Creation vs. Evolution

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If Jesus is God, then he too is great and terrible. It just wasn't his will to show that side when he took on humanity.

Dear ClimateSanity,

Nice of you to visit here!! Yes, Jesus did wreak havoc on the money changers in the Temple, for selling sacrificial animals and reaping in all the money at the expense of the sinners. It got to be that some people would go ahead and commit sin, even if it cost them a dove later on down the line. Do you know what I'm saying here? They would go ahead and sin, and just pay for an animal later so they could have the sin they wanted to sin. Jesus did show His temper and wrath at the merchandise for sale in the Temple, which is the place for prayer to God, not reaping in cash at the sinners' expenses. Even more lucrative than Catholic Bingo!! Not that I don't love the Catholic members. They are just like Christians for the most part, as far as I am concerned.

Much Love, In Christ,



Dear Caino,

The Israelis still believe in the Old Testament and keep laws thereof. They keep ALL of the holy days or holidays. They still fast and they still celebrate the Sabbath each week. Yes, the God of Jesus is the same as the OT God. You see, Caino, too many people were choosing the devil, and his ways, so that most of the people would have NEVER KNOWN Eternal Life. So instead of them sinning and figuring that all that they had to do was buy a couple doves or lambs to burn for God to absolve them of their wrongdoings, God put something different to them, which is Jesus as a final sacrifice. The devil wins the souls of those who are doing his ways, compared to God, so those people should have gone to hell to be with Satan. But God interceded, knowing men were not as smart as the devil, so He offered us Christ as a scapegoat. By believing in Him, our sins can be absolved. It's all involved and I don't want to talk about it anymore right now. It's like I have to write a novelette for this one.

Jesus Take The Wheel For You And Yours,


People blame the devil for their own behavior. Man is tempted by his own instincts. Once a person gets honest about their desires and becomes willing to change then they can overcome the desires which oppose Gods will. Satan never had the power to invade a persons mind and cause them to act against their own will.

I have no faith in your Satan God.


It wasn't arbitrary from Gods point of view. Ask him in heaven. He will give you the details.

I already know the details, the God of the Old Testament was created largely in the image of the men who conceived of him. That's why he seemed to act so much like man if man were Gid for a day.


Dear Caino,

The Israelis still believe in the Old Testament and keep laws thereof. They keep ALL of the holy days or holidays. They still fast and they still celebrate the Sabbath each week. Yes, the God of Jesus is the same as the OT God. You see, Caino, too many people were choosing the devil, and his ways, so that most of the people would have NEVER KNOWN Eternal Life. So instead of them sinning and figuring that all that they had to do was buy a couple doves or lambs to burn for God to absolve them of their wrongdoings, God put something different to them, which is Jesus as a final sacrifice. The devil wins the souls of those who are doing his ways, compared to God, so those people should have gone to hell to be with Satan. But God interceded, knowing men were not as smart as the devil, so He offered us Christ as a scapegoat. By believing in Him, our sins can be absolved. It's all involved and I don't want to talk about it anymore right now. It's like I have to write a novelette for this one.

Jesus Take The Wheel For You And Yours,

No Michael, the Jews don't practice animal sacrifices nor the Levite laws.


People blame the devil for their own behavior. Man is tempted by his own instincts. Once a person gets honest about their desires and becomes willing to change then they can overcome the desires which oppose Gods will. Satan never had the power to invade a persons mind and cause them to act against their own will.

I have no faith in your Satan God.

Dear Caino,

You believe what you want to, if it helps you. Man is not tempted by his own instincts. Your lack of knowledge shows. I have no faith in Satan either, nor do I believe he is a god. Something must have gotten lost in the translation. Are you trying to tell people that they came to be by some aliens or extraterrestrials visiting the Earth three times since man was on it and that man was on it 5½ million years ago? Don't be teaching lies to other influential minds of some that come here looking for answers. You will then incur the wrath of God. Don't mislead or misguide other people with your aliens.

Much Love, In Christ,



Dear Tyrathca,

I was able to scan those two pages for you. I just need to know how to put them on this website. I have them on my Desktop. One page is 8½" x 11" and one is 8½" x 14". Let me know how to post them to you. I could send them in an email to you possibly. But I'd just as soon everyone here knows about them and gets to see them. Then I will be vilified. The 7" of snow did happen when and where I said it would, exactly as God told me to tell the reporter. I did what I was told. I didn't predict anything. I just testified to what I had witnessed by what I heard from the Lord God.

Thanks Ty!! Please let me know how to post these two pages here on TOL. I'm finally ready!! I appreciate your patience from waiting. God Bless You In Spite Of Yourself,



Dear Caino,

You believe what you want to, if it helps you. Man is not tempted by his own instincts. Your lack of knowledge shows. I have no faith in Satan either, nor do I believe he is a god. Something must have gotten lost in the translation. Are you trying to tell people that they came to be by some aliens or extraterrestrials visiting the Earth three times since man was on it and that man was on it 5½ million years ago? Don't be teaching lies to other influential minds of some that come here looking for answers. You will then incur the wrath of God. Don't mislead or misguide other people with your aliens.

Much Love, In Christ,


Humans and animals alike have basic instincts. Take responsibility for your own behavior.

An "alien" visited Mary one day, but you can't face that fact because angels are an accepted part of religious tradition. That alien named Gabriel, informed Mary that the master alien, a divine being, had become a human inside of her. Gabriel instructed Mary what the divine being was to be named. In the course of his miraculous career he informed us all that he had legions of other aliens at his command.

BTW, 550,000,000 million years isn't 51/2 million years. The Cambrian explosion occurred at roughly 550,000,000 years.

Cross Reference

New member
Humans and animals alike have basic instincts. Take responsibility for your own behavior.

An "alien" visited Mary one day, but you can't face that fact because angels are an accepted part of religious tradition. That alien named Gabriel, informed Mary that the master alien, a divine being, had become a human inside of her. Gabriel instructed Mary what the divine being was to be named. In the course of his miraculous career he informed us all that he had legions of other aliens at his command.

BTW, 550,000,000 million years isn't 51/2 million years. The Cambrian explosion occurred at roughly 550,000,000 years.

What was it and how did it explode? Just curious because the universe is still expanding..


What was it and how did it explode? Just curious because the universe is still expanding..

In my creation understanding the universe expands and contracts, it is much older than the current belief of science. I don't believe there was ever a "big bang" rather formation of the material cosmos outside and around the eternal Isle of Paradise, the geographical location of the eternal God.

The 6 day creation narrative of the Hebrews originated in the ancient fragments of the arrival of Adam and Eve on an evolved, populated earth that had already fallen long before the pair arrived. Adam and Eve spent the first 6 days exploring the garden home prepared for them by the inhabitants of earth who long anticipated their arrival. On the 7th day they rested. The authors of Genesis didn't know any better.
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Cross Reference

New member
In my creation understanding the universe expands and contracts, it is much older than the current belief of science. I don't believe there was ever a "big bang" rather formation of the material cosmos outside and around the eternal Isle of Paradise, the geographical location of the eternal God.

The 6 day creation narrative of the Hebrews originated in the ancient fragments of the arrival of Adam and Eve on an evolved, populated earth that had already fallen long before the pair arrived. Adam and Eve spent the first 6 days exploring the garden home prepared for them by the inhabitants of earth who long anticipated their arrival. On the 7th day they rested. The authors of Genesis didn't know any better.

Interesting. How do you know all that is true?


What was it and how did it explode? Just curious because the universe is still expanding..


I didn't mean those two words for you Cross Reference. They were targeted at Caino. It looks like he erased them on his post here. Thanks for understanding.

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In my creation understanding the universe expands and contracts, it is much older than the current belief of science. I don't believe there was ever a "big bang" rather formation of the material cosmos outside and around the eternal Isle of Paradise, the geographical location of the eternal God.

The 6 day creation narrative of the Hebrews originated in the ancient fragments of the arrival of Adam and Eve on an evolved, populated earth that had already fallen long before the pair arrived. Adam and Eve spent the first 6 days exploring the garden home prepared for them by the inhabitants of earth who long anticipated their arrival. On the 7th day they rested. The authors of Genesis didn't know any better.


In my creation understanding the universe expands and contracts, it is much older than the current belief of science. I don't believe there was ever a "big bang" rather formation of the material cosmos outside and around the eternal Isle of Paradise, the geographical location of the eternal God.

The 6 day creation narrative of the Hebrews originated in the ancient fragments of the arrival of Adam and Eve on an evolved, populated earth that had already fallen long before the pair arrived. Adam and Eve spent the first 6 days exploring the garden home prepared for them by the inhabitants of earth who long anticipated their arrival. On the 7th day they rested. The authors of Genesis didn't know any better.



I don't know for certain that it is, but all things considered it makes more sense than the Hebrews story. But you can look in Genesis and see that the crafty beast was already fallen, already evil, working against Gods plan for the pair, before Eve actually sinned.

You can also see that death came specifically to Adam and Eve, they could no longer eat of the tree of life. Death was already a fact for man, it's normal.

Also, you can see Cain was afraid of people out in the world away from his parents.


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Hall of Fame
Shannon's Theory assumes you are applying it where the receiver _desires_ that the original signal is reproduces exactly, yet you seem to take this simplifying assumption as some sort of Gospel Truth.
People desire the original signal because that is what works. Your claim is that biological systems don't need the original message because noise works better. Do you understand that is what you are saying?

Silly, Yorz. When I started debating you I took you for a knowledgeable and honest debater, but I have come to see that you are the forum equivalent of a script kiddie, unable to deviate from the prepared and predigested script, repeating dishonest claims and unable to respond to critique.

You claimed I believed this before, and so you have just not seen or read my response. Or are unable to deviate. It is you who are claiming that transcribing to protein is the key, whereas I have always referred to DNA copying for evolution purposes. A mis-transcribed, individual protein molecule is indeed irrelevant. And since I have always said that mutations are important to evolution your claim is the opposite to the reality.
Your claim is that biological systems don't need the original message because noise works better. Do you understand that is what you are saying? And somehow when I ask for evidence this is true, you claim I'm being unreasonable. And because I have to ask repeatedly for this evidence, you call me a script kiddie. I don't think you realize what you are saying.
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