Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
You seen to be in denial of the physical realities involved here. All fossils are "instantaneous" examples, yet you seem to think that there should be a blow by blow account of every stage of development waiting to be found in the geology, but any fossils are in fact rare and can only be a snapshot.

Btw if you read that link to the Dawkins excerpt I think that you have misrepresented him on flatworms. As I understand him he is saying that flatworms according to creationists would have been created along with everything else, but the reason that he can find no fossil record of them is only because they simply don't fossilise and therefore creationists must therefore also accept that some things fossilise well and other things don't, it doesn't mean that he thinks they didn't exist.

Hint: All call it the Cambrian explosion. Explosions are instantaneous, hence the name. A blink of the Geological eye.


New member
alwight said:
A dog turd is coded information on the size of the dog and what it ate.

You gotta be kidding yourself? *There is no code in dog poop!*

There also no code in raised bumps on a piece of paper..... However, if a code maker says let 2 'bumps' arranged vertically represent the letter 'B', then we have a code.

Dog poop..... evolutionists think that is a code?


Well-known member
Why couldn't it be Shiva? Or Osiris? Or, since some Christians here seem to think he isn't the same as God, how about Allah?

Where is your empirical evidence that the Christian God is the creator?

My response to your other post is the last one on the previous page

No, they are all different "gods".
God has been my best friend since my earliest memory.
I just know Him/them as Father and Jesus.
Its faith and experience of prayers answered.

Greg Jennings

New member
But the fossils were fossilised together, not the simple ones at the bottom, complicated ones on top.

Ah I see the disconnect now. Because it all occurred in only 20 million years, all Cambrian species are found in the same rock layer. 20 million years, as you said, is the geological blink of an eye. It's termed that way because in geology, different eras are represented by different layers of rock. All of the Cambrian explosion is contained within the same layer, and so all of the fossils should be jumbled together within that layer


Well-known member
That's lovely, but hardly empirical, wouldn't you agree?

Tell people that science has discovered that 95% of mass-energy is "dark matter" and "dark energy" and they believe it, no proof. I believe it. How empirical is that? And they have zero clue what comprises this dark stuff.

We are all subjective; that I know for an objective fact.


New member
You gotta be kidding yourself? *There is no code in dog poop!*

There also no code in raised bumps on a piece of paper..... However, if a code maker says let 2 'bumps' arranged vertically represent the letter 'B', then we have a code.

Dog poop..... evolutionists think that is a code?
You may not agree with me on doggie do doos 6days but at least we agree that a sand dune is information about the direction of the wind. :)

I could talk about the way that honey bees pass on coded information when they encounter a new source of food if you like.


Well-known member
If one is going to have faith either in God or evolution, ask yourself the following...

Which makes better predictions?
Which answers prayers?
Which tells one how to live?
Which one if followed will deliver one from a lot of trouble?
Which one gives eternal life?

And the universe is too beautiful, each creature too amazing, each chemical pathway to incredible for this all to be chance. No, everything is designed. And designed to produce a pleasant, abundant good world.

Greg Jennings

New member
Tell people that science has discovered that 95% of mass-energy is "dark matter" and "dark energy" and they believe it, no proof. I believe it. How empirical is that? And they have zero clue what comprises this dark stuff.

We are all subjective; that I know for an objective fact.

Well there is empirical evidence for dark matter. It has to do with the energy readings and gravitational anomalies that can only be mathematically explained by this mysterious "dark matter."

But just because we know something is there doesn't mean we know what it is. Nobody really knows what dark matter is, it's just the term we've given to the anomaly we see

Greg Jennings

New member
If one is going to have faith either in God or evolution, ask yourself the following...

Which makes better predictions?
Which answers prayers?
Which tells one how to live?
Which one if followed will deliver one from a lot of trouble?
Which one gives eternal life?

And the universe is too beautiful, each creature too amazing, each chemical pathway to incredible for this all to be chance. No, everything is designed. And designed to produce a pleasant, abundant good world.

You are aware that you can believe in both, right? Most Christians now do just that


New member
You know, these Evolution vs Creation threads are a bit like Ground Hog Day with Bill Murray, only on a grander scale. They all follow exactly the same format of creationists tirelessly jumping through hoops, desperately trying to discredit Evolution as though their life depended on it. Of course, they persistently fail miserably to do that but that doesn't deter them one bit.

And no matter how many times the elephant in the room is pointed out they either don't get it or blatantly refuse to even consider it.......:Even if they could falsify evolution 100% that still wouldn't validate creationism/intelligent design.

Only genuine, unambiguous evidence for creationism could do that. To which, out comes the familiar old chestnut..... you can't put God to the test, he's God not a performing monkey. So, the evidence for creationism is as follows: blah blah bah, in the beginning God created

How convenient?


Well-known member
You know, these Evolution vs Creation threads are a bit like Ground Hog Day with Bill Murray, only on a grander scale. They all follow exactly the same format of creationists tirelessly jumping through hoops, desperately trying to discredit Evolution as though their life depended on it. Of course, they persistently fail miserably to do that but that doesn't deter them one bit.

And no matter how many times the elephant in the room is pointed out they either don't get it or blatantly refuse to even consider it.......:Even if they could falsify evolution 100% that still wouldn't validate creationism/intelligent design because it's non falsifiable..

Only genuine, unambiguous evidence for creationism could do that. To which, out comes the familiar old chestnut..... you can't put God to the test, he's God not a performing monkey. So, the evidence for creationism is as follows: blah blah bah, in the beginning God created

How convenient?

Just finished watching Ground Hog Day - for the 4th time.
I felt I knew what to expect.

Forget Bill Murry.
It's Andie McDowell - now there is God's handiwork :)

Does any one here seriously think they can PROVE creation or evolution one way or the other?
One can look at the evidence, and make a biased decision.


New member
Just finished watching Ground Hog Day - for the 4th time.
I felt I knew what to expect.

Forget Bill Murry.
It's Andie McDowell - now there is God's handiwork :)

Does any one here seriously think they can PROVE creation or evolution one way or the other?
One can look at the evidence, and make a biased decision.

I thought the idea of the scientific method, with double blind testing, scrutinising and testing the data, peer review an all, is specifically designed to combat confirmation bias? Isn't that why it's so successful?

Further more, if anyone could falsify Evolution, or better yet, come up with a theory that better explains the evidence they would be in line for a Nobel prize, which is nothing to be scoffed at, no?


Well-known member
You may be interested to note some of the OT prophets own questions about God. Like:

To whom will you compare me or count me equal?
To whom will you liken me that we may be compared?

To whom, then, will you compare God?
What image will you compare him to?

What kind of house will you build for me? says the LORD.
Or where will my resting place be?
Has not my hand made all these things?
--Is 40, 44, 66

So before you say something is not falsifiable, we have to be clear whether we are talking about the same thing, actually, same person (Person). It so happens that you are walking upon the indication of his actions. The planet we live on, the bodies we live in. 'In Him, we live, move and have being.' Acts 17 It seems to me that someone missed an important message before they got here.
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