Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear DavisBJ,

Yes, I do know how to play the chords for Kumbaya. Do you want to try being friends now, like civilized adults? I hold no grudges. I learned that from God and Jesus. Peace?



After what you've said to me that isn't included here many times, conveniently, of course I've gotten testy. If you think I'm going to let you badmouth me now, you've got another thing coming. You deserved each of those posts because of what you said to me first.

Levity is not what you were using, though you'd like everyone to believe it. I was perfectly willing to be cordial and friendly, and tried to do so with you. Who are you kidding now? I treated you kindly, if you haven't forgotten.

You are just talking about my deference to consider Carbon-14 to be an adequate dating technique in ALL cases. I told you it was limited and you didn't like it. That is the whole reason for this conversation now.

I do not care if you believe in Christianity or not. Who are you kidding? That you might have changed religions for me??!! Am I suppose to just sit around and let you do all of this to me when you like to lie. As an atheist, you see no reason not to, I guess.

I don't even know how to put someone on ignore and I don't care to. I don't use that. If I have to find out how to use it, I will ask one of the mods or friends how to use it.

I have hardly made you a blithering idiot. Who are you joking? Are you a blithering idiot, seriously? Another lie. I'm not saying that all atheists love lying, but you sure DO!!




Michael he was frustrated, and honestly I can very easily see why given the detail of several of his posts, that you continue to ask a question that he has answered in exquisite detail time and time again. That's all


New member
Dear DavisBJ,
… Do you want to try being friends now, like civilized adults? .
Being friends is fine with me, but my concern is the way you take offense when one of your friends takes the time to patiently and carefully show you that you made an error in something you said.
… I hold no grudges.
Shouldn’t be a grudge in the first place when your friends are just putting forth an honest effort to help you improve in some small way. But, as you say, you are one to let bygones be bygones. This thread is littered with you railing against someone who crossed you, only to see you asking to be good buddies again just a few posts later. If your anger against the scientists that post in this thread resulted in them receiving a short-term ban, a whole lot more of the poster names would spend time colored red, with “Banned” below them.
… I learned that from God and Jesus. Peace?
Courtesy and forgiveness are pretty innate to me. To be a good person I don’t need to ask some Deity how to act.


Michael he was frustrated, and honestly I can very easily see why given the detail of several of his posts, that you continue to ask a question that he has answered in exquisite detail time and time again. That's all

He did not answer it time and time again. That would be pretty redundant. Especially in exquisite detail. No, he answered me once, with the question that I asked him, which he evaded over and over again. He finally broke down and verified that Carbon-14 dating has it's flaws. That's all I asked him.


Being friends is fine with me, but my concern is the way you take offense when one of your friends takes the time to patiently and carefully show you that you made an error in something you said.

OK, you want to be friends. Then so be it. Praise The Lord.

Shouldn’t be a grudge in the first place when your friends are just putting forth an honest effort to help you improve in some small way. But, as you say, you are one to let bygones be bygones. This thread is littered with you railing against someone who crossed you, only to see you asking to be good buddies again just a few posts later. If your anger against the scientists that post in this thread resulted in them receiving a short-term ban, a whole lot more of the poster names would spend time colored red, with “Banned” below them.

If my thread causes someone to be banned, it must be the attitude of the person getting banned. I do not know of my thread getting someone banned. I haven't been banned. I hold my temper and I value the rules of this TOL site because there is no better theological site on the Internet, so I don't want to blow this opportunity. Others should feel the same and not try to cause a commotion here.

Courtesy and forgiveness are pretty innate to me. To be a good person I don’t need to ask some Deity how to act.

I'm very glad for that, Davis. You must have learned it from your parents or society, or perhaps a stint with church. I'm looking forward to being friends and I can't agree with you at all times, but we can agree to disagree. I mean, we both believe in different mindsets. It'll be okay Davis. I have a lot of love and understanding. Just don't get upset at everything I say and don't read into something I've said wrongly.

Many Good Wishes,



New member
He did not answer it time and time again. That would be pretty redundant. Especially in exquisite detail. No, he answered me once, with the question that I asked him, which he evaded over and over again. He finally broke down and verified that Carbon-14 dating has it's flaws. That's all I asked him.
Dear SFM (Science-Free Michael):

It would be easy to post the exact scientific info that I presented, and your response that you understood it, only to shortly have you regurgitate the same bile, which I again pointed out was wrong, and then the whole dance was repeated yet a third time. I certainly welcome anyone with that much interest to backtrack through the thread and see. But for me to yet again get into the science it is just too late, since, my friend, for your own good you are on a science-free diet henceforth. Sorry.

(You missed another forward slash composing your response above. Go for the edit button again if you want the post to look the way you intended.)


Dear Davis,

Yes, people can go back and see what all has transpired between you and I. Also, I am very pleased to have a science-free diet with you. Great!



New member
Dear Davis,

Yes, people can go back and see what all has transpired between you and I. Also, I am very pleased to have a science-free diet with you. Great!

Agreed. Meantime, I have need to spend time digesting some information 6days pointed me to (real science stuff- are you jealous you can't participate?)


Dear DavisBJ,

I'm not jealous in the slightest. I finally get to rest for a while. You be a real scientist now.





Dear 6days,

Please see the article in Post #8712 from Stripe. It is extremely interesting and awesome.

Thanks Much,



Hi alwight,

Hey, how are you doing tonight? Check out the article I mentioned in the last post on this thread. It's about C-14. So interesting, but a bit complex. I hope your day was joyful. I had a decent day. For all of the things that are not "on topic," I will PM you and tell you. Will chat with you in a bit.


The Barbarian

From Stipe's website:
As explained in "The Origin of Earth’s Radioactivity" on pages 363–411, neutron-heavy and superheavy radio isotopes were produced in abundance during the flood,

Ah, more non-scriptural "miracles" to make their new doctrines work. Sort of a magic wand against reason.

so when those isotopes escaped into the atmosphere and decayed, some unknown but significant quantity of carbon-14 was released. Smaller, but also unknown, amounts of carbon-14 are still escaping from the crust.

These idiots are making it up as they go. The primary source of C-14 is well-known:

Carbon-14 is produced in the upper layers of the troposphere and the stratosphere by thermal neutrons absorbed by nitrogen atoms. When cosmic rays enter the atmosphere, they undergo various transformations, including the production of neutrons. The resulting neutrons (1n) participate in the following reaction:

1n + 14N → 14C + 1p

The highest rate of carbon-14 production takes place at altitudes of 9 to 15 km (30,000 to 50,000 ft) and at high geomagnetic latitudes.

As of 2008, the rate of carbon-14 production was poorly known – while the reaction can be modelled or the current concentrations and the global carbon budget can be used to backtrack, attempts to directly measure the production rate had not agreed with these models very well. Production rates vary because of changes to the cosmic ray flux incident, such as supernovae, and due to variations in the Earth's magnetic field. The latter can create significant variations in carbon-14 production rates, although the changes of the carbon cycle can make these effects difficult to tease out.[10]

The natural atmospheric yield of carbon-14 has been estimated to be about 22 000 atoms 14C per meter square of the surface of the earth per second, resulting in the global production rate of about 1 PBq/a.[11] Another estimate of the average production rate[12] gives a value of 20 500 atoms m−2s−1. Occasional spikes are possible; for example, there is evidence for an unusual 10-fold increase of the production rate in AD 774–775.

The rate of formation can be accurately estimated, using lake varves of known age.

As usual, the magic wand fails to account for all the facts about C-14.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
From Stipe's website:Ah, more non-scriptural "miracles" to make their new doctrines work. Sort of a magic wand against reason.These idiots are making it up as they go. The primary source of C-14 is well-known:
[COLOR="DarkRed"]Carbon-14 is produced in the upper layers of the troposphere and the stratosphere by thermal neutrons absorbed by nitrogen atoms. When cosmic rays enter the atmosphere, they undergo various transformations, including the production of neutrons. The resulting neutrons (1n) participate in the following reaction: 1n + 14N → 14C + 1pThe highest rate of carbon-14 production takes place at altitudes of 9 to 15 km (30,000 to 50,000 ft) and at high geomagnetic latitudes.As of 2008, the rate of carbon-14 production was poorly known – while the reaction can be modelled or the current concentrations and the global carbon budget can be used to backtrack, attempts to directly measure the production rate had not agreed with these models very well. Production rates vary because of changes to the cosmic ray flux incident, such as supernovae, and due to variations in the Earth's magnetic field. The latter can create significant variations in carbon-14 production rates, although the changes of the carbon cycle can make these effects difficult to tease out.[10]The natural atmospheric yield of carbon-14 has been estimated to be about 22 000 atoms 14C per meter square of the surface of the earth per second, resulting in the global production rate of about 1 PBq/a.[11] Another estimate of the average production rate[12] gives a value of 20 500 atoms m−2s−1. Occasional spikes are possible; for example, there is evidence for an unusual 10-fold increase of the production rate in AD 774–775.[/COLOR]
[url][/url]The rate of formation can be accurately estimated, using lake varves of known age. As usual, the magic wand fails to account for all the facts about C-14.

Meanwhile, the Bible says "six days," while you assert: "billions of years."

When you've picked one (1) of those mutually exclusive positions, you might be able to join a rational discussion.


From Stipe's website:

Ah, more non-scriptural "miracles" to make their new doctrines work. Sort of a magic wand against reason.

These idiots are making it up as they go. The primary source of C-14 is well-known:

Carbon-14 is produced in the upper layers of the troposphere and the stratosphere by thermal neutrons absorbed by nitrogen atoms. When cosmic rays enter the atmosphere, they undergo various transformations, including the production of neutrons. The resulting neutrons (1n) participate in the following reaction:

1n + 14N → 14C + 1p

The highest rate of carbon-14 production takes place at altitudes of 9 to 15 km (30,000 to 50,000 ft) and at high geomagnetic latitudes.

As of 2008, the rate of carbon-14 production was poorly known – while the reaction can be modelled or the current concentrations and the global carbon budget can be used to backtrack, attempts to directly measure the production rate had not agreed with these models very well. Production rates vary because of changes to the cosmic ray flux incident, such as supernovae, and due to variations in the Earth's magnetic field. The latter can create significant variations in carbon-14 production rates, although the changes of the carbon cycle can make these effects difficult to tease out.[10]

The natural atmospheric yield of carbon-14 has been estimated to be about 22 000 atoms 14C per meter square of the surface of the earth per second, resulting in the global production rate of about 1 PBq/a.[11] Another estimate of the average production rate[12] gives a value of 20 500 atoms m−2s−1. Occasional spikes are possible; for example, there is evidence for an unusual 10-fold increase of the production rate in AD 774–775.

The rate of formation can be accurately estimated, using lake varves of known age.

As usual, the magic wand fails to account for all the facts about C-14.

Dear The Barbarian,

Thanks for the additional information. It's a good thing that I had Merit Algebra Trigonometry in school. I wish I would have taken Calculus. Seems difficult to use Carbon-14 dating. Maybe I'm wrong. Hey, what are you doing in Jail again?? And Kdall also!! Will be glad when you get out!!

Prayers That Are Heaven Sent,


:patrol: :angel:
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