Albert Einstein
Einstein believed in God and Jesus Christ -


New member
DavisBJ said:
But the time frame you like is based on creation myths passed down from ignorant nomads.
Haha..... Well those 'ignorant' nomads wrote some pretty awesome literature. Its quite amazing how 40+ authors over a span of 1400 years, more than 2000 years ago, wrote such historically and scientifically accurate Books.


New member
Silent Hunter said:
So how did God get rid of the excess water?
What excess water?
Psalm 104:8The mountains rose; the valleys sank down
To the place which You established for them.
9 You set a boundary that they may not pass over,
So that they will not return to cover the earth
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