Creation vs. Evolution

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An MP is a Member of Parliament Michael.
I'm rather sure that the ancient Egyptians would have noticed any such flood going on.

Tell me what is right about presuming that a specific ancient scripture has any scientific value at all?
What do you mean by "test"?
"Test" implies falsifiability, that something can be shown to be wrong if it is.

But you seem to have settled on a particular ancient scripture and whatever it says you will believe whatever you want without question or putting to the test.:rolleyes:

What's so wrong with believing evidence based, rational, testable scientific conclusions rather than credulously adhering to an ancient unverifiable scripture?

Because Science has been proven mistaken before. And because I put more faith in the Bible than I do in a man's ideas of Science or in a Science book.

Maybe you should since that is what the OT says. However you have apparently wisely accepted the real world evidence before scripture about this.

May the bird of paradise fly up your nose Michael.

Wow, alwight! I'm sorry I've upset you so much to have the bird of paradise fly up my nose. I care about you very much. What a bummer!

Have A Wonderful Day, alwight,



Knew that, as I have them also. Canadian here.

Faith is believing what it says is truth, regardless of what some so-called science says, while contradicting what God's Word says. Real and true science is never an issue with true believers.

Matt 4:7 (NIV)

Nothing is wrong with accepting verifiable science. Much of it in THIS regard, ISN'T.

Really? WHERE does the OT says that?

Dear StanJ,

Thanks for the Scripture. Jesus was wise to have told us this. Alwight, you don't have to be upset with me because I believe in something else. We KNOW that there is a Divine Creator alive today. We can't help but hold Him in awe. Do you actually think the Universe is so finely tuned that it happened on it's own? A few thousand miles closer to the sun or further from the sun means we would burn up or freeze up on Earth. It is incredible that we are where we are at and it's not by just chance, Al. You should consider that, you would think. We're not here by accident.

Much Love,




You have no clue what verifiable science is. And it's hilarious

Dear Kdall,

I know what verifiable science is. But it's a matter of if it was properly verified. I'd believe my Bible over a science book. You must know that I would. I'm surprised you don't, to be honest.

Much Love, In Christ,




Dear 6days,

Saw my doctor. I've got cancer. He wants me to go to an oncologist and get radiation therapy. I also have moderate to severe emphysema, so he wants me to see a pulmonary specialist. My copay is $35 each. And I will probably have to see 3 specialists total, because I need a urologist to put markers inside me. So that is $105 that I could do without. That's a lot of money to me. I feel like just no going to any of them, to be honest. See what happens.

Much Love, In Christ, 6days,



Dear Kdall,

I know what verifiable science is. But it's a matter of if it was properly verified. I'd believe my Bible over a science book. You must know that I would. I'm surprised you don't, to be honest.

Much Love, In Christ,



I was responding to StanJ, Michael


Dear 6days,

Saw my doctor. I've got cancer. He wants me to go to an oncologist and get radiation therapy. I also have moderate to severe emphysema, so he wants me to see a pulmonary specialist. My copay is $35 each. And I will probably have to see 3 specialists total, because I need a urologist to put markers inside me. So that is $105 that I could do without. That's a lot of money to me. I feel like just no going to any of them, to be honest. See what happens.

Much Love, In Christ, 6days,


If you value living you need to go to them. You don't play around with cancer, Michael. Better you be short $105 a week than be short a life


New member
Dear 6days,

Saw my doctor. I've got cancer. He wants me to go to an oncologist and get radiation therapy. I also have moderate to severe emphysema, so he wants me to see a pulmonary specialist. My copay is $35 each. And I will probably have to see 3 specialists total, because I need a urologist to put markers inside me. So that is $105 that I could do without. That's a lot of money to me. I feel like just no going to any of them, to be honest. See what happens.

Much Love, In Christ, 6days,


I'll pray for you Michael.


If you value living you need to go to them. You don't play around with cancer, Michael. Better you be short $105 a week than be short a life

Dear Kdall,

Thanks for caring Kdall. It will only cost me $105 this month for the specialist co-pays. They want me to pay $6,000 for my co-pay for the radiation treatments. That's for 8 weeks times 5 days a week. So it must cost $30,000 total for the radiation treatments. Then I pay 20%. I may go for them. Got to think about it.

Praise God!!!


:singer: :cloud9:


I'll pray for you Michael.

Dear StanJ,

Thank you so much for your kind prayers!!! The radiation should help quite a bit. But if God wants my butt, then that's going to be what happens. I did some breathing tests there and did miserably. It was from smoking for 40 years. I've quit since Nov. 29, 2013. I'm surprised I don't have lung cancer. The cancer I have is prostate cancer. Go figure. Well, THANKS again for your concern.

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


:cloud9: :singer:


Dear Kdall and StanJ,

You two are really exceptional people!! So concerned when I'm somewhat of a stranger to you. I am so thankful for the friends I've made on this Theology website. And I'm especially thankful to both of you!!

Much Love From God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost!!!



Hi gcthomas,

Hey! It's been awhile! What's been happenin' with you? Anything new. I'm sure there is. We got up to 102 degrees today. Sunny Phoenix, AZ. Have you heard from Hedshaker?? How's he doing? I'm thinking the Lord Jesus is going to be coming soon. Like this Autumn for Armageddon and then Jesus Returning. Maybe Jesus will return before 2016. I'm not privy to the day and hour, or month, or year, but I have a strong feeling about it all. There are many reasons. Well, I just thought I should let you know, like warn you. Hope you don't take offense.

Much Love Coming Your Way!!



Dear StanJ,

We have evidence of Creationism. The entire Universe is evidence. The way it operates wonderfully like a clock. It did not JUST HAPPEN! Do you really think it just happened? There is, of course, a divine Creator. Who else could make the Universe so vast and the Earth part of a timepiece that has life in it? And man is evidence. Do you actually think we are involved from a worm? Or whatever you feel is right. We're all descended from some little amoeba eh? Give me a break! God created EVERYTHING the way He wanted it to be. You make no sense and that is why we'd rather believe our Bibles. God is the ONLY ANSWER to this great thing we call Creation, and galaxies, and mankind, whose nervous system's length per person could travel around the world twice. That certainly didn't happen by chance! C'mon, be reasonable and fair. Science has nothing to do with it!! StanJ, I just wanted to let you know about this post here too. It is a copy from another post of mine on another thread. Thanks.

Much Love, In Christ,



New member
Knew that, as I have them also. Canadian here.
Yes, and Mounties too, and lumberjacks, I feel a song coming on...

Faith is believing what it says is truth, regardless of what some so-called science says, while contradicting what God's Word says. Real and true science is never an issue with true believers.
I just don't do blind faith Stan. :nono:
I also don't credulously believe that an ancient scripture is anything more than that, an ancient scripture. If however God's word comes more directly to you then good for you.

Matt 4:7 (NIV)
I don't therefore accept that putting an ancient scripture to the test would be the same as putting God to the test.

Nothing is wrong with accepting verifiable science. Much of it in THIS regard, ISN'T.
Science is allowed to be wrong, it expects to be wrong sometimes, so it's rather up to the individual to conclude from the evidence and the scientific conclusion whether or not it passes your own personal threshold of belief.
However when science is successfully put into practice then it becomes somewhat harder to reject. Any subsequent denial would imo be more of reality than science.
If science is shown to work well in practice then why not use scientific methods to make reasonable conclusions about the past, rather than presupposing that the unknown author of a particular ancient scripture somehow knew better?

Really? WHERE does the OT says that?
Isaiah 11:12


Yes, and Mounties too, and lumberjacks, I feel a song coming on...

I just don't do blind faith Stan. :nono:
I also don't credulously believe that an ancient scripture is anything more than that, an ancient scripture. If however God's word comes more directly to you then good for you.

I don't therefore accept that putting an ancient scripture to the test would be the same as putting God to the test.

Science is allowed to be wrong, it expects to be wrong sometimes, so it's rather up to the individual to conclude from the evidence and the scientific conclusion whether or not it passes your own personal threshold of belief.
However when science is successfully put into practice then it becomes somewhat harder to reject. Any subsequent denial would imo be more of reality than science.
If science is shown to work well in practice then why not use scientific methods to make reasonable conclusions about the past, rather than presupposing that the unknown author of a particular ancient scripture somehow knew better?

Isaiah 11:12

Alwight, StanJ put me on ignore for asking "How do you know that the Bible is more reliable than the Quran?" Do you think you could pose that question to him again? He never gave me an answer


New member
Alwight, StanJ put me on ignore for asking "How do you know that the Bible is more reliable than the Quran?" Do you think you could pose that question to him again? He never gave me an answer
Just quoting you should do it.:e4e:


New member
…Saw my doctor. I've got cancer. He wants me to go to an oncologist and get radiation therapy. …
Michael, I wish you the best in resolving your medical problems.

Regarding personal medical issues, some people prefer to not discuss them. If you don’t want to go into more detail, that is fine, just say so. But since we briefly touched on this prostate cancer issue a couple weeks ago, are you saying that your PSA is climbing now?

As per radiation, remember that the cancer does not take time off to debate what it should do. While you are mulling over whether or not to get radiation treatment, the cancer is gaining more and more of an advantage. Radiation now is not as effective as radiation would have been a while ago, but it is a lot better than waiting till tomorrow.


Michael, I wish you the best in resolving your medical problems.

Regarding personal medical issues, some people prefer to not discuss them. If you don’t want to go into more detail, that is fine, just say so. But since we briefly touched on this prostate cancer issue a couple weeks ago, are you saying that your PSA is climbing now?

As per radiation, remember that the cancer does not take time off to debate what it should do. While you are mulling over whether or not to get radiation treatment, the cancer is gaining more and more of an advantage. Radiation now is not as effective as radiation would have been a while ago, but it is a lot better than waiting till tomorrow.

Dear DavisBJ,

Yes, my PSA is climbing now. My doctor strongly suggests radiation. I guess I will do it. He gave me three referrals today, which his nurse put in the mail for me today. So in a couple days, I should get them. Thanks for posting and for your concern. I really do appreciate it!!! Sorry to go off-topic with this, but it happens.

Much Love And Best Wishes,



Dear DavisBJ,

Did you hear about Pluto's three moons? Two are oblong. They are weird. And I thought they quit considering Pluto as a planet. I don't know what they are doing. If Pluto has three moons circling it, you would think it would have planet status. You notice there are 6 planets before us being the 7th from Pluto. I think these 6 planets are symbolic for the 6 days of Creation. And the Earth is the 7th planet from and including Pluto. Earth, the day when God rested, seventh planet. It's quite coincidental, I must admit. Pluto, let there be light. Neptune, the waters, etc. Second day. Uranus, waters divided from the land, third day. Saturn, the host of Heaven/the firmament, fourth day. You see what I mean? What do you think?

Many Blessings,

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