Creation vs. Evolution

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Jose Fly

New member
You know, these Evolution vs Creation threads are a bit like Ground Hog Day with Bill Murray, only on a grander scale. They all follow exactly the same format

Yup, that's why I knew it was a waste of time to continue with iouae. Any 5 year old can spout "God just made it that way" to whatever the other person says, whereas am adult who's participating in good faith will at least take the time to understand and respond thoughtfully.

It was quickly obvious which category iouae was in.

patrick jane

Yup, that's why I knew it was a waste of time to continue with iouae. Any 5 year old can spout "God just made it that way" to whatever the other person says, whereas am adult who's participating in good faith will at least take the time to understand and respond thoughtfully.

It was quickly obvious which category iouae was in.

Is he gone or something ? Did he evolve ?


New member
alwight said:
You may not agree with me on doggie do doos 6days but at least we agree that a sand dune is information about the direction of the wind.

Laughing..... alwight, you are better than this. You are being illogical trying to defend your belief system. There is no information in dog poop...nor in sand. We can learn something by studying dog poop... but it does not have a code. *Codes require an intelligent creator....ALWAYS. Codes require a sender and a reciever.*

alwight said:
I could talk about the way that honey bees pass on coded information when they encounter a new source of food if you like.

I can also talk about honey bees and how they are evidence of our Creator. I previously posted this
It is amazing what small brains can do. God has given each creature a brain / computer that is efficient, and more than adequate. One example is the bee. It amazes me that a bee can do a complex dance to tell the other bees where a food sources is. The dance tells the other bees which direction to go and how far.

One thing that baffles evolutionists is that the brain is complex right from what they consider the earliest life forms. Science Daily reports on an article from the journal Nature. The report us titled "Cambrian Fossil Pushes Back Evolution of Complex Brains,"

The article says a new find "shows that anatomically complex brains evolved earlier than previously thought and have changed little over the course of evolution."
Well.... It doesn't actually show that the brain evolved at all. It is simply a fossil from the Cambrian explosion, showing that brains are much the same now as then.


Dear All,

You are also forgetting that God IS LOVE!! Now, how did Love come to be? And wisdom? Who created the Earth and the Heaven, and the sea, and the fountains of waters? Who LOVES all of His Creations? Love is almost like a binding agent, like gravity. And who makes electromagnetism and gravity? These things are ALL of GOD. They didn't just come into being by themselves. With all of your 'smarts,' don't forget about Love and also Hate. What did Jesus mean when He said in Rev. 2:15, "So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I HATE. Why does Jesus say in the Four Gospels, "No man can worship two masters, for the one He will despise and the other he will hate?" Something to that affect.

God created LOVE and also HATE. God Hates People's Ways, Not The People or spirits. The devil, Satan, is not the author or creator of Hate. Knowing all of these things, Who created CARE for one another. Did the animals, like chimps and humans, and ants, and bees develop this from Evolution or so? We are talking about more than just critters and people. How did these FEELINGS come to BE, unless there IS a CREATOR?? Argue all you want about plants and critters, and creatures, but Who created the INNATE? You think it just came to be, don't you? God made man's brain a lot larger than it seems to be necessary because of a time like what is coming up, namely Armageddon. Man will use PLENTY MORE of his Brain, Then!! There are tons to learn yet and we are all on the road to find out {Cat Stevens}.

You will find out why you have a large brain and have emotions when the time comes. You may even have the fight of your life. Those who have Jesus' Life as an example will be the ones who go on. Without Jesus, not one of us would make it in the near future. He gave us more than just a Role Model to follow. In other words, all of you keep strong in your Love for God, your Hate of Satan, your Love of each other, etc. You are all missing out on things that really are going to matter by just arguing about plants, animals, DNA, genomes, etc. Science will not help you when it comes to loving God and Jesus in the near future. It will also not help you to love each other. Your HEART will matter just as much, if not more, than your BRAIN. I'm just trying to prepare you for the upcoming upheaval. It is on the doorstep and none of you seem to consider that.

Prepare, quit using your brain, filling it up with science, instead of not filling it up with wisdom and the knowledge that God wants to impart to us. Does any of this make any sense to you. I sure hope so, because that was a loaded question. You will all be arguing about Phyla and chimp-men when Jesus returns?? When God brings down Armageddon upon you all?? Get your priorities straight. Start believing in God and what He wants you all to learn. Listen to those who know Him, and pay heed. Learn those things. A lot of good is an intelligent brain going to do for you, without having His beliefs and ways in it. You shouldn't be arguing about what you are doing, but instead you should start believing in God and learning from each other about GOD. Not whether He exists or not. I feel like I am talking to a brick wall here. I almost give up, but me, never!!

Only Fools Rush In,

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New member
You may not agree with me on doggie do doos 6days but at least we agree that a sand dune is information about the direction of the wind. :)
In a test in a college class we were shown pictures of sand dunes, and required to be able to identify which of 6 patterns of dunes each was (barchan, transverse, barchanoid, longitudinal, parabolic, or star), and to explain what it was that made each type. With a bit of knowledge, they are no longer just hills of sand. They contain information about nominal wind direction and strength, variability of wind direction and speed, and even the likelihood of proximity to coasts, and the likelihood of local vegetation. That kind of stuff is called “Information”.


New member
If one is going to have faith either in God or evolution, ask yourself the following...

Which answers prayers?....
I embrace science and the Bible.
Hey, I am also still very much interested in science and prayer. I am having a real hard time getting some believer who will go beyond just words, though, when they declare prayer really works. So if you don’t mind, can I tag along (with a bit of science equipment in tow) to document your prayer and measure the physical manifestation of that answer? You know – like in the Bible it resulted in everything from parting the Red Sea to water from rocks to feeding a lotta people with just a snack, to changing the course of battles, and on and on – real observable and measureable stuff. But if you are just referring to a “feel-good answer”, instead I’ll be glad to send you a bottle Alka Seltzer as a backup in case the prayer doesn’t get answered.


You could make paragraphs Michael

Dear patrick jane,

You are right!! I tend not to make paragraphs, eh? I will see what I can do with what I just wrote. I hope that you are in the Christmas Spirit and that your Holidays are full of Wonder!! God Bless You Tons!!


:angel: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9:


In a test in a college class we were shown pictures of sand dunes, and required to be able to identify which of 6 patterns of dunes each was (barchan, transverse, barchanoid, longitudinal, parabolic, or star), and to explain what it was that made each type. With a bit of knowledge, they are no longer just hills of sand. They contain information about nominal wind direction and strength, variability of wind direction and speed, and even the likelihood of proximity to coasts, and the likelihood of local vegetation. That kind of stuff is called “Information”.

And how do you think that this 'Sand Information' is going to get you anywhere near Heaven? Oh, BJ, you are in a sorry state and there seems to not be ANY words to save your soul. You will pay for it for your entire eternal life and you don't even consider it, just because you don't believe in 'Eternal Life', even though it is real. When God made your spirit and soul, He created it so that it could not die. So if you think you're going to just die, you are quite wrong. There's a real long life out there exploring the stars and helping people on Earth. That is the job of the angels, and also the job of the Believer's who make it to Heaven. Best Boss and Father you will EVER Have. And you'd rather just roast for eternity, right. Just because you won't believe what you should be believing in. Que lastima {What a Shame, in Spanish}. With the way you treat God and Jesus, you probably deserve it. I won't cry about your state of affairs. You were given many chances and declined them all out of ignorance, pride, and an unloving, uncaring heart and mind!! Hell was created for people like you, who will not bow to their Creator, neither will you acknowledge Him, so you WILL REAP WHAT YOU SOW!! At least Alwight changed from atheist to agnostic, and Hedshaker from atheist to other. They are trying, but you are not. They are wising up and you lag behind. Who do you think will be forgiven first by God. I don't LOVE GOD because I won't go to hell then. I love Him because I LOVE HIM and Jesus!!

Good Bye!



Hey, I am also still very much interested in science and prayer. I am having a real hard time getting some believer who will go beyond just words, though, when they declare prayer really works. So if you don’t mind, can I tag along (with a bit of science equipment in tow) to document your prayer and measure the physical manifestation of that answer? You know – like in the Bible it resulted in everything from parting the Red Sea to water from rocks to feeding a lotta people with just a snack, to changing the course of battles, and on and on – real observable and measureable stuff. But if you are just referring to a “feel-good answer”, instead I’ll be glad to send you a bottle Alka Seltzer as a backup in case the prayer doesn’t get answered.

Now, BJ, why would God answer your prayers or help you to even believe He grants prayers, when you don't even believe He EXISTS. You're quite a mess of a fellow.



New member
And how do you think that this 'Sand Information' is going to get you anywhere near Heaven?
Duhhhh, did I say it would?
Oh, BJ, you are in a sorry state and there seems to not be ANY words to save your soul.
Well, good buddy, I guess we can just commiserate together in Hell then. Me in Hell for being truthful in my unbelief, and you in Hell for being such a, a, a, well, you know what.


New member
Now, BJ, why would God answer your prayers or help you to even believe He grants prayers, when you don't even believe He EXISTS. You're quite a mess of a fellow.

Not my prayers, Mike, yours. I just want to listen in and see if you are all just pretending about this prayers really being answered business.


New member
Laughing..... alwight, you are better than this. You are being illogical trying to defend your belief system. There is no information in dog poop...nor in sand. We can learn something by studying dog poop... but it does not have a code. *Codes require an intelligent creator....ALWAYS. Codes require a sender and a reciever.
Sorry 6days but your belief system clearly is preventing you from understanding.
You can deny it all you like but the fact is that big dogs do bigger poops than small ones, we can thereby deduce the size of the dog from the naturally produced evidence.
Whether you like it or not we can deduce the direction and strength of the wind by looking at a sand dune, again naturally coded information.
It only requires that someone or something is able to read it.
It is a natural process that transcribes DNA to RNA and protein including any mutation that may have occurred.

I can also talk about honey bees and how they are evidence of our Creator. I previously posted this
It is amazing what small brains can do. God has given each creature a brain / computer that is efficient, and more than adequate. One example is the bee. It amazes me that a bee can do a complex dance to tell the other bees where a food sources is. The dance tells the other bees which direction to go and how far.
Exactly, naturally occurring coded information for other bees to read about where the food source is.

One thing that baffles evolutionists is that the brain is complex right from what they consider the earliest life forms. Science Daily reports on an article from the journal Nature. The report us titled "Cambrian Fossil Pushes Back Evolution of Complex Brains,"

The article says a new find "shows that anatomically complex brains evolved earlier than previously thought and have changed little over the course of evolution."
Well.... It doesn't actually show that the brain evolved at all. It is simply a fossil from the Cambrian explosion, showing that brains are much the same now as then.
There is nothing to show that brains or complexity were miraculously created or that any such miraculous events ever happen, so until that changes then the quest goes on for naturalistic explanations alone. :plain:


New member
In a test in a college class we were shown pictures of sand dunes, and required to be able to identify which of 6 patterns of dunes each was (barchan, transverse, barchanoid, longitudinal, parabolic, or star), and to explain what it was that made each type. With a bit of knowledge, they are no longer just hills of sand. They contain information about nominal wind direction and strength, variability of wind direction and speed, and even the likelihood of proximity to coasts, and the likelihood of local vegetation. That kind of stuff is called “Information”.
Right, we only have to convince YECs of this pretty obvious source of naturally coded information, and its complexity too it seems.


New member
You may be interested to note some of the OT prophets own questions about God. Like:

To whom will you compare me or count me equal?
To whom will you liken me that we may be compared?

To whom, then, will you compare God?
What image will you compare him to?

What kind of house will you build for me? says the LORD.
Or where will my resting place be?
Has not my hand made all these things?
--Is 40, 44, 66

So before you say something is not falsifiable, we have to be clear whether we are talking about the same thing, actually, same person (Person). It so happens that you are walking upon the indication of his actions. The planet we live on, the bodies we live in. 'In Him, we live, move and have being.' Acts 17 It seems to me that someone missed an important message before they got here.

Not interested. Preach at someone else. Good day!


New member
*Codes require an intelligent creator....ALWAYS. Codes require a sender and a reciever.*

All human codes have a code book for translation of the arbitrary symbols. DNA has no code book, and no arbitrarily chosen symbols - it is purely a functional chemical process. There is no choice as to which amino acid forms on any stretch of DNA, so no need for a code book. So it is not like a human code.

Even if you do continue to claim it is a code, your logic in concluding a designer is faulty.

You claim that all codes have a designer, so DNA must be designed. But you have assumed the latter in claiming the former - it is a classic circular argument with no solid foundation.

Why is your faith so weak that you need to fabricate scientific support for it? Does it not stand on its own?


Well-known member
Hey, I am also still very much interested in science and prayer. I am having a real hard time getting some believer who will go beyond just words, though, when they declare prayer really works. So if you don’t mind, can I tag along (with a bit of science equipment in tow) to document your prayer and measure the physical manifestation of that answer? You know – like in the Bible it resulted in everything from parting the Red Sea to water from rocks to feeding a lotta people with just a snack, to changing the course of battles, and on and on – real observable and measureable stuff. But if you are just referring to a “feel-good answer”, instead I’ll be glad to send you a bottle Alka Seltzer as a backup in case the prayer doesn’t get answered.

I am glad you are interested in this subject.

Who is your favourite celebrity, or famous person whom you would like to meet?


New member
alwight said:
fact is that big dogs do bigger poops than small ones, we can thereby deduce the size of the dog from the naturally produced evidence.
Very good..... yes we can deduce things from materials. But there is no knowlege... no information..... no coded system in dog poop. All codes have a creator. DNA is the most sophisticated, complex code that has ever been created.

Bill Gates: "DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created."
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