Creation vs. Evolution

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I accept that God is behind all that happens in the universe because I am a theist. But this specific theistic proposal is logically irrelevant to determining how God achieved these results.

So noguru, you want to know how God achieved these results? What makes you think He would ever let you know?? Why do you question your Maker?? You know that He is going to save the wheat and burn the chaff, right? And He is going to come down hard on these types of persons. Are you going to throw away your Christianity because of your strange beliefs. It's like a cult called evolution. Woe to you and your peers.



Michael, this is inaccurate. "Immaculate Conception" refers to Mary's sinful/sinless nature in regard to "original sin", which was proposed by the church at some point between the first century AD and the 4th century AD. The idea is that "original sin" would have eliminated Jesus from being "sinless" if his biological mother had "original sin". So Mary must have been born sinless (the immaculate conception of Mary) to clear that side of his family from original sin.

The virgin birth is the claim that Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit.

M. A. Williams

New member
Well, that awful assignment is over and submitted. Thank goodness. Looking forward to getting some sleep soon(It's 08:29... long night getting that finished!) and then being free to post again.

In 2 or 3 days I should be able to reply to your messages too, Michael. I apologise for not being able to, but it won't let me post in your profile.


Does anybody else here get the feeling that Michael is just having fun and playing with everybody?

I can't imagine anybody being in that obtuse unless its on purpose.

Dear seehigh,

No I'm not 'playing' with everybody at all and I'm far from being obtuse. That's because you don't know all that is going on behind the scenes. I said wait til Autumn and Armageddon will come before Autumn ends. It's only what, 2mos. from now? Be faithful unto death and He will give you a crown of life. Do those words sound familiar.



I think Michael is one of the more courageous (in regard to admitting his errors) YECs/OECs that I have seen so far on this site. He might be woefully misinformed on a lot of issues, and he might be excessively naive and gullible. But he seems to have more courage in admitting his errors than any other YEC/OEC I have seen on this site so far.

Dear noguru,

You made up with me!! Thanks for all of the kind words. Of course, I don't agree with everything, but I'll take what I can get. I've been pretty upset with you for about 2 or 3 pages here now.

May God Bless Your Heart And Soul,



As i pointed out earlier you do not understand what sciences proposes in regard to the development of sexual reproduction from the pre-existing asexual reproduction. Perhaps you should review the relevant material if you would really like understand.

Both genders were in place when the first form of sexual reproduction appeared. Hermaphroditic organism sexual reproduction would have predated gender specific organism sexual reproduction.

Now please stop making yourself look like a fool.

God created them MALE and FEMALE. If the worm has both sex organs, then Yippee! A friend of mine and his mother had both sex organs too. Things happen. Jesus told us not to call anyone a fool, and if you know your Bible, you would know that this is a severe sin. {See Matt. 5:22KJV} "but whosoever shall say, 'thou fool,' shall be in danger of hell fire."



If Darwinian evolution is factual then it cannot be shown to be wrong, but if it is wrong then why can't YECs show where it is wrong?
Is it from lack of trying? :nono:
Scientific theories are never formally proven as fact, that's for mathematics, but if they remain unfalsified then as explanations they are the state of the art.

Dear alwight,

If Darwinian Evolution is factual, then it cannot be shown to be wrong. For one thing, it is not factual. Have you looked around and seen your chimps or great apes that we have descended from and found one halfway through the stage of morphing from an ape to a man? We should see it happening quite often, but we've never seen it once at all. No chimp-men or ape-men walking around the park with all of the people and their pet chimps. Whatever. You just don't get it. There are birth defects, but there is a reason for that, sometimes possible inbreeding or bad drugs in the mother's or father's system while conception of the baby happens or it's birth with the mother. I hope this is clear enough.


:angel: :angel: :angel:

Cross Reference

New member
Dear alwight,

If Darwinian Evolution is factual, then it cannot be shown to be wrong. For one thing, it is not factual. Have you looked around and seen your chimps or great apes that we have descended from and found one halfway through the stage of morphing from an ape to a man? We should see it happening quite often, but we've never seen it once at all. No chimp-men or ape-men walking around the park with all of the people and their pet chimps. Whatever. You just don't get it. There are birth defects, but there is a reason for that, sometimes possible inbreeding or bad drugs in the mother's or father's system while conception of the baby happens or it's birth with the mother. I hope this is clear enough.


:angel: :angel: :angel:

Michael, it will never be clear enough for them because they are reprobate to the things of God. As with destruction, reprobation has no remedy. You are wasting your time.

Cross Reference

New member
Dear noguru,

You made up with me!! Thanks for all of the kind words. Of course, I don't agree with everything, but I'll take what I can get. I've been pretty upset with you for about 2 or 3 pages here now.

May God Bless Your Heart And Soul,


He is only calling you courageous for admitting your errors. That is like handing himself a trophy for winning. He would never be that courageous. It doesn't take courage to lie.

OMT: How can God bless what He is against? Has He ever been know to do that?

2nd law of thermodynamics: "Everything left to itself, dies". 'nough said.


Well-known member
He is only calling you courageous for admitting your errors. That is like handing himself a trophy for winning. He would never be that courageous. It doesn't take courage to lie.

OMT: How can God bless what He is against? Has He ever been know to do that?

List my errors. List your errors.

List the mysteries under the model you propose. List the mysteries under the model science proposes.

This is very simple. Let's see if you have the courage.


Well-known member
So noguru, you want to know how God achieved these results? What makes you think He would ever let you know?? Why do you question your Maker??

Michael, God is not the author of confusion. People who are seeking to confuse the issue are not in line with having understanding.

I can question whoever and whenever I want. You do not rule over me.


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

No, you're not sorry. And you don't applaud my motive or initiative. You are just twisted on purpose. You say instead whatever suits you to make you look good. Who are you joking really, noguru??

What suits me is reporting things accurately. What suits you is misrepresentation and trying to confuse others with inaccuracies.

What I said represents the situation accurately. What you have posted here is another misrepresentation. Do you enjoy deceiving people?


New member
No Christ centered Christian I know agrees with you, an agnostic/willful ignorant.

Why?, because a Christ centered Christian knows that the Life of Jesus Christ would be rendered, meaningless and of course that is your quest in all of this.
Your bald assertions don't particularly impress me CR, but please do define what a "Christ centered Christian" actually is?

Cross Reference

New member
List my errors. List your errors.

List the mysteries under the model you propose. List the mysteries under the model science proposes.

This is very simple. Let's see if you have the courage.

It doesn't take courage to follow after stupidity. It only takes flattery. You've been had.


Well-known member
Isn't everyone inaccurate about some things almost every day or week, or month? Pick your time-frame. How about you? Have you made any mistakes before.

Yes, we are all inaccurate at times. The real issue is the methodology for correction. Admitting error, correcting it, and achieving a more accurate view leads away from misinformation, misrepresentation, and deceit. Doing the opposite leads to misinformation, misrepresentation, and deceit.


Well-known member
No one rules over you. Not even God.

Please read my words again and do not paraphrase my words inaccurately. Here is what I posted:

noguru said:
Michael, God is not the author of confusion. People who are seeking to confuse the issue are not in line with having understanding.

I can question whoever and whenever I want. You do not rule over me.

Certainly not you nor Michael rule over me. You two are incompetent morons.

You are in no position to speak for God. Reality is the only authority. You are a deceiver that hides behind claims of faith.

You have demonstrated that you misrepresent issues, and you have no intention of correcting that.


New member
Dear alwight,

If Darwinian Evolution is factual, then it cannot be shown to be wrong. For one thing, it is not factual. Have you looked around and seen your chimps or great apes that we have descended from and found one halfway through the stage of morphing from an ape to a man?
Michael, we are apes, there are many species of ape and we happen to be one of them. All modern apes evolved from a common ancestry in their own way over long periods of time, morphing is not a part of the process. :nono:

We should see it happening quite often, but we've never seen it once at all. No chimp-men or ape-men walking around the park with all of the people and their pet chimps. Whatever. You just don't get it. There are birth defects, but there is a reason for that, sometimes possible inbreeding or bad drugs in the mother's or father's system while conception of the baby happens or it's birth with the mother. I hope this is clear enough.


:angel: :angel: :angel:
Try to understand that your concept and "understanding" of Darwinian evolution is utterly woeful, believe me. :plain:


Well-known member
It doesn't take courage to follow after stupidity. It only takes flattery. You've been had.

Oh the irony is too much sometimes.


You have been shown your error in regard to your understanding of asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction, yet you continue to repeat the error. And that is only one example.

The amazing thing is that you do not even seem to recognize your deceit.
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