Creation vs. Evolution

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Jose Fly

New member
You have said nothing.

. . and I'm done replying to nothing.

I have to wonder if you think you're presenting a positive image of Christianity and creationism here. Because to me, it looks very much like you're going out of your way to give the impression that Christian creationists are deliberately ignorant blowhards who can't even engage in a simple conversation.


New member
Originally Posted by Cross Reference View Post
You have said nothing.

. . and I'm done replying to nothing.

I have to wonder if you think you're presenting a positive image of Christianity and creationism here. Because to me, it looks very much like you're going out of your way to give the impression that Christian creationists are deliberately ignorant blowhards who can't even engage in a simple conversation.

Nothing new there then? No wonder he's done replying to nothing since nothing (of any value at least) about sums up his time on this thread. No wonder he's high tailed out of here. What else can crackpot do when he's out of his depth?


Hi Michael,

I can't reply on your profile for another few days when I get registered plus, I think.

I was going to buy membership to expedite the process but I'm on a student's lifestyle, so that isn't going to happen lol.

Anyway, I have my final two assignments due within the next 5 weeks (One is due in two days) so I am a bit swamped. Hopefully from the 31st I'll have more time to get down to it and start posting some longer posts that require the time I don't currently have.

Looking forward to it!

Dear JoelB,

Sounds wonderful! I hope you are not scared away by anyone. We are all just speaking our piece. I'll be glad when school is done for you. You must be pretty young. Well, will chat with you soon. As you can see, I've got my hands full.

Much Love Coming At You,


Cross Reference

New member
Nothing new there then? No wonder he's done replying to nothing since nothing (of any value at least) about sums up his time on this thread. No wonder he's high tailed out of here. What else can crackpot do when he's out of his depth?

Indeed, it has been a lesson in futility I needed. Thank you.


Dear Michael,

I haven’t seen that 6days has bought into your new dietary rules. Has he indicated to you that he agrees with these new rules?

Dear BJ,

6days' dietary rules are his own to choose. He is welcome to choose what he wishes. I am going what I choose. Eight pages have been added to this thread since last night. I really doubt that I am going to be able to handle them all. I will do my best.



New member
Dear BJ,

Eight pages have been added to this thread since last night. I really doubt that I am going to be able to handle them all. I will do my best.


I agree with Alwight on this. Just relax. Just because you opened the thread doesn't mean you are responsible for everything that is posted


Michael, don't you think that if God really had wanted messages transmitted to humanity that it could have been done rather more effectively than entrusting it to you?

Dear alwight,

You do not know me well enough to know who I am or what my childhood and early adult life was like. I was very quick in the Spirit of the Lord and still can hold my own. I don't say that He could not entrusted it to anyone else but me. Don't forget there is another witness alive now who is also not getting any media coverage. The media does not want to have anything to do with someone who says that Armageddon is coming soon. It wrecks their plans.

It seems to me that it's you who has put yourself in the middle of a fantasy scenario of your own choosing, or how exactly was this thrust on you, angels?
Angels that only you have seen?

I've already said before, it is written in my book. The first instance I had was the Lord God visiting me. Once when I was still at work, stocking groceries on midnight shift in a popular food chain supermarket. While I was stocking the syrups, I felt a very strong presence behind me, but when I turned around, no one was there. And I had to work really fast at what I was doing and didn't know what I could do about it then, so I resumed what I was doing.

That morning, after I'd gotten off of work, and laid down to rest, I felt the strong presence come near to me again, but I could see nobody. My heart start racing I could see it thumping out of my chest, and I thought I was having a heart attack. Also, I was trembling profusely. then thought to call a doctor, but figured he would not get to my house in time. I thought to call in my mother (into the bedroom), but then thought, what could she do to help me? I then thought to pray to God, and prayed, "Please God, let me live to tell my family and friends about this." All of a sudden, I heard a booming, commanding voice speak from the left top of the ceiling, clearly say, "Calm yourself, and think of those you love." I knew it was the Lord and so I made haste to do what He told me. That is all that I will tell you. It's in my book. I can't retype the whole experience because it would take too long here.

Michael moves in mysterious ways.

You used to tell us iirc that the Moon was Jesus/God's throne from where He looks down on us, and that the eternal lake of fire was actually at the centre of the Earth, or was it the sun?
Could you not be mistaken?

I said the lake of fire was our Sun. I said Hell is in the center of the Earth, where it is also very hot. Enough for now. Got to run again for a bit.

Cheerio and Best Wishes,

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Well-known member
Not knowing the difference, he declares victory and take this ball home.

Well I am thinking the whole purpose of this site is similar to that. So YECs can claim victory on a web site over the science they dont like. How exciting for them.


New member
alwight said:
I'm not as sure as you that writing many books is a measure of scientific "cleverness" nor that a book in itself will actually feed anyone other than himself perhaps.
Haaa... you sure find it difficult to admit that Biblical creationists such as Sanford understand science, *and understand genetics.*

Re writing books - I think he has written one along with 80 peer reviewed articles. *Do you knock evolutionists for writing books..... or, only those who don't go along with your belief system.

alwight said:
He may be your hero 6days but I don't know him from Adam.
Jesus is my hero :)

Wikipedia: "Sanford is a prolific inventor with more than 32 issued patents. At Cornell Sanford and colleagues developed the "Biolistic Particle Delivery System" or so-called "gene gun".[3][4][5]He is the co-inventor of the Pathogen-derived Resistance (PDR) process and the co-inventor of the genetic vaccination process. He was given the "Distinguished Inventor Award" by the Central New York Patent Law Association in 1990 and 1995. He has founded twobiotechnology*companies,*Sanford Scientificand*Biolistics. In 1998 he retired on the proceeds from the sale of his biotech companies, and continued at Cornell as a courtesy associate professor."

alwight said:
His apparent shift to YECism and the supernatural from secular science is indeed somewhat difficult to understand on face value, but I suspect that all is not quite that simple in reality, but then this isn't about individuals who may have stopped a brick with their head.
Perhaps he just followed the evidence!

Actually..... he and other former atheist scientists usually say it's a slow and somewhat painful realization that everything they have been taught in college and everything they believed about common ancestry is not the best fit for the evidence.*

alwight said:
Actually if you watch the video PZ goes into some depth about the existence of many transitional fossils that actually are fact but are nevertheless denied to even exist by creationists. For example it was claimed by creationists that whales had no transitional fossil evidence and when he produced a long list of them they then wave it away as trivial.
It's silly.

Arranging things in a pattern to try justify your beliefs is pseudoscience.

Collins Patterson, paleontologist said "*If I knew of any, (evolutionary transitions) *fossil or living, I would certainly have included them (in my book) . You suggest that an artist should be used to visualise such transformations, but where would he get the information from? I could not, honestly, provide it, and if I were to leave it to artistic licence, would that not mislead the reader?’
‘Yet Gould [Stephen J. Gould—the now deceased professor of paleontology from Harvard University] and the American Museum people are hard to contradict when they say there are no transitional fossils. … You say that I should at least “show a photo of the fossil from which each type of organism was derived.”*I will lay it on the line—there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument.’
The reason is that statements about ancestry and descent are not applicable in the fossil record. Is*Archaeopteryx*the ancestor of all birds? Perhaps yes, perhaps no: there is no way of answering the question."


New member
The rare earths used in the chips are found by geology. Same geology the use for evolution. You really don't understand science do you?

It seems Cross reference has a better grasp of it than you. You confuse evutionist with science.
Re. Computers... it has nothing to do with common ancestry beliefs... and we can trace the origins of computers to a Biblical creationist.

Re antibiotic resistant bacteria.... you don't seem to know what you are talking about. Some bacteria had the resistance even before the drug was developed. Others adapt which is part of the Biblical creation model. The bacteria always remain bacteria and often less fit than other bacteria.


New member
Haaa... you sure find it difficult to admit that Biblical creationists such as Sanford understand science, *and understand genetics.*
I don't generally rely on the supposed worthiness of individuals 6days, preferring instead to draw my own conclusions from the generally accepted scientific consensus from a wide variety of sources and evidence.

Re writing books - I think he has written one along with 80 peer reviewed articles. *Do you knock evolutionists for writing books..... or, only those who don't go along with your belief system.
My own "belief system" is not something I have pre-concluded only to find that scientific reality presents a rather different picture. My beliefs are indeed formed around the generally accepted science as supported by reason and evidence rather than adherence to ancient scripture. Without science I wouldn't really know where to begin, since it provides rational answers that might otherwise have seemed supernatural.

Jesus is my hero :)
No doubt.

Wikipedia: "Sanford is a prolific inventor with more than 32 issued patents. At Cornell Sanford and colleagues developed the "Biolistic Particle Delivery System" or so-called "gene gun".[3][4][5]He is the co-inventor of the Pathogen-derived Resistance (PDR) process and the co-inventor of the genetic vaccination process. He was given the "Distinguished Inventor Award" by the Central New York Patent Law Association in 1990 and 1995. He has founded twobiotechnology*companies,*Sanford Scientificand*Biolistics. In 1998 he retired on the proceeds from the sale of his biotech companies, and continued at Cornell as a courtesy associate professor."

Perhaps he just followed the evidence!
If he uses the scientific method and peer review supports his conclusions then fine. :)

Actually..... he and other former atheist scientists usually say it's a slow and somewhat painful realization that everything they have been taught in college and everything they believed about common ancestry is not the best fit for the evidence.*
The fact that they have not apparently succeeded in falsifying common descent rather suggests that they are simply adhering mindlessly to a literal Genesis regardless of peer reviewed science and the more general accepted consensus.

It's silly.

Arranging things in a pattern to try justify your beliefs is pseudoscience.

Collins Patterson, paleontologist said "*If I knew of any, (evolutionary transitions) *fossil or living, I would certainly have included them (in my book) . You suggest that an artist should be used to visualise such transformations, but where would he get the information from? I could not, honestly, provide it, and if I were to leave it to artistic licence, would that not mislead the reader?’
‘Yet Gould [Stephen J. Gould—the now deceased professor of paleontology from Harvard University] and the American Museum people are hard to contradict when they say there are no transitional fossils. … You say that I should at least “show a photo of the fossil from which each type of organism was derived.”*I will lay it on the line—there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument.’
The reason is that statements about ancestry and descent are not applicable in the fossil record. Is*Archaeopteryx*the ancestor of all birds? Perhaps yes, perhaps no: there is no way of answering the question."
You are simply doing here what PZ Myers complained about in that video, trivialising and dismissing perfectly good examples of transitional fossils and evidence, pretending it doesn't exist when clearly it does. :rolleyes:

If transitional evidence is added to the growing list then for YECs it miraculously becomes two missing forms either side in the gap where there once only used to be one. :bang:

Jose Fly

New member
You are simply doing here what PZ Myers complained about in that video, trivialising and dismissing perfectly good examples of transitional fossils and evidence, pretending it doesn't exist when clearly it does. :rolleyes:

If transitional evidence is added to the growing list then for YECs it miraculously becomes two missing forms either side in the gap where there once only used to be one. :bang:

In creationist world, edited quotes from second and third hand sources totally trump actual long as those quotes say what they want, which is why they're so heavily edited. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
6Days has been corrected many times on these exact misconceptions. But YECs need their misconceptions because without them they have no objections to real science. This is all part of their pinhead pseudo science to try and make others think they know what they are talking about. Ultimately the only result of their sleazy tactics is to undermine their own credibility.
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