Creation vs. Evolution

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I think if you check 6days I asked for a simple reading of the gospels, what answer would you deduce after a simple reading of all of them?
Of course your response is to obfuscate, lead me off to the actual meaning of the supposed original Hebrew (anyway the gospels were more probably written in Greek) and then off to apologetics and spin doctors, what chance has an ordinary disbeliever got? Do I need a decoder ring? :idunno:
A simple reading of the gospels reveals the 4 authors each wrote from their own viewpoint yet were consistent with each other and not contradictory.
If you wish to look at your "contradiction" at a deeper level, you might want to look at the Hebrew prophecy of Jesus being silent before His accuser to try understand what is being said.


New member
So did Jesus remain silent when tried by Pilate or did he make a nice speech?

Simple question should have a simple answer surely?:idunno:
It does have a simple answer... Atheists general reject evidence that contradicts their belief system.
Matthew 26:62 Then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, "Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?" 63 But Jesus remained silent. The high priest said to him, "I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God." 64 "Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied. "But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven."


New member
It does have a simple answer... Atheists general reject evidence that contradicts their belief system.
Matthew 26:62 Then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, "Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?" 63 But Jesus remained silent. The high priest said to him, "I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God." 64 "Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied. "But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven."
So I do need the decoder ring then it seems.


Well-known member
So did Jesus remain silent when tried by Pilate or did he make a nice speech?

Simple question should have a simple answer surely?:idunno:
:sigh: Putting out flames of arsonists... Meh. It is a criminal activity when they are actual flames. That you use words instead of matches? Not much of a difference, at least in intent, while not culpability. There isn't much point to it but mean, vitriolic, and sadist-spirited that I've much seen. If I ever find a genuinely interested individual, I'd love that guy or gal. The rest of you aren't in it for noble intent. Worse, you know it. :(

Stop this nonsense. You don't really care if there is an answer, you'll run to another shed and somehow think being an arsonist is acceptable (these sheds are made of brick). :dizzy:
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At both Mt St Helens and Itsik (Iceland, 3km new island, late 70s), life regenerated or started in a few years. In the case of MSH toxic conditions had to wear off as well.

Dear Interplanner,

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but an angel DID tell me that Mt. St. Helen's erupting was to fulfill the scriptures in Rev. 9:1, 2KJV. Also Rev. 8:12KJV. "And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit."
The angel told me that the bottomless pit is where Satan usually dwells and that it is Hell, with the magma and lava; and that it is the center of the Earth. Just as people think they are on 'top' of the Earth, because of gravity, the Earth has a center and a top, but no bottom. That is the gist of it. Also Rev. 8:12KJV, "And the fourth angel sounded, and a third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise." This is from the ash from Mt. St. Helen. And just as the center of the Earth is the bottomless pit, or Hell, so the Lake of Fire is our Sun, which is even hotter than Hell. And lightning is five times hotter than the Sun. Can you believe all of this? It's true. Okay, will get going. I would not know these things except they were explained to me by an angel. You don't have to believe me. But you all, by your own interpretations, miss out on the real interpretation that Jesus meant when He spoke to John of Patmos. The air did not darken all over the U.S. or the world, like you might think, but instead 'thereof' around the volcano. Do you see how many of the Lord's signs have happened already without you all even realizing it at all??

Praise The Lord!!


:guitar: :singer: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9:
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That's true Michael, plus well over 513 people saw him, excellent post.

Dear patrick jane,

Thank you for your thoughtfulness!! You come through when we are a bit in a pinch and zing 'em with your words and Scriptures. It is very much appreciated. Keep up the good work. You know the Bible pretty well!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


:angel: :angel: :angel:


Sorry Michael but an anonymous author talking about eye witnesses is not the same thing as an eye witness. I don't know what you think Paul was an eye witness to exactly other than claiming to have had a supernatural experience.

Dear alwight,

Will you always remain in the dark because you want your beliefs to hopefully be true so you don't have a different future. There were eyewitnesses. Eleven original disciples are eyewitnesses. And Mary, his mother; and Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. You just try to ignore the facts!! It's okay if I mention people that knew Jesus, just like you mention people who knew Darwin and his beliefs. Yippee!! No big deal.



Well guys, I hope you all realize how much eye-witness testimony there is for UFOs, Yeti, haunted mansions, lizard people and what not.
And we're talking about 100s of witnesses and very recent accounts - well documented, heck there are printed interviews....

And unless you're absolutely willing to believe in all of the above and the rest, then your ludicrous testimony in the bible is yet another proof of your minuscule mental faculty's malfunction.

Dear TheDuke,

I see you are banned? What happened? What'd you post that got you in so much trouble? Our belief in the Bible is well-founded. We're not ignorant like those who don't believe in the Bible. Time will show who is ignorant or ill-informed. I hate to call anyone ignorant, so I think they are just still innocent. Look at what your mental faculty malfunction did. It got you into the pokey. And notice how our mental faculty has kept us out of jail?? You've got a lot to learn by far. I cannot emphasize that enough.



New member
:sigh: Putting out flames of arsonists... Meh. It is a criminal activity when they are actual flames. That you use words instead of matches? Not much of a difference, at least in intent, while not culpability. There isn't much point to it but mean, vitriolic, and sadist-spirited that I've much seen. If I ever find a genuinely interested individual, I'd love that guy or gal. The rest of you aren't in it for noble intent. Worse, you know it. :(

Stop this nonsense. You don't really care if there is an answer, you'll run to another shed and somehow think being an arsonist is acceptable (these sheds are made of brick). :dizzy:
If I am to believe what the Bible says Lon, and I might if it made unambiguous sense, then all I want to know is whether the gospels contradict each other or not, since apparently they do. Why then do you equate that to arson or a threat? Claiming that I'm not sincere or perhaps haven't studied the Bible sufficiently is a crock whatever your shed is made from.


New member
Dear alwight,

Will you always remain in the dark because you want your beliefs to hopefully be true so you don't have a different future. There were eyewitnesses. Eleven original disciples are eyewitnesses. And Mary, his mother; and Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. You just try to ignore the facts!! It's okay if I mention people that knew Jesus, just like you mention people who knew Darwin and his beliefs. Yippee!! No big deal.

Hi Michael, I want to believe whatever is true. If there were eye witnesses then it doesn't seem to be them who wrote about it or made a testimony perhaps decades after the supposed facts. The person Darwin was doesn't matter, the important thing is his theory which stands or falls by real evidence and real facts not hearsay and gossip.

patrick jane

Hi Michael, I want to believe whatever is true. If there were eye witnesses then it doesn't seem to be them who wrote about it or made a testimony perhaps decades after the supposed facts. The person Darwin was doesn't matter, the important thing is his theory which stands or falls by real evidence and real facts not hearsay and gossip.

So where are we at with science and evolution. Do we have things figured out ?


New member
Barker has been answered MANY times by MANY people. However atheists continue to believe he has somehow stumped everyone.
Here is one of the answers..... "Interestingly, it should be noted that the fact that Barker asks for “exact” details about a day in ancient history that happened almost 2,000 years ago speaks loudly of the legitimacy of the resurrection story. Since no other day in ancient history could ever be examined with such scrutiny. Historians today cannot tell “exactly” what happened on July 4, 1776 or April 12, 1861, but Christians are asked to give the “exact” details of Christ’s resurrection? Furthermore, these requested details can be (and have been) supplied by the Gospel writers—without contradiction. Let’s examine the evidence...."

Like I say, it all gets rather complicated. It appears, from a sceptics point of view, that every thing can be cleared up once you take magic (or miracles, same thing) into account, or, as I remember one apologist saying when there's an omnipotent being involved, all bets are off.

Edit from your link
Dismissing the miracles documented in the New Testament is a favorite pastime of many skeptics, and even some religious leaders. However, this “dismissal” game gets extremely complicated, because the miracles are so closely blended with historical facts that separating the two soon becomes like trying to separate two different colors of modeling clay.

I don't think Barker is asking for "“exact” details about a day in ancient history that happened almost 2,000 years ago" the way you put it, but is asking for clear account of important events using the Bible, since the bible as all we have. I know you think the Bible is Gods word but that's a faith believe, not a given. Of course, if there was extra biblical evidence to examine that would be different.

Still, I don't intend getting deep into it. I've seen where that can go and life is way too short.... ;)


New member
Like I say, it all gets rather complicated. It appears, from a sceptics point of view, that every thing can be cleared up once you take magic (or miracles, same thing) into account
Nonsense.....The challenge has nothing to do with the supernatural. That merely is your attemot at moving the goalposts. His challenge was about what details are in the various accounts.
I don't think Barker is asking for "“exact” details about a day in ancient history that happened almost 2,000 years ago"
You thought he had a great challenge but don't even know what he says. His opening paragraph says... "My straightforward request is merely that Christians tell me exactly what happened on the day"

His "challenge" has been answered well many times.


Hi Michael, I want to believe whatever is true. If there were eye witnesses then it doesn't seem to be them who wrote about it or made a testimony perhaps decades after the supposed facts. The person Darwin was doesn't matter, the important thing is his theory which stands or falls by real evidence and real facts not hearsay and gossip.

Hi alwight,

I know that you want to believe whatever is true. I don't blame you. I've got to tell you that it took me 25 years to write a book about some of my experiences. I wrote that book with no help from anyone except the Lord and angels speaking it to me. I remembered all of my experiences and they were brought back to my memory each time as if I were reliving them. And once you've heard the Lord or an angel speak to you, you DON'T forget what they've said. You remember it word for word!! Etched in your mind and heart forever. It will never leave me. And I was an eyewitness to it all besides the fact. Do you have any idea what it's like to face the devil? It's not easy but it's something you must do to recognize your enemy and overcome him by becoming invulnerable to him as the years go by. God plays with Satan as with a bird. Thus, it is written in our Bible. Just don't know quite where right now. {See Job 41:5KJV}

Even Darwin regretted that he spoke what he did. He didn't like it at all. His cohort egged him on about it. It goes against the Bible and he knew that, so he wanted out of it. Alwight, you can't handle the truth that you want so badly. You're too stuck on believing evolution and Darwin. There is no way you'll ever change until God smacks you in the face. Not that He would do that to you, but He'll reach you in other ways. You'll find out and you may not like it at all!!



New member
Nonsense.....The challenge has nothing to do with the supernatural. That merely is your attemot at moving the goalposts. His challenge was about what details are in the various accounts.

The very link you provided says different:

Dismissing the miracles documented in the New Testament is a favorite pastime of many skeptics, and even some religious leaders. However, this “dismissal” game gets extremely complicated, because the miracles are so closely blended with historical facts that separating the two soon becomes like trying to separate two different colors of modeling clay.

You thought he had a great challenge but don't even know what he says. His opening paragraph says... "My straightforward request is merely that Christians tell me exactly what happened on the day"

His "challenge" has been answered well many times.

Well I've seen sceptics and apologists argue the point for pages and pages, which is why I have no intention of going down that rabbit hole.


Michael, I wouldn't expect to see your cousins turning into ½ cousin - ½ Michael hybrids either. The link between you and your cousins are historical, and the differences between you all happened in the past when each ancestor was born slightly different from their parents.

Chimps are our distant cousins and the differences have built up as each generation of children was slightly different from their parents and grand-parents. My children are different from me, and I expect my great-great-grandchildren to be even more different. But I don't expect to turn into my cousin in my own lifetime.

Please, Michael. read a primer on evolution with an open mind - you are tilting at windmills here:
Scroll down to Myth #1 - that is the one you have been cought out by. Get back if you have any questions about it.

Dear gcthomas,

Thanks for your post to me. The way I see it, my cousin is still human, not an ape changing into a human. Of course we don't look exactly alike, but basically, we are the same. So this analogy is anal. It doesn't work and isn't the same situation. No matter how far back you go, I will always have HUMAN ancestors. That is the difference. God created apes as creatures and man as humans.

Many Warm Regards & Cheerio,


:guitar: :singer: :singer: :angel: :cloud9:


Correct, I don't know who wrote it and I don't pretend that I do. The general scholarly opinion is that G. John was written many decades after the events and probably had more than one author, well after disciple John's death.
I realise that you want to believe that John son of Zebedee wrote it, but your belief doesn't make it so. You have no more knowledge than I do who actually wrote it.

Dear alwight,

Yep, I do KNOW who wrote it. John of Patmos {on the island of Patmos}. There is no quarrel with that to me. It was revealed to John and the Lord Jesus helped him write it down word for word. It has not been tampered with because what is written in it is complex to make another version of it in any way. So, it had to be left untouched. The same as the Book of Daniel. Too complex are the visions and visitations that no man could reinterpret it different. It stays the way it was written. I don't think our Bible was written much different than the original.

Owning an actual Bible is hardly the point unless you think some kind of magical power emanates from a book. You are apparently convinced even before you read it and accept it lock stock and barrel without question, uncritically and credulously.
Not me however. When I read it I want to be convinced by the words or it can simply be rejected, something you apparently are not able to even contemplate.
There are many different English versions of the Bible (28?) all of which can be instantly accessed from the Bible Gateway. Which one is your favourite Michael, or do you have one of each?

Owning a Bible is the point, alwight. You haven't even the foggiest idea what is in it. I would dismiss parts of it as I chose, so don't think I don't. I don't agree with how the disciples/apostles all thought that Jesus would return in their lifetime and they were proven to be wrong. Just as what happened to me. God has His Own idea of what day it will be; no one else. But we, as people, do make mistakes. So when they write in the Bible certain things, I don't agree with them. In other words, I don't always believe what Paul or the other apostles are saying. I also don't like how heavy they are on people who are gay, for God loves them just the same, even though He isn't pleased by all of their ways, like some of them being effeminate, etc. But for the most part, I believe the New Testament. I don't like effeminate gays either. Or gay marriage. It is unnecessary to have gay marriage when Civil Union is well enough. They are wanting too much and God's going to crush their marriages. I can't wait to see how gay divorce goes. I fear that male rape will increase with these gay advances. It is a travesty either with a woman or man to be raped. Both shall be vindicated and receive recompense for what was done to them. Their attackers shall be very sorry. There is Hell fire out there for reasons like these.

Yes, Al, I do have about 5 different versions of the Bible, and by far, I prefer the King James Bible to be the best for me. I do not like the NKJV at all. Their interpretation of it changes things in many ways. That's my take on it all. You should have went to Sunday School when you were younger.



I has to be said. I nominate Michael Cadry for Dunning Krugar effect of all time.

The Dunning Krugar effect from the man himself:

Dunning Krugar effect

Congratulations Michael :)

Dear Hedshaker,

Gee; Of All time?! Should I be flattered? I won't say anything about you because I don't want to lower myself to your level. There's plenty I could say, but I refrain. You know, I waited to tell one of my best friends for 8 years, because he had said to me before that that he hoped he never lived in the time of Armageddon. So I finally did confess to him and he has believed me ever since. He prays before each meal and at bedtime. He's a wonderful person. Not like you, buddy. I guess you have different people that you meet in your lifetime.



That's more or less how I would have explained it too Michael.


Dear iouae,

Thanks for your reassurance. I do appreciate it!! This is about Post #15655? on Page 1044. Just in case you wondered.

Much Love, In His Name,


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :rapture:
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