Creation vs. Evolution

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The wolf pack is upon you 6days, just remember what Jesus said.

Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.



Well-known member
The wolf pack is upon you 6days, just remember what Jesus said.

Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.



Can you say "drama queen"?


New member
I believe that Darwinian evolution offers the best naturalistic explanation for life being how it is today based on testable evidence and scientific conclusions not blind belief, whether a god is behind it or not.

I believe that the Biblical Creator offers the most logical and scientific explanation for life being how it is today based on testable evidence and scientific conclusions not blind belief.


New member
If intelligent scientists could create RNA or proteins, that would show that creation of those elements of life did not require the intervention of a God.
That is one possible explanation but not the most logical... and not the most scientific.
If intelligent scientists could create RNA or proteins. it would be touted as a great scientific achievement. It would be evidence of great intelligence.


I believe that Darwinian evolution offers the best naturalistic explanation for life being how it is today based on testable evidence and scientific conclusions not blind belief, whether a god is behind it or not.

Explanations of gods are not available and not required.

We don't worship a blind belief. We worship God, our Creator. See below for more about Evolution. It's dead, already.

Originally Posted by everready
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Why should he feel embarrassed. Evolution is an ancient pagan Greek idea, and it all stems from Babylon.


Dear alwight,

I thought you might have missed this. Evolution and Darwinism is flushed down the toilet, where it belongs. Click on the link.

Will chat with you more later. I'm going to be gone for 3 hours. I have to take care of some business and also make dinner.

Cheerio, Mate!!



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The quality of creation science

An interesting video which analyzes creation scientists, their qualifications, motivations and the reality or their contributions to science. I think this is indicative of the state of creationists contributions to science.


Well-known member
We don't worship a blind belief. ....lots of stupid non sense by Michael.... I thought you might have missed this. Evolution and Darwinism is flushed down the toilet, where it belongs....



The irony is too much, Michael. YEC has been (for the last 160+ years) and is in the toilet. It is garbage, and the fact that you have an insignificant thread on an insignificant site on the internet is no rational reason to assume you are actually making a valid contribution to science. You are a comedian, pure and simple.


New member
We don't worship a blind belief. We worship God, our Creator. See below for more about Evolution. It's dead, already.
Darwinian evolution doesn't stop you doing that Michael. You can't honestly claim it is dead because it doesn't fit with what you want to believe instead there needs to be rational argument, something that YECs are not exactly known for...

Originally Posted by everready
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Why should he feel embarrassed. Evolution is an ancient pagan Greek idea, and it all stems from Babylon.


Dear alwight,

I thought you might have missed this. Evolution and Darwinism is flushed down the toilet, where it belongs. Click on the link.

Will chat with you more later. I'm going to be gone for 3 hours. I have to take care of some business and also make dinner.

Cheerio, Mate!!

The link doesn't seem to work Michael, not that there would be much rationality or flushing down the toilet to find there I suspect. :nono:


Dear noguru,

You must be misunderstanding. Didn't God show you the impossible things that He is capable of doing? Do you think God is one step AHEAD of man. Of course, He is mostly a million times more AHEAD. And so you evolutionists feel impelled to go against what He says in the Bible and with what Jesus did not bear false witness before He left up into the Heavens. You don't think that God raised Jesus up into the sky, either, don't you? And Jesus brought a man back to life after four days of being dead. These miracles are exceptionally important because they show that God could and most likely would, have created an old Earth. He created everything else that He made in various stages of age, but never babies. That includes fauna, flora, aquatic {both saltwater and freshwater. Also the creatures He created, and the bugs He created, and man whom He created. Your mind is so small it seems to not be able to grasp some secrets. And it says in Rev. 10:7, "and the mystery of God shall be finished, as He hath declared to His servants, the prophets." This will happen when the seventh trumpet sounds. Then you will see and find out. Let's wait until then. The wait is not that long, bro!! If I am wrong, I will gladly concede. And if you are wrong, you will gladly do what??

To A Treasured Brother And Amigo!!



See on this thread, Pg. 768, Post #11507

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Evolution Is an Ancient Pagan Greek Idea

Contrary to what its supporters claim, evolution is not a scientific theory but a pagan belief. The idea of evolution first appeared in such ancient societies as Egypt, Babylon, and Sumer, after which it passed to ancient Greek philosophers. Pagan Sumerian monuments contain statements denying creation and claiming that living things emerged by themselves as part of a gradual process. According to Sumerian belief, life emerged by itself out of the disorder of water.

As part of their own superstitious religions, the ancient Egyptians believed that "snakes, frogs, worms, and mice emerged from the mud of the Nile flood waters." Just like the Sumerians, the ancient Egyptians denied the existence of a Creator and thought that "living things emerged by chance from mud."

The most important claim of the Greek philosophers Empedocles (fifth century BC), Thales (d. 546 BC), and Anaximander (d. 547 BC) of Miletus was that the first living things were formed from such inanimate substances as air, fire, and water. This theory posited that the first living things suddenly emerged in water and that later on some of them left the water, adapted to life on land, and began to live there. Thales believed that "water" was the root of all life, that plants and animals began to develop in water, and that humanity was the end result of this process.3 Anaximander, a younger contemporary of Thales, held the false belief that "man arose from the fishes" and the source of life began with a "primordial mass."4

Anaximander's verse work On Nature is the first available written work based upon the theory of evolution. In that poem, he wrote that creatures arose from slime that had been dried by the sun. According to Anaximander's erroneous way of thinking, the first animals were covered with prickly scales and lived in the seas. As these fish-like creatures supposedly evolved, they moved onto land, shed their scaly coverings and eventually became human beings.5 (For further details, see The Religion of Darwinism by Harun Yahya, Abu'l Qasim Publishers, Jeddah, 2003) His illogical theory can be considered the first foundation of the present-day theory of evolution, for it has many similarities with Darwinism.

Empedocles brought earlier ideas together and suggested that the fundamental elements (i.e., earth, air, fire, and water) came together to create bodies. He also believed that man had developed from plant life, and that only chance played any role in this process.6 As mentioned earlier, this concept of chance and its role in creation form the principle basis upon which the theory of evolution is built.
Heraclitus (d. fifth century BC) made another illogical claim, that because the universe was in a process of constant change, there was no point in questioning the mythical account of its beginning and maintained that it had no beginning or end. Rather, it simply existed.7 In short, the materialist belief upon which evolution is based also existed in ancient Greece.

The deceptive idea of spontaneous generation was supported by many other Greek philosophers, particularly Aristotle (384-22 BC). This idea said that animals, in particular certain worms, insects, and plants, came about by themselves in nature and so did not need to undergo any fertilization process. Maurice Manquat, well known for his studies on Aristotle's ideas on natural history, once said:
Aristotle was concerned with the origin of life so much that he accepted spontaneous generation (the coming together of inanimate substances to spontaneously form a living thing) in order to explain certain events that could not be accounted for in any other way.8

On careful inspection, one can see considerable similarities between the ideas of past and present evolutionist thinkers. The roots of the materialist idea that the universe has no beginning and no end, as well as the evolutionist view that living things emerged as the result of chance, lie in pagan Sumerian culture and were common among materialist Greek thinkers. The ideas that life emerged from water and a mixture known as "primordial mass," and living things emerge only because of chance, form the bases of these two ideas that are linked despite the passage of so much time.

Thus, Muslims who think that evolution is logical support a theory whose roots are embedded in ancient ideas that have been shown to have no scientific basis. Moreover, such ideas were first proposed by ancient materialist thinkers and contain pagan meanings.

Actually, evolution is not restricted to ancient Sumerian culture or ancient Greek philosophers, for it forms the essence of such major contemporary belief systems as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. In other words, evolution is no more than a theory that is completely opposed to Islamic belief.

Some Muslims who support evolution, despite historical findings to the contrary, claim that the Qur'an supports this supposed "Creationist Theory of Evolution" and try to find the source of evolution in the Muslim world. They assert that this idea first emerged from Muslim thinkers and, when their works were translated into foreign languages, evolutionist thought appeared in the West.

However, the few examples given above clearly reveal that evolution is no more than a primitive belief dating back to ancient pagan societies. It would be a great mistake to try and show that evolutionist thought, built upon materialist foundations, can be ascribed to Muslims when there is absolutely no clear scientific and historical basis to support such a claim.

Here's that Link I promised you!! It was tricky trying to get it, but I did. I'm smarter than the average bear!! Ahhh!! You don't know that cartoon. It was Yogi Bear.


Why should he feel embarrassed evolution is an ancient pagan Greek idea, and it all stems from Babylon.

Posted by Yasin Ertuğrul Özdemir at 11:45 AM

Much Love From God,


I will be posting this page in a timely fashion to remind the evolutionists what they need to hear.
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New member
Contrary to what its supporters claim, evolution is not a scientific theory but a pagan belief. The idea of evolution first appeared in such ancient societies as Egypt, Babylon, and Sumer, after which it passed to ancient Greek philosophers. Pagan Sumerian monuments contain statements denying creation and claiming that living things emerged by themselves as part of a gradual process. According to Sumerian belief, life emerged by itself out of the disorder of water.
Contrary to what chemists claim, the atom is not a scientific theory but ancient Greek philosophy. The philosopher Democritus promoted the idea as a denial of the concept of continuous matter.

Seriously, why do you post such poorly written tripe? Why do you waste your valuable lifetime reading this rubbish? Why did I waste my lifetime reading it??

Can't you post something interesting, say, a nice photograph of your god for us to admire?

Can we have one of those?



Contrary to what chemists claim, the atom is not a scientific theory but ancient Greek philosophy. The philosopher Democritus promoted the idea as a denial of the concept of continuous matter.

Ahhhhh Stu!!

Not even close. A lame response. The atom is a scientific fact. Now the details about it could be lame, if they are written that way. Doesn't an atom come with a nucleus, proton, neutron, and electon? For a basic atom?

Seriously, why do you post such poorly written tripe? Why do you waste your valuable lifetime reading this rubbish? Why did I waste my lifetime reading it??

It's far from rubbish, even though you'd like me and everyone who reads this post to believe that. The best I can do for you offhand, is to look at my Avatar and you will see God's Son. His Son said "he who hath seen me, hath seen the Father {our God}. So now you have everything you've asked. When are you going to quit believing in dangerous beliefs?

Can't you post something interesting, say, a nice photograph of your god for us to admire?

Can we have one of those?


Thar ya go!! How is your life going otherwise? Good? Seems like every time we get to chat is rebuttals in a post.

God Find A Path To You!!



New member
Creation vs. Evolution

But the Genesis account has everything to do with how we got here. It is the foundation to the gospel. The foundation of all Christian doctrines is found in Genesis. If the literal first Adam and original sin are simply allegorical, then the "Last Adam" (Christ) and his death and resurrection become uneccesary.*

Jesus referred to Genesis as real history.... we should too.*

There are a lot of assumptions in your post and if you choose such a narrow line of reasoning then you won't be able to see other valid options. For example, Jesus quoting or referencing Genesis or Adam doesn't equal him treating it as literal history, with not a single other option available.
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The irony is too much, Michael. YEC has been (for the last 160+ years) and is in the toilet. It is garbage, and the fact that you have an insignificant thread on an insignificant site on the internet is no rational reason to assume you are actually making a valid contribution to science. You are a comedian, pure and simple.

Dear noguru,

I have plenty to begin sharing tonite. But I'm getting to bed soon, because it is already 3 a.m. in my city. I'm not staying up until 4a.m.

Check this out:

Anaximander's verse work On Nature is the first available written work based upon the theory of evolution. In that poem, he wrote that creatures arose from slime that had been dried by the sun. According to Anaximander's erroneous way of thinking, the first animals were covered with prickly scales and lived in the seas. As these fish-like creatures supposedly evolved, they moved onto land, shed their scaly coverings and eventually became human beings.5 (For further details, see The Religion of Darwinism by Harun Yahya, Abu'l Qasim Publishers, Jeddah, 2003) His illogical theory can be considered the first foundation of the present-day theory of evolution, for it has many similarities with Darwinism.

This is only a paragraph of what I sent you earlier. I am trying to show you what is written. You will probably shun it blindly, because you don't want to believe in it. See the above paragraph.



There are a lot of assumptions in your post and if you choose such a narrow line of reasoning the you won't be able to see other valid options. For example, Jesus quoting or referencing Genesis or Adam doesn't equal him treating it as literal history, with not a single other option available.

Dear Soodanim,

It's me again. Hey, Jesus believed in the Hebrew Bible, the Torah. He read a verse from Isaiah. Word for word. And it was factual. And even though the verse at first seemed ambiguous, He made it clear. Then He had to run for His life. Isn't life ridiculous. This is another instance of Jesus reading the Bible aloud, noting that He was treating it literal.

There is no one who could get through to your closed mind except God or Jesus. It could happen, with the right actions from you. You really should try.

God Be With You!!




There are a lot of assumptions in your post and if you choose such a narrow line of reasoning the you won't be able to see other valid options. For example, Jesus quoting or referencing Genesis or Adam doesn't equal him treating it as literal history, with not a single other option available.

Dear Soodanim,

It's me again. Hey, Jesus believed in the Hebrew Bible, the Tanakh. He read a verse from Isaiah. Word for word. And it was factual. And even though the verse at first seemed ambiguous or symbolic, He made it clear. Then He had to run for His life. Isn't life ridiculous. They started running after Jesus to kill him. This is another instance of Jesus reading the Bible aloud, noting that He was treating it literal.

There is no one who could get through to your closed mind except God or Jesus. It could happen, with the right actions from you. You really should try.

God Be With You!!




New member

Dear Soodanim,

It's me again. Hey, Jesus believed in the Hebrew Bible, the Torah. He read a verse from Isaiah. Word for word. And it was factual. And even though the verse at first seemed ambiguous, He made it clear. Then He had to run for His life. Isn't life ridiculous. This is another instance of Jesus reading the Bible aloud, noting that He was treating it literal.

There is no one who could get through to your closed mind except God or Jesus. It could happen, with the right actions from you. You really should try.

God Be With You!!


Wow, are you sure you're a Christian? You seem pretty hostile. Please stop assuming things. I didn't say Jesus didn't take Torah literally in the main. I was referring to the opening of Genesis which , if you read more widely, the Hebrews didn't look for to answer the questions that are on the table in the creation vs evolution debate. They looked for different information and answers. There is plenty of stuff to read, academic and not so much, older and newer material, that delve into the Hebrew understanding of that section of their scriptures. The theologian John Walton has written a bit, and from his bibliographies you could find a lot of other material to have a look at.

Being hostile is less productive than looking at more of the relevant material and staying in discourse with someone that might have some different views.



The irony is too much, Michael. YEC has been (for the last 160+ years) and is in the toilet. It is garbage, and the fact that you have an insignificant thread on an insignificant site on the internet is no rational reason to assume you are actually making a valid contribution to science. You are a comedian, pure and simple.

Dear noguru,

I'd rather be a YEC than an evolutionist. In so short a time, evolution, will be shown to see what it is. Then people can decide for themselves. If they decide wrongly, who am I to try to argue with them. After all of these years, I find out I'm right. Yes, you can call me Jay Leno. I'm a stitch. What have you got? Some Urantia papers and some book here. Not something they've found evolution to be without merit. Check the article. I'm sure there are more that I can find about evolution.

With Much Love!! Don't Throw Your Life Away, noguru,

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