Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Caino,

I like your new Avatar. Is that a pic of you in it? That's funny. You don't look like a Monster!! Just joking!! But it is too bad that your salvation is wrapped around a Urantia Book.

God Show You The Light!!


LOL! Yes, I'm normal. Just like the friends and family of the apostles and disciples of Jesus were mocked for being lead off by a local contractor from Nazareth, we know we will be treated the same. The UB threatens those who made the Bible into something that it never was.


Well-known member
LOL! Yes, I'm normal. Just like the friends and family of the apostles and disciples of Jesus were mocked for being lead off by a local contractor from Nazareth, we know we will be treated the same. The UB threatens those who made the Bible into something that it never was.

Caino, is that a stereoscopic microscope on your desk? If so, what do you usually look at? And that looks like some sort of scope screen behind you. What is that?


Ub is just a withering blade of grass.
IS.40:8“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.”
. Wishful thinking, the right wing thought that by killing Jesus they would be rid of him. Their problems had only just begun. The UB appeals to a whole new generation of truth seekers who don't believe the version of history and God written by the people who were corrupt enough to kill Jesus.


How interesting. Those look like beautiful gold teeth. If so, the gold would have to be melted and poured into a mold. Is that what is done?

Yes, first we make a wax pattern and invest them in a high temp type of liquid plaster. We heat the mold to 1750 degrees in a burnout furnace then cast molten gold into the pattern using centrifugal force. It's an ancient technique.


Well-known member
Yes, first we make a wax pattern and invest them in a high temp type of liquid plaster. We heat the mold to 1750 degrees in a burnout furnace then cast molten gold into the pattern using centrifugal force. It's an ancient technique.

I do remember reading about lost-wax casting.

In my youth we used to collect lead (sinkers, wheel balancing lead, plumbing lead etc.), borrow my Dad's paraffin blowtorch, melt the lead, and pour it into a mold resembling a skull, to which we added a ring for the fingers while still molten, to make knuckle-dusters. I don't remember what the mold was made of, but it might have been plaster of Paris.

Anyhow, I think what you do is fascinating. You could make artwork too. As you say, the technique is ancient, although they probably did not use a centrifuge. Sounds dangerous to swing molten metal around like a sling. The temperature of your gold is so much higher than lead which melts at 621 F.


That's my surgical microscope, I'm a dental technician, I make teeth.

Dear Caino,

Well, look at that! You have an interesting job and are a nice person. I'm proud of you. Making teeth sounds like a very hard job! The UB is like a tome of Satan compared to the Bible being a tome of God.

Much Love, In Christ,



. Wishful thinking, the right wing thought that by killing Jesus they would be rid of him. Their problems had only just begun. The UB appeals to a whole new generation of truth seekers who don't believe the version of history and God written by the people who were corrupt enough to kill Jesus.

Oh Caino,

Now I remember why there is a problem. You don't believe the version in the Bible. That's right. Make up a new story instead, that will suit you. Always resourceful. Que lastima!!



. Wishful thinking, the right wing thought that by killing Jesus they would be rid of him. Their problems had only just begun. The UB appeals to a whole new generation of truth seekers who don't believe the version of history and God written by the people who were corrupt enough to kill Jesus.

that is difficult to understand from what I believe to be basic Christian theology. Jesus death was foretold and needed to satisfy his Father and expiate the sins of man. Those who you describe as "corrupt enough to kill Jesus" were only doing what they were expected to do.


Dear Caino,

Well, look at that! You have an interesting job and are a nice person. I'm proud of you. Making teeth sounds like a very hard job! The UB is like a tome of Satan compared to the Bible being a tome of God.

Much Love, In Christ,


How can Satan cast out Satan? The UB completely discredits Lucifer, Satan, the prince and all those sad persons in the celestial and mortal world who chose to put their faith in the doctrines of death. How do you know that you aren't being just as closed minded and stubborn towards the UB as the Jews are towards Jesus? They also use the Old Testament scripture to deny Jesus?

Anyway, this isn't a UB debate thread, but the revelation that life was initiated and evolved 550,000,000 years ago on our planet from 3 simultaneous implantations, carried out by the "Life Carriers", celestial beings who serve at the behest of the creator Son, all makes more sense in light of the age of the earth and the archeological record than a 6,000 year old earth and an even younger Noah reboot.
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For me it's even more difficult to understand that God, who is our true loving Father, who is changeless and already forgiving, could not bring himself to forgive the shortcomings of his children on earth (molested by the doctrines of the celestial administrator Satan who was allowed to rebel) until he saw his blameless Son tortured and nailed to a tree!!!!!!

There is a lot of human speculation built into religion. Proud man finds it difficult to accept simple forgiveness without something of equal value either given or substituted in return.

In the original good news gospel, Jesus didn't go around Israel teaching and preaching that we should kill him as a human sacrifice, that's absurd! Theoretical atonement theology was an after thought on the part of man, sacrifice minded Jewish men. This theory of blood sacrifice was already prevalent in the Pagan world that would, through a marriage of sorts, adopt Paul's version of the gospel.

If the Jews, who had been called to do so, would have accepted the original gospel, they would heave never rejected and killed Jesus, they would be teaching that gospel today from Jerusalem and Jesus would have returned to heaven without the tragic cross.

The Parable of the Tenants

33 “Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place. 34 When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit.

35 “The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. 36 Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way. 37 Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.

38 “But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’ 39 So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

40 “Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”

41 “He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.”

42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

“‘The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes’

43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. 44 Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”[b]

45 When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them. 46 They looked for a way to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet.


New member
You liked the article you gave me where it spoke about the appendix not being vestigial, but when it is pointed out to you that the same study concludes the appendix evolved twice, you run to a completely different part of the cherry orchard to see if you can find something disconfirming. If you think the article you gave me was wacko on that issue, why did you use it to show the appendix was not vestigial?
I had quoted an article saying the appendix evolved at least 32 times. It can't be a degenerative vestigial organ / vestigial when even evolutionists are admitting its a new creation. Its silly to think a new complex functional structure can evolve even once..... But now the 'just so' story has the appendix evolving independently 32.... maybe 38 times.

Randolph Nesse, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, is impressed by the new study. "I salute the authors for creating an extraordinary database," he says. "The conclusion that the appendix has appeared 32 times is amazing. I do find their argument for the positive correlation of appendix and cecum sizes to be a convincing refutation of Darwin's hypothesis."
The evolutionists ignore the more obvious and logical conclusion. The appendix was created differently, and performs suited to needs of various created creatures.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Exactly! Yet you keep saying that noise is undesirable. :idunno:
It's not me, it's Shannon that says it. You need to let him, and other people that think Shannon was right, know that they should embrace spurious and bad information from noise.

Matter to who?
The message receiver. You are saying if the information from DNA gets garbled between when it is selected and the protein is made, the information doesn't matter. It's an extraordinary claim you'll need to support.


New member
It's not me, it's Shannon that says it.
You seem to not understand the nature of scientific theories: they make assumptions and that limits their applicability. For example, the Theory of General Relativity assumes quantum effects are negligible, so do you think that means that quantum effects are always negligible? Likewise, the most successful physics theory every, the standard model of quantum physics, assumes gravity doesn't exist, yet it does.

Shannon's Theory assumes you are applying it where the receiver _desires_ that the original signal is reproduces exactly, yet you seem to take this simplifying assumption as some sort of Gospel Truth.

Silly, Yorz. When I started debating you I took you for a knowledgeable and honest debater, but I have come to see that you are the forum equivalent of a script kiddie, unable to deviate from the prepared and predigested script, repeating dishonest claims and unable to respond to critique.

The message receiver. You are saying if the information from DNA gets garbled between when it is selected and the protein is made, the information doesn't matter. It's an extraordinary claim you'll need to support.

You claimed I believed this before, and so you have just not seen or read my response. Or are unable to deviate. It is you who are claiming that transcribing to protein is the key, whereas I have always referred to DNA copying for evolution purposes. A mis-transcribed, individual protein molecule is indeed irrelevant. And since I have always said that mutations are important to evolution your claim is the opposite to the reality.

Go on, Yorz, step away from the script - do some thinking for yourself.


New member
Have any of you watched this from youtube? How can it be explained away as an accident and remain honest to yourselves?

The video dishonestly claims "The scientists in this documentary are some of the highest reguarded in the scientific community." After 10 minutes we were presented with John C. Whitcomb, Doctor of Theology, and Gary Parker, a biologist with no peer reviewed publications in Biology. Highest regarded? Nope. Scientific nonentities.

(You will need to fix your link, to include the last 'Y' in the URL. It is currently broken.)


How can Satan cast out Satan? The UB completely discredits Lucifer, Satan, the prince and all those sad persons in the celestial and mortal world who chose to put their faith in the doctrines of death. How do you know that you aren't being just as closed minded and stubborn towards the UB as the Jews are towards Jesus? They also use the Old Testament scripture to deny Jesus?

Who is saying that you are casting out Satan. You're inviting him into each individual you deceive and prey upon. And you are Satan, not casting out Satan. Is there any chance that you possibly understand what I'm saying here? Sure, I would suppose the UB would 'discredit' Satan, so he can work irregardless among everyone associated with the UB and your blasphemies.

Anyway, this isn't a UB debate thread, but the revelation that life was initiated and evolved 550,000,000 years ago on our planet from 3 simultaneous implantations, carried out by the "Life Carriers", celestial beings who serve at the behest of the creator Son, all makes more sense in light of the age of the earth and the archeological record than a 6,000 year old earth and an even younger Noah reboot.

Caino, you seem like a nice person, but your head is a bit messed up indeed, with errant ideas in it. So you've got man living on earth for 5.5 million years, eh. To perhaps feed the atheists 'chronological' age of the earth? "Life Carriers" eh? Give me a break!! How convenient that imagination comes up with simple untruths. And I suppose one of these Life Carriers came down and implanted Mary, eh? You change your beliefs as others dictate so that you can try to keep from tripping over yourself. I know your works, changing your beliefs as necessary when someone backs you into a corner. You just come up with a made-up answer for them and add it to your UB. God knows your works. You should know God's wrath. I'll just keep quiet and won't say another thing here.

You Showed Your Image and it was fine. You then showed your mind and it was not. What a shame!

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New member
Silly, Yorz. When I started debating you I took you for a knowledgeable and honest debater, but I have come to see that you are the forum equivalent of a script kiddie, unable to deviate from the prepared and predigested script, repeating dishonest claims and unable to respond to critique.
My understanding from elsewhere is that Yorzhik works in a call centre and likes to fill in any spare time trolling "evolutionists", mainly with bovine scatterings and other made-up stuff. IIRC when I previously tried to pin him down as a YEC he fudged by allowing for a rather vague but somewhat longer period of time, as more wriggle room at the time apparently, but now he seems to be a real 6000 year YEC again, dead set against common descent.
Shannon information seems to be something he has found out about more recently and thinks it can be applied wherever he wants it to, while his interlocutors are left to try to figure out whether any of it makes sense , which clearly it does not. When the veneer and bluster is stripped away there is absolutely no substance presented by him at all.:think:
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