Creation vs. Evolution

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User Name

Greatest poster ever
Dear Michael,

I have heard elementary school students give pretty good explanations for why the planets are circular. And it assuredly had nothing to do with any abstract circular property of God.




Dearest User Name,

You are extraordinary and excellent!!! Where did you get that spoiler? It is perfect!! I remain totally flabbergasted, dear Christian Brother. Thank you so very much for helping others to see what keys they are missing to unlock the doors of the truth. I'll never forget you for this. You will always be etched in my memory and my prayers to God for your success and welfare in life shall be abundant!! You knocked my socks off!!!!

:guitar: :singer: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


New member
Dear alwight,

A mirage is visible too, alwight. And electromagnetic evidence could not exist either. What electromagnetic evidence do you have in mind? See Heb. 11:3KJV... "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."


A mirage is a personal experience Michael, not something that can be put to the test.
A mirage cannot be recorded or seen by other people, it lacks that thing called verifiable evidence.

So many gays!

A mirage is a personal experience Michael, not something that can be put to the test.
A mirage cannot be recorded or seen by other people, it lacks that thing called verifiable evidence.

Your premise is spot on, but a mirage can sometimes be seen by anyone in the vicinity of one seeing it. It's just heat concentrating something in the air, making it appear to be water where there is none


New member
Your premise is spot on, but a mirage can sometimes be seen by anyone in the vicinity of one seeing it. It's just heat concentrating something in the air, making it appear to be water where there is none
If you start seeing palm trees and camels however then that might be a more personal vision.


A mirage is a personal experience Michael, not something that can be put to the test.
A mirage cannot be recorded or seen by other people, it lacks that thing called verifiable evidence.

Dear alwight,

I don't mean like a desert mirage. I mean a mirage that God is causing. Do you actually think the telescope can see a million miles away or whatever?? Light-years are quite a distance. Pluto is a million miles away for example.



Your premise is spot on, but a mirage can sometimes be seen by anyone in the vicinity of one seeing it. It's just heat concentrating something in the air, making it appear to be water where there is none

Dear So many gays!

I'm not talking about a regular mirage. I just couldn't find another word to explain it. It's not real. Too many light-years away.


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar:


New member
Dear alwight,

… Do you actually think the telescope can see a million miles away or whatever?? Light-years are quite a distance. Pluto is a million miles away for example.

Michael, I suspect that several people would be willing to help you actually learn a little science, but my experience is that is something you seem to resist. Instead you advertise your scientific ignorance with comments like the ones you just made. Pluto – a million miles away? You haven’t got the faintest idea of the actual distances things in the sky are from us.

Do you have an objection to learning, and to withholding comments on things that you are poorly qualified to comment on? You do yourself no favors, and you are an embarrassment to the Christian cause with your inanity. Please, accept the help that has been extended to you.


New member
Dear alwight,

I don't mean like a desert mirage. I mean a mirage that God is causing. Do you actually think the telescope can see a million miles away or whatever?? Light-years are quite a distance. Pluto is a million miles away for example.

Hi Michael, I already knew the distance of the Earth from the sun without checking (93 million miles iirc and that the light we see from it is about 8 minutes old), but I had no real idea about Pluto so I just looked it up to be on ave 3.67 billion miles from the sun.
Even within the solar system the distances are enormous, so you can perhaps understand why they use light years to measure amazing interstellar distances, never mind the inter galactic ones.
If light from anywhere reaches the Earth then with the right equipment we can see it. Even our naked eyes can see light that is many millions of years old by the time it's got here, from many light years away.
Pluto is a mere stone throw away compared to even the nearest stars.

You may not be interested in any of that since you apparently don't know the first thing about it, but if you ever are then just say so. ;)


Dear alwight,

I'm just saying what I heard on TV on the news. They said Pluto was a million miles from us. Don't kill the messenger. I'm just repeating what I've heard. If I'm wrong, then I apologize.

Much Respect,



New member
I'm not wrong 6days, light from a star only 4 light years away (distance) (Proxima Centauri) has nevertheless taken 4 years to get here.
How long did it take for light to get here from the light horizon at 46+ billion light years away?


New member
Dear alwight,

I'm just saying what I heard on TV on the news. They said Pluto was a million miles from us. Don't kill the messenger. I'm just repeating what I've heard. If I'm wrong, then I apologize.

Much Respect,

But this shows that your understanding of the solar system is so lacking that you apparently without question accept an enormous error from a TV commentary. The public in the US has a reputation as being pretty uniformed in matters of just basic science, and you have confirmed that is certainly true for you.
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