Creation vs. Evolution

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Initially posed by 6days:
Yes... agree.*

The test method IS accurate...we know how fast C-13 decays. But we don't know the ratio of C13/14 pre-flood. We don't know if C14 *existed in creation. False assumptions about the past would make extrapolated C14 dates false also.*
I noted that I thought his use of C13 was suspect, and he readily admitted he should have said C-12 instead:
OOPS... :bang: Yup... C-12 :dizzy:
No harm done. I will need to make one more minor change, since neither C-13 nor C-12 decay. I am modifying your mention of decay from C-13 to C-14 (whereas the other mentions of C-13 are now C-12). With that in place, now let me restate the crux of your statements:

The test method IS accurate...we know how fast C-14 decays. But we don't know the ratio of C12/14 pre-flood. We don't know if C14 existed in creation. False assumptions about the past would make extrapolated C14 dates false also.

Now I want to think about how this plays out against an old earth, and against the recent creation model.

From old earth, we pretty much expect to see just what we actually do see – a gradual decline in C-14 levels as the samples get older and older (as determined by secondary dating schemes). And, as Kirk Bertshe (a good Christian scientist who works <worked?> at a lab that actually does Carbon dating) showed, when C-14 levels get really low, it is very difficult to eliminate all sources of contamination that skew the very old dates. In other words, measuring a ten-million-year old diamond as having an age of 50,000 years is not an indictment of C-14 dating. It just means you probably should not be using a yardstick to measure the width of a human hair.

I will speculate a bit on how observed C-14 dating is explained under creationist scenarios (which I will term as “Baumgardner” scenarios). For reasons which I can’t fathom, in the recent creation God didn’t embed nearly the ratio of C-14 to C-12 in the diamonds that he chose to have in the environment, instead He put just a smidgeon of C-14 in those diamonds. Not only that, but He pulled a similar stunt in leaving lesser and lesser levels of C-14 in a whole range of biologically derived samples, so that it looks like they have older and older C-14 dates, but in fact what is being measured is almost a whimsical level of C-14 in those samples.

Maybe in fact God created Tabby (Adam and Eve’s pet cat) with no initial C-14 in its system, and only as C-14 was created in the upper atmosphere and diffused down over the following centuries did the concentrations of C-14 start to rise in the biological realm. That early mouse that Tabby ate was almost perfectly free of C-14, never having lived long enough for any of the C-14 to get down into the mouse food chain. In a C-14 dating test, those early mouse bones are gonna look really old, like maybe 40 or 50 thousand years old. Later mice are going to have higher and higher levels of C-14 in them, until finally equilibrium with the rate of C-14 production is reached in the environment. And consequently, for the first few dozen generations of mice, their C-14 ages are going to slowly get closer and closer to the actual time in which they lived. (If all animals were vegetarians pre-flood, then just think of catnip instead of a mouse).

For now, I am going to leave my intrusion into the Baumgardner world at that, and invite you to offer such additional insight as you see fit. Tell me how you think the full spectrum of apparent (but not real) C-14 ages ended up in the samples that have actually been tested.

patrick jane

I suspect I know the details of the argument Stipe is alluding to, but as I have already explained to Stipe, I don’t feel much like wading through his sewage to look at the science in question. If someone else in the creationist camp who conducts themselves in true “Christian” fashion wants to pursue the subject, then I would be more than happy to respond. (But not you, Michael, remember why?)

i heard Bob Enyart here is a real science guy - Christian. he has his own show and Jefferson just posted his latest interview on the board this morning. i thinks it's about creation old vs young and related topics - :patrol:


This is an example of why it is a bit frustrating communicating with you, Michael. Several days ago I authored a moderately long post showing that the energies released in powerful high explosives involve nothing more than energy changes associated with the orbiting electrons in the atoms. In a couple of posts since then I have had to point that out again as you suggested ways that decay rates might be corrupted. But no, here you are again, right back at square one, as though I had not explained it at all. This is a pretty clear indication that presenting you with detailed scientific explanations is a fruitless waste of both of our times. I guess I can hope that the broader readership of this thread reaps the understanding that you have failed to garner. Anyway, I am going to scale back my efforts to try to give you a scientific understanding of some of the issues that arise in this thread.

Dear Davis,

I think you just want to steer clear of C-14 proofs that don't mesh with your 'proof.' I explained that an explosion would do it. I told you in school that we put some hydrogen in a test tube and lit it with a match, and poof, we had water {moisture; H2O}. Like Jonahdog said, it can happen on stars, including our own sun. I am a scientist. Heheheee!



New member
Dear Davis,

I think you just want to steer clear of C-14 proofs that don't mesh with your 'proof.' I explained that an explosion would do it. I told you in school that we put some hydrogen in a test tube and lit it with a match, and poof, we had water {moisture; H2O}. Like Jonahdog said, it can happen on stars, including our own sun. I am a scientist. Heheheee!

I'm rather sure that "poof" isn't a typical scientific conclusion Michael.


New member
Dear Davis,

I think you just want to steer clear of C-14 proofs that don't mesh with your 'proof.' I explained that an explosion would do it. I told you in school that we put some hydrogen in a test tube and lit it with a match, and poof, we had water {moisture; H2O}. Like Jonahdog said, it can happen on stars, including our own sun. I am a scientist. Heheheee!

I’ve been down this dead-end discussion at least 3 times before with you. You didn't (or wouldn't) understand the physics involved the first 3 times, so feel free to imagine whatever makes your heart feel all giddy. Remember, you don’t want me to explain science to you because I am too unqualified/overqualified, and frankly, it is a waste of my time anyway.


New member
i heard Bob Enyart here is a real science guy - Christian. he has his own show and Jefferson just posted his latest interview on the board this morning. i thinks it's about creation old vs young and related topics - :patrol:
My opinion on Enyart's understanding of science is pretty well typified by the signature lines that are at the bottom of my posts. (Look at the lines immediately below.)


New member
... Still no on the house. I have relatives.
I see. That must mean your relatives aren't going to be raptured with you come Christmastime. Kinda like in that movie “Left Behind” you saw late last year, where Nicolas Cage plays the part of an airline pilot who finds a lot of his passengers and his co-pilot have vanished over mid-Atlantic. He wasn't quite up to the moral standards of his raptured passengers and co-pilot, and I guess you must sense something similar that will require your relatives to need your Phoenix residence, even post-rapture. I wouldn't want to add to the problems they will already be facing, so I will just keep living in my private cave I dug out under the highway overpass for now. Thanks anyway.


New member
DavisBJ said:
For now, I am going to leave my intrusion into the Baumgardner world at that, and invite you to offer such additional insight as you see fit. Tell me how you think the full spectrum of apparent (but not real) C-14 ages ended up in the samples that have actually been tested.
Not sure about Baumgardner.... But I will try answer.

C14 has a half life of about 5730 years.

So... a log that has only half the amount of C14 of a living tree is assumed to have died about 5700 years ago

If that log has only about 10% C14 of a live tree, it would be dated at about 18,000 years.

Certain conditions in the past such as coal burning and atomic bomb testing have effected the ratio of C14 to C12...
And, I think with C14 dating they try calibrate the dates allowing for known conditions in the past.

Unknown conditions in the past can't be calibrated for...
(Strength / weakness of solar rays, earths magnetic field, global fllods etc)

The global flood would have drastically effected the ratio....
-With all vegetation dead...much buried starting to form coal and oil...
The C14 would increase at this time relative to the C12.
Also effecting the ratio at this time would be volcanic activity around the earth emitting lots of CO2 without the normal C14

Creationist researchers figure that Preflood oganisms although only 4500 years old would C14 date somewhere near 40,000 years.
(Brown, R.H./ Creation Research Society Quarterly/ 'Correlation of C-14 age with real time')


When Cadry expressed skepticism as to whether radiological decay rates are really reliable, I mentioned the use of radiological decay as a treatment option for prostate cancer (which both he and I have):

As part of Cadry’s response he said his prostate (or at least the cancer) was removed: (Surgically removing the prostate is often done when it turns cancerous):

Later, when I mentioned the use of radioactive pellets to treat prostate cancer in my brother, Cadry responded with:

PSA – Prostate Specific Antigen – is a chemical secreted into the blood by prostate calls. If the concentration of that chemical in the blood starts to rise abnormally, then cancer may be part of the cause. 3 is a pretty normal value for a healthy prostate. 6 is cause for concern.

In another post, Michael confirmed that his prostate is gone:

Then, had I been more attentive in my reading I wouldn’t have asked the following of Cadry (but I wasn’t, and I did):

Michael’s response somehow doesn’t quite jive with what he said about his prostate being removed earlier:

Michael, did you really pray your prostate right out of your body?

Dear Davis,

Yes, my prostate was removed because I okayed it. I initially okayed the followup radiation treatment, but then declined. My PSA was 6 at that time. When they checked my PSA again, it was 4. Once again, the next time, it was 2. The last time was 3. My doctor said I didn't have to worry about it until it was 40. I am not worried about it. I will double-check with my doctor in case I misunderstood him.

Thanks For Your Great Concern About My Welfare,





I think it was more likely his brain. :)

Dear Stripe,

It was neither my prostate gland nor my brain. DavisBJ is just poking fun at me on something I did not say. I said something completely different. My PSA (antigen) cells are what I said I prayed about. Leftover after the removal of your prostate gland. Who turned on your hate against me?? GOD?? JESUS?? Your focus is on the wrong person, Stripe. You are fighting with a Christian brother.





I don’t recall ever saying how much college I have had, or what college degrees, if any I have. Where did you come up with that info?

Wow, just one post ago you had me pegged as someone who had a PhD, and now you think I am just a novice. No matter, as has been pointed out many times, it’s the facts that count, not the credentials of the person that presents them.

I am amused by your reluctance to discuss science with me when you thought I was a guru of sorts, and now you seem to be equally reluctant to discuss science when you perceive me to be unqualified. Is there no middle ground I can occupy?

But anyway, whatever your justification is, I think we have reached a mutual accommodation. You prefer to remain in scientific ignorance because you don’t like the fact the I am over/under (take you’re your pick) qualified as a scientist, and I kinda don’t see much reason to continue watching my information flow in one of your ears and instantly come out untouched from the other ear.

Let’s just be friends, and sing kumbayah together (is that a Cat Stevens song?) You can strum your guitar, and I will compute the distance between the crests of the longitudinal compression waves of music in the air spreading out symmetrically out (unless there is a breeze) from your … (Ooops, sorry, I forgot, I’m not supposed to talk about such. I will just hum along).

Dear Davis,

You're sick in the head, I think. You don't fear God so you go ahead and speak this way about your neighbor. Don't you know you will still have to pay for it from Him? Do you think you just get away with it because you don't believe in Him (God)?? It doesn't work that way.



I don’t recall ever saying how much college I have had, or what college degrees, if any I have. Where did you come up with that info?

Wow, just one post ago you had me pegged as someone who had a PhD, and now you think I am just a novice. No matter, as has been pointed out many times, it’s the facts that count, not the credentials of the person that presents them.

I am amused by your reluctance to discuss science with me when you thought I was a guru of sorts, and now you seem to be equally reluctant to discuss science when you perceive me to be unqualified. Is there no middle ground I can occupy?

But anyway, whatever your justification is, I think we have reached a mutual accommodation. You prefer to remain in scientific ignorance because you don’t like the fact the I am over/under (take you’re your pick) qualified as a scientist, and I kinda don’t see much reason to continue watching my information flow in one of your ears and instantly come out untouched from the other ear.

Let’s just be friends, and sing kumbayah together (is that a Cat Stevens song?) You can strum your guitar, and I will compute the distance between the crests of the longitudinal compression waves of music in the air spreading out symmetrically out (unless there is a breeze) from your … (Ooops, sorry, I forgot, I’m not supposed to talk about such. I will just hum along).

Dear Davis,

I did not ever say I would not talk with you about scientific things. You are making all of it up. But people can go back and find what was actually said, so you can go ahead and tread on your thin ice.



I suspect I know the details of the argument Stipe is alluding to, but as I have already explained to Stipe, I don’t feel much like wading through his sewage to look at the science in question. If someone else in the creationist camp who conducts themselves in true “Christian” fashion wants to pursue the subject, then I would be more than happy to respond. (But not you, Michael, remember why?)

Davis BJ,

Stripe and I love God and Jesus. Who do you love? Do you think He is going to let you get away with your false talking? You know you are lying and you don't care. Now I know what being an atheist is about. You don't have to worry about rules that you don't want to keep, like lying, bearing false witness.




I appreciate the fact that 6days and I have almost diametrically opposing ideas on some pretty important issues, yet we have been able to converse in a pretty civil manner.

That's because you've not trodden on him yet. All he has to do is give you some time. I exposed your C-14 ruse and you got all upset and mad, til there was nothing more than you could talk to me about. Who ARE WE JOKING??!!



I’ve been down this dead-end discussion at least 3 times before with you. You didn't (or wouldn't) understand the physics involved the first 3 times, so feel free to imagine whatever makes your heart feel all giddy. Remember, you don’t want me to explain science to you because I am too unqualified/overqualified, and frankly, it is a waste of my time anyway.

I said NO SUCH THING to you. I never said I didn't want you to explain science to me. You are making that up. You just got that way when I mentioned your C-14 dating limits. That's when you blew up and got really angry. I'm not surprised.



New member
The Hammer of Truth

The Hammer of Truth

Dear Davis,

Yes, my prostate was removed because I okayed it. I initially okayed the followup radiation treatment, but then declined. My PSA was 6 at that time. When they checked my PSA again, it was 4. Once again, the next time, it was 2. The last time was 3. My doctor said I didn't have to worry about it until it was 40. I am not worried about it. I will double-check with my doctor in case I misunderstood him.

Thanks For Your Great Concern About My Welfare, …
Dear Davis,

You're sick in the head, I think. You don't fear God so you go ahead and speak this way about your neighbor. Don't you know you will still have to pay for it from Him? Do you think you just get away with it because you don't believe in Him (God)?? It doesn't work that way. …
Dear Davis,

I did not ever say I would not talk with you about scientific things. You are making all of it up. But people can go back and find what was actually said, so you can go ahead and tread on your thin ice. …
Davis BJ,

Stripe and I love God and Jesus. Who do you love? Do you think He is going to let you get away with your false talking? You know you are lying and you don't care. Now I know what being an atheist is about. You don't have to worry about rules that you don't want to keep, like lying, bearing false witness. …
That's because you've not trodden on him yet. All he has to do is give you some time. I exposed your C-14 ruse and you got all upset and mad, til there was nothing more than you could talk to me about. Who ARE WE JOKING??!! …
I said NO SUCH THING to you. I never said I didn't want you to explain science to me. You are making that up. You just got that way when I mentioned your C-14 dating limits. That's when you blew up and got really angry. I'm not surprised.

Michael, I can see you are getting a bit testy in your responses. Rather than engage in a lengthy post-for-post rebuttal, I am simply going to pretty much let this whole exchange with you drop.

I admit to using a little bit of levity in my comments when I point out some of the problems I see in your statements. If your feelings are hurt, I apologize, and am perfectly willing to be cordial, and even friendly. But I will permit no leeway for desecrating what I perceive as truth to conform with your, or anyone else’s religious dogma.

One thing I was dead serious about was my intent (now aborted) to help you honestly understand some of the science you sorely need. Instead of availing yourself of the help I offered, or asking for clarification if you really didn't understand, it seems you preferred to shut your eyes, plug your ears, and babble “Nah Nah Nah” to my efforts to help you. Consequently I said, and now reaffirm, that I will not waste my time as regards to helping you with scientific concepts. You are an adult, and you are going to have to man up and accept that I will not pervert physical principles I know to be true to curry your approval.

Inasmuch as you find fault in my differing with you on fundamental Christianity, I will simply note that had you demonstrated a respect and desire for really understanding physical principles, then that would have gone a long way in showing me that your religious ideas might also be worth deeper consideration. Unfortunately, your example in this matter has been the antithesis of an example that would recommend your version of Christianity to me.

If you are offended by what I say in future posts, then put me on ignore. If I see you grossly misrepresenting science, I may elect to point out the error in what you say, but I doubt I will do much more than make your error manifest. I will not debate it with you.

There is an old piece of wisdom that says “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me” (for letting you do it to me the second time). Measured against that saying, I probably not only have succumbed to you fooling me once, but time after time, making me a blithering idiot for letting you. But no more. Deal with it.


Michael, I can see you are getting a bit testy in your responses. Rather than engage in a lengthy post-for-post rebuttal, I am simply going to pretty much let this whole exchange with you drop.

After what you've said to me that isn't included here many times, conveniently, of course I've gotten testy. If you think I'm going to let you badmouth me now, you've got another thing coming. You deserved each of those posts because of what you said to me first.

I admit to using a little bit of levity in my comments when I point out some of the problems I see in your statements. If your feelings are hurt, I apologize, and am perfectly willing to be cordial, and even friendly. But I will permit no leeway for desecrating what I perceive as truth to conform with your, or anyone else’s religious dogma.

Levity is not what you were using, though you'd like everyone to believe it. I was perfectly willing to be cordial and friendly, and tried to do so with you. Who are you kidding now? I treated you kindly, if you haven't forgotten.

One thing I was dead serious about was my intent (now aborted) to help you honestly understand some of the science you sorely need. Instead of availing yourself of the help I offered, or asking for clarification if you really didn't understand, it seems you preferred to shut your eyes, plug your ears, and babble “Nah Nah Nah” to my efforts to help you. Consequently I said, and now reaffirm, that I will not waste my time as regards to helping you with scientific concepts. You are an adult, and you are going to have to man up and accept that I will not pervert physical principles I know to be true to curry your approval.

You are just talking about my deference to consider Carbon-14 to be an adequate dating technique in ALL cases. I told you it was limited and you didn't like it. That is the whole reason for this conversation now.

Inasmuch as you find fault in my differing with you on fundamental Christianity, I will simply note that had you demonstrated a respect and desire for really understanding physical principles, then that would have gone a long way in showing me that your religious ideas might also be worth deeper consideration. Unfortunately, your example in this matter has been the antithesis of an example that would recommend your version of Christianity to me.

I do not care if you believe in Christianity or not. Who are you kidding? That you might have changed religions for me??!! Am I suppose to just sit around and let you do all of this to me when you like to lie. As an atheist, you see no reason not to, I guess.

If you are offended by what I say in future posts, then put me on ignore. If I see you grossly misrepresenting science, I may elect to point out the error in what you say, but I doubt I will do much more than make your error manifest. I will not debate it with you.

I don't even know how to put someone on ignore and I don't care to. I don't use that. If I have to find out how to use it, I will ask one of the mods or friends how to use it.

There is an old piece of wisdom that says “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me” (for letting you do it to me the second time). Measured against that saying, I probably not only have succumbed to you fooling me once, but time after time, making me a blithering idiot for letting you. But no more. Deal with it.

I have hardly made you a blithering idiot. Who are you joking? Are you a blithering idiot, seriously? Another lie. I'm not saying that all atheists love lying, but you sure DO!!



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New member
After what you've said to me that isn't included here many times, conveniently, of course I've gotten testy. If you think I'm going to let you badmouth me now, you've got another thing coming. You deserved each of those posts because of what you said to me first.

Levity is not what you were using, though you'd like everyone to believe it. I was perfectly willing to be cordial and friendly, and tried to do so with you. Who are you kidding now? I treated you kindly, if you haven't forgotten.

You are just talking about my deference to consider Carbon-14 to be an adequate dating technique in ALL cases. I told you it was limited and you didn't like it. That is the whole reason for this conversation now.

I do not care if you believe in Christianity or not. Who are you kidding. That you might have changed religions for me??!! Am I suppose to just sit around and let you do all of this to me when you like to lie. As an atheist, you see no reason not to, I guess.

I don't even know how to put someone on ignore and I don't care to. I don't use that. If I have to find out how to use it, I will ask one of the mods or friends how to use it.

I have hardly made you a blithering idiot. Who are you joking? Are you a blithering idiot, seriously? Another lie. I'm not saying that all atheists love lying, but you sure DO!!



Hi, Michael. Do you know how to play the chords for Kumbaya on your guitar?

(In the previous post you left off a forward slash (“/”) just in front of the word “quote” at the end of a sentence. That missing slash makes it look kinda like you said (instead of I said) what is in that little part of the post immediately preceding the missing “/”. You can use the “edit” button at the bottom right of that post to go in and put in the missing “/” so the whole post will look the way you intended it to.)
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