Creation vs. Evolution

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Cross Reference

New member
Yah just gotta love the way that he ordered Moses to kill all the neighboring tribe, including all the men, women and children, oh except for those women who are virgins, and those Moses's soldiers could keep for themselves.

You know they could keep them for their own pleasures.

Yeah, you just gotta love that lovin' God of yours don't you?

What scripture says God allowed Mose's soldiers to keep the virgins? God usually demanded everyone to be killed that the hearts and minds of the Israelites wouldn't become polluted as yours is from the influence of heathens..


Well-known member
What scripture says God allowed Mose's soldiers to keep the virgins? God usually demanded everyone to be killed that the hearts and minds of the Israelites wouldn't become polluted as yours is from the influence of heathens..

I don't care about your opinion. You are an idiot. People have to constantly explain the double standard of your belief system, and then you still don't get it. You are just an annoying twerp hiding behind your whacked out view of life and religion.

Shut up, already.

Soon all the idiots like you will die off. There will still be problems, but the current level of information exchange gives us plenty of evidence that antiquated authoritarians like you don't have the first clue.


New member
What scripture says God allowed Mose's soldiers to keep the virgins? God usually demanded everyone to be killed that the hearts and minds of the Israelites wouldn't become polluted as yours is from the influence of heathens..

Numbers 31:17 KJV "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him."
Numbers 31:18 KJV "But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."


Well-known member
Numbers 31:17 KJV "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him."
Numbers 31:18 KJV "But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

Yes, the cowardly slimy little cross reference cannot even be honest about the cultural context involved there. He has been brainwashed by idiots and will never realize his own incompetence.


New member
Yes, the cowardly slimy little cross reference cannot even be honest about the cultural context involved there. He has been brainwashed by idiots and will never admit that.
Perhaps it takes a non-believer to know where to look for all the grim bits in the Bible? :D

Jose Fly

New member
Yep. No question about his position. I disagree with his interpretation of the Bible

Do you agree with his approach to science?

but he's not hiding anything

That alone doesn't make one honest. A thief can be open about what he's about to do, but he's still dishonest when he steals from you.

And notice that when he seies evidence for evolution, he candidly admits it.

What does he admit? That evolutionary theory is valid science and therefore indicative of reality? No.

That's trustworthy.

How? Just because he's up front about his intellectual dishonesty, that doesn't make him trustworthy.

There'd be a lot less screaming and ranting hereabouts if we had a few more like Wise.

In a way, we do. We have a lot of creationists here who take Wise's "scripture is what matters, not data" approach. Interestingly, in Dawkins' article about Wise, he notes:

Depending upon how many Kurt Wises are out there, it could mean that we are completely wasting our time arguing the case and presenting the evidence for evolution. We have it on the authority of a man who may well be creationism’s most highly qualified and most intelligent scientist that no evidence, no matter how overwhelming, no matter how all-embracing, no matter how devastatingly convincing, can ever make any difference.

Sounds pretty accurate.


New member
What scripture says God allowed Mose's soldiers to keep the virgins? God usually demanded everyone to be killed that the hearts and minds of the Israelites wouldn't become polluted as yours is from the influence of heathens..
1 Samuel 15 2 & 3 (KJV) – “Thus saith the LORD of hosts … go and smite Amalek … slay both man and woman, infant and suckling…”

Imagine you and I as soldiers long ago in Saul’s army, and the Prophet Samuel gave the orders above to us.

As we enter an Amalekite encampment, we have to fight our way in. You encountered an Amalekite warrior, and managed to kill him. I was attacked by his enraged wife, and had no choice but to likewise kill her. Now you and I enter their tent, and see babies – twin 6 month old infant girls lying on the blanket on the floor. Though their parents were our enemies, yet these infants, like infants everywhere, had known nothing but love and kindness in their short lives.

Now I want you to pause a moment, as a personal warrior representing God, with your sword raised before you behead one of them, and explain to her, though she won’t understand the words, why we have slaughtered her parents, and why she must die. Do you glory, knowing you are doing God’s work, as your sword descends and you see the blood spurt out?

I, with a similar charge, stand over the other twin little baby with my sword raised. I pause, and think, then I lay my sword down, pick up the orphan, and vow that my life will be forfeit before hers. I whisper to her that as a beautiful infant child of God, still young and impressionable, I will take her home and defend her and teach her what right and wrong really are.

When we get back to our camp, you can brag about the infant blood that has dried on your blade, and I will show one of those that later it will be said “bring the llttle ones unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”


I don't care about your opinion. You are an idiot. People have to constantly explain the double standard of your belief system, and then you still don't get it. You are just an annoying twerp hiding behind your whacked out view of life and religion.

Shut up, already.

Soon all the idiots like you will die off. There will still be problems, but the current level of information exchange gives us plenty of evidence that antiquated authoritarians like you don't have the first clue.

Dear Noguru,

Quit badgering him. He's not an idiot. What did Jesus tell you about calling someone a fool? Same thing. You are trying to put him to a lower level than yourself. Not cool!!

And DON'T tell him to Shut Up!! How bogus of you. He has every right to free speech, just as every man is allowed. Just like you have. C'mon.

The only way we'll die of is with both hands towards Jesus and you with a Darwin's book in yours. It isn't too far away!!

Be Kind, Brother!!



Well-known member
Dear Noguru,

Quit badgering him. He's not an idiot. What did Jesus tell you about calling someone a fool? Same thing. You are trying to put him to a lower level than yourself. Not cool!!

I am not badgering him. I am posting the truth as I see it. If you have a problem with that you will just have to get over it.

According to the Gospel, Jesus called people out on their hypocrisy and corruption.


Well-known member
Dear Noguru,

And DON'T tell him to Shut Up!! How bogus of you. He has every right to free speech, just as every man is allowed. Just like you have. C'mon.

Just as I have the right to free speech. You do not seem to object to his attempts at silencing others when they do not subscribe to his antiquated authoritarian view of reality.

And Michael, you will have to excuse me. I do not think you are a particularly competent person either.

Sorry, but that is how I honestly feel.

Peace to you.


1 Samuel 15 2 & 3 (KJV) – “Thus saith the LORD of hosts … go and smite Amalek … slay both man and woman, infant and suckling…”

Imagine you and I as soldiers long ago in Saul’s army, and the Prophet Samuel gave the orders above to us.

Dear DavisBJ,

The orders were given according to what God would have. He did not want to give the responsibility of the Israelis to have to raise ALL of the children that they had from all of their enemies and all the wars they had to be in. You don't see the big picture well enough. Moses was saved from a king who wanted every male child under 2 years old of the Hebrews killed. And so it was done. But Moses lived and became a loyal servant of God. We would go broke taking care of all of the enemies we've had in the U.S. We're going broke from helping other countries, and fighting in other countries.

As we enter an Amalekite encampment, we have to fight our way in. You encountered an Amalekite warrior, and managed to kill him. I was attacked by his enraged wife, and had no choice but to likewise kill her. Now you and I enter their tent, and see babies – twin 6 month old infant girls lying on the blanket on the floor. Though their parents were our enemies, yet these infants, like infants everywhere, had known nothing but love and kindness in their short lives.

Now I want you to pause a moment, as a personal warrior representing God, with your sword raised before you behead one of them, and explain to her, though she won’t understand the words, why we have slaughtered her parents, and why she must die. Do you glory, knowing you are doing God’s work, as your sword descends and you see the blood spurt out?

I, with a similar charge, stand over the other twin little baby with my sword raised. I pause, and think, then I lay my sword down, pick up the orphan, and vow that my life will be forfeit before hers. I whisper to her that as a beautiful infant child of God, still young and impressionable, I will take her home and defend her and teach her what right and wrong really are.

When we get back to our camp, you can brag about the infant blood that has dried on your blade, and I will show one of those that later it will be said “bring the llttle ones unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Do you know that every Israeli child two years and younger was ordered to be killed by Herod because he had heard that a king was born {Jesus}. He didn't know what kind of king and that it wasn't to take Herod's place, but still on Passover, the angel of Death came and slew all whose homes who did not have lamb's blood sprinkled on their door or around it.

And who is going to raise all of these enemies' children?? Especially when God said explicitly what He wanted done. You would not make it in the Army, even the Israeli army, much less ours. Those children who died during each war are saved by God. I could expound, but I won't. OK. War is never pretty, but it has to be done. We just let in 600,000 Syrian refugees and have to take care of them. And we're supposed to be strapped for cash? And how many of those 600,000 are Islamic sympathizers or even terrorists? There is just no telling what Obama is up too. His entire name is Islamic. I wish we would have impeach him two years ago. It is not too late though. He leading us into places where we should not go. Diplomacy is a waste of time with Iran. No deal Iran. We should bomb there bombs. It's that simple. It's going to be now or in the near future. I could post more, but this is getting too long already.


:cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :thumb:


I am not badgering him. I am posting the truth as I see it. If you have a problem with that you will just have to get over it.

According to the Gospel, Jesus called people out on their hypocrisy and corruption.

Dear noguru,

I don't have to get over it. According to Gospel, Jesus said to us, 'Do not call your brother a fool, or you shall be in danger of hell fire.' {Matt. 5:22KJV}

That's intense and something to steer clear of.

Don't get upset, get learning. Read that Bible.

Noguru, I am spent and going to bed. You enjoy your day. I mean, it must be 6:30a.m. there. It is 3:30a.m. here and I will get going. Real nice chatting with you, but noguru, we are just sparring. Don't EVER think I don't love you or respect you.

Much Love, In God And Christ,



Dear DavisBJ,

The orders were given according to what God would have. He did not want to give the responsibility of the Israelis to have to raise ALL of the children that they had from all of their enemies and all the wars they had to be in.

More evidence that you can find an excuse for anything in your Holy Book. Infanticide is morally justifiable when it is economically useful. How awful.


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I don't have to get over it. According to Gospel, Jesus said to us, 'Do not call your brother a fool, or you shall be in danger of hell fire.' {Matt. 5:22KJV}

That's intense and something to steer clear of.

Don't get upset, get learning. Read that Bible.

Noguru, I am spent and going to bed. You enjoy your day. I mean, it must be 6:30a.m. there. It is 3:30a.m. here and I will get going. Real nice chatting with you, but noguru, we are just sparring. Don't EVER think I don't love you or respect you.

Much Love, In God And Christ,


Michael, I am not upset. The fact that I post things you do not like does not mean I am upset.

Would you like to put your money where your mouth is and see who has a more comprehensive knowledge and understanding?

Peace to you.

Cross Reference

New member
Numbers 31:17 KJV "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him."
Numbers 31:18 KJV "But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

Yes. Now I wonder why God would have it that way?

Question: re Israelites: Have you ever read more about why God did things the way He did like, forbid to marry outside the camp (of Israel)? What was wrong with marrying anyone the Israelites chose?

Perhaps a thorough reading of Numbers and Deuteronomy might help you understand better some things about God and His decrees upon the Israelites.


New member
Yes. Now I wonder why God would have it that way?

Question: re Israelites: Have you ever read more about why God did things the way He did like, forbid to marry outside the camp (of Israel)? What was wrong with marrying anyone the Israelites chose?

Perhaps a thorough reading of Numbers and Deuteronomy might help you understand better some things about God and His decrees upon the Israelites.
Since you hadn't apparently known of these verses before I don't think I'll be taking any advice from you.
However if you can offer your own rationalisation of why such dire actions were necessary and worthy, I'll consider it.


Well-known member
Since you hadn't apparently known of these verses before I don't think I'll be taking any advice from you.
However if you can offer your own rationalisation of why such dire actions were necessary and worthy, I'll consider it.

Oh, I have heard the "understanding" from people like cross reference. This is exactly why I have no confidence in their critical thinking skills.


Well-known member
Yes. Now I wonder why God would have it that way?

Question: re Israelites: Have you ever read more about why God did things the way He did like, forbid to marry outside the camp (of Israel)? What was wrong with marrying anyone the Israelites chose?

Perhaps a thorough reading of Numbers and Deuteronomy might help you understand better some things about God and His decrees upon the Israelites.


"Historical and cultural context", can you say that?
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