Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I have plenty to begin sharing tonite. But I'm getting to bed soon, because it is already 3 a.m. in my city. I'm not staying up until 4a.m.

Check this out:

Anaximander's verse work On Nature is the first available written work based upon the theory of evolution. In that poem, he wrote that creatures arose from slime that had been dried by the sun. According to Anaximander's erroneous way of thinking, the first animals were covered with prickly scales and lived in the seas. As these fish-like creatures supposedly evolved, they moved onto land, shed their scaly coverings and eventually became human beings.5 (For further details, see The Religion of Darwinism by Harun Yahya, Abu'l Qasim Publishers, Jeddah, 2003) His illogical theory can be considered the first foundation of the present-day theory of evolution, for it has many similarities with Darwinism.

This is only a paragraph of what I sent you earlier. I am trying to show you what is written. You will probably shun it blindly, because you don't want to believe in it. See the above paragraph.


Michael, I hate to burst your bubble but you are one of the most illogical people I have witnessed on this site, and perhaps in life as a whole.


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I'd rather be a YEC than an evolutionist. After all of these years, I find out I'm right. Yes, you can call me Jay Leno. I'm a stitch.


I don't care what you would rather be. I see you as a person not to emulate.



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I have plenty to begin sharing tonite. But I'm getting to bed soon, because it is already 3 a.m. in my city. I'm not staying up until 4a.m.

Check this out:

Anaximander's verse work On Nature is the first available written work based upon the theory of evolution. In that poem, he wrote that creatures arose from slime that had been dried by the sun. According to Anaximander's erroneous way of thinking, the first animals were covered with prickly scales and lived in the seas. As these fish-like creatures supposedly evolved, they moved onto land, shed their scaly coverings and eventually became human beings.5 (For further details, see The Religion of Darwinism by Harun Yahya, Abu'l Qasim Publishers, Jeddah, 2003) His illogical theory can be considered the first foundation of the present-day theory of evolution, for it has many similarities with Darwinism.

This is only a paragraph of what I sent you earlier. I am trying to show you what is written. You will probably shun it blindly, because you don't want to believe in it. See the above paragraph.


See Michael, this is part of your problem. You mistake poetic cultural literature as "science". This just further demonstrates your lack of critical thinking skills.

I really don't care what this author has to say on this matter. Judging from what you have included it sounds like garbage.


New member
Soodanim said:
There are a lot of assumptions in your post and if you choose such a narrow line of reasoning then you won't be able to see other valid options. For example, Jesus quoting or referencing Genesis or Adam doesn't equal him treating it as literal history, with not a single other option available.
Do you take that approach to all of God's Word. ..that it might mean something different than what it says?

Your doubting what God said comes from Gen.3:3... 'Did God say....?'*

Did God say Jesus was born of a virgin?

DID God say He created everything in six days?

The Barbarian

Why would you want to revise it into a literal history? Just accept it as it is. When you're willing to accept it God's way, you'll find it no longer matters so much.

And then you can focus on the real message in Genesis.


New member
Not even close. A lame response. The atom is a scientific fact. Now the details about it could be lame, if they are written that way. Doesn't an atom come with a nucleus, proton, neutron, and electon? For a basic atom?
Do you think the fancy atoms have more to them than just protons, neutrons and electrons?!

The point is that the ancients DID have an atomic concept but they had no evidence to support or disprove the idea.

And the mindless and poorly written rant that you posted (that also confuses evolution with abiogenesis) was saying that evolution was an old idea, and somehow therefore not a modern scientific explanation.

The analogy applies perfectly. Evolution by natural selection is a fact. In the way you use language, it is proved beyond any doubt.

It's far from rubbish, even though you'd like me and everyone who reads this post to believe that. The best I can do for you offhand, is to look at my Avatar and you will see God's Son. His Son said "he who hath seen me, hath seen the Father {our God}. So now you have everything you've asked. When are you going to quit believing in dangerous beliefs?
Try telling that to the muslim who wrote the moronic rant you posted.

Thar ya go!! How is your life going otherwise? Good? Seems like every time we get to chat is rebuttals in a post.
Where's the photograph of your god that I promised you would show me? Haven't you even got one??



New member
Barbarian said:
Why would you want to revise it into a literal history? Just accept it as it is.

Good thinking... accept God's Word as it is.*

*God created light before He created the sun.

*God created the great sea creatures before land animals.

*God created man from the dust on the 6th day that had evening and morning.

*God created woman from man's rib.

*Death entered the world because of one man's sin.

* The highest mountains under the heavens were covered in water, and...

* God gave the rainbow as a sign He would never flood the earth again


New member
That is one possible explanation but not the most logical... and not the most scientific.
If intelligent scientists could create RNA or proteins. it would be touted as a great scientific achievement. It would be evidence of great intelligence.
I think this question of whether only God can create life may be answered before very long. If, in the near future, some (atheistic) scientist starts with a supply of atoms and (non-biological) molecules and manages to assemble them into exactly the same pattern as is seen in a simple form of life, and his creation starts wiggling and eating and excreting, then what? If you took the “animalcule” (to use an old term) and swapped it with the originally “alive” one that it was patterned after, would anyone be able to tell which is the original and which is the copy? If there is some essence beyond the atomic arrangement itself that is required for something to be “alive”, then that essence must provide some crucial benefit not found in just the atoms and their arrangement.

For some time one now of the most strident claims of the creationist community is that even simple life is complex. I am not aware or any studies of how things work in the cell that ultimately was not just biochemistry. So the “complexity of life shows God (intelligent designer)” argument may turn against the creationist community if it turns out all that is needed is sufficient complexity. If the intelligent scientist creates simple life, then at least at that level, wouldn’t he be supplanting God, creating life from non-life?


It's actually Billions of years, not millions so you're way out from the get go. And there are plenty of educated Christians who accept the evidence for evolution.

Ken Miller is highly respected for his work in the science of evolution, and was a key witness opposing intelligent design at the Dover trial. He is also a devout Catholic.

You're not even wrong :jawdrop:

Dear Hedshaker,

I was still too young when I wrote this. The Earth has been around for 6-7,000 years. I learn from my mistakes. I don't care if if Ken Miller speaks about evolution or not. The proof is in the pudding. I will keep posting my page every other day or so, so that it will reach more each day or so. I don't buy into your evolution premise at all. It is an old cult and Grecian Pagan belief. But you hate to find that out. Yes, I think I'll post that page again right now for others.



New member
Dear Hedshaker,

I was still too young when I wrote this. The Earth has been around for 6-7,000 years. I learn from my mistakes. I don't care if if Ken Miller speaks about evolution or not. The proof is in the pudding. I will keep posting my page every other day or so, so that it will reach more each day or so. I don't buy into your evolution premise at all. It is an old cult and Grecian Pagan belief. But you hate to find that out. Yes, I think I'll post that page again right now for others.


To be honest Michael I don't much care any more. Myself, Alwight and others have tried to put you right on this but you refuse to even educate yourself on the subject. It will be tough but I guess the science of evolution will somehow have to carry on without your approval.

But when the end of this year passes and your predictions have not come to fruition and you are shown to be wrong (again), will you then accept that you just might be wrong about The Theory of Evolution also? Or will you then be saying "you made a mistake" just on the timing part? As others have been doing for centuries.


New member
The Earth has been around for 6-7,000 years.
Bristlecone pine trees can live for up to 5,000 years.

Fossilised bristlecone pine trunks have outer ring thickness patterns that match the inner rings of newer trees, including living trees.

The dendrochronology of the overlapping bristlecone pine tree ring patterns allows you to literally count back the past 9,000 years of annual rings.

The longest ice cores drilled from Antarctica have annual layers that can be counted year-by-year back 800,000 years. Recent discoveries indicate that it will be possible to count back 1,500,000 annual layers in Antarctic ice cores.

See how you don't even need radioisotope dating to show that YEC timelines are wrong? The size of your mistake in claiming the planet is only a few thousand years old is the same as claiming that the distance from San Francisco to New York is a couple of hundred metres. And, by the way, both the tree rings and the ice layers disprove the claim of a global flood within the past few thousand years.

So sorry, but you're wrong. Maybe you can overcome your pride and agree.



New member
You accept and believe in evolutionism although you blindly do so.
Even IF scientists could rely on all the past knowledge and technology to create RNA or proteins.... Wouldn't that be great evidence for an Intelligent Designer?
No, I have no idea how you draw that conclusion


Michael, I hate to burst your bubble but you are one of the most illogical people I have witnessed on this site, and perhaps in life as a whole.

Dear noguru,

You''ve never met someone like me. I am the most unusual guy you'll ever meet. I write out of conviction in my heart and soul, and mind. I try to only write the truth. I do okay, I think. Of course, you don't like the testimony I have to speak to upwards leaders, and Yes, Barack Obama, also has my book. He's keeping it on his mind, but he had best not get this Iran deal go through. It will not be any good. But maybe, I digress. Time alone will tell. Don't forget, you have never read my book, noguru, right?

My back is aching to be on here. I'm going to have to go off line if it keeps it up. I am in pain trying to express you these things.

Got To Run!!

To A Very Dear Friend,



New member
Do you take that approach to all of God's Word. ..that it might mean something different than what it says?

Your doubting what God said comes from Gen.3:3... 'Did God say....?'*

Did God say Jesus was born of a virgin?

DID God say He created everything in six days?

God's word is not all one thing. It contains narrative, poetry, correspondence, parable, apocalyptic literature, and so on, and the different types of literature should be handled accordingly. My comments haven't been about 'all of God's word in general'. I was talking about the way many Jews and Christians take the creation account, that being not literally. There isn't the scope in this post to encompass all that's been written about the alternatives to simply 'literal' and 'made up nonsense.' It helps the discussion for people to be aware of the options on the table, and especially ones that would seek to show reasonably why the account was not intended to be literal, but had another completely different and specialised didactic purpose for Israel.


Bristlecone pine trees can live for up to 5,000 years.

Fossilised bristlecone pine trunks have outer ring thickness patterns that match the inner rings of newer trees, including living trees.

The dendrochronology of the overlapping bristlecone pine tree ring patterns allows you to literally count back the past 9,000 years of annual rings. I feel sorry for the person who had to count all of the

The longest ice cores drilled from Antarctica have annual layers that can be counted year-by-year back 800,000 years. Recent discoveries indicate that it will be possible to count back 1,500,000 annual layers in Antarctic ice cores.

See how you don't even need radioisotope dating to show that YEC timelines are wrong? The size of your mistake in claiming the planet is only a few thousand years old is the same as claiming that the distance from San Francisco to New York is a couple of hundred metres. And, by the way, both the tree rings and the ice layers disprove the claim of a global flood within the past few thousand years.

So sorry, but you're wrong. Maybe you can overcome your pride and agree. I have to close for now. My back is killing me {lower back}. Will get back to you soon.


Dear Stuart,

9,000 years!! I'd hate to be the one who had to count the 9,000 years. And the again, I'd really be upset to read the trees for 800,000 years. And then of course, there is the poor boy who gets to count all of the 160,000


New member
Michael, I hate to burst your bubble but you are one of the most illogical people I have witnessed on this site, and perhaps in life as a whole.

I'm wondering if English is his second language, as a few of his posts are a bit clunky and hard to follow. Nothing wrong with that, I only know English and I respect multi-lingual people for having that skill. I like to identify them as such if I'm discussing things online though; it's helpful when reading their posts to know that.


New member
Dear Stuart,

9,000 years!! I'd hate to be the one who had to count the 9,000 years. And the again, I'd really be upset to read the trees for 800,000 years. And then of course, there is the poor boy who gets to count all of the 160,000 ... I have to close for now. My back is killing me {lower back}. Will get back to you soon.
Will you get back to me once you have worked out that the earth is older than a few thousand years?

By the way, your back is probably killing you because it is a monstrous compromise stumbled upon by natural selection: if a designer did the human back he should surely deserve to be fired.



Well-known member
I'm wondering if English is his second language, as a few of his posts are a bit clunky and hard to follow. Nothing wrong with that, I only know English and I respect multi-lingual people for having that skill. I like to identify them as such if I'm discussing things online though; it's helpful when reading their posts to know that.

As far as I know Michael was born and raised in the US with English as the first language taught in primary school. I think what is coming to the surface is an emotional/psychological hurdle which blocks him from understanding certain ideas.


New member
Creation vs. Evolution

As far as I know Michael was born and raised in the US with English as the first language taught in primary school. I think what is coming to the surface is an emotional/psychological hurdle which blocks him from understanding certain ideas.

Hey, thanks for that. I certainly hope not to cause any offence (I realise asking a native English speaker if they are an ESL person, if meant as a slight, is tantamount to trash talk!) I'm hoping civility can win the day and lead to fruitfulness on this discussion; many of my closest Christian friends and I have varying different opinions on issues here and there, but we can discuss them without losing the friendship/fellowship.
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