Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Oh, I have heard the "understanding" from people like cross reference. This is exactly why I have no confidence in their critical thinking skills.
They don't seem to have any, YEC doctrine just seems to have been programmed in and then it comes out unquestioned. :liberals:

Cross Reference

New member
Apparently you're not the most erudite commentator on this forum.

Reminds me of the school yard know it all who ends up on welfare most of his life.

Erudite, you say? It might appear that way because I have nothing to offer you that might be of help to you and/or your crowd. You all went over the cliff long time ago.


Well-known member
Erudite, you say? It might appear that way because I have nothing to offer you that might be of help to you and/or your crowd. You all went over the cliff long time ago.

So your fear keeps you from understanding.

I don't let the fear of hell stop me from having the courage to understand. If God wants to send me to hell for seeking understanding then I accept that fate.

Have you ever considered that the myopic path you have chosen based on your co-opted interpretation of scripture will bring you exactly what you fear the most?

Nah, that could not possibly be the case. Since you are not on a "slippery slope".



Michael, I am not upset. The fact that I post things you do not like does not mean I am upset.

Would you like to put your money where your mouth is and see who has a more comprehensive knowledge and understanding?

Peace to you.

Dear noguru,

God has bigger plans for me and since I am so busy already with things, I'll have to pass up your tempting offer. Did you notice that I am so busy that I'm lucky if I can even get online to even make one post a day here? You also have no idea how learned I am. You'd be surprised. Well, we can check us out one post at a time. I wrote a book. How about you? My book has been here in the downtown City Libarary, which is huge. This city is humungous. My book has been on their shelves since 2003. Yes, they also have my latest 2015 Seventh Edition. The Presidents of the U.S. and of Israel both have a copy of my book, each, along with copies of Proof Pages. I have had ABC-TV reporters in my home, giving me an interview in front of a camera, with a backdrop and a reporter and lighting person. I could send you a half hour long video or you could get a copy of my book. You just send me $3 for postage for it. That's for part of the postage only. All the other costs, I will incur instead; the cost of a copy of my book (my price is $9 each from the publisher: at Barnes & Noble, they want $14.95; copy of the Proof Pages, $2, and a videotape, VHS, for a couple bucks. It adds up!!

It's not my first run-in with a reporter. I have had run-ins with Detroit, New York City, and Phoenix reporters. I don't want to explain them all. Well, I've got to run fast!!

Praise God!!



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

God has bigger plans for me and since I am so busy already with things, I'll have to pass up your tempting offer. Did you notice that I am so busy that I'm lucky if I can even get online to even make one post a day here? You also have no idea how learned I am. You'd be surprised. Well, we can check us out one post at a time. I wrote a book. How about you?


I did not think you would actually back up your claim with anything of substance. Anybody can write a book, that means absolutely nothing in regard to "how learned" you claim to be. Judging from your contributions here I have little confidence in any of your opinions, whether or not they are in a book.


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I wrote a book. How about you? My book has been here in the downtown City Libarary, which is huge. This city is humungous. My book has been on their shelves since 2003. Yes, they also have my latest 2015 Seventh Edition. The Presidents of the U.S. and of Israel both have a copy of my book, each, along with copies of Proof Pages. I have had ABC-TV reporters in my home, giving me an interview in front of a camera, with a backdrop and a reporter and lighting person. I could send you a half hour long video or you could get a copy of my book. You just send me $3 for postage for it. That's for part of the postage only. All the other costs, I will incur instead; the cost of a copy of my book (my price is $9 each from the publisher: at Barnes & Noble, they want $14.95; copy of the Proof Pages, $2, and a videotape, VHS, for a couple bucks. It adds up!!

It's not my first run-in with a reporter. I have had run-ins with Detroit, New York City, and Phoenix reporters. I don't want to explain them all. Well, I've got to run fast!!

Praise God!!


This part of your post reminds me of Steve Martin in "The Jerk".

The new phone book is here!

The new phone book is here!

I am in it and millions of people read it every day!

I tell you what though as a favor to you, I will read your book and give you a review for a nominal fee. Let's say about $50.00. How's that sound?


Dear noguru,

I would like you to send me White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane. The best version. How about that brother? Did you go to the ocean much this year? I mean in the ocean? Isn't it fun? Your body keeps afloat by all that salinity. It's really cool. Hard to stay under, eh? Okay, will run and answer some more posts on this page and more, including you also.

Much Love, In Christ,



Dear noguru,

I'm sorry I posted. I will go post to people who care. I've worked extremely hard for the Lord all my life, and you act like it's trash. You should have gone through the experiences that I have in your life. Then you would hold your tongue easily. You will get to, but it shall be nothing as rough as I've gone through. But you will take a sip from the cup I have, as the disciples did, and as Jesus did. Or maybe you won't? "Sip from the cup" or "walk a mile in His shoes." Do you understand the analogy? Will get going.

Oh Lord, Godspeed!!

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Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I'm sorry I posted. I will go post to people who care. I've worked extremely hard for the Lord all my life, and you act like it's trash. You should have gone through the experiences that I have in your life. Then you would hold your tongue easily. You will get to, but it shall be nothing like I've gone through. But you will take a sip from the cup I have, as the disciples did, and as Jesus did. Or maybe you won't? Will get going.

Oh Lord, Godspeed!!


Michael, I am content with the life I have lived. I do not think your life is more interesting or fulfilling. Sorry.

I personally do not think Jesus is behind any of your delusions. You are just kind of wacky. But that's ok, a lot of people are wacky.


Michael, I am content with the life I have lived. I do not think your life is more interesting or fulfilling. Sorry.

I personally do not think Jesus is behind any of your delusions. You are just kind of wacky. But that's ok, a lot of people are wacky.

Dear noguru,

Hey Buddy!! I can't wait to see the surprise on your face when you find I'm not wacky. Remember, I don't hold any grudges. If you didn't believe me now, it's okay. It does say in the OT and the NT that none will believe me. Notice in Rev. 11:10KJV, "And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth." God has told me that I am one of the two candlesticks, olive trees and witnesses standing before the God of the whole Earth. If you have a beef with that, go to Him about it. I do not know who the other witness is and God is not letting me know yet. I do have my ideas though. There will be a time for that. But I am betting he will live in the same city as me. Now you can swear upon a mountain of Bibles, noguru, but you will see it come to pass that I have told you the truth and you are wrong about me. I'm not a wacko except, yes, I am hard to believe. I don't expect Anyone to believe me. All I ask, is to just share my testimony of all that I have experienced of the Lord, as a witness in court. That is all.

Hey, what about my White Rabbit? I want the original. But I do want a video with it. So whatever is the earliest version. Thanks, brethren.


:idea: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

Hey Buddy!! I can't wait to see the surprise on your face when you find I'm not wacky. Remember, I don't hold any grudges. If you didn't believe me now, it's okay....Blah, blah, blah, blah...blah, blah blah


:idea: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:

That is accurate. I will be surprised should I find you're a lacky in the wacky department.

Peace to you Michael.


Dear noguru,

I can see by the time you wrote this video that you must have been dying to get to bed. Maybe when you feel more apt to writing, you could write a proper response. I will get my own White Rabbit video. My love is as God would have me, to love you unconditionally as best I can. So far, you've been trying at times, but you are not the worst.

God and Jesus, and the Holy Ghost Be With You,

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From everready!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Evolution Is an Ancient Pagan Greek Idea

Contrary to what its supporters claim, evolution is not a scientific theory but a pagan belief. The idea of evolution first appeared in such ancient societies as Egypt, Babylon, and Sumer, after which it passed to ancient Greek philosophers. Pagan Sumerian monuments contain statements denying creation and claiming that living things emerged by themselves as part of a gradual process. According to Sumerian belief, life emerged by itself out of the disorder of water.

As part of their own superstitious religions, the ancient Egyptians believed that "snakes, frogs, worms, and mice emerged from the mud of the Nile flood waters." Just like the Sumerians, the ancient Egyptians denied the existence of a Creator and thought that "living things emerged by chance from mud."

The most important claim of the Greek philosophers Empedocles (fifth century BC), Thales (d. 546 BC), and Anaximander (d. 547 BC) of Miletus was that the first living things were formed from such inanimate substances as air, fire, and water. This theory posited that the first living things suddenly emerged in water and that later on some of them left the water, adapted to life on land, and began to live there. Thales believed that "water" was the root of all life, that plants and animals began to develop in water, and that humanity was the end result of this process. Anaximander, a younger contemporary of Thales, held the false belief that "man arose from the fishes" and the source of life began with a "primordial mass."

Anaximander's verse work On Nature is the first available written work based upon the theory of evolution. In that poem, he wrote that creatures arose from slime that had been dried by the sun. According to Anaximander's erroneous way of thinking, the first animals were covered with prickly scales and lived in the seas. As these fish-like creatures supposedly evolved, they moved onto land, shed their scaly coverings and eventually became human beings. (For further details, see The Religion of Darwinism by Harun Yahya, Abu'l Qasim Publishers, Jeddah, 2003) His illogical theory can be considered the first foundation of the present-day theory of evolution, for it has many similarities with Darwinism.

Empedocles brought earlier ideas together and suggested that the fundamental elements (i.e., earth, air, fire, and water) came together to create bodies. He also believed that man had developed from plant life, and that only chance played any role in this process. As mentioned earlier, this concept of chance and its role in creation form the principle basis upon which the theory of evolution is built.

Heraclitus (d. fifth century BC) made another illogical claim, that because the universe was in a process of constant change, there was no point in questioning the mythical account of its beginning and maintained that it had no beginning or end. Rather, it simply existed. In short, the materialist belief upon which evolution is based also existed in ancient Greece.

The deceptive idea of spontaneous generation was supported by many other Greek philosophers, particularly Aristotle (384-22 BC). This idea said that animals, in particular certain worms, insects, and plants, came about by themselves in nature and so did not need to undergo any fertilization process. Maurice Manquat, well known for his studies on Aristotle's ideas on natural history, once said:
Aristotle was concerned with the origin of life so much that he accepted spontaneous generation (the coming together of inanimate substances to spontaneously form a living thing) in order to explain certain events that could not be accounted for in any other way.

On careful inspection, one can see considerable similarities between the ideas of past and present evolutionist thinkers. The roots of the materialist idea that the universe has no beginning and no end, as well as the evolutionist view that living things emerged as the result of chance, lie in pagan Sumerian culture and were common among materialist Greek thinkers. The ideas that life emerged from water and a mixture known as "primordial mass," and living things emerge only because of chance, form the bases of these two ideas that are linked despite the passage of so much time.

Thus, Muslims who think that evolution is logical support a theory whose roots are embedded in ancient ideas that have been shown to have no scientific basis. Moreover, such ideas were first proposed by ancient materialist thinkers and contain pagan meanings.

Actually, evolution is not restricted to ancient Sumerian culture or ancient Greek philosophers, for it forms the essence of such major contemporary belief systems as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. In other words, evolution is no more than a theory that is completely opposed to Islamic belief.

Some Muslims who support evolution, despite historical findings to the contrary, claim that the Qur'an supports this supposed "Creationist Theory of Evolution" and try to find the source of evolution in the Muslim world. They assert that this idea first emerged from Muslim thinkers and, when their works were translated into foreign languages, evolutionist thought appeared in the West.

However, the few examples given above clearly reveal that evolution is no more than a primitive belief dating back to ancient pagan societies. It would be a great mistake to try and show that evolutionist thought, built upon materialist foundations, can be ascribed to Muslims when there is absolutely no clear scientific and historical basis to support such a claim.

Posted by Yasin Ertuğrul Özdemir at 11:45 AM

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Dear The Barbarian,

Now that would be a sore lot, eh?!

So how are you doing these days? I hope fine!! Noguru seems to think I'm wacko. Ah, he is a stitch these days. We go back a couple years, but then, who's counting? But has he written a book? i have. I'm sure you've heard Davis' rants and raves about it all. Whatever. Sure, I did quite an about-face on it during this Seventh Edition, but it's more than not, a good piece of literature if you have faith, hope and love inside and are looking for a lot of other facts besides the one that I did a change on {I changed from being an OEC to a YEC}. I see how God created the animals aged, the fish aged, the plants aged, the critters aged, the trees aged, {sure the trees grew in 7 days}. And yes, the creatures of the Earth and also Mankind, all created aged. Adam and Eve, not as babies, but as young adults. How did the Garden of Eden have trees in it that were supposed to be four days old? God can grow them that fast if He wishes, but man cannot fathom this. And instead of creating a chicken baby {an egg}, He created the chicken first. The aged version of the egg. So now when someone asks you which came first, you can tell them it was the chicken, not the egg. You've got your answer. If He can kill a tree within a second, then why can He not grow a tree in a sec.? Why must man limit God to what Man thinks He CAN DO??!! Man is asinine. And man will tell you how many billions of years the Earth and Universe are, right, instead of thousands? God has a beautiful place He has planned for Jesus and us to live with Him forever. He doesn't need any aliens from another planet to join us. Man is lame, it would seem. Someday, man will have to concede and let God tell the story again.

Tons Of Love From God And Me, The Barbarian,

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