Creation vs. Evolution

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The Barbarian

I'll go along with all that although I'm agnostic about a Creator, but clearly a sufficiently good eye has evolved over a long time and as a result of multiple steps of evolution by natural selection, therefore it happened without a specific objective eye design in mind. A Creator may simply have known that adequate vision would no doubt evolve but without a specific optimal design. Evolution only has to work well enough, but actually being of optimal design probably only matters to a person/designer/creator who would no doubt find that a blind spot was highly unsatisfactory in an organ designed for vision that they would want to put their moniker on.

Look at it from God's POV. Suppose for a moment, He's thinking it over...

"Let's see... I could make nature so that everything I want in the universe will happen as a consequence of an initial creation, with a few basic rules. I'd just have to keep it running.

Or, I could make it so that I'd have to do every tiny thing as a separate act of creation, and periodically change the rules to make it work the way I want. What to do... what to do..."


New member
Look at it from God's POV. Suppose for a moment, He's thinking it over...

"Let's see... I could make nature so that everything I want in the universe will happen as a consequence of an initial creation, with a few basic rules. I'd just have to keep it running.

Or, I could make it so that I'd have to do every tiny thing as a separate act of creation, and periodically change the rules to make it work the way I want. What to do... what to do..."

He doesn't periodically change anything he was done on the 6th day.

Exodus 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.



Our eyes are more finely tuned to color vision. Mollusks can see slightly more clearly, but their vision is probably dull on colors. In terms of having eyes that let you take in the beauty of the world around you, human eyes are second probably only to birds of prey.

Well Kdall,

Thanks for explaining things for me. I do appreciate it. How can you tell how Mollusks see? Yes, birds can see pretty dang clearly. They can tell if you've given them some bread crumbs on the front lawn. They are sharp as a tack!! Especially eagles, vultures, etc. Are the birds eyes like man's eyes, wired from back to front? Let me know!!

May God Give You Tons Of Joyful Days!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cheers: :singer: :guitar:


Gawl Urban Dictionary

You wouldn't know "Truth" even if your lift went all the way to the top floor...... Ooops, I mean flaw!!

But thanks again for showing the sheer pointlessness of responding.....

Dear Hedshaker,

The context of when you used the word gall means "you've got the audacity or balls to do such a thing." You know it and I know it.


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cheers: :singer:


New member
Look at it from God's POV. Suppose for a moment, He's thinking it over...

"Let's see... I could make nature so that everything I want in the universe will happen as a consequence of an initial creation, with a few basic rules. I'd just have to keep it running.

Or, I could make it so that I'd have to do every tiny thing as a separate act of creation, and periodically change the rules to make it work the way I want. What to do... what to do..."
Some here will probably say that God micro-manages every atom but that macro-evolution is impossible. :rolleyes:


Unfortunately, mammals have at most, three primary colors in their vision, and most have only two. The usual arrangement seems to be four colors. A very few humans seem to be true tetrachromats, and can see four colors.

Dinosaurs probably had better eyes than we do; their descendants among the birds are generally tetrachromats and have better resolution. One species of mantid shrimp has 12 different kinds of color detectors, but unfortunately, it's nervous system lacks the processing hardware to use it. They can't distinguish color much better than we can.

Dear The Barbarian,

How do you know how they can see without being one of them? I know you can tell by looking at their eyes under a microscope, but still, you can't know how they saw unless you had some other way to check them out. Thanks for posting. I don't hear from you often enough here!!

God Bless Your Heart Tons!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :singer: :guitar:


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

The context of when you used the word gall means "you've got the audacity or balls to do such a thing." You know it and I know it.

Click here

I used it as described in the "Urban Dictionary" link already provided. Interesting though that the best you can do is labour on about what you thought was a small spelling error instead of actually addressing the issues raised in the post.

It's quite typical that you assume I should know what you know when I actually agree with very little of what you think you know.

I'm confident there will be no Armageddon within the next 4 months, as you will see. And then there's the Evolution and Creationism debate which I am also quite sure you are also wrong about, which you will never admit to but I don't see any escape route for you on the Armageddon thing.

Still, you've got 4 months to think something up :bang:

The Barbarian

He doesn't periodically change anything he was done on the 6th day.

That's not what creationists are telling us. The tell us He did all sorts of finagling for the flood, stopping the rotation of the Earth (somehow magically not causing any noticeable change in momentum) and so on.


He doesn't periodically change anything he was done on the 6th day.

Exodus 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.


sure he does, he flooded the entire planet supernaturally just a few years after creation according to the general Christian consensus here.


That's how it works. Creationists truly believe things are so merely because someone on their team says so.

It's interesting in the context of 6days' repeatedly stating that "evolutionists and creationists look at the same data, but just interpret it differently". That leads to an obvious question: Which interpretation is winning the day?

Given that creationism hasn't contributed a single thing to science in at least a century, whereas evolutionary biology continues to serve as the interpretive framework for all the life sciences across the world, I'd say we have our answer.

Oh Jose!

You're going to get our contribution quite soon indeed!! Check out the month of September. You'll know it when it happens... soon!!



Well-known member
Oh Jose!

You're going to get our contribution quite soon indeed!! Check out the month of September. You'll know it when it happens... soon!!


to JoseF
(sorry MichaelC but I couldn't find his original one).

I don't know how science would "win" anything; it's just facts. But if you watch the initial phases of CREATION (a bio of Darwin and wife as contact with Huxley started) Darwin was appalled at going public with it because it was a rather horrid view of life. I'd say on presuppositions and common sense about the whole spectrum of life, it's a loser. Even the documentary THE DAY THE UNIVERSE CHANGED E. Burke (BBC) said as much in that evolution reduced man to animal.


Look at it from God's POV. Suppose for a moment, He's thinking it over...

"Let's see... I could make nature so that everything I want in the universe will happen as a consequence of an initial creation, with a few basic rules. I'd just have to keep it running.

Or, I could make it so that I'd have to do every tiny thing as a separate act of creation, and periodically change the rules to make it work the way I want. What to do... what to do..."

Dear The Barbarian,

Don't you think God would get kind of bored with NOTHING to do at all anymore?

May He Bless Your Heart And Soul,


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: guitar: :singer:


He doesn't periodically change anything he was done on the 6th day.

Exodus 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.


Dear everready,

He would get pretty bored with us on Earth to have nothing to do with us anymore. You see how He has interacted with us as time goes on. I agree with you that He's created everything that He's wanted to, though!! I'll have to give you some good rep pts. LOL!!

Praise The Lord!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:


Your god is supposed to be perfect. Why would a perfect being get bored?

Dear Jonahdog,

My God does not ever get bored!! He's doing plenty behind the scenes. If you only knew. He's fulfilling everything written in Revelation and Daniel.


:angel: :angel: :angel:


New member
Dear everready,

He would get pretty bored with us on Earth to have nothing to do with us anymore. You see how He has interacted with us as time goes on. I agree with you that He's created everything that He's wanted to, though!! I'll have to give you some good rep pts. LOL!!

Praise The Lord!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:

God never gets bored Michael he lives in a eternal state of joy unspeakable and full of glory.

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