Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Dear Hedshaker,

You are walking into the trap that other men will fall in, whoever doesn't believe that God created this Universe. Place your heart in science or in God. The choice is your own. See what happens.

Michael, I'm 100% with Davis on this:

Michael, I have seen few explanations presented to you (some of which were quite good) that seemed to sink in at all. Accordingly, I have decided that the ROI (return on investment – of my time and effort) in trying to respond to many of your posts is just too small. Sorry.

Regretfully I'm going to have to withdraw replying to you, at least for a while. There is only so much Dunning Krugar effect a person can tolerate. It's bad enough that you obviously don't get it, even when people take time and effort to explain things as simply as possible, but then you treat them with contempt for having the gawl to even think the way they do when it is clearly your own closed mindedness at fault. It's a bit like getting nowhere trying to explain something to an impetuous child. Eventually giving up is the only rational course of action.

Sorry but for me that threshold has been long crossed. Your loss.


New member
Michael, we can see those galaxies. Thousands of them. We have had the technology for a very long time. They aren't hypothetical. And we can observe planets as well orbiting around stars. We have named so many galaxies that I could not list them all here. It would take a month. I think you should do some light research on astronomy, and then perhaps you'll understand the point I was trying to make

Good effort but I fear you are wasting your time, sadly!


New member
The universe was created so that we can see the power and majesty of our Creator.
Hmmm, for 98% of civilized human history people thought that universe was essentially a dome over the earth, meaning the “universe” to them was only a few hundred miles bigger than the earth. And even now, with our telescopes we have actually observed just a smidgen of the universe. Talk about a horrific waste if only a small fraction of the people lived at a time when we really know anything about how big it, and that fraction of the people are limited to seeing a tiny corner of it.

Like a Christian microbe living on a grain of sand on a vast beach at the seashore, all excited about seeing all the other grains of sand within a few inches of his, and never having visited a single other grain than the one he is on.


Michael, I have seen few explanations presented to you (some of which were quite good) that seemed to sink in at all. Accordingly, I have decided that the ROI (return on investment – of my time and effort) in trying to respond to many of your posts is just too small. Sorry.

Dear DavisBJ,

Well there is a God after all. I didn't want to try to explain it all anyway. But I could and would.



Michael, we can see those galaxies. Thousands of them. We have had the technology for a very long time. They aren't hypothetical. And we can observe planets as well orbiting around stars. We have named so many galaxies that I could not list them all here. It would take a month. I think you should do some light research on astronomy, and then perhaps you'll understand the point I was trying to make

Dear Kdall,

You are so kind in your response to me. Thanks!! I am just saying that just because we see all of those other galaxies, does not mean they aren't mirages or a fourth dimension. Eye candy! Just to make us think that the Universe is larger than it is. Just like we have supposedly seen many UFOs, but none have ever landed or tried to contact us, etc. It is just a trick God allows to Satan because Satan said he can lure people away from believing in God by causing man to believe he is a descendant of aliens, and that aliens drive the UFOs. And that's why we see flying saucers, just like the Greeks and Romans saw 'flying chariots' before Jesus first came to Earth (was born here), and started believing in other gods besides our real God. They instead started believing in Zeus, and Apollo, Mercury, Hera, Perseus, Andromeda, and on and on. So beware of what you believe in. God also let an Antichrist be on this Earth for Satan's sake. That is another story. I'm sorry to go in such depth with you. I've said too much already. Of course, it is also quite possible that we're not seeing a mirage. That would be full of Awesome!

God Be With You!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:



Michael, I'm 100% with Davis on this:

Regretfully I'm going to have to withdraw replying to you, at least for a while. There is only so much Dunning Krugar effect a person can tolerate. It's bad enough that you obviously don't get it, even when people take time and effort to explain things as simply as possible, but then you treat them with contempt for having the gawl to even think the way they do when it is clearly your own closed mindedness at fault. It's a bit like getting nowhere trying to explain something to an impetuous child. Eventually giving up is the only rational course of action.

Sorry but for me that threshold has been long crossed. Your loss.

Dear Hedshaker,

I know that you all can't find answers to a lot of what I have to say and that is why you are receding. No big deal.



New member
You have bought into Dawkins who does not understand the design of the eye. Science has demolished his argument. Newer research on the vertebrate retina shows that the inverted design in vertebrates is superior to the verted design, even compared to the most advanced cephalopods. The research has discovered that our retina has a neurological feedback system improving contrast and sharpening edges without sacrificing shadow detail.
PLoS Biology May 2011 A positive feedback synapse from retinal horizontal cells to cone photoreceptors. (S.L.Jackman)

Opthamologist Dr. H S Hamilton: "instead of being a great disadvantage, or a “curse” or being incorrectly constructed, the inverted retina is a tremendous advance in function and design compared with the simple and less complicated verted arrangement. One problem amongst many, for evolutionists, is to explain how this abrupt major retinal transformation from the verted type in invertebrates to the inverted vertebrate model came about as nothing in paleontology offers any support."

Alwight.... we have ten million cells in the retina of the eye are interacting with each other in complex ways, each like a computer, and this is just part of the processing involved in sight. We have a system of processing sight that is far superior to man made technologies. Our eyes are evidence of intelligent design... optimal technology....extreme intelligence....The God of the Bible.

"You have eyes--can't you see? You have ears--can't you hear?" Mark 8:18
6days I don't care how many YEC ophthalmologists you trot out, having a built-in blind spot is not a plus point for an organ used to see with.
I've never suggested that the human eye is in any way unfit for purpose, only that as a designed object, it clearly wasn't. :nono:

It's obvious that YECs have invested a great deal of time and effort into rebutting the likes of Dawkins on this, going by all the creationist pages devoted to it, but at least we know when YECs are rattled. Clearly it's only creationists who seem to think that having a blind spot in the eye is a good idea ...well they'd have to say that or go to hell, right?


New member
I wonder what 6days thinks about the mollusk eye. It's designed in the way you'd expect it to be, not reverse engineered like ours. Otherwise, they're nearly identical. Why would God give squid better eyes than us? Or how about the eyes of birds of prey? They are designed like ours, except their vision is unbelievably more effective
I gather that mollusc eyes are thought to have evolved quite separately and thus the difference in construction was just what happened, all rather interesting.
Human colour vision is apparently quite good but then I'm red green colour blind. :(


New member
Dear alwight,

The fact of however the human eye is wired is up to God. We see just fine with what we've been given, and there are those who don't see at all with what they've been given. Do you understand what I mean here?

I know that these days I need glasses to read with, but I don't need any god-goggles Michael.
Have you noticed that when some people get older they take their glasses off to read small print while those like me have to put them on?
Human eyes are the result of our particular evolved inherited genetics, do you understand what I mean here?


New member
Hmmm, for 98% of civilized human history people thought that universe was essentially a dome over the earth, meaning the “universe” to them was only a few hundred miles bigger than the earth. And even now, with our telescopes we have actually observed just a smidgen of the universe. Talk about a horrific waste if only a small fraction of the people lived at a time when we really know anything about how big it, and that fraction of the people are limited to seeing a tiny corner of it.

Like a Christian microbe living on a grain of sand on a vast beach at the seashore, all excited about seeing all the other grains of sand within a few inches of his, and never having visited a single other grain than the one he is on.

Us...from Mars.

We are kind of in inconsequential in the whole scheme of things aren't we?



I wonder what 6days thinks about the mollusk eye. It's designed in the way you'd expect it to be, not reverse engineered like ours. Otherwise, they're nearly identical. Why would God give squid better eyes than us? Or how about the eyes of birds of prey? They are designed like ours, except their vision is unbelievably more effective

Oh 6days.....won't you come out and play?


Michael, I'm 100% with Davis on this:

Regretfully I'm going to have to withdraw replying to you, at least for a while. There is only so much Dunning Krugar effect a person can tolerate. It's bad enough that you obviously don't get it, even when people take time and effort to explain things as simply as possible, but then you treat them with contempt for having the gawl to even think the way they do when it is clearly your own closed mindedness at fault. It's a bit like getting nowhere trying to explain something to an impetuous child. Eventually giving up is the only rational course of action.

Sorry but for me that threshold has been long crossed. Your loss.

Dear Hedshaker,

The word is gall, not gawl. Like in gall bladder. If you choose to quit posting, I think it must be because you don't know how else to respond to the truth. It's okay.


patrick jane

Dear Hedshaker,

The word is gall, not gawl. Like in gall bladder. If you choose to quit posting, I think it must be because you don't know how else to respond to the truth. It's okay.


tell 'em Michael -

they can't get enough of you, they'll be back like a bad bladder


I know that these days I need glasses to read with, but I don't need any god-goggles Michael.
Have you noticed that when some people get older they take their glasses off to read small print while those like me have to put them on?
Human eyes are the result of our particular evolved inherited genetics, do you understand what I mean here?

Dear Alwight,

Yes, I see 20/20 with my eyes, but I put reading glasses on at times to read small print. So I carry them wherever I go out of necessity. In this instance, yes I do understand. Cool, eh?

Much Love Coming Your Way!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :guitar: :singer: :cheers:


Us...from Mars.

We are kind of in inconsequential in the whole scheme of things aren't we?


Dear seehigh,

We are not no inconsequential as we might seem to be. Unlike Mars, our planet flourishes with life and bustle. Plant life, lake and sea life, critter and creeping thing life. And human life. Mars doesn't have any of these that we know of. Neither does most of the planets you can see the Earth from. God is with us.


:angel: :angel: :angel:


tell 'em Michael -

they can't get enough of you, they'll be back like a bad bladder

Dear patrick jane,

I'm sure that they can get enough of me. I must say, I do like your new Avatar. So how is my twin? Are you having fun. Stay off of the Chat box long enough to come and post here. It's more fun!! Why can't you get PMs? Send me one if you can. I will try to send you one.

Much Love From God And Jesus And Me,



Dear 6days,

Please pop in and answer Kdall's query to you {post 12515}. Miss you!! Looks like we scared everyone away. They are all speechless!! Yippee!! The evolutionists are out of breath.

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