Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear StanJ,

Thank you so very much!! This is getting harder and harder. I just feel like the Universe has been increased by God within the past 6,000 years and that the Earth is only 6,000-some years old. God said He did it all in 6 days. Why shouldn't I believe Him? Why doesn't anyone get that??
God Bless Your Heart And Soul, Dude!!

MANY get that Michael, but this site like others, attracts people who are bent on making true believers doubt so that they can feel good about their being deceived. Not much different than the gay agenda on other threads.
Gal 6:9 (NIV) promises you will reap a great reward for being faithful.


MANY get that Michael, but this site like others, attracts people who are bent on making true believers doubt so that they can feel good about their being deceived. Not much different than the gay agenda on other threads.
Gal 6:9 (NIV) promises you will reap a great reward for being faithful.

Dear StanJ,

Well thank you for your encouragement!! It's nice to know I'm not alone. Sometimes I wonder if I am wrong. I used to be an active gay member until over 8 years now. I quit for God and Jesus. It wasn't easy, but it was even harder to quit smoking cigarettes. I'm happy with myself. I did it because I have to set a good example for others, considering my position. I'm not trying to do it for a great reward. I'm doing it because I want God to be happy! And Jesus too!! And the Holy Ghost also!!! Thanks also for the Scripture!!!

Much Love And Encouragement To You Too!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel:


Not factual alwight, and in my experience, being on 4 forums like this, YEC is widely held by those who are NOT influenced by grade school evolutionary false teaching.

10% of Americans believe in young Earth creationism.
70.6% of Americans consider themselves to be Christians.

Therefore the vast majority of American Christians don't consider young Earth creation to be true


and this clearly shows two things. The majority of U.S. citizens are NOT true believers, and the road to destruction is much wider than the narrow way.

No. It very clearly demonstrates that the more highly educated one is, the more likely they are to accept evolution instead of mythology, which makes perfect sense.




10% of Americans believe in young Earth creationism.
70.6% of Americans consider themselves to be Christians.

Therefore the vast majority of American Christians don't consider young Earth creation to be true

Dear Kdall,

Thanks for the scale!! I don't mind, I guess. I'm one in the minority, but I'm happy enough about it. I suppose they believe in Christianity and evolution, I take it. I'm glad I'm more unique.

Much Love To You, Kdall,



No. It very clearly demonstrates that the more highly educated one is, the more likely they are to accept evolution instead of mythology, which makes perfect sense.

Dear Kdall,

Probably. I'm not surprised. So the smarter they are, the more likely that they don't believe in the Creation account, eh? I wouldn't call it mythology. It's too bad, but that is their beliefs, not mine. If God wants me to change, I will. See what happens. Thanks again, Kdall!

God Bless You Dearly,


:) :rapture:


New member
…But you haven't chosen the right path without God and Jesus in your life.

Michael, I made this point a couple of weeks ago when you gave the same “Believe in Jesus” spiel, but I will repeat my response. For me to profess a belief in Christ, I would be: 1) lying to you and the public, 2) lying to God, and 3) lying to myself, none of which I have any intention of doing. And I expect real friends to respect that choice, and not to repetitively try to get me to change my mind.


Michael, I made this point a couple of weeks ago when you gave the same “Believe in Jesus” spiel, but I will repeat my response. For me to profess a belief in Christ, I would be: 1) lying to you and the public, 2) lying to God, and 3) lying to myself, none of which I have any intention of doing. And I expect real friends to respect that choice, and not to repetitively try to get me to change my mind.

Dear DavisBJ,

I'm not trying to get you to change your mind. Of course you know that. I just let you know how I feel. I certainly know it's not going to help. I'm a real friend Davis. If I wasn't, you would know it. My comments are just wishful thinking.

Warmest Regards,


:think: :)


New member
Dear Alwight,

That's exactly what Obama did. He pretended he was from a Christian church. But his name is Muslim. I thought it was just Hawaiian, but did I find out different.

God's Best For You!!


:) :rapture:
It would worry me Michael if my locally elected MP openly believed that the Earth was only 10000 years old and that a global flood happened 6000 years ago despite the real world evidence to the contrary.
What other daft fantasy notions would he/she like to replace reality with, based on an ancient scripture alone rather than science and empirical reality?
I met my local MP just before the recent election here, I didn't even think to ask him about his religious beliefs, which imo should have no impact on his job serving the public. Perhaps he thinks the Earth is flat and has corners? :think:


It would worry me Michael if my locally elected MP openly believed that the Earth was only 10000 years old and that a global flood happened 6000 years ago despite the real world evidence to the contrary.

Dear alwight,

What or who is an MP? No the Earth would be 6,000 to 7,000 years old and about 5,000 or 4,500 years old when the Global Flood hit.

What other daft fantasy notions would he/she like to replace reality with, based on an ancient scripture alone rather than science and empirical reality?
What's wrong with basing things on ancient scripture? It is just as good as science. It has withstood the test of time for 2,000 years and science, only 150 years.

I met my local MP just before the recent election here, I didn't even think to ask him about his religious beliefs, which imo should have no impact on his job serving the public. Perhaps he thinks the Earth is flat and has corners? :think:

I'm glad that you got to meet your local MP. It was before an election? You're right. His religious beliefs shouldn't matter. I don't think the Earth is flat or that it has four corners.

You have a queen, right? And who governs the Isle of Wight? Do you have a Prime Minister? Is that what MP means? I believe the Earth is a sphere and that it has a bottomless pit, because it has a top and a center, but no bottom. Everyone thinks they're on top of the Earth because of gravity. So it's bottomless. It's very hot in the center of the earth with magma and lava. That's where the devil was committed until he got let loose a number of years ago (40 years or more). Now, he is going to get sent to the Lake of Fire (our Sun) in the end. If you have a Bible, I can tell you where these instances actually are.

Cheerio Bloke And Mate,


:idea: :surf:



New member
It would worry me Michael if my locally elected MP openly believed that the Earth was only 10000 years old and that a global flood happened 6000 years ago despite the real world evidence to the contrary.
What other daft fantasy notions would he/she like to replace reality with, based on an ancient scripture alone rather than science and empirical reality?
I met my local MP just before the recent election here, I didn't even think to ask him about his religious beliefs, which imo should have no impact on his job serving the public. Perhaps he thinks the Earth is flat and has corners? :think:

Real world evidence? Do you mean the real world where

II Corinthians 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.



New member
Everyone needs to cool it now, and move on to other threads. We certainly don’t want to go over 10,000 posts on such a wacky thread.


Real world evidence? Do you mean the real world where

II Corinthians 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.


Dear everready,

Yes, you're right, everready!! So that's what's going on. It is hidden from them and that is why they don't understand and believe. You're right. It all makes sense now. Especially the words you've written here. Thanks!!!

Much Love, In Christ,


:singer: :cloud9:


Everyone needs to cool it now, and move on to other threads. We certainly don’t want to go over 10,000 posts on such a wacky thread.

Dear DavisBJ,

This isn't a wacky thread. To you it is because you don't believe in God or the Lord Jesus. But for us who do, it is a very comforting, plausible thread. The message that everready, 6days, Stripe, StanJ, all of us have is hidden from those of you who don't want to believe. Now I get it, why I can't get through to you all, no matter what I do. Aha!!

Warm Regards,


:cloud9: :singer:


New member
Dear alwight,

What or who is an MP? No the Earth would be 6,000 to 7,000 years old and about 5,000 or 4,500 years old when the Global Flood hit.
An MP is a Member of Parliament Michael.
I'm rather sure that the ancient Egyptians would have noticed any such flood going on.

What's wrong with basing things on ancient scripture? It is just as good as science. It has withstood the test of time for 2,000 years and science, only 150 years.
Tell me what is right about presuming that a specific ancient scripture has any scientific value at all?
What do you mean by "test"?
"Test" implies falsifiability, that something can be shown to be wrong if it is.

But you seem to have settled on a particular ancient scripture and whatever it says you will believe whatever you want without question or putting to the test.:rolleyes:

What's so wrong with believing evidence based, rational, testable scientific conclusions rather than credulously adhering to an ancient unverifiable scripture?

I don't think the Earth is flat or that it has four corners.
Maybe you should since that is what the OT says. However you have apparently wisely accepted the real world evidence before scripture about this.

You have a queen, right? And who governs the Isle of Wight? Do you have a Prime Minister? Is that what MP means? I believe the Earth is a sphere and that it has a bottomless pit, because it has a top and a center, but no bottom. Everyone thinks they're on top of the Earth because of gravity. So it's bottomless. It's very hot in the center of the earth with magma and lava. That's where the devil was committed until he got let loose a number of years ago (40 years or more). Now, he is going to get sent to the Lake of Fire (our Sun) in the end. If you have a Bible, I can tell you where these instances actually are.

Cheerio Bloke And Mate,


:idea: :surf:

May the bird of paradise fly up your nose Michael.


New member
Real world evidence? Do you mean the real world where

II Corinthians 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

If you were a deluded person then that would be the kind of thing you might be telling the non-deluded. :plain:


New member
An MP is a Member of Parliament Michael.

Knew that, as I have them also. Canadian here.

Tell me what is right about presuming that a specific ancient scripture has any scientific value at all?

Faith is believing what it says is truth, regardless of what some so-called science says, while contradicting what God's Word says. Real and true science is never an issue with true believers.

But you seem to have settled on a particular ancient scripture and whatever it says you will believe whatever you want without question or putting to the test.

Matt 4:7 (NIV)

What's so wrong with believing evidence based, rational, testable scientific conclusions rather than credulously adhering to an ancient unverifiable scripture?

Nothing is wrong with accepting verifiable science. Much of it in THIS regard, ISN'T.

Maybe you should since that is what the OT says. However you have apparently wisely accepted the real world evidence before scripture about this.

Really? WHERE does the OT says that?


Knew that, as I have them also. Canadian here.

Faith is believing what it says is truth, regardless of what some so-called science says, while contradicting what God's Word says. Real and true science is never an issue with true believers.

Matt 4:7 (NIV)

Nothing is wrong with accepting verifiable science. Much of it in THIS regard, ISN'T.

Really? WHERE does the OT says that?

You have no clue what verifiable science is. And it's hilarious
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