Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear alwight,

I was just listening to an atheist who found God!! He was Christian until the age of 12, then he became atheist, then found God again after he lost his job, means of income, and life-altering changes.

Warmest Regards!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :guitar:
It seems to amount to a badge of honour for a typical born again Christian to claim to have been an atheist, Michael.
Even the esteemed owner of this very website claims to have been an atheist for a while iirc. But does it actually stand up to much scrutiny?
Many will tell you that when they were an atheist they hated God, or blamed God for their woes.
However an atheist cannot logically hate or blame something not believed to exist, only a theist can hate or blame God, not atheists.
I would be very suspicious of any born again Christian claiming to have been an atheist, it's more than likely baloney.


It seems to amount to a badge of honour for a typical born again Christian to claim to have been an atheist, Michael.
Even the esteemed owner of this very website claims to have been an atheist for a while iirc. But does it actually stand up to much scrutiny?
Many will tell you that when they were an atheist they hated God, or blamed God for their woes.
However an atheist cannot logically hate or blame something not believed to exist, only a theist can hate or blame God, not atheists.
I would be very suspicious of any born again Christian claiming to have been an atheist, it's more than likely baloney.

Dear alwight,

I don't suppose an atheist hates God or blames God for his/her woes. I think they don't believe God exists for some reason or another. They figure how could there be a God because of this or that happening. But I do understand what you are saying.

Cheerio, Mate!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:

patrick jane

It seems to amount to a badge of honour for a typical born again Christian to claim to have been an atheist, Michael.
Even the esteemed owner of this very website claims to have been an atheist for a while iirc. But does it actually stand up to much scrutiny?
Many will tell you that when they were an atheist they hated God, or blamed God for their woes.
However an atheist cannot logically hate or blame something not believed to exist, only a theist can hate or blame God, not atheists.
I would be very suspicious of any born again Christian claiming to have been an atheist, it's more than likely baloney.

that may very well be true. but i can't imagine being the smallest child and not seeing God in all of nature/creation. from my earliest memories, i was told of God i suppose, but like all kids i questioned that. then the more i lived and breathed the more i knew God Is Real -

Colossians 1:10-11 KJV - Colossians 1:12-13 KJV -

Colossians 1:14-15 KJV - Colossians 1:16-17 KJV -

Colossians 1:18-19 KJV - Colossians 1:20 KJV -


New member
Since voice recorders during Neanderthal times were rarely to be found, how do you determine what the speech capability of Neanderthal’s was?
A better question would be why evolutionists assumed Neandertals could not speak like we do. Science has proved that Neandertals were capable of speech... the same as you and I are capable.

"Writing in journal Plos One, scientists say their study is "highly suggestive" of complex speech in Neanderthals.

The hyoid bone is crucial for speaking as it supports the root of the tongue. In non-human primates, it is not placed in the right position to vocalise like humans.

An international team of researchers analysed a fossil Neanderthal throat bone using 3D x-ray imaging and mechanical modelling.

This model allowed the group to see how the hyoid behaved in relation to the other surrounding bones.

Stephen Wroe, from the University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia, said: "We would argue that this is a very significant step forward. It shows that the Kebara 2 hyoid doesn't just look like those of modern humans - it was used in a very similar way."

He told BBC News that it not only changed our understanding of Neanderthals, but also of ourselves.

"Many would argue that our capacity for speech and language is among the most fundamental of characteristics that make us human. If Neanderthals also had language then they were truly human, too."

If Neanderthals also had language then they were truly human, too
Prof Stephen Wroe, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia"


New member
Help me understand the Creationist view in a bit more detail. For example, say over a period of a few weeks, scientists spot several supernovae. They determine, according to standard tools of astronomy, that the closest was 1 thousand ly distant, the next was 10 thousand ly, the third was 100 thousand ly, and the 4th was 1 million ly away. On a creationist timeline, when did each of these actually explode?

I don't know :)
But, there are likely a few possible answers.
*Did God create light in transit?
*What is the one way speed of light? Einstein said it could be almost instantaneous and called it a convention.
*If God created everything 6,000 years ago, and spread out space as His Word suggests, then wouldn't we need to know more details about the rate?
* God created a mature earth... mature people... fruit already on the trees... so perhaps He created a mature universe with super novaes.
I don't know all the answers but do know Adam would have been able to see stars that had been created just 2 days earlier.


that may very well be true. but i can't imagine being the smallest child and not seeing God in all of nature/creation. from my earliest memories, i was told of God i suppose, but like all kids i questioned that. then the more i lived and breathed the more i knew God Is Real -

Colossians 1:10-11 KJV - Colossians 1:12-13 KJV -

Colossians 1:14-15 KJV - Colossians 1:16-17 KJV -

Colossians 1:18-19 KJV - Colossians 1:20 KJV -

Dear patrick jane,

That is how it was with me also. I was taught about God when I was 11. I asked Jesus to come into my heart when I was 12. Ever since then, it's been an incredible life, to say the very least. I can't believe all of this stuff that is happening to me. I'm proud of you, patrick!! You're definitely doing the right thing with your life. You will meet God in Heaven. He has called you and put Himself into your heart!! You are blessed indeed, more than you'll ever know until you get older. You sure look like me. I like your new avatar so much!!

God Fill Your Heart With His Love,


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar:


I think they don't even know what a god is.

What is a god?


Dear Stuart,

God is a Supreme Being Who has created Everything in the Universe and on Earth. He has caused us to live in a place called the Milky Way, because His adult children {us} need to drink milk, like babies. That is why He put it in someone's mind to call this the Milky Way. We're all adult babies. His children. Do you get it? God can do ANYTHING!! Anything you could ever think of, God can do. And He loves His children very much, even you Stuart!! If I love you as much as I do, think of how much more He loves you, seeing His love is a billion times stronger than mine. You'll understand more as time goes on, dude. I pray that God will turn your life around, even though you don't want Him.

God Loves Those Who Seek Him Out!! May He Fill Your Heart With Everlasting Love!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :guitar:


New member
The speed of light is the speed of travel of a particle (a photon) with zero mass.

Please tell us what has changed that has caused the speed of zero mass particles to change.

Please explain how atomic nucleii stayed together as the speed of zero mass gluons in the nucleus changed.
Expansion of the universe according to secularists, was way faster than the speed of light. It was space itself that expanded. I think they will tell you that within a few days of the Big Bang, the outer edge of the universe was already about 100 million light years away.... they believe.


New member
Expansion of the universe according to secularists, was way faster than the speed of light. It was space itself that expanded. I think they will tell you that within a few days of the Big Bang, the outer edge of the universe was already about 100 millison light years away.... they believe.
And where is the part about a change in the speed of light?

And what about the gluons and nuclear forces?



Hey Stuu,

You've got some good rep. pts. there!! Cool! We will have to wait until 2morrow for 6days to answer your questions. I don't know myself, or else I would answer the questions.

Hope You're Having A Wonderful Day!!



Dear Davis,

I talked things over with 6days and am willing to possibly believe that the Universe is not a mirage. It's going to take me some time to believe it fully. He's saying there are a billion galaxies in the Universe. Is that true? And trillions of stars? Let me know, if you will. The Universe could be the place to go when you are like the angels and you are in Heaven. It says in the book of Dan. 12:3KJV, that the wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament {Heaven} and those who turn many to righteousness shall be as the stars forever and ever. Stars are the warehouses of angels. That means that when you die, you are given a star to live on. Check out the verse I mention and tell me what you think?

Okay, will talk with you in a bit!! God Bless Your Heart!!



Hi alwight,

Is it morning there? It's in the middle of the night here. 2a.m. I don't know the difference of our time zones. I will PM you in a bit! I hope you have a nice sunny day there. It's up to God though, not me. You have an excellent day!! Make It Count!!



New member
Hi alwight,

Is it morning there? It's in the middle of the night here. 2a.m. I don't know the difference of our time zones. I will PM you in a bit! I hope you have a nice sunny day there. It's up to God though, not me. You have an excellent day!! Make It Count!!

According to the time stamp on your post you are perhaps 7 hours behind me here. Since there are 24 hours in a day then you are not quite a third of the way around the globe from me. Weather systems here have created a rather nice pleasant day today without much wind, unlike yesterday when I was out. Weather systems are a natural result of physical events in the atmosphere, largely driven by the sun's energy on the land and sea, plus the rotation of the Earth.
That is part of how I perhaps map the world around me, and how given the same physics I expect it to continue, I don't recognise that any supernatural control plays any part. ;)


New member
And where is the part about a change in the speed of light?
I said that even evolutionists believe something happened in the past that caused light to travel faster than speed of light..... and that is usually explained as a rapid expansion of space.
If that explanation is an incorrect layman explanation... please correct it.
In any case the point was that both evolutionists and Biblical creationists believe something different happened in the past. We believe that God created the stars and that they were visible to Adam and Eve. Distant starlight is not a problem.


New member
I said that even evolutionists believe something happened in the past that caused light to travel faster than speed of light..... and that is usually explained as a rapid expansion of space.
If that explanation is an incorrect layman explanation... please correct it.
In any case the point was that both evolutionists and Biblical creationists believe something different happened in the past. We believe that God created the stars and that they were visible to Adam and Eve. Distant starlight is not a problem.
You haven't demonstrated that anyone believed light traveled at a different speed in the past, apart from YECs who have to explain away inconvenient facts.

Distant starlight isn't a problem if you ignore it, I suppose.

You have also ignored the implications of a recent (few thousand years ago) change in the speed of gluons, also massless particles, that will have radical implications for whether atoms are stable or not. Sounds like you are advocating for massive amounts of chaos that was happening after the 'creation' event in Genesis.

Looks like these are two questions you can't answer, although you have based a lot of claims on this assumption that light travels at different speeds at different times in the past. Had you considered whether you might have been led to believe a load of bollocks?

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