Creation vs. Evolution

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I agreed with him saying that creation was perfect. Scripture tells us that since sin, "all creation groans"....We no longer live in that original perfect creation.
But you were much more specific than that, you pointedly and directly made the claim that the moon’s orbit was no longer perfect. The best you can do in scientifically explaining what it meant for that orbit to have been perfect is to babble about creation groaning. No wonder you have been so impotent at actually engaging the scientific content of these discussions. A broken tape recorder that just barely manages to squeak out the phrase “God’s Word” every few minutes has as much scientific credibility as you do.


New member
But you were much more specific than that, you pointedly and directly made the claim that the moon’s orbit was no longer perfect. The best you can do in scientifically explaining what it meant for that orbit to have been perfect.....
Sorry that seems to bother you. Yes...based on SCRIPTURE we know creation was no longer is.
Off topic a wee bit but we also see that creation is no longer perfect when we look at our genome. We see genetic burden increasing.... Each successive generation has more harmful mutations than the previous generation. (And natural selection is incapable of solving the problem)


Active member
Correct...I did not notice that you support the scientific method.
That speaks poorly for how much attention you have been paying in these discussions.

And similar to you...I am aware of many scientists that have overtly religious motivation denying the global flood.
Not similar to me at all, since I am not aware of any Christian scientists that don’t believe in an actual world-wide flood because of their religious beliefs. They simply don’t demand that everything in the Bible be read as literal history.

Then you also agree that rejecting the global flood as a premise, mocks what science has determined.
Is it a tenant of your faith that you are required to twist what other tells you - as you so clearly have done here? Or is it just a personal aberration of your own?

BTW... Science itself does not determine anything.
"Science” is commonly understood to mean both a methodology and those who work within that paradigm. It is sad that you choose to resort to such pathetic arguments as this, instead of focusing on the substance of the discussion.

So we agree! You listed a study where they attempt to find conditions in the past.
Liar. I listed a study in which Governmental Agencies and Universities from almost a dozen of the most advanced nations in the world in which they published (not attempted) the calibration data for what you repeatedly have said “can’t be calibrated for”.

How does it feel trying to slime out of the things you have said? Demonstrating what Christian ethics really means for you – denial, dodging, anything but admission of error?


New member
Love is NOT of evolution.

Well, yes it is.

The attachment to another individual that produces an enduring long term parental partnership is an obvious reproductive success advantage, and so you'd expect the attachment desire to exist through evolution. Love is the subjective experience of having such an attachment.



New member
I am aware of many scientists that have overtly religious motivation denying the global flood.

Nonono. Scientist in general do not even actively reject the Flood, as it is so far down in the likelihood scales that they can't be bothered to even specfically consider such a religiously motivated claim. Most will not have given it a moment's thought, and since global floods are incompatible with the evidence that they see every day they never will.

Why isn't your faith enough? Why do you so need to have the backing of science for your anti-scientific claims? What would science provide for you that your faith cannot?


Active member
I am still fascinated by the article by Snelling on meteor dating that 6 days linked to. For years I have seen creationists try to discredit isochrons, yet Snelling over and over again admits that isochrons give good results. And, where 6days frequently says science supports God’s Word, Snelling makes the point that science clearly points to an old earth, and for him God’s Word trumps the science, not derives support from the science.


New member
redfern said:
Liar. I listed a study in which Governmental Agencies and Universities from almost a dozen of the most advanced nations in the world in which they published (not attempted) the calibration data for what you repeatedly have said “can’t be calibrated for”.

How does it feel trying to slime out of the things you have said? Demonstrating what Christian ethics really means for you – denial, dodging, anything but admission of error
Oh my..... Redfern, I think we are agreeing but you seem bent on hostility.
What I had said was that unknown conditions in the past can't be calibrated for. The study you mention is trying to determine the past. For example they look at tree rings along with other evidence to help determine conditions in the past.

We can get a glimpse of the past, but we often do this through biased lenses. For example, we might study mutation rates to determine when and how different distinct people groups formed. (We are examining evidence in the present, trying to determine unknown conditions in the past).

Jose Fly

New member
No wonder you have been so impotent at actually engaging the scientific content of these discussions. A broken tape recorder that just barely manages to squeak out the phrase “God’s Word” every few minutes has as much scientific credibility as you do.

You win the internet for today. :first:

Cross Reference

New member
Well, yes it is.

The attachment to another individual that produces an enduring long term parental partnership is an obvious reproductive success advantage, and so you'd expect the attachment desire to exist through evolution. Love is the subjective experience of having such an attachment.


LOL!! Bull!!! Subjective evolution experience is that it???? Rofl!!!!!! <My sides are splitting> <How stupid can ya get!!!>


New member
<How stupid can ya get!!!>

Not nearly as stupid as you, it seems, it you can't follow one simple explanation.

Tell me, how is the expression of love objectively different from other attachments that you find hard to give up and that give you pleasure to experience? (The pleasure is the body's*way of reinforcing the attachment behaviour, if you weren't sure. People repeat pleasurable experiences, don't they?)

Cross Reference

New member
Not nearly as stupid as you, it seems, it you can't follow one simple explanation.

Tell me, how is the expression of love objectively different from other attachments that you find hard to give up and that give you pleasure to experience? (The pleasure is the body's*way of reinforcing the attachment behaviour, if you weren't sure. People repeat pleasurable experiences, don't they?)

A yo-yo has more sense than you without even its string being jerked..
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