The only reason you call me a troll is because your abject fear makes understanding simple evidence impossible.My understanding from elsewhere is that Yorzhik works in a call centre and likes to fill in any spare time trolling "evolutionists", mainly with bovine scatterings and other made-up stuff. IIRC when I previously tried to pin him down as a YEC he fudged by allowing for a rather vague but somewhat longer period of time, as more wriggle room at the time apparently, but now he seems to be a real 6000 year YEC again, dead set against common descent.
Shannon information seems to be something he has found out about more recently and thinks it can be applied wherever he wants it to, while his interlocutors are left to try to figure out whether any of it makes sense , which clearly it does not. When the veneer and bluster is stripped away there is absolutely no substance presented by him at all.:think:
You don't have to be a Christian just because, scientifically, mutations+NS is wrong.
BTW, a range of 6k-10k age is not a "rather vague but longer time period" beyond 6k years.