Creation vs. Evolution

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Yep...and I blame fat fingers and no grammar check on this thing.

I never proof read the small quick posts.

Dear StanJ,

It's okay. I've seen lots of worse typos. By far. Will be back in a while. Chat with you then.


:) :rapture:


Well-known member
Why would evolution only happen long ago? Why not now too? Are you sure your evolution is not really 6,000 years old?

Evolution happens now. DavisBJ specified that the majority of evolution happened in the past. Precisely because the majority of time is now in the past.

Here are his exact words:

DavisBJ said:
The vast majority of evolution happened long ago...

There you go misrepresenting him again.


New member
Al, you don't have any theology in your life, right? Did you go to any church when you were younger? You might then understand what is going on regarding Creation vs. Evolution.
Most Christians here, typically are not creationists. YE Creationists here would probably be given the same level of respect as belief in a flat earth. ;)

From what I remember in school, they only taught evolution because they had books that claimed Darwinism. It was pretty basic stuff, but not necessarily true or tested.
A good science class won't preach, it will demonstrate and show how evidence is explainable scientifically and by Darwinian evolution when appropriate, not just assert it.

The theory of Creation has been around for a couple thousand years instead of 150 years. I'll take God anytime.
Darwin was a creationist until he learnt better by seeing the evidence.

What is to be experimented on to conclude that evolution is correct? Sure we dissected frogs and possums, and we made hydrogen test tubes race across the floor in test tubes. We studied different rocks, etc. There were no experiments to substantiate evolution.
Scientific theories are not there to be proven correct. The ToE only remains because it continues to best explain the natural evidence scientifically. Geology shows the great age of the Earth, the ToE indicates how life has evolved over that kind of timescale, and not over just a few thousand years.

That's too bad, but it's fine if you go to Church and learn about the Creation account also. It doesn't need to be taught in science classes I guess. It would be nice though if they gave theology a chance also, but whatever. They just present one side of the argument and muddle up the thoughts of young, impressionable children.

Best Wishes, alwight,

I went to Christian schools but it was never suggested that creationism was anything other than a Biblical story.
Only what was demonstrably science was taught in science classes.

Things that you're l'ble to read in the Bible ain't necessarily so Michael. ;)


New member
Most Christians here, typically are not creationists. YE Creationists here would probably be given the same level of respect as belief in a flat earth.

Not factual alwight, and in my experience, being on 4 forums like this, YEC is widely held by those who are NOT influenced by grade school evolutionary false teaching.


Well-known member
Not factual alwight, and in my experience, being on 4 forums like this, YEC is widely held by those who are NOT influenced by grade school evolutionary false teaching.


The irony is just too much here sometimes. People in grade school do not understand evolution comprehensively. I was probably an exception because of my outside interest in marine biology, fisheries, herpetology, geology...It is the YECs, here and on every other sight I have been to, that have a very elementary (and that is being generous) understanding of biology and most of the other areas of science.

I just love when a guy who has only studied non sense about the Bible, comes here and tells all other professional researchers from 99% of the other fields that they are wrong because of what "he learned about the Bible". Talk about the absurdity and tyranny of religion.


The Barbarian

StanJ has something there. The fact is, those whose educations stopped sort of high school graduation are more likely to accept creationism:



New member
StanJ has something there. The fact is, those whose educations stopped sort of high school graduation are more likely to accept creationism:


and this clearly shows two things. The majority of U.S. citizens are NOT true believers, and the road to destruction is much wider than the narrow way.


Well-known member
and this clearly shows two things. The majority of U.S. citizens are NOT true believers, and the road to destruction is much wider than the narrow way.


Ah, so a "true believer" has to believe exactly what Satnj says they should believe, and if they don't they are headed straight for hell. What a delightful person you are, Satnj.

The Barbarian

and this clearly shows two things. The majority of U.S. citizens are NOT true believers, and the road to destruction is much wider than the narrow way.

Fortunately, you don't get to define who is a true believer. You've confused creationism with Christianity.


New member
Not factual alwight, and in my experience, being on 4 forums like this, YEC is widely held by those who are NOT influenced by grade school evolutionary false teaching.
I was really only talking about here in the UK, where even openly gay and atheistic people are often voted into office.


Well-known member
I was really only talking about here in the UK, where even openly gay and atheistic people are often voted into office.

Well we have not elected into state or federal office any atheists knowingly. I know of a few openly gay people that were elected into local government offices. Perhaps they were atheists. Bill Maher is pretty certain that Obama is an agnostic/atheist. Perhaps a lot of YECs here think he is gay also.


New member
Well we have not elected into state or federal office any atheists knowingly. I know of a few openly gay people that were elected into local government offices. Perhaps they were atheists. Bill Maher is pretty certain that Obama is an agnostic/atheist. Perhaps a lot of YECs here think he is gay also.
I gather that atheistic candidates in the US are usually pragmatic enough to fake some kind of belief or to mumble a few suitable words. :plain:


Well-known member
I gather that atheistic candidates in the US are usually pragmatic enough to fake some kind of belief or to mumble a few suitable words. :plain:


You mean there are people who have no faith yet they use the power of speech to deceive others and try to gain fellowship from those around them. They might even start gradually to hold a little belief in the things that have been repeated so much in their circle. Because they have memorized the words but not actually investigated the implications. And their internal doubt makes them all that much more vocal and adamant about what they have been taught to believe as a way to hide that doubt from others.

No please, say it isn't so.

I am imagining two people at a YEC convention. One slips and lets on to the other that he is actually an atheist, but felt the YEC stance was drastic enough so that no one would question his faith. Then the other one says "I thought I was the only one."

Of course in the distorted mind of many YECs they would blame the atheist for being dishonest rather than admit that social pressure has a lot to do with people's attempts to fit in.


New member
I am imagining two people at a YEC convention. One slips and lets on to the other that he is actually an atheist, but felt the YEC stance was drastic enough so that no one would question his faith. Then the other one says "I thought I was the only one."
We've even got people with beliefs in those "false" religions (aren't they all?) openly part of government, and the sky didn't fall down. :shocked:


Well-known member
We've even got people with beliefs in those "false" religions (aren't they all?) openly part of government, and the sky didn't fall down. :shocked:

Well I would say any religion that ignores or tries to hide what science is discovering about the physical reality around us, is certainly a false religion in that regard.

And one has to wonder what else are they being deceptive about, seeing that our current physical reality should be pretty high up there on anyone's priority list?


New member
Well I would say any religion that ignores or tries to hide what science is discovering about the physical reality around us, is certainly a false religion in that regard.

And one has to wonder what else are they being deceptive about?
It's scary to think that some in the US have to be dishonest about their beliefs to get elected while others are openly YECs and are considered honest and worthy enough to deal with reality.


Evolution happens now. DavisBJ specified that the majority of evolution happened in the past. Precisely because the majority of time is now in the past.

Here are his exact words:

There you go misrepresenting him again.

Dear noguru,

OK. I didn't notice that part. I'm sorry!

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