Creation vs. Evolution

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monkey can't be no man. monkey can't do dat

Dear patrick jane,

You're very correct, dude!! There's no way!! They are trying to say that the monkey/chimp and man had a same ancestor way back when. I think it is a big joke. Hey, thanks so much for posting here. I hope you like it here. I try to post at other threads too, like 6days and yours when you had it. Sometimes I can't answer something on 6days thread, so I have to come back later. There's so much that I don't know. Will chat with you again soon, I hope.

Tons Of Love Coming Your Way!!



But I have blasphemed in an unforgivable way (I am reliably reassured this is indeed unforgivable). So I will already be punished eternally by burning in sulfur.

So I really do appreciate your good wishes, because I can't expect that from your god.


Dear Stuart,

You are misinformed. You may have blasphemed God and maybe Jesus, but that is forgivable. All things are forgivable except blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. I have blasphemed against my God one time when I lived in Florida. Someone had just robbed me of all of the money I had and I was furious and was FULL OF RAGE. I said FU to God for letting it happen. He loved me regardless of it and so did Jesus. I know what I'm talking about. Of course, you can be forgiven. Just don't blaspheme the Holy Ghost/Spirit. If you do and you don't do it in your heart, you're still not guilty. You've got a misconception of things because you don't understand the Bible. See Matthew 12:31, 32KJV. You are definitely forgivable, if that's what you'd like. I'd go for it if I was you. God and Jesus can be blasphemed against, but not the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit. Just tell God to please forgive you for all you've done wrong, and you are in like Flynn. Trust me. You're a good person, dude!! Make the best of your life after this one. Don't give up without a fight or without exploring your options.

I love you very much, Stuart, so you can be sure that if God can put it in my mind and heart to love you so much, then He loves you TONS!! You aren't a lost cause. Just letting you know what I know!

Much Love From God And Me Flowing Through Your Soul!!



It can do wonders! :)

Dear freelight,

It's very nice of you to pop in, dude!! Cool!! But don't start talking about that stuff you believe in because it is abhorrent to God and Jesus. They do not like it at all, and that you might lead souls astray with all of that trash you call a religion. There is no way for you to free yourself from your Urantia beliefs, so you ARE a lost cause to God and Jesus. I can't do nothing about it either. That's why I don't bring it up to you. But now I'm saying something. You are SO CONFUSED you would not believe it. There is a correct way to worship God and Jesus, and just including their names in your fake religion doesn't help at all. Do you believe in and LOVE the Holy Ghost? That is the most important thing you could ever do in your life. It is a requirement to even be considered to enter heaven. It seems that Stuart has a better chance that you to go to Heaven. I'm not trying to be hard on you, but someone's got to do it, and I love you too much to see you go down because of your stupid Urantia book.

You and everyone here do not seem to realize that I am one of two witnesses who shall come in the last days who stand as two olive trees and two candlesticks who stand between God and the people on Earth. I'm not wrong about much. Where do you think I've learned all of this stuff I know? Who do you think helps me to answer everyone's questions here with any sense? Why do you think this thread is so healthy? God is with me strongly and He's with those of you who come here to express your feelings and beliefs. I don't know who the other witness is. It's God's trump card. I will find out after I die. Then I'll know. Make no mistake that the Lord tells me what to write to all of you and I know I make mistakes sometimes, but I try not to make many. I've kept this to myself all of this time because it's private to me. Please turn away from Urantia Book and go to Sunday School to learn about Jesus and about the Christian religion, or you are going to be so very sorry. Do what I suggested to Stuart. That's helpful too. You have a great chance at eternal life freelight, so don't blow it over some strange beliefs. I know your beliefs mean the world to you and your life revolves around them, but your 'intellect' is useless when it comes to getting into Heaven. If what I've said here doesn't get through to you, then I don't know what will at all!! You have the wrong idea on how to serve God and Jesus. Urantia Book or papers is NOT the answer. You would blaspheme the Holy Ghost if I mentioned if he was loved by you and you know him. That's why I don't push it. I don't want you to make that mistake. I know you would just try to incorporate Him into your Urantia agenda and you would be lost for good, with no chance of parole.

Please Give It A Try!! You Eternal Life Depends On It!!



Dear Hedshaker,

Is it true that there are billions of galaxies and trillions of stars??? If you don't know, maybe Stuart or DavisBJ would know. I find it incomprehensible. It boggles my mind. Maybe thousands of galaxies or even a million??!

God Bless You Both Tons!!



New member
Dear Hedshaker,

Is it true that there are billions of galaxies and trillions of stars??? If you don't know, maybe Stuart or DavisBJ would know. I find it incomprehensible. It boggles my mind. Maybe thousands of galaxies or even a million??!

God Bless You Both Tons!!


For all we know Michael there might be a big sign at the edge of the universe, saying: warning, the universe ends here........


New member
Dear Stuart,

You are misinformed. You may have blasphemed God and maybe Jesus, but that is forgivable. All things are forgivable except blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. I have blasphemed against my God one time when I lived in Florida. Someone had just robbed me of all of the money I had and I was furious and was FULL OF RAGE. I said FU to God for letting it happen. He loved me regardless of it and so did Jesus. I know what I'm talking about. Of course, you can be forgiven. Just don't blaspheme the Holy Ghost/Spirit. If you do and you don't do it in your heart, you're still not guilty. You've got a misconception of things because you don't understand the Bible. See Matthew 12:31, 32KJV. You are definitely forgivable, if that's what you'd like. I'd go for it if I was you. God and Jesus can be blasphemed against, but not the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit. Just tell God to please forgive you for all you've done wrong, and you are in like Flynn. Trust me. You're a good person, dude!! Make the best of your life after this one. Don't give up without a fight or without exploring your options.

I love you very much, Stuart, so you can be sure that if God can put it in my mind and heart to love you so much, then He loves you TONS!! You aren't a lost cause. Just letting you know what I know!

Much Love From God And Me Flowing Through Your Soul!!

Now you mention it, I've definitely knowingly and intentionally blasphemed against the holy ghost.



New member
DavisBJ said:
6 days, were the conclusions of this study based on evolutionists’ belief system, or was it an actual scientific investigation performed by qualified scientists?
The answer to both your questions is yes.

Yes, they are qualified scientists.
Yes, they admit starting with their conclusion and interpret evidence to fit those beliefs. They say "It is therefore of great interest to know when a linguistic ability similar to that of modern Man evolved". *

Later discoveries caused one of the world's foremost Neandertal experts to say "Many anthropologists came to believe that Neandertals could have spoken any modern human language, whatever their accent may have been."('The Neandertals—changing the image of mankind' Trinkus and Shipman, 1993)

A year earlier 1992, Science News also published an article about the discovery of the Neandertal hyoid ('Neandertals to investigators: can we talk? by B.Bower) in which he says Neandertals seemed to have the same ability with language as we do.*

DavisBJ said:
As I mentioned a few days ago, lacking some way of actually seeing the range and complexity of Neanderthal speech patterns, we are left to infer that because the requisite anatomy seems to be in place, then it may have been employed in speech.
Of course. .. sort of the same 'assumption' that a coroner makes when doing an autopsy.*

DavisBJ said:
I am intrigued by 6days’ approach on this Neanderthal speech issue, inasmuch as Neanderthals could not even have existed within a Biblical timeline. I presume 6day’s intent is to again simply portray “evolutionists” as biased and incompetent scientists. I guess he will deal with when Neanderthals existed as a separate issue.
Evolutionists have been wrong on virtually everything about Neandertals, so I wouldn't hang my hat on age assumptions either if I was you. Science may yet prove Neandertals lived more recently, similar to how it proved many of us are descendants of Neandertals.


Well-known member
do you have time to deal with some of these questions:

why is the common sense dating of the start of Niagara falls in the 9000 range?

why is the same true of the collapse of Lake Morse at the end of the last major ice age (meaning, there was a ice formation beforehand)?

how much backstory does the literary term 'formless and void' have in Jer 4:23?

how can evolution be summarized as harmful when it is saying it results in the strongest surviving? please define your term?

what is your understanding of the event which resulted in the pocking and smattering of the face of the moon?


New member
Yes, they are qualified scientists.
Yes, they admit starting with their conclusion and interpret evidence to fit those beliefs. They say "It is therefore of great interest to know when a linguistic ability similar to that of modern Man evolved".
I presume what you see as a “conclusion” is where it says “linguistic ability … evolved”. Actually that is not a conclusion at all as far as this study was concerned, it was a starting assumption. A conclusion is what you want to establish, and this study wanted to establish whether the anatomy of Neanderthals gave them the vocal ability we have.

Contrary to your fallacious claim, the researchers did not interpret evidence to fit any pre-conceived conclusion, or for that matter, to confirm that vocal ability evolved. They concluded that, based on anatomical studies, Neanderthal’s probably did not have the linguistic ability we do. That may not be the conclusion of some later studies, but the spin you put on the study is pure codswallop.
Of course. .. sort of the same 'assumption' that a coroner makes when doing an autopsy.
I had an aunt who was deaf and mute, and it would have been very unlikely that a coroner would have seen any obvious way of concluding that had an autopsy been done.
Evolutionists have been wrong on virtually everything about Neandertals, so I wouldn't hang my hat on age assumptions either if I was you. Science may yet prove Neandertals lived more recently, similar to how it proved many of us are descendants of Neandertals.
There is a difference between being optimistic and being unrealistic. Only a couple of centuries ago belief in the accuracy of the Genesis account was the norm, even among the “scientists” of old. That has changed dramatically among the majority of the practicing scientists today. Genesis is not a scientifically accurate account, and the evidence against it has been increasing for decades. Your belief that some fantastic miracle is going to overturn an enormous amount of evidence showing that Neanderthals lived tens of thousands of years ago is on a par with Cadry’s belief that he is soon to be recognized as a prophet mentioned in the Bible. Maybe it makes you feel good, but it is just hiding from reality in a fantasy world.


New member
interplanner said:
6 days,
why is the common sense dating of the start of Niagara falls in the 9000 range?
How can that be if God destroyed the world that was in Noah's flood about 4500 years ago.
A few things to consider
* You common sense says 9000 years.
* Evolutionists say its hundreds of millions of years old.
* God's Word tells us the world that was, was destroyed in Noah's flood about 3500 years ago. (Based on genealogy from Noah to Jesus)

Let's start by assuming God's Word to be true and see if the evidence fits...ok?

Based on CURRENT erosion rates, the falls are more than 7,000 years old. But... does science indicate that different conditions cause different erosion rates? *Yes! We know increased water and sediment flow increases the erosion rate.

Does God's Word *tell us of any incident that would have greatly increased erosion rates in the past? Yes!! The warm oceans after the flood would have provided perfect conditions for the ice age. As the ice melted the flow of water and sediment would have been substantially more than today's rate. Erosion would have been much faster in the past.*

Start with the absolute truth of God's Word.... not your own 'common sense'. Niagra Falls is evidence for the truth of God's Word

interplanner said:
why is the same true of the collapse of Lake Morse at the end of the last major ice age (meaning, there was a ice formation beforehand)?

Not familiar with that one... but again you should start with the truth of God's Word and the creation and flood model of an ice age occurring after Noah's Flood.
interplanner said:
how much backstory does the literary term 'formless and void' have in Jer 4:23?

Already answered several times.

Jeremiah describes the utter destruction of a city with the phrase from Genesis " formless and void". That's how God described the earth before he formed it and filled with life. Your belief in a mysterious murky pre-existing creation is not supported by Scripture.

interplanner said:
how can evolution be summarized as harmful when it is saying it results in the strongest surviving? please define your term?

I have no idea what you are talking about but it seems you are trying to create some type of a straw man argument.
interplanner said:
what is your understanding of the event which resulted in the pocking and smattering of the face of the moon?
Ask Stripe...he knows better than I but I believe it's mostly from meteorite *bombardment at the time of the flood.*


New member
Let's start by assuming God's Word to be true and see if the evidence fits...ok?
Classic quote.

You want to bask in the reflected glow of the respectability of real science, but you don't want to actually use real science because you know it utterly disproves Young Earth creationism.

That's dishonest.



New member
DavisBJ said:
I presume what you see as a “conclusion” is where it says “linguistic ability … evolved”.

Actually that is not a conclusion at all as far as this study was concerned, it was a starting assumption. A conclusion is what you want to establish, and this study wanted to establish whether the anatomy of Neanderthals gave them the vocal ability we have.

What they actually say is "It is therefore of great interest to know when a linguistic ability similar to that of modern Man evolved".

It's more than obvious that they start with the conclusion that linguistic abilities evolved. They are trying to detetmine stages of linguistic ability...and surprise surprise... their conclusions matched what they believed and attempted to prove. They also likely started with the conclusion that Neandertals were a different species...or a sub species...or sub human etc.*

So... you might try whitewash evolutionary history, but evolutionists made many false assumptions about Neandertals based on their belief system...not science.*

Another one...why would have Neandertals been portrayed as hairy beast like beings, when the bones didn't give a clue about them being hairy.

Science has proven evolutionary beliefs such as this.....FALSE.

"A belief in influential circles is that Neanderthals could not speak, and were not even quite human".

DavisBJ said:
I had an aunt who was deaf and mute, and it would have been very unlikely that a coroner would have seen any obvious way of concluding that had an autopsy been done.

Precisely my point.

DavisBJ said:

6days said:
Evolutionists have been wrong on virtually everything about Neandertals, so I wouldn't hang my hat on age assumptions either if I was you. Science may yet prove Neandertals lived more recently, similar to how it proved many of us are descendants of Neandertals.

There is a difference between being optimistic and being unrealistic. Only a couple of centuries ago belief in the accuracy of the Genesis account was the norm, even among the “scientists” of old.

Well... many of the evutionist conclusions about Neandertals have been proven wrong. The Word of God still stands as absolute truth ... often affirmed by science as it reveals the humanity of our ancestors.*


Eclectic Theosophist
Cordial address....

Cordial address....

Dear freelight,

It's very nice of you to pop in, dude!! Cool!! But don't start talking about that stuff you believe in because it is abhorrent to God and Jesus. They do not like it at all, and that you might lead souls astray with all of that trash you call a religion. There is no way for you to free yourself from your Urantia beliefs, so you ARE a lost cause to God and Jesus. I can't do nothing about it either. That's why I don't bring it up to you. But now I'm saying something. You are SO CONFUSED you would not believe it. There is a correct way to worship God and Jesus, and just including their names in your fake religion doesn't help at all. Do you believe in and LOVE the Holy Ghost? That is the most important thing you could ever do in your life. It is a requirement to even be considered to enter heaven. It seems that Stuart has a better chance that you to go to Heaven. I'm not trying to be hard on you, but someone's got to do it, and I love you too much to see you go down because of your stupid Urantia book.

You and everyone here do not seem to realize that I am one of two witnesses who shall come in the last days who stand as two olive trees and two candlesticks who stand between God and the people on Earth. I'm not wrong about much. Where do you think I've learned all of this stuff I know? Who do you think helps me to answer everyone's questions here with any sense? Why do you think this thread is so healthy? God is with me strongly and He's with those of you who come here to express your feelings and beliefs. I don't know who the other witness is. It's God's trump card. I will find out after I die. Then I'll know. Make no mistake that the Lord tells me what to write to all of you and I know I make mistakes sometimes, but I try not to make many. I've kept this to myself all of this time because it's private to me. Please turn away from Urantia Book and go to Sunday School to learn about Jesus and about the Christian religion, or you are going to be so very sorry. Do what I suggested to Stuart. That's helpful too. You have a great chance at eternal life freelight, so don't blow it over some strange beliefs. I know your beliefs mean the world to you and your life revolves around them, but your 'intellect' is useless when it comes to getting into Heaven. If what I've said here doesn't get through to you, then I don't know what will at all!! You have the wrong idea on how to serve God and Jesus. Urantia Book or papers is NOT the answer. You would blaspheme the Holy Ghost if I mentioned if he was loved by you and you know him. That's why I don't push it. I don't want you to make that mistake. I know you would just try to incorporate Him into your Urantia agenda and you would be lost for good, with no chance of parole.

Please Give It A Try!! You Eternal Life Depends On It!!


Hi Michael,

I'm doing just fine thanks :) And I used to post in this thread if you recall, is a good portal to some of my main commentaries here. <-------

I'll repeat again,...I'm an 'eclectic' who studies many different religious traditions, philosophies and religious principles,.....the Urantia Book (UB) is only one of those books that I've done some study with, and naturally because of its great volume of material (in religion, science and philosophy) I use that as a springboard for discussion with more conservative fundamentalist Christians, since their minds are restricted to a more narrow belief-system. I only serve as an expounder or expositor on our UB thread, for interest, fun and more serious subjects that the papers cover. Since they cover the history of God, the cosmos, Jesus, the soul's eternal destiny and potential, naturally its a great 'in-road' to discussion on theology.

I'm not an exclusive devoted believer in the UB unlike my other comrade who posts in that thread, world-view and cosmic-outreach goes a little further to be more all-inclusive, at least my studies have included perhaps a broader reach, and we may have somewhat different ideas/beliefs still on a variety of subjects. In any case, portal post above is a good summary of my views on 'creation/evolution' (same thing really) with its included links ;)

As far as you being one of the 2 witnesses....well, I respect your 'belief' about that and will accept that time will tell.


Well-known member
Hi Michael,

I'm doing just fine thanks :) And I used to post in this thread if you recall, is a good portal to some of my main commentaries here. <-------

I'll repeat again,...I'm an 'eclectic' who studies many different religious traditions, philosophies and religious principles,.....the Urantia Book (UB) is only one of those books that I've done some study with, and naturally because of its great volume of material (in religion, science and philosophy) I use that as a springboard for discussion with more conservative fundamentalist Christians, since their minds are restricted to a more narrow belief-system. I only serve as an expounder or expositor on our UB thread, for interest, fun and more serious subjects that the papers cover. Since they cover the history of God, the cosmos, Jesus, the soul's eternal destiny and potential, naturally its a great 'in-road' to discussion on theology.

I'm not an exclusive devoted believer in the UB unlike my other comrade who posts in that thread, world-view and cosmic-outreach goes a little further to be more all-inclusive, at least my studies have included perhaps a broader reach, and we may have somewhat different ideas/beliefs still on a variety of subjects. In any case, portal post above is a good summary of my views on 'creation/evolution' (same thing really) with its included links ;)

As far as you being one of the 2 witnesses....well, I respect your 'belief' about that and will accept that time will tell.

Thought is the common denominator in this silly debate, even an atheist would have to concede that thought drives their existence in this material world of experience.


New member
Expansion of the universe according to secularists, was way faster than the speed of light. It was space itself that expanded. I think they will tell you that within a few days of the Big Bang, the outer edge of the universe was already about 100 million light years away.... they believe.
Interesting response. Why do you specifically say it was “secularists” that believe in inflation? Are you wanting to make it appear as though there are not religious scientists who concur with inflation?


New member
Dear Davis,

I talked things over with 6days and am willing to possibly believe that the Universe is not a mirage. It's going to take me some time to believe it fully. ...

Michael, the sad part of many of your responses up until now is that you respond purely based on what you personally want to believe, with no regard for the facts. If you would learn about science before posting knee-jerk emotionally driven responses, then your views might warrant consideration. Asking 6days about a scientific question may be a small step in the right direction, but that also means that in matters of science you probably should just stay silent and let 6days give the response.


New member
Not at all.....
Both you and I believe that in the past something happened where light (or energy) travelled faster than speed of light.
But there are enormous differences between inflation and what you guys call “spreading out the heavens”. With inflation, the matter right along with the energy is affected equally. For creationists to get starlight from distant galaxies to the earth in just a few thousand years seems to involve just the preferential treatment of light, leaving the galaxies where they are (and leading to nonsensical situations, as the 1987A case shows).


For all we know Michael there might be a big sign at the edge of the universe, saying: warning, the universe ends here........

Dear Hedshaker,

Wouldn't that be excellent. To reach the edge. I doubt that it's going to happen, though. You take good care of yourself and I've heard Another Brick in the Wall. Since I was 18 years old. Don't be a stranger!!

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