Creation vs. Evolution

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Anyone, anywhere, inside or outside of any relation who is looking for God will find God, in fact, if you are looking for God that is proof positive that you have already found God. Christianity and it's many sects, doctrines and theologies, is largely a religion about Jesus started after Jesus left principally by Paul who never knew Jesus in the flesh. Paul was sincere, reborn and saved yes, but he took his new gospel in a compromised direction leading to sect divisions and confusion.


based on what?
-do you understand what a dangerous belief this is?
-it says
-it doesn't matter what you do
-you are saved

When I use the term universalism I use it in the same context that I think Freelight does, all religions contain varying degrees of spiritual truth. One can be a member of a religion as a corporate entity yet not be in a truthful relationship with God, likewise one can be in a sincere relationship with God (saved) and not be a member of a corporate church entity.

Jesus established a spiritual fellowship.......but his followers had a difficult time trusting that ideal, so they made a material church with the same old governing men that messed up Judaism!


when you use the term universalism
-you must understand what everyone else understands
-it means everyone is saved
-it means it doesn't matter what you do

Ok, I see your point, I don't believe all will be or even want to be saved. If that's what Freelight thinks then I disagree with him on that point.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, you have only a very cursory understanding of Shannon's theory and how is can be used, so you are stepping way beyond your cognitive limits here. You are looking silly to anyone but the ignorant faithful.
You are the one denying even the basics of Shannon:
I have never claimed noise works better
It is those rare ones that make the organism function better

And why deny Shannon? Because... because... it just has to be true:
mutations work because without them there is no substantive evolution.


Gabriel, a celestial being appeared to Mary. You can pout, stomp around and hope that a wrathful God sends fire down from heaven all you like, but the same Gabriel that announced the coming of the Son in Mary's womb is part of the latest revelation of truth in the UB.

You have anger issues, you get mad at the truth I speak.


Why is it the 'latest' revelation of truth in the Urantia Book? Is that when you first decided to address this matter, so that others' would believe you? Now you call Gabriel a celestial being. Before, you called him an alien. What gives with you?? I'm not stomping or pouting. I only get upset at the fact that you have less basic for your arguments than the Bible has, by far. Prove yourself, first. Otherwise, don't expect us to prove ourselves. When someone speaks ill of your closest friends, don't you get upset?? How many people follow this UB religion or story?? I've never heard of it before you and freelight on this website.



New member
You are the one denying even the basics of Shannon:

And why deny Shannon? Because... because... it just has to be true:!

Asserting that a limited theory with assumption has universal applicability with the assumptions declared as truths, is just exposing your thorough lack of understanding about science theories and how papers such as Shannon's actually work.

Sad, really. The longer you press this issue the more everyone finally realises how hollow your protestations, and claims to expertise, are.


Stop being such a clown. You have no facts to support your opinion. Theories are NOT facts. Even your pseudo science has to admit that.

Other than opinions in abundance, why not try to prove your theories, any one of them, as fact like what came first, the chicken or the egg?

Dear Cross Reference,

We can know that God created the birds first, not their eggs which they laid after they were created. So we, at least, can know which came first, the chicken, not the egg. Does that make sense to you. It makes more sense to me than the 'Theory' of evolution, which still has not been proven to me, in any regards.

My computer is giving me hassles almost every night and I am very behind in answering these posts, but I will get caught up soon enough. It is either that, or skip over pages of unanswered posts. I had to contact my Tech Support representatives 3 times today alone. And a number of times yesterday. It seems that I had a virus, but it seems to be working okay now. See how long it lasts. I am way far behind on my emails too. I have 60 more to answer and I get about 30 new ones every day. I'm keeping busy. Will chat again soon.

May God Continually Be With You!!



You don't see anything miraculous about life, the world, the universe ?
Dear patrick jane,

I do see what you see and feel the same way. These are just like those who were Pharisees and all of the nonbelievers when Jesus was first down here. They will change their tune after they see Him returning in the Heavens, with great power and glory!! Then shall they say 'Evolution' or Urantia Book??' I think not!!

God Bless You Tons,




Why is it the 'latest' revelation of truth in the Urantia Book? Is that when you first decided to address this matter, so that others' would believe you? Now you call Gabriel a celestial being. Before, you called him an alien. What gives with you?? I'm not stomping or pouting. I only get upset at the fact that you have less basic for your arguments than the Bible has, by far. Prove yourself, first. Otherwise, don't expect us to prove ourselves. When someone speaks ill of your closest friends, don't you get upset?? How many people follow this UB religion or story?? I've never heard of it before you and freelight on this website.


The UB doesn't use the term "alien", critics do. I was simply making the point that Gabriel and the other celestial beings of the Bible were also supernatural.

You ask "Why is it the 'latest' revelation of truth in the Urantia Book?" The answer is that's how the 5th epochal revelation commission chose to do it. One may ask why was the Son of God came as an obscure carpenter from a small town instead of the scripture based expectations for the coming of the Messiah.

A new revelation of tremendous material has occurred, I'm here to tell my fellow believers in Christ about it.


Myself, I think Gabriel is a celestial being, it's you who used the term "alien" in order to be offensive. I'm simply pointing out that there was, is and will always be many celestial beings of many different orders serving at the pleasure of deity. They weren't just confined to 2,000 years ago. They are all around us. Jesus was a divine spirit being who became a human being.


You called them "Life Carriers." So I am wrong to say aliens after all. I wasn't trying to be offensive whatsoever. Why don't you call them angels, like it says in the Bible? I know they are all around us. You believe in Jesus but not everything He's said. I know He called them angels and not "Life Carriers" at all. I guess it was because the term seemed alien to me and that's where I got it from. I still feel that way, but I can handle your term "celestial beings" a bit better.



I wonder if you can see the problem here Michael in a debate about Creation v Evolution?
Mythical happenings from an ancient scripture or some imagined fantasy past actually has no bearing on what evidentially is the truth and what actually has happened. The natural material world just cannot be mixed and matched with someone's supernatural ideas.

Dear alwight,

You just don't understand what led man to such an early life span. It is written in Gen. 6:3KJV saying "And the Lord said, 'My spirit shall not always 'strive' with man, for that he is also flesh; yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."

This was written after Adam and Eve were on earth. I've got to get going for now. Computer is acting up again.



New member
Dear patrick jane,

I do see what you see and feel the same way. These are just like those who were Pharisees and all of the nonbelievers when Jesus was first down here. They will change their tune after they see Him returning in the Heavens, with great power and glory!! Then shall they say 'Evolution' or Urantia Book??' I think not!!

God Bless You Tons,

Whatever you do don't let reality spoil your particular fantasy story nor indeed stop you from taking a pot shot at the fantasy story of someone else. :rolleyes:



You called them "Life Carriers." So I am wrong to say aliens after all. I wasn't trying to be offensive whatsoever. Why don't you call them angels, like it says in the Bible? I know they are all around us. You believe in Jesus but not everything He's said. I know He called them angels and not "Life Carriers" at all. I guess it was because the term seemed alien to me and that's where I got it from. I still feel that way, but I can handle your term "celestial beings" a bit better.


For ages mankind didn't know that there were different classifications of celestial beings, angels, Sons of God, spirits etc. That's part of the revelation that comes over time. Just like it was NOT common knowledge in Judaism that God had a Son who was divine. The Jews had derived their various Messianic concepts from the poetic language of prophets. They just assumed it would be a man like the King David of their traditions was a man. But it was revealed in the life of Jesus that he existed before Abraham, that he is divine, that he came down from heaven as both human and divine, that he would return to his rightful place on high. This was all revelation that caused controversy with the old hardened beliefs of the Jews.

The "Life Carriers" are a specific type of celestial, their sole purpose is to carry life to the created worlds when planets such as ours reach a stage that can support life. They implant that life which evolves and eventually becomes man who can respond to God. In the case of our world they created life right here on the planet. There are many other evolutionary worlds under the authority of Christ Michael.

I realize it all sounds strange and difficult to accept, but even the apostles constantly struggled with the teachings of Jesus as he sought to open their minds.


New member
Was Darwin not of a fantasy world that you bought into? Speak of it not being one.
Darwinian evolution is a rational explanation of the evidence for such as fossils in the geological column, it is no fantasy assertion since it concerns real evidential things, not what some anonymous ancient fantasist probably conceived in ignorance. Religious fantasy stories simply are not provided with a way to be compared against physical reality because that would risk them being shown as demonstrably false, which is of course by design and why they are only ever likely to be bald assertions, never linked to testable facts.

Darwinian evolution otoh stands or falls by real evidence and facts, not just bald evidence-free assertions. If for some reason it is indeed wrong then it will be able to be demonstrated as wrong by the evidence, so I suggest you do that instead of trying to pretend that it is also in your realm of untestable fantasy. :plain:

Cross Reference

New member
Darwinian evolution is a rational explanation of the evidence for such as fossils in the geological column, it is no fantasy assertion since it concerns real evidential things, not what some anonymous ancient fantasist probably conceived in ignorance. Religious fantasy stories simply are not provided with a way to be compared against physical reality because that would risk them being shown as demonstrably false, which is of course by design and why they are only ever likely to be bald assertions, never linked to testable facts.

Darwinian evolution otoh stands or falls by real evidence and facts, not just bald evidence-free assertions. If for some reason it is indeed wrong then it will be able to be demonstrated as wrong by the evidence, so I suggest you do that instead of trying to pretend that it is also in your realm of untestable fantasy. :plain:
Don't make me laugh. Testable facts? Good grief. But it is your perogative to guess at things as they have always been however you see fit. Happy trails.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Asserting that a limited theory with assumption has universal applicability with the assumptions declared as truths, is just exposing your thorough lack of understanding about science theories and how papers such as Shannon's actually work.

Sad, really. The longer you press this issue the more everyone finally realises how hollow your protestations, and claims to expertise, are.
I'm only applying Shannon to messages. Please say again how Shannon does not apply to messages in a cell.

On the other hand, you are the one denying even the basics of Shannon:
I have never claimed noise works better
It is those rare ones that make the organism function better

And why deny Shannon? Because... because... it just has to be true:
mutations work because without them there is no substantive evolution.


New member
I'm only applying Shannon to messages. Please say again how Shannon does not apply to messages in a cell.

On the other hand, you are the one denying even the basics of Shannon:

And why deny Shannon? Because... because... it just has to be true:!

… because you are unable to comprehend the difference between assumptions and demonstrable truths. Get a grip, Yorz.

You are a fool, and the more you flog your dead horse the more of a fool you reveal yourself to be.
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