Creation vs. Evolution

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Oh, an egomaniacal personality.

Strange what people will subdue themselves to, don't you think?

No, it is stupid human thinking that projects their own desires on God. It says right there in the Bible that God's ways are above our ways. Of course then in a lot of places in scripture people have tried to tell us that God is susceptible to the same weaknesses that humans experience. Scripture and the Gospel has many parts that seem contradictory. That is because it deals with the complexities and nuances of human life. But it takes a wise person to sift through that and determine what God is like through all of that human stuff. I have not met a "fundamentalist" yet that is wise enough to accomplish that task.


He loves to see people believe on Him, confess sins, receive the righteousness of Christ.

Dear Interplanner,

Thanks for your thoughtful post here. He has Christ. He doesn't have a Mrs. God. In Heaven, there is no husband and wife. Jesus told us that in the New Testament, in the four gospels. If you need me to look it up, just let me know.

God Bless Your Heart!!


:cheers: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:


No, it is stupid human thinking that projects their own desires on God. It says right there in the Bible that God's ways are above our ways. Of course then in a lot of places in scripture people have tried to tell us that God is susceptible to the same weaknesses that humans experience. Scripture and the Gospel has many parts that seem contradictory. That is because it deals with the complexities and nuances of human life. But it takes a wise person to sift through that and determine what God is like through all of that human stuff. I have not met a "fundamentalist" yet that is wise enough to accomplish that task.

Excellent post, noguru!! Thanks for sticking up for God!! I'm sure that Jesus and Him keep quite busy. Running Heaven must surely be a full-time job!

God Bless Your Soul!!



Irreducibly complex? I notice you have brought that topic up a few times. Are you wanting to discuss that rather than your mistaken..... (and old evolutionary beliefs) that our eye is designed incorrectly?

Ophthamologist, Peter W.V. Gurney wrote:
"This article reviews the reasons for our having the inverted retina and why the opposite arrangement (the verted retina), in which the photoreceptors are innermost and the first layer to receive incident light, would be liable to fail in creatures who have inverted retinas. I suggest that the need for protection of the retina against the injurious effects of light, particularly with the shorter wavelengths, and of the heat generated by focused light necessitates the inverted configuration of the retina in creatures possessing it."

No, I mean our eye isn't designed optimally, as you repeatedly say it was. This is something you've been shown repeatedly, and like all other evidence contrary to your supernatural, unscientific views on science, you've chosen to ignore. If you can't be honest, why talk on this forum at all?


Look at it from God's POV. Suppose for a moment, He's thinking it over...

"Let's see... I could make nature so that everything I want in the universe will happen as a consequence of an initial creation, with a few basic rules. I'd just have to keep it running.

Or, I could make it so that I'd have to do every tiny thing as a separate act of creation, and periodically change the rules to make it work the way I want. What to do... what to do..."

Yes. Exactly what I've been trying to convey to these YECs. Why would the wisest being in the universe choose the dumber method of creation?


Nuclear Physicist Declares:
‘Science Will Never Contradict The Bible’

Brandon van der Ventel, a nuclear physicist, has recently spoken out against the theory of evolution. Ventel is also urging Christians that the public denial of Genesis isn’t a matter that should be taken lightly.

Ventelk, who holds a Ph D. from South Africa’s Stellenbosch University, emphasized the importance of having a worldwide biblical view in an interview with Christian News Network.

SEE ALSO: “Goliath Gate: Archaeologists Uncover Entrance To Biblical City Of Gath”

“The denial of the Genesis account is not a matter to be taken lightly by Christians, if the biblical record is not true, then we are left with naturalism and atheism, of which the consequences are truly horrific.”

Van der Ventel says that Christians need to cling to the belief in God, and that He created the universe perfectly. He warns Christians that if the faith in Genesis is lost, every other Christian fundamental is sure to crumble. After all, the theory of evolution is the reason why most Christians no longer believe in the creation account.

Van der Ventel is not alone on this matter. Many other scientists with strong faith have dedicated themselves to prove the validity of Genesis. A well-respected molecular geneticist, Georgia Purdom, gave his opinion on the documentary “The Genetics of Adam and Eve”. He has argued the validity of the creation account by tracing the genetics of every human back to Adam and Eve.

“One of the most compelling genetic evidences for an original human couple created by God is mitochondrial DNA research done by creation geneticist, Nathaniel Jeanson, He clearly shows that the common human female ancestor of us all (biblical Eve) lived within the biblical timeframe of several thousand years ago.”- Georgia Purdom

Like many Christians working in the many fields of science, Jim Stump does not believe in a literal interpretation of the creation account. He believes that Adam and Eve were a result of the evolutionary process.

When they changed their stance on the subject to: “the first man, Adam, was created by an immediate act of God”, Stump decided to step down from his teaching position.

“In considering this corporate commitment, I decided to resign from my position at Bethel in order to pursue alternative work, rather than remain under the new statement and bring tension to the Bethel community,” – Jim Stump

Article: Christian Post


Nuclear Physicist Declares: ‘Science Will Never Contradict The Bible’

Brandon van der Ventel, a nuclear physicist, has recently spoken out against the theory of evolution. Ventel is also urging Christians that the public denial of Genesis isn’t a matter that should be taken lightly.

Ventelk, who holds a Ph D. from South Africa’s Stellenbosch University, emphasized the importance of having a worldwide biblical view in an interview with Christian News Network.

SEE ALSO: “Goliath Gate: Archaeologists Uncover Entrance To Biblical City Of Gath”

“The denial of the Genesis account is not a matter to be taken lightly by Christians, if the biblical record is not true, then we are left with naturalism and atheism, of which the consequences are truly horrific.”

Van der Ventel says that Christians need to cling to the belief in God, and that He created the universe perfectly. He warns Christians that if the faith in Genesis is lost, every other Christian fundamental is sure to crumble. After all, the theory of evolution is the reason why most Christians no longer believe in the creation account.

Van der Ventel is not alone on this matter. Many other scientists with strong faith have dedicated themselves to prove the validity of Genesis. A well-respected molecular geneticist, Georgia Purdom, gave his opinion on the documentary “The Genetics of Adam and Eve”. He has argued the validity of the creation account by tracing the genetics of every human back to Adam and Eve.

“One of the most compelling genetic evidences for an original human couple created by God is mitochondrial DNA research done by creation geneticist, Nathaniel Jeanson, He clearly shows that the common human female ancestor of us all (biblical Eve) lived within the biblical timeframe of several thousand years ago.”- Georgia Purdom

Like many Christians working in the many fields of science, Jim Stump does not believe in a literal interpretation of the creation account. He believes that Adam and Eve were a result of the evolutionary process.

When the changed their stance on the subject to: “the first man, Adam, was created by an immediate act of God”, Stump decided to step down from his teaching position.

“In considering this corporate commitment, I decided to resign from my position at Bethel in order to pursue alternative work, rather than remain under the new statement and bring tension to the Bethel community,” – Jim Stump

Article: Christian Post

Well he's a nuclear physicist, which has NOTHING to do with evolution, but this article underscores a disturbing trend among some Christians who are scientists. I read an article some time back that mentioned a geneticist in Britain who said, to paraphrase, "My belief in a 6000 year old Earth trumps all science. No matter what science tells me, I will never adamdon my belief in a literal Genesis."

That's not exact, but pretty darn close, especially the last sentence. The problem is that science should depend only upon following real world evidence to the best reasonable and logical conclusion. By openly admitting his belief in something scientifically unprovable is unshakeable, he has violated the scientific method. He's no more scientist than he is a pastor


Well he's a nuclear physicist, which has NOTHING to do with evolution, but this article underscores a disturbing trend among some Christians who are scientists. I read an article some time back that mentioned a geneticist in Britain who said, to paraphrase, "My belief in a 6000 year old Earth trumps all science. No matter what science tells me, I will never abandon my belief in a literal Genesis."

That's not exact, but pretty darn close, especially the last sentence. The problem is that science should depend only upon following real world evidence to the best reasonable and logical conclusion. By openly admitting his belief in something scientifically unprovable is unshakable, he has violated the scientific method. He's no more scientist than he is a pastor

Dear Kdall,

Thanks for being on so late here. I appreciate your point of view. You know me, I'm a YEC. I'm going to go and have some cheese and crackers for now. I've got 5 different kinds of cheese. Yippee!! Then, I'll probably come back on here. You have a fun night!!!

May God Grant You Great Joy And Purpose,


:cheers: :angel: :angel: :angel: :guitar: :singer:

The Barbarian

“One of the most compelling genetic evidences for an original human couple created by God is mitochondrial DNA research done by creation geneticist, Nathaniel Jeanson, He clearly shows that the common human female ancestor of us all (biblical Eve) lived within the biblical timeframe of several thousand years ago.”- Georgia Purdom

It might be that "Mitochondrial Eve" is the Eve of the Bible. But...

Mitochondrial Eve is estimated to have lived between 99,000 and 200,000 years ago,[3][4][5] most likely in East Africa,[6] when Homo sapiens sapiens (anatomically modern humans) were developing as a population distinct from other human sub-species.

Clearly not in the YE Bible timeline, although it certainly isn't in conflict with the Bible.

Analogous to the Mitochondrial Eve is the Y-chromosomal Adam, the member of Homo sapiens sapiens from whom all living humans are descended patrilineally. The inherited DNA in the male case is his nuclear Y chromosome rather than the mtDNA. Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam need not have lived at the same time.[8] For example, Y-chromosomal Adam has been estimated to have lived during a wide range of times from 180,000 to 581,000 years ago,[9][10][11] while a 2013 paper concluded that he lived between 120,000 and 156,000 years ago[5][12] (however, this paper did not include some Cameroonians and one African American, who did not inherit their Y from that "Adam"
Same source

So, it appears to be not so.

Van der Ventel says that Christians need to cling to the belief in God, and that He created the universe perfectly. He warns Christians that if the faith in Genesis is lost, every other Christian fundamental is sure to crumble. After all, the theory of evolution is the reason why most Christians no longer believe in the creation account.

He's completely wrong, of course. Christians still accept Jesus as God and acknowledge that He died for us. What Van der Ventel is upset about is that Christians don't believe his new doctrine of Genesis. Quite a difference.
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