Creation vs. Evolution

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Cross Reference

New member
All the good YECs pretend to be straight when other "Christians" are watching. They have to keep up perception.

If that is directed at me, know that I am of the OEC "clan" __ something more of which you have no clue because you believe your existence is based upon, "nothing".


Well-known member
If that is directed at me, know that I am of the OEC "clan" __ something more of which you have no clue.


Well I would not have a clue because you have sided with YECs in your criticisms of natural explanations. I am not a mind reader, you idiot.

Oh, an OEC. So what model for the age of the earth and biodiversity do you propose, so that we can put that model under the same analytical light as the current model?

At any rate, in regard to "whether my comment was directed at you?", if you are an "OEC" and the rest applies. Then yes, you complete moron, it is directed at you.

Cross Reference

New member

Well I would not have a clue because you have sided with YECs in your criticisms of natural explanations. I am not a mind reader, you idiot.

Oh, an OEC. So what model for the age of the earth and biodiversity do you propose, so that we can put that model under the same analytical light as the current model?
In Yellow: Well apparently you have believed you are and for the sake of promoting your foundation-less religious bent, you continue in that condescending attitude.


Well-known member
In Yellow: Well apparently you have believed you are and for the sake of promoting your foundation-less religious bent, you continue in that condescending attitude.

Where have I claimed to be a mind reader?

Are you really this desperate and daft?

And get this straight. I talk down to people who are like you, that pretend to be superior but in reality are moronic cowards. I reserve that for people like that, I do not do that to everyone or even most people. Only to those who invite it, pretentious cowardly morons like you.

What "foundation-less religious bent" do you claim I am promoting?


Well-known member
The word is Hypocrite. Ted Haggard comes to mind, but I suspect he wasn't "a true Christian"

None of these types are to be trusted. I have followed their MO since I was very young, and they all have some sort of emotional disturbance or mental deficiency which seems to drive them to being hypocrites, pretentious, and at the same type too cowardly to face reality squarely. Most are pretty good at hiding their true character for a while, but eventually their true colors come shining through. I can't say that all YEC (or some OECs who side with YECs in criticizing natural explanations) are like this. But this socio-political agenda does seem to attract that type of person.

I feel bad for them, but I will not stand by and watch them try to push others around to compensate for their emotional/psychological issues.


New member
None of these types are to be trusted. I have followed their MO since I was very young, and they all have some sort of emotional disturbance or mental deficiency which seems to drive them to being hypocrites, pretentious, and at the same type too cowardly to face reality squarely. Most are pretty good at hiding their true character for a while, but eventually their true colors come shining through. I feel bad for them, but I will not stand by and watch them try to push others around to compensate for their emotional/psychological issues.

What you have to despise about Ted Haggard and his ilk is the way he preached hate about gay men while all the while secretly doing what he was doing, behind the backs of his flock and his wife. What an out and out hypocrite!

Cross Reference

New member
The word is Hypocrite. Ted Haggard comes to mind, but I suspect he wasn't "a true Christian"

Indeed, he wasn't. He prostituted himself away from Christ to become what he has become. He may very well fit what is spoken of here:

"For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame." Hebrews 6:4-6 (KJV)

Perhaps you should rejoice that you are not born again.


Well-known member
What you have to despise about Ted Haggard and his ilk is the way he preached hate about gay men while all the while secretly doing what he was doing, behind the backs of his flock and his wife. What an out and out hypocrite!

We do not know if it was "all the while" and that is irrelevant. It demonstrates the type of people attracted to this sort of social phenomenon. Rather than being introspective and trying to get more accurate in one's perception of the external objective reality, they hide from that reality (in many cases it is mirrored in the internal perspective of the individual in question) by avoiding reality and promoting an inaccurate model, rather than facing it squarely and being accurate.

"Spiritual adultery" is what that is.


Oh and they sometimes like to invent new terms to make themselves seem superficially intelligent, when such term are meaningless upon further/deeper analysis.

Cross Reference

New member
None of these types are to be trusted. I have followed their MO since I was very young, and they all have some sort of emotional disturbance or mental deficiency which seems to drive them to being hypocrites, pretentious, and at the same type too cowardly to face reality squarely. Most are pretty good at hiding their true character for a while, but eventually their true colors come shining through. I can't say that all YEC (or some OECs who side with YECs in criticizing natural explanations) are like this. But this socio-political agenda does seem to attract that type of person.

I feel bad for them, but I will not stand by and watch them try to push others around to compensate for their emotional/psychological issues.
You take yourself too seriously in believing your empty soul has anything offer.


New member
Indeed, he wasn't. He prostituted himself away from Christ to become what he has become. He may very well fit what is spoken of here:

"For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame." Hebrews 6:4-6 (KJV)

Perhaps you should rejoice that you are not born again.

Preaching and quoting Bible verses doesn't work on me. You could try throwing monkey bones or casting an hex but that won't work either I'm afraid.

Have you got Google in your neck of the woods? Just type in "The No True Scotsman Fallacy" and read. It is the exact Logical Fallacy you are engaged in. And it's not difficult to understand.

Cross Reference

New member
We do not know if it was "all the while" and that is irrelevant. It demonstrates the type of people attracted to this sort of social phenomenon. Rather than being introspective and trying to get more accurate in one's perception of the external objective reality, they hide from that reality (in many cases it is mirrored in the internal perspective of the individual in question) by avoiding reality and promoting an inaccurate model, rather than facing it squarely and being accurate.

What you can't understand is that you are a very religious individual about a false religion you have bought into.
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