Creation vs. Evolution

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I posted that because I have noticed you seem to like sciency-sounding silliness - you have given us a number of long posts in the past couple months just loaded with lists of such gobbledygook. I figured you would appreciate more of it.

Dear DavisBJ,

Hi Buddy!! Yes, I try to post pertinent subjects concerning the questions at hand here. The last one I posted was pretty simple. Did you like it?? Is your reply to it all included in a post to 6days?? That's quite a lengthy post to 6days. Must have took some doing! Well, will talk with you more soon!! You take good care of yourself. It's always good to hear from you!! I know I used to feel differently about you, but I felt that I had been too quick to jump to conclusions. After reading most of what you included in the posts here at this thread, I realized that you were cool after all. So I did change my attitude. I do notice that you don't post on any other threads except mine. I am glad for that!! You're a true blue brother. You know that we are all related from Adam and Eve, and also Noah and his family!! So we are all brothers and sisters, literally. So be kind to everyone and treat them as family. My heart is big. Always room for some love to give or receive. I hope that you have a nice week and will chat with you in a bit!!

Best Wishes!!



New member
Dear DavisBJ,

Hi Buddy!! ... You're a true blue brother. You know that we are all related from Adam and Eve, and also Noah and his family!! So we are all brothers and sisters, literally. ...

Best Wishes!!

No Adam. No Eve. No Noah. I admit being kin to a tomato, though.


New member
Dear alwight,

You are so kind!! Thanks for thinking of me. The day after 2morrow, I go in to see my PCP {Primary Care Physician}. He will tell me the update on my PSA score and also I will find out about my lung x-ray. I think the CAT Scan {x-ray} of my lungs will be okay. My PCP thought he saw a nodule on my right lung. I hope it's not there in the CAT Scan. My PCP is my regular doctor. I've been with him for years!! Over 20, I know that much!! He is the best!! That's why I've kept him so long. I have to drive clear across town to see him, but what can you do? He takes care of me a lot by phone.

Sabrina, his assistant is a liaison between me and my doctor. Whenever I need a prescription, they just call it in and I don't have to go there to do it. Cool, eh? I have plantar faciitis, so I cannot be on my feet long. They gave me a handicapped placard for my car. I used to have to go across Walmart by taking three times of rest on my trip across. Well, alwight, will let you go for now. This is getting long. Will chat with you again a bit later.

Warmest Regards,

Hi Michael, since I've already PM'd you this is about all the chat you will get from me here, unless you want to talk about natural selection or explain that YECism actually makes sense. ;)


New member
DavisBJ said:
As to evolution itself, 6days has a pretty strong antipathy towards it that dictates that he not dignify it as simply science.
A couple days back, I mentioned that evolutionists like to use terms such as 'vestigial' that can mean almost anything. You do it again with the word 'evolution'...essentially the fallacy of equivocation.

*If by the word 'evolution' you are referring to operational / observable science (adaptation, change in gene pool, mutations, selection etc), then that is something I embrace....opposite of antipathy.*

* if by the word 'evolution' you are talking about common ancestry beliefs...then yes I reject that, as it opposes the absolute truth of God's Word. (And the evidence doesn't support it)

DavisBJ said:
(evolution) is a vibrant active field of study today. If it were not, we would never have to develop new strains of flu vaccines each year.
Nonsense... (and fallacy of equivocation).

Vaccines are developed by scientists using observational operational science. Common ancestry beliefs contribute nothing to the advancement of medicine.*

BTW... vaccinations were developed before the time of Darwin and without any belief in common ancestry.

DavisBJ said:
In fact, I would really like 6day to explain how, in the absence of common descent, evolution could be used to explain vestigiality.
You are using words with fudge factors that can mean almost anything. Are you asking how an organ might have diminished function?*

DavisBJ said:
I will simply point out that the quote I provided was in the form of a declarative – “analyses indicate” *(Cladistic analyses)*– not a hypothetical like 6days offers - “analyses can also”.
Cladistics was developed by evolutionists to suggest the most probable evolutionary relationships. We could call it a 'begging the question' branch of evolutionism. We could also use homology and*nested hierarchies of biological features and make "declarative" statements in support of created kinds.*

DavisBJ said:
6days said:
Science increasingly makes belief in common ancestry more and more to be just psuedoscience.
6days, you make the claim. Now, can you back it?
Sure.... For example evolutionists once thought that humanity had various races of people, and some were more highly evolved than others. (Google scientific racism / psuedoscience)*
Science has shown we are all 'one blood'.*

*Also...what is psuedoscience...
1. Pseudoscientific theories explain what non-believers cannot even observe.*(like common ancestry and abiogenesis)

2. Pseudoscientific theories are supported mainly by selective use of anecdotes, intuition, and examples of confirming instances.(as with common ancestry)

3.*pseudoscientific theories confuse metaphysical claims with empirical claims.(like with Cladistic analyses)

4.*pseudoscientific theories … contradict known scientific laws and use*ad hoc*hypotheses to explain their belief. (As with expansion and other stellar evolution beliefs)*

5.pseudoscientific theories5. *so vague and malleable that anything relevant can be shoehorned to fit the theory. (As with vestigial organs)

DavisBJ said:
6days said:
You say the appendix evolved twice.... Well this article stretches the limits of credulity saying it evolved at least 32 times.
You make cherry-picking into an art form. You liked the article you gave me where it spoke about the appendix not being vestigial, but when it is pointed out to you that the same study concludes the appendix evolved twice, you run to a completely different part of the cherry orchard to see if you can find something disconfirming

Actually... all I did was quote the headline showing that there is disagreement between evolutionists what vestigial is.*

It was you who used the article to say the appendix evolved twice. I showed how that too is a belief contradicted by other evolutionists who say the appendix evolved 32 times.*

DavisBJ said:
If you are willing to pretend to respect science enough to honestly evaluate ideas that are not in agreement with what you currently believe, then:
1) Assume evolution is true (just as a basis for seeing if it is logical) - would it be expected that life forms with a close evolutionary connection would have some (or even many) similar organs?
2) Assume evolution is true (just as a basis for seeing if it is logical) - would it be expected that, in life forms with a close evolutionary connection, organs which were essential to the early forms, but serve a minor role in later forms might atrophy?
Davis....NO, NO, NO.... :) You are promoting a belief system... NOT science.

I can also say... "Assume God's Word is true (just as a basis for seeing if it is logical) - would it be expected that life forms with similar homology have similar DNA sequences? And similar function from similar organs?*

DavisBJ said:
6days said:
*Common ancestry beliefs attempt to shoehorn interpretations to fit the data.
You rely on this cheap canard so often that I am not going to keep wasting my time on it.
In other words .... you know of many examples of evolutionary shoehorning and don't want to discuss it further? *I'm sure you could list ten examples in 10 seconds quite easily.*

DavisBJ said:
...But the confusing part to me is that at the beginning of your post, and many others, you claim that “Science supports the truth of God's Word.” If that is true, then you should implicitly view scientists as friendly witnesses, not adversarial.
SCIENCE (archaeology, genetics, biology, geology etc) *supports the truth of God's Word.*

Some scientists agree with that, many don't.*

DavisBJ said:
*It appears that in what was probably an unguarded moment of truthfulness, you describe the science that says the appendix is not vestigial as coming from adversaries. And further, once a witness is called to testify, it becomes the prerogative of the opposing counsel to cross-examine the witness. Only when I, who without pretense views those scientists as friendly, brought out that their expertise led to conclusions you disfavor, did you resort to trying to discredit that portion of their testimony. We have seen enough cherry picking here for a cherry pie.
Councillor, could I have some ice cream with that? :)

Yes.... guilty...sort of
But, with any hostile witness you only illicit statements that contradict the prosecutions theory. These statements are generally more powerful than statements from friendly family.

The hostile witness said the appendix was vestigial no more. The fact that the hostile witness still believes the appendix evolved is immaterial to the case.
Your witness....:)

DavisBJ said:
More than that, I have seen many novel ideas in numerous branches of science that were hotly disputed by scientists for many years. That is part of the beauty of science – once a scientific idea finally emerges victorious, it wears the battle scars of merciless attacks from backers of the now-defeated ideas. It has been subjected to intensive examination, and only then is it awarded the status of a scientific theory.
Exhibit A... Galileo.*

DavisBJ said:
I can’t help but contrast that with the way I have always been told religion is validated – by faith. Not by impartial evidence, not by a comprehensive in-depth comparison with competing religious doctrines, but by reading and praying and listening for the confirming answer to those prayers.
Well, it might surprise you that I largely agree with you.*

Example would be the fellow who tells you that he prayed for a parking spot (or whatever request) .. and the parking spot was empty exactly where he wanted!! But he neglected to tell you it was on his 4th time around the block. Confession...I think I might be guilty of that kind of self confirming beliefs / explanations sometimes too.*

However.... as Christians we are to try sort out what is real. God's Word tells us faith without evidence is dead. His Word tells us to try every spirit. *IOW. ..Don't blindly believe. His Word is supported by the internal evidences of Divine inspiration ...the external evidences of archaeology, history and science.


No Adam. No Eve. No Noah. I admit being kin to a tomato, though.

Dear DavisBJ,

You really think you're kin to a tomato? Where did Darwin rape your mind last?? You think that we are all descendants of a one-celled amoeba?? First of all, that's wrong. Second, how did the amoeba come to life? You think it came from non-life, don't you? I guess you would need billions of years for an amoeba to be born and start it's life being transposed into every living thing?? I'm so GLAD that I believe in God!! This must have Darwin rotating in his grave!! You are in dreamland, DavisBJ. But, it is easier for you to believe in something incredulous than acknowledge that there is a God, a Divine Father or a being of Intelligent Wisdom and Love, etc. Davis, I just worry about you. That is all. All of us who believe in God, we want you who don't believe in God, to not miss the boat, so that you will be with us in Heaven, even as you were with us on Earth. It's all hard on others' hearts when someone they love doesn't make it to Heaven, even though they have. It will be rough on the heart for those who make it to Heaven and their brother did not!! Do you imagine the scope of all of this?

Bless You And Yours,



My mistake. I forgot, it wan't 80 million years ago. Instead, God created everything yesterday at noon. Sorry.

Dear DavisBJ,

Still ridiculous! It certainly wasn't 80 million years ago and also not yesterday. Your sarcasm gets in the way of you having to commit to what you believe in. If you were a kin to a tomato, splat, you're gone. I guess you figure the tomato has skin and innards, and so we are related, eh?

Best Wishes,



Thinking ancient mythical characters are real is enough to make anyone blush..... :cloud9:

No, Hedshaker. I think he felt the way he said. No blush. There was no pun intended. Regardless, ancient non-mythical persons were our ancestors, not a chimp ancestor. A divine being created each thing He wanted to make, and He had many of them similar to each other, just like His Immense Imagination would have done. God is the Master Chemist and Master Biologist there is. He know protons better than you.

Well, anyways, how is the music going? All you really need is some singers. I used to be a singer/guitarist. I held my own, but I could not write music. So, that was a bummer. I could write lyrics because I'd had many writing classes in school, where some of my poems were published there. I needed my own band where I called the shots, so I could sing what I wanted to. And I needed someone who could create/write music. Then, we could have all been very successful. Ahhh, life takes it's own path.

Well, I should get going. You take wonderful care of yourself and will hopefully chat with you again soon!!

Best Of Blessings,


patrick jane

Well, anyways, how is the music going? All you really need is some singers. I used to be a singer/guitarist. I held my own, but I could not write music. So, that was a bummer. I could write lyrics because I'd had many writing classes in school, where some of my poems were published there. I needed my own band where I called the shots, so I could sing what I wanted to. And I needed someone who could create/write music. Then, we could have all been very successful. Ahhh, life takes it's own path.

Be careful Michael when dealing in music. Remember all the devil bands :devil:


Be careful Michael when dealing in music. Remember all the devil bands :devil:

Dear Patrickj,

No problem. I know how to sidestep them. Hey, what are you doing up right now?? I'm getting ready to go to bed!! I see there was some trouble in the Chatbox 2nite. That Chatbox is too unsafe, where misunderstandings can easily occur. I got screwed twice on the Chatbox. Once when I thought steko just got out of jail. I had no idea that he meant he worked there. So that was a mistake. And then that classic one that I made with you about Arse {A**} when you meant Arsenio. That was a bad one!!! Eeeekk!! If you read it all correctly, certainly you must see how I made my mistake. Pretend you didn't know anyone named Arse and you would see what I mean. I do hope you consider someday not ignoring me for your Private Message box. Lot's of times, I have things to chat to you about that I cannot share in a post. My only choice is there is no way. Do you see what I mean?? What happened to us was rare. It had only happened once in my life. I mean the misunderstanding that we had. It had subtext and everything. Well, I'd best get going. You take good care and will talk with you soon. I'm going to bed. Good night, patrickj!!

God Be With You And Your Loved Ones,


:cloud9: :angel: :rapture: :angel: :cloud9:

patrick jane


Dear Patrickj,

No problem. I know how to sidestep them. Hey, what are you doing up right now?? I'm getting ready to go to bed!! I see there was some trouble in the Chatbox 2nite. That Chatbox is too unsafe, where misunderstandings can easily occur. I got screwed twice on the Chatbox. Once when I thought steko just got out of jail. I had no idea that he meant he worked there. So that was a mistake. And then that classic one that I made with you about Arse {A**} when you meant Arsenio. That was a bad one!!! Eeeekk!! If you read it all correctly, certainly you must see how I made my mistake. Pretend you didn't know anyone named Arse and you would see what I mean. I do hope you consider someday not ignoring me for your Private Message box. Lot's of times, I have things to chat to you about that I cannot share in a post. My only choice is there is no way. Do you see what I mean?? What happened to us was rare. It had only happened once in my life. I mean the misunderstanding that we had. It had subtext and everything. Well, I'd best get going. You take good care and will talk with you soon. I'm going to bed. Good night, patrickj!!

God Be With You And Your Loved Ones,


:cloud9: :angel: :rapture: :angel: :cloud9:

I'll reconsider, but you must get fancy fonts with the lifetime membership, it's awesome. you have so many font choices that the regular folks don't have


I'll reconsider, but you must get fancy fonts with the lifetime membership, it's awesome. you have so many font choices that the regular folks don't have

Dear patrick jane,

I don't get fancy fonts with Lifetime Membership. I just get them because I know the names of them. I used to be a typesetter/ typographer. I used to design TV and newspaper ads for advertising agencies using different sizes and fonts, and colors, and photos/ pictures. I've got over 15 years experience doing it. PJ, look right above the white box when you go to type another new post and see where it says Fonts in real small type? Just click on it and you will see some fonts. If you use the down arrow, you can find even more fonts. Voila!! You're in business!! You'll get the hang of it. Explore!

God Be With Your Soul And Heart,


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer:
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Hey DavisBJ,

Aha! So you're awake? How're things goin'? Hey, I will give you something to think about. You want to believe the Earth is millions of years old. I don't. Either of us COULD be wrong. Don't you notice how God can can make the Universe and the Earth in a shorter time difference than seems possible by Scientists? The Scientists says millions of years by their 'estimation.' But God created Adam while Adam was a young man. And He created the creatures of the Earth not in their infancy, but already grown up some. Don't you think He would, in kind, create the Universe as an older version? Don't you think that God is able?? You don't believe in God, but just put yourself into somebody else's shoes and consider it. Do you think that is plausible?? I put myself into your shoes and I can see the Earth and Universe possibly being older, but not as old as is claimed by Scientists. Not a million years though. It seems far-fetched to me. And you're wanting me to believe in 300 million years old, or what? Well, will chat with you again soon, buddy!!

Warm Wishes,


:guitar: :guitar: :singer: :cloud9: :cloud9:


New member
Dear Michael,

I will take just a couple minutes and consider a couple of your questions.
Hey DavisBJ,

… You want to believe the Earth is millions of years old. I don't.
Yeah, I remember when, a few months back, that you flip-flopped on that question.
Don't you notice how God can make the Universe and the Earth in a shorter time difference than seems possible by Scientists?
The way you describe God is He is kind of a super-magician, who has no qualms about deceiving on a massive scale. That’s not quite the kind of father figure I could respect, sorry.
The Scientists says millions of years by their 'estimation.'
Not estimation. At worst, it is by extrapolation. We know the relevant scientific factors (primarily decay rates) are highly dependable over human time spans. But maybe God is just snookering us again, and those decay rates were completely different back just before we figured out how to measure them.
But God created Adam while Adam was a young man.
He created Santa Clause with a cheerful grin and big belly, too.
And He created the creatures of the Earth not in their infancy, but already grown up some.
Then He is really adverse to using more natural means of creating the creatures? More enjoyable for Him to do it the “zap – ka-pow” way?
Don't you think He would, in kind, create the Universe as an older version?
I don’t see why. Is He limited on time, and was worried He would run out of time if He let the universe age naturally?
Don't you think that God is able??
Super-magicians can do pretty much whatever they want.
I put myself into your shoes and I can see the Earth and Universe possibly being older, but not as old as is claimed by Scientists. Not a million years though. It seems far-fetched to me.
I know, what is far-fetched to you now was actually something you rooted for in the first few versions of your book.
And you're wanting me to believe in 300 million years old, or what?
If you are talking about how old we think the earth is, you need to raise that number by a factor of about 15 times – up to 4.5 billion years. If it is the age of the universe, then you have to jump clear up to 13 or so billion.


You know much of this, but some is quite interesting. Like Darwin's lack of fossils to support his claims.

Creation vs Evolution: Is there Evidence for Creation?

The idea that God created the world and life is often thought to have been disproved by evolutionary theory. Is there any scientific evidence for creation?

CREATION VS EVOLUTION- The Universe Had a Beginning

The truth is that the scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports creation. Let me attempt to point out just some of this evidence here. First, the scientific community is now almost unanimous in affirming that the universe had a beginning. This is usually referred to in scientific terms as “The Big Bang Theory.” Of course, this implies that someone or something brought the universe into existence.

CREATION VS EVOLUTION- The Universe Is Fine Tuned

Secondly, the universe bears all the marks of having been “finely tuned” to make life possible. For example, the elementary forces of gravity, electromagnetism, and the atom are precisely what they need to be. The earth’s size, distance from the sun, rotational period, composition, and many other factors are all just right. The chances of there being even one planet where all of these factors converge by accident are very slim indeed.


Thirdly, the evidence is mounting that life on earth simply could not and did not come into existence through natural processes in a primordial “soup.” For example, the experiments to prove that it could have happened are suspect because little progress has been made possible due to the ingenious designs on the part of experimenters.

CREATION VS EVOLUTION- Biological Evidence of Intelligent Design

Fourthly, the genetic code of all biological life on earth contains evidence of intelligent design. This is because the genetic code contains information comparable to the information in complex computer programs as well as information in books.


Fifthly, the fossil record continues to be an embarrassment to the Darwinian theory of evolution. The many transitional forms which Darwin predicted would be found simply have not surfaced. This fact has forced evolutionists to modify Darwin’s Theory, often in absurd ways. In short, it is the theory of naturalistic evolution which is in serious trouble scientifically today, while the Biblical teaching of creation never looked better. On the evidence for creation, that’s the CRI perspective. I’m Hank Hanegraaff.

I hope you enjoyed this. I know it was short, but maybe that's good. There's a lot more I could have posted. What's the deal about this fossil shortage, eh?? Would love to hear your points of view.

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Dear Michael,

I will take just a couple minutes and consider a couple of your questions.

Yeah, I remember when, a few months back, that you flip-flopped on that question.

It's a man's prerogative to change his mind. Besides, either one could be true. It's just all a matter of what you believe. Then to filter out unknowns, we could maybe decide which is true and which isn't.

The way you describe God is He is kind of a super-magician, who has no qualms about deceiving on a massive scale. That’s not quite the kind of father figure I could respect, sorry.

God is not trying to deceive anybody. He is not a super-magician, but instead a super-Master Chemist, Biologist, with a Extraordinary Wonderful Imagination. You shouldn't ask is He worthy of your respect, but instead, the other way around: Are you worthy of His Respect?!!

Not estimation. At worst, it is by extrapolation. We know the relevant scientific factors (primarily decay rates) are highly dependable over human time spans. But maybe God is just snookering us again, and those decay rates were completely different back just before we figured out how to measure them.

"We know" the relevant scientific factors. Yeah, now you think you know them. I thought you knew carbon14 dating, or Piltdown man, or Lucy, or Haeckel's Whopper, etc. You don't KNOW Nothing!!

He created Santa Clause with a cheerful grin and big belly, too.

Then He is really adverse to using more natural means of creating the creatures? More enjoyable for Him to do it the “zap – ka-pow” way?

I don’t see why. Is He limited on time, and was worried He would run out of time if He let the universe age naturally?

Santa Claus is a myth. Yes, often God prefers the quick way. I think He didn't take more of His time because He was wanting badly some kids to raise {people, us humans}. What good is all of that LOVE and ABILITY without someone there to share it with??

Super-magicians can do pretty much whatever they want.

I know, what is far-fetched to you now was actually something you rooted for in the first few versions of your book.

If you are talking about how old we think the earth is, you need to raise that number by a factor of about 15 times – up to 4.5 billion years. If it is the age of the universe, then you have to jump clear up to 13 or so billion.

I remember what was in my book previously. I had to weigh carefully which was probable truth. I have to make a stand so I've made it. If I'm wrong, I'm sure God will forgive me if I err on the side of His Word than perhaps Not His Word.

And no, those numbers do not Hardly work for me. I don't believe the Earth or the Universe is that old. Scientists should prove it all. Are you sure you meant one billion years for the Earth?? That's still ridiculous.

Well, does any of this sound right to you? If not, it's okay. They are viewpoints, but so much is riding on them. But, God will not perish if something wrong is believed errant

Best Regards,



Well-known member
I am sure this has been covered before in this thread, but I believe the universe was created 13.75 billion years ago, stars exploded, elements heavier than Fe were formed from stardust.

Stardust gathered into earth 5 billion years ago. Earth underwent many mass extinctions, till we come to the second-last one over 6000 years ago, which left earth "without form and void". There were leftover beasties from millions of years back like crocodiles who could survive the darkness and wet conditions.

Then in 6 days God replenished the earth. Each time God replenishes the earth after a mass extinction, there is a completely new set of organisms from the ones before. This is why I don't believe in evolution - only multiple replenishings by God.

Then 1600 years later came the last mass-extinction called "the flood".

And before God created Adam He had experimented with Neanderthals, and Homo erectus, and Homo heidelbergensis etc. till he had a hominid sociable enough to barter and love and give.

That's my theory of everything, and it fits with science, and my views on religion.


I am sure this has been covered before in this thread, but I believe the universe was created 13.75 billion years ago, stars exploded, elements heavier than Fe were formed from stardust.

Stardust gathered into earth 5 billion years ago. Earth underwent many mass extinctions, till we come to the second-last one over 6000 years ago, which left earth "without form and void". There were leftover beasties from millions of years back like crocodiles who could survive the darkness and wet conditions.

Then in 6 days God replenished the earth. Each time God replenishes the earth after a mass extinction, there is a completely new set of organisms from the ones before. This is why I don't believe in evolution - only multiple replenishings by God.

Then 1600 years later came the last mass-extinction called "the flood".

And before God created Adam He had experimented with Neanderthals, and Homo erectus, and Homo heidelbergensis etc. till he had a hominid sociable enough to barter and love and give.

That's my theory of everything, and it fits with science, and my views on religion.
It may fit with your particular view of religion but your understanding of science is flawed.
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