Creation vs. Evolution

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I rather like this article from Snelling that 6days links to. Based on my brief experience with 6days, I am quite certain he has little to no technical understanding of what this article says, but instead found the brief part in the conclusion that sounded like it supported creationist ideas.
Don't be a dummy Redfern.
Snelling agrees with the 4.6 billion year date that radiometric dating assigns to meteorites.
It is no different than an evolutionist agreeing that dinosaur soft tissue C14 dates at 30,000 years, and not 100,000,000 years.


Active member
Don't be a dummy Redfern.

Is being a dummy like when somebody makes a declaration about the orbit of the moon being perfect, but when asked what that really means, they walk off into the distance blubbering?

Snelling agrees with the 4.6 billion year date that radiometric dating assigns to meteorites.

I did not dispute that.

It is no different than an evolutionist agreeing that dinosaur soft tissue C14 dates at 30,000 years, and not 100,000,000 years.

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Yes, Atheists do have their own years. Any "millions of years" is something that exists in their imagination.

One of the problems that I have with this is when I look around me in the world of science and I see tens of thousands of scientists who all agree on the “millions of years”. In that group are a huge number of faithful Christians, Moslems, Hindus; Buddhists, etc. Sorry, but I am not buying into you portraying this as an atheist –creationist dichotomy. For most of the scientific world, and much of the religious world it is the Creationists, not the atheists, that are living in denial of the science.

If you will stay focused then sensible talk is possible.

I see. You are the one that pre-emptively declared atheists and humanists as not being smart enough to understand real years, but you want me to stay focused. Did I understand your major field of study was “hypocrisy”?

Are old-age Christian scientists dumb? Perhaps, perhaps not. I can't say without knowing them.

Maybe you really don’t know who Isaac Newton was, or who Lord Kelvin was. Looks like your familiarity with the history of science is a bit shallow. And I am sure a lot of the major advances in science came at the hands of faithful people of many faiths. Can you itemize some of the ideas that are now central to science that came at the hands of YECs?

Are they in agreement with scripture? No, they aren't.

Since that is a religious issue, and not a scientific one, I leave you to whatever you want to believe.

Are they considering all the evidence? I doubt it.

I shall require this of you as well.

I've said before that "evolution" might as well try to fit itself into a short time span. After all, "spontaneous generation" was believed once upon a time too. Flies from meat, etc. It's the same thing just a different time scale. More time doesn't make it any more or less possible.

I suspect evolution is not as trivially adjusted to large-scale adjustments in the time needed as you infer. But as I said, let’s focus on the C-14 question, and see where that takes us first.

As for "counterarguments" I was rather sharp on the subject ten years ago. I doubt much new has surfaced since then. As to whether you have anything that I don't know about, how am I supposed to know what I don't know? I can't say if you have something unknown to me.

Let me quote your original claim that I was asking about counterarguments on:

… start with the assumption, Carbon Dating in this case. Claimed that it is scientific and proves things are old. Claimed that useless to use on so many things because anything millions of years old would not even REGISTER on the measurement.

In the real world of C-14 dating, to REGISTER simply means the instrument gives a readout of how many C-14 (and C-12 and C-13) atoms it detected. So… assume a dinosaur lived a hundred million years ago. Similar to biological life today, a very small percentage of the Carbon atoms in its body were of the C-14 isotope. Dinosaur dies, and goes through the process of fossilization. At the moment of death, it no longer takes in carbon, and the C-14 atoms already in its body become more and more rare as the C-14 decays away. 100,000 years after it died, the level of residual C-14 is effectively zero.

Fast forward to today. Fossil-hunter Rosenritter chances upon the fossil of the long-deceased dinosaur, and decides to have its remains (whether soft or not) C-14 dated. A few questions (questions that real scientists that deal with C-14 dating are acutely aware of):

---The vast majority of fossils are found specifically because they are near the surface of the ground. With that in mind, how likely is it that, within the last 300 or so centuries, moisture has made its way from the surface into the strata the fossil is in? Unless it is pretty unusual, moisture in the ground is teeming with microscopic life, and also carries organic detritus in it. Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is also very soluble in surface moisture. Any chance that some “recent” carbon-14 atoms might end up in or on the fossil?

---Do you accurately know the radiation history the sample has been subjected to over the past 300 centuries?

---How do you extract the fossil so as to minimize its exposure to the current C-14 in the carbon dioxide in the air, and especially to biological contamination from skin contact?

---How do you store the sample for weeks (months, years) so as to be sure no modern carbon will adhere to it?

---In preparing the sample for the C-14 testing, how do you propose identifying, of the carbon that is part of the sample, which of the carbon atoms are original to the dinosaur, and which are contaminants?

---How do you assure that “system memory” (meaning carbon atoms from a prior run that adhered to interior parts of the counter rather than being counted in the previous test) does not supply some vagabond C-14 atoms to your counter?

If any of these steps introduce measurable levels of C-14, then it doesn’t matter how little of the original C-14 there is, you will REGISTER a date.

If you think these are not valid points, then I have a suggestion that could score your side big points. You guys set up a fully equipped C-14 dating lab. Set up a reciprocal agreement with one of the current labs so your scientists and theirs can freely monitor the tests at each other’s facilities.

1. Freshly created earth starts with no radioactive carbon, and input increases as exposed to the sun.

2. "Mist covers the earth" and "waters above and below" likely shields earth from much radiation during the first 1600 years. Also evidenced by the recorded long human lifespans and extreme sizes of reptiles from earlier eras.

Radioactive carbon still increasing and evidenced by life spans starting to take a drop until they approach and reach modern day lengths.

I am not aware that the “long human lifespans” recorded in Genesis have been scientifically confirmed, and the really big reptiles are just a few million years too early for the Hebrew tale.

Can you point to scientific evidence that would help to calibrate the buildup of C-14?


New member
Right. This is an odd one. Constellations are asterisms of nerby stars in our own galaxy, and we cannot see individual stars in the distant universe. You'll need to revisit this claim and correct it before it can be analysed.
Haaaa..... Thanks. Yes of course. What I meant to say is galaxies, not constellations.
There are regions that are young, and regions that are old, given the crater counts.
As I said..... you seem not to understand evidence, or rather you confuse your interpretation of evidence for truth. You start with the belief in an old universe, and interpret evidence to fit that.
Your claim was that you could 'show evidence of the falsity of young earth claims'. Your claim, like others you recently made are false. You can't show Pluto is young, or old. What you can do however is show how you interpret evidence to fit your 'old earth' beliefs.
gcthomas said:
There is as you know strong evidence for an oscillating/reversing magnetic field for the Earth.
UH..... I have no idea about Hovinds work that you went on to argue against, but n any case you are again you start with your conclusion of an old earth, then interpret evidence to fit your conclusion. I do hat too...We are biased.
God designed our earth with a magnetic field, an invisible shield that protects us from solar winds.

But, like everything else in the universe, our magnetic field is decaying / losing energy. Measuring the decay rate is just one of more than 100 ways to determine the approximate age of the earth. (And verify Biblical accuracy) The decay rate of earths magnetic field has been measured regularly since 1835. Since that time there has been a 7 percent decrease in the strength of earths magnetic field, giving a half life of 1400 years. So... At the current rate of decay our magnetic field strength will be half of what it is now in 1400 years.
How this pertains to the age of the earth is that we can extrapolate the results going backwards. If the decay rate was constant, then the earth is less than ten thousand years old. The reason is because the magnetic field would be so strong 10,000 years ago that the earth would have disintegrated ( the iron core of the earth would have separated from the mantle)

Also of interest is that magnetic reversals are evident... Something in the past caused our magnetic poles to be oppopsite. This fits perfectly with the global flood model when "the fountains of the deep broke open". As ferro-magneticmaterial rose through the existing magnetic field, temporary and rapid reversals would have happened. Evolutionists try explain the reversals and the decay rate by claiming that inside the core of our earth is a self generating dynamo. However, the science best supports the Biblical model. (And science does not support the notion of perpetual motion)
You can try again, if you'd like.
You could try again too. You avoided several of the young earth evidences mentioned. And, at best all you could do is tell us how you interpret evidence to fit your beliefs.


New member
I am not aware that the “long human lifespans” recorded in Genesis have been scientifically confirmed, and the really big reptiles are just a few million years too early for the Hebrew tale.
Moving goalposts? Rosenritter did not suggest long lifespans have been scientifically confirmed. He did mention how long lifespans (close to 1000 years) are recorded in God's Word.

What we do have from science though is genetic research showing how our genome is crumbling. Life spans would likely be very short if not for modern medicine. And what we also have from science is evidence showing humans have the possibility to live long life spans. Creationists have always been able to explain how some Old Testament people were able to live so many years. Finally science now agrees!. A study from the University of Utah says, "if all processes of aging could be eliminated and oxidative stress damage could be repaired, ‘one estimate is people could live 1,000 years.’” Those processes and stress are a progressive product of a cursed world. Mutations accumulate causing a genetic burden on the human race. It is no surprise that ancient humans could live such long lives.
Hmmmmm I just notice that web site has been taken down. Try this one...


New member
Can you point to scientific evidence that would help to calibrate the buildup of C-14?
As said before..."Unknown conditions in the past can't be calibrated for...
(Strength / weakness of solar rays, earths magnetic field, global fllods etc)

The global flood would have drastically effected the ratio....
-With all vegetation dead...much buried starting to form coal and oil...
The C14 would increase at this time relative to the C12.
Also effecting the ratio at this time would be volcanic activity around the earth emitting lots of CO2 without the normal C14

Redfern... You seem to assume many things, look at evidence then shoehorn conclusions to fit your initial assumptions. How about if we assume God's Word is correct, and then notice how neatly the evidence fits?
In the beginning, God created...


New member
Is being a dummy like when somebody makes a declaration about the orbit of the moon being perfect, but when asked what that really means, they walk off into the distance blubbering?
Hmmmmm..... Perhaps you missed it, but Patrick did answer you. I believe he told you that he wasn't using technical language and had seen a documentary about this.

Jose Fly

New member
I will give you a hint. One hint at a time.

Genesis 5:5 KJV
And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

Nothing seems different about that world to you?

What does that have to do with radiometric dating?
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Jose Fly

New member
Why must you be dishonest in defending your faith?

How is that dishonest? You agreed a while ago that since AiG states very clearly that they won't follow the evidence wherever it leads, they aren't a scientific organization, did you not?

Jose Fly

New member
GC..... AGAIN, you still don't seem to understand what EVIDENCE is. Both old earth evolutionists and young earth Biblical creationists look at the exact same evidence. Evidence always needs interpreted. You BELIEVE your interpretation is isn't. EG. We both can look at the evidence of the moon. There are several lines of evidence from it that neatly fit the Biblical account. Meanwhile old earth evolutionists look at the same evidence and struggle with different ideas trying to fit things into their belief system.

Or we could look at comets... They neatly fit within young earth beliefs, yet evolutionists struggle to explain them. IE...'Maybe that happened, and maybe this happened'. We could look at sophisticated complex designs, evidence of our designer. We could look at backflips evolutionists sometimes do with radiometric dating....and assumptions involved. We could look at dinosaur soft tissue, the fossil record, sudden appearance in the fossil record. We could look at constellations that appear young in the distant universe. We could look at the young appearance of Pluto, and the decaying magnetic field of earth. We could examine 100 different evidences showing the young earth is consistent with God's Word. And above all else, we could examine God's Word to see if there is evidence of divine inspiration and inerrancy.

BTW... Your claim of showing falsity is silly. What you might show is your unwillingness to follow evidence that leads to our Creator.

Again, none of those arguments are at all new. Creationists have already made them and they've had absolutely zero impact on science, so what makes you think you repeating them at ToL will change that?

Jose Fly

New member
This study is a classic case of the 6day’s approach to science – no matter how convincing the science is, no matter how much confirming data has been collected – when it doesn’t fit what you want to believe, trash it and just mindlessly resort to the chant “God’s Word says otherwise”, God’s Word says otherwise” , “God’s Word ,,,

Good post. It's bizarre to read creationist material and see how they think science works. Snelling's article is little more than "Sure all the data contradicts the Hebrew stories we believe to be true, but if we invoke a bunch of miracles....problem solved!"

And on top of that, creationists like to claim there's been a conspiracy among the world's scientific community over the last century to keep creationist papers out of the scientific journals, but as this (and other) paper shows, there's no conspiracy....creationists just don't understand what science actually is.


New member
What does that have to do with radiometric dating?
Answer the question if you please. Otherwise it is hard for me to prove to others whether you are dense or just being evasive. One item at a time please, I am already wise to your tactics of continuous loops of diverting, stalling, and mocking. So play straight this time (what are you afraid of really?)

Did you notice anything different?

Gen 5:5 KJV
(5) And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

After this, please explain to us how YOU think Carbon-14 dating works. Please identify any necessary assumptions made in the process.


Active member
Moving goalposts? Rosenritter did not suggest long lifespans have been scientifically confirmed.
I didn’t say he did. Rosenritter made no allusion to long lifespans being a religious claim and not one science agrees with. It was when science started to throw off the fetters of inherited religious dogma that science quickly became far more productive than any other methodology man has ever used.

He did mention how long lifespans (close to 1000 years) are recorded in God's Word.

He didn’t say that in the post I was answering. He listed it in the middle of a short list of supposedly scientific observations about C-14 dating.


Active member
Hmmmmm..... Perhaps you missed it, but Patrick did answer you. I believe he told you that he wasn't using technical language and had seen a documentary about this.

Hmmmmmm… Perhaps you missed it, but I acknowledged patrick janes’ candid admission more than once. What your ego seems to demand is that you not admit - in spite of being pointedly asked – that you don’t even know what it means scientifically for the moon’s orbit to be perfect, even though you jumped in with the claim that it was no longer in a perfect orbit.


Active member
As said before..."Unknown conditions in the past can't be calibrated for...
(Strength / weakness of solar rays, earths magnetic field, global fllods etc)

The global flood would have drastically effected the ratio....
-With all vegetation dead...much buried starting to form coal and oil...
The C14 would increase at this time relative to the C12.
Also effecting the ratio at this time would be volcanic activity around the earth emitting lots of CO2 without the normal C14

Redfern... You seem to assume many things, look at evidence then shoehorn conclusions to fit your initial assumptions. How about if we assume God's Word is correct, and then notice how neatly the evidence fits?
In the beginning, God created...
Perchance you hadn’t noticed that I support the scientific method. I am aware of no scientist that does not have an overtly religious motivation that agrees that there ever was a global flood, and I do know of thousands of faithful Christian Scientists who do not hold the flood to be worldwide. So to adopt the global flood as a premise is to mock what science has determined.
Unknown conditions in the past can't be calibrated for...
Except for things like:
Journal: Radiocarbon, Vol 55, Nr 4, 2013
0–50,000 YEARS CAL BP

Paula J Reimer, Edouard Bard, Alex Bayliss, J Warren Beck, Paul G Blackwell, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Caitlin E Buck, Hai Cheng, R Lawrence Edwards, Michael Friedrich, Pieter M Grootes, Thomas P Guilderson1, Haflidi Haflidason, Irka Hajdas, Christine Hatté, Timothy J Heaton, Dirk L Hoffmann, Alan G Hogg, Konrad A Hughen, K Felix Kaiser, Bernd Kromer, Sturt W Manning, Mu Niu, Ron W Reimer, David A Richards, E Marian Scott, John R Southon, Richard A Staff, Christian S M Turney, Johannes van der Plicht
(The author list is so long because this study was a collaborative effort among government agencies and Universities from the US, France, China, New Zealand, Germany, England, Norway, Spain, Scotland, Australia, and the Netherlands.)

ABSTRACT. The IntCal09 and Marine09 radiocarbon calibration curves have been revised utilizing newly available and updated data sets from 14C measurements on tree rings, plant macrofossils, speleothems, corals, and foraminifera. The calibration curves were derived from the data using the random walk model (RWM) used to generate IntCal09 and Marine09, which has been revised to account for additional uncertainties and error structures. The new curves were ratified at the 21st International Radiocarbon conference in July 2012 and are available as Supplemental Material at The database can be accessed at
In addition to this study, there are other studies utilizing yet other approaches. So yes, there is not any way to calibrate, if you are a creationist who once again simply refuses to admit that you are wrong.


New member
I didn’t say he did. Rosenritter made no allusion to long lifespans being a religious claim and not one science agrees with. It was when science started to throw off the fetters of inherited religious dogma that science quickly became far more productive than any other methodology man has ever used.
Modern science is rooted in Biblical Christianity (not religion). Many if not most fields of science were started by the belief that the Biblical God, created in n orderly manner that would allow us to discover the world around us. And, science to this day is still maintained around the fact that there is laws and order allowing discovery. It is an exciting time for Christians as we see science help confirm the inerrant truth of God's Word.


New member
Hmmmmmm… Perhaps you missed it, but I acknowledged patrick janes’ candid admission more than once. What your ego seems to demand is that you not admit - in spite of being pointedly asked – that you don’t even know what it means scientifically for the moon’s orbit to be perfect, even though you jumped in with the claim that it was no longer in a perfect orbit.
I agreed with him saying that creation was perfect. Scripture tells us that since sin, "all creation groans"....We no longer live in that original perfect creation.


New member
Perchance you hadn’t noticed that I support the scientific method. I am aware of no scientist that does not have an overtly religious motivation that agrees that there ever was a global flood...
Correct...I did not notice that you support the scientific method.
And similar to you...I am aware of many scientists that have overtly religious motivation denying the global flood.
So to adopt the global flood as a premise is to mock what science has determined.
Then you also agree that rejecting the global flood as a premise, mocks what science has determined. BTW... Science itself does not determine anything.
Redfern said:
6days said:
Unknown conditions in the past can't be calibrated for...
In addition to this study, there are other studies utilizing yet other approaches.
So we agree! You listed a study where they attempt to find conditions in the past.
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