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I think what you mean is that he can't be right, because then you would be wrong? You better take your argument up with geosociety.orgRoth is misleading you.
I think what you mean is that he can't be right, because then you would be wrong? You better take your argument up with geosociety.orgRoth is misleading you.
I think we have gone over and over this before. We can once again discuss assumptions involved in the extrapolations.Have you got anywhere wirth the mechanism that would affect the dating of the earth, masts and meteorites by the same amounts, despite the thoroughly different conditions they experience?
So...??? You think hyperbole helps sell your beliefs? It was you who said "Theory of a dead guy coming back to life after being clinically dead for three days ...." Once again...Christ rising from the grave is a belief based on the evidence of inerrant truth in God's Word.
I think we are agreeing.... Beliefs about the past are not science.
If you are saying that "Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. Evolutionary processes give rise to biodiversity at every level of biological organization, including the levels of species, individual organisms, and molecules."...Then that is a definition consistent with beliefs of Biblical creationists. Changes in characteristics is determined by PRE_EXISTING genetic information and processes.
No...you mentioned things from the past, that you don't believe because it's inconsistent with the present. Confirmation bias is when you start with your conclusion(Rejecting the Creator), and then interpret evidence to fit those preexisting beliefs
So... be consistent with your own arguments and deny that life came from non life.
I think we have gone over and over this before. We can once again discuss assumptions involved in the extrapolations.
We can also discuss why secular journals usually (not always)publish only the results consistent with evolutionary beliefs. Sometimes though journals will admit to discordant results. Ex...Article titled "Isotopic variations in the rock-forming elements in meteorites" from Transactions of the Royal Society of London .....Or, article titled "Isotope fractionation in the solar system" from the International Geology Review .
I think what you mean is that he can't be right, because then you would be wrong? You better take your argument up with geosociety.org
6days;4854737 Atheists often understand...if they can get people to reject Adam said:if Adam and Eve and the Talking Snake are myths, then Original Sin is also a myth, right? Well, think about it.
No, no, and no. Jesus' died to save us from our own sins, not Adam and Eve's sin. We are unworthy of salvation because we ourselves have sinned, but we get it anyway. All people (above a certain very young age) are sinners. If they weren't then they would still be children."Jesus’ major purpose was to save mankind from Original Sin. Original Sin makes believers unworthy of salvation, but you get it anyway, so you should be grateful for being saved (from that which does not exist)Without Original Sin, the marketing that all people are sinners and therefore need to accept Jesus falls moot.
"All we are asking is that you take what you know into serious consideration, even if it means taking a hard look at all you’ve been taught for your whole life. No Adam and Eve means no need for a savior. It also means that the Bible cannot be trusted as a source of unambiguous, literal truth. It is completely unreliable, because it all begins with a myth, and builds on that as a basis. No Fall of Man means no need for atonement and no need for a redeemer. You know it."[/I] (Quote is from 'evangelical' atheist... trying to persuade Christians to compromise)
You poor lost soulEven if Adam and Eve and the Talking snake are real, original sin would still be a myth. Sure, Adam and Eve were the first to sin, but the reason why the whole of mankind die is because they know the difference between good and evil. Surely that is clear from the story. One could almost say that to be anything other than childlike is a sin, because anyone who knows the difference between good and evil should not be allowed to live for ever. Of course this is before Jesus comes in.
No, no, and no. Jesus' died to save us from our own sins, not Adam and Eve's sin. We are unworthy of salvation because we ourselves have sinned, but we get it anyway. All people (above a certain very young age) are sinners. If they weren't then they would still be children.
I don't trust the Bible as a source of unambiguous literal truth. In many cases it is not literal (such as parables), and it is often ambiguous, imo because there are far fewer words in ancient Hebrew and Greek than in English. Don't get me wrong, I love the Bible, believe it is true, and use it as a basis for my whole morality.
Also: Just because some people didn't sin in the same way as Adam, does not mean they didn't sin at all. Or maybe it does. Rather ambiguous no?
Do you understand the meaning of "Theory" in scientific terms?
Yes, but I was using the word "Theory" as it is used in common speech. Certainly I wouldn't give evolution the title "theory" in the scientific sense of the word. You cannot test it by repeated observation.
Well, that is not good enough. Scientific theory is more specific. You can get away with anything generalising like that. Indeed, from the wiki article you linked in the first paragraph:Think of a scientific "theory" as the explanation of natural events based on the available evidence
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed...
The thing with the theory of gravity, is that you can always test it again by seeing if objects fall to the floor or not (sure there are better-defined ways of testing it)
With germ theory, you can repeatedly see the effects of germs, and you can always check in a microscope to see if they are there. Emphasis on the word "repeatedly".
The difference between these and the theory of evolution is that you cannot repeat the conditions of the whole of evolution again (at least not realistically). If such an experiment were to take place, and for some reason I am still alive in a few hundred thousand years to see the outcome, then sure I will accept it for good.
Please remember that I think the theory is quite sound. I just think it is untestable.
You are being silly. How is any historical manuscript*judged to be true?*Hedshaker said:So your evidence is, you believe it (Bible)to be true?
And I support science, and the scientific method.Hedshaker said:*******
No, I support the scientific Theory of Evolution
You can keep repeating that...I will keep agreeing. Beliefs about the past are not science. (Both yours and mine)Hedshaker said:****
And yet again, your faith beliefs are not evidence
Yes...I noticed.I don't trust the Bible as a source of unambiguous literal truth.
I think what you are saying is that you believe various radiometric dating methods provides consistent dates...except when they don't? GC... Help me out on this, because it seems the radiodating biz is rigged (Sort of like the US election). Evolutionists ignore things like isochron discordances and largely ignore articles where otherevolutionists express surprise at results. Evolutionists ignore how dates from the lab are ignored and things simply assigned a date to fit belief systems. Evolutionists dismiss evidence and results that disagree with your beliefs. Evolutionists ignore evidence of accelerated decay in helium retention in zircons. (And many other similar things). It seems even in isochron testing, the researcher ignores points that don't fit the pattern she expects. It would be interesting to compare results from a truly double blind test... and not just from a area that is expected to 'behave' IOW... Evolutionists seem to accept the results that fit their beliefs and ignore all others. Are there double blind tests showing what you are saying? (Where the result is not rigged?) I think not, but not sure. I don't know enough about radiometric dating, but I see even It seems even in isochron testing, the researcher ignores points that don't fit the pattern she expects. It would be interesting to compare results from a truly double blind test... and not just from a area that is expected to 'behave'secular researchers sometimes criticizing methods. I don't have an easy offhand answer why meteorites date often at 4.5 billion. However, there are journal articles from creation scientists / geologists who do answer this... https://answersingenesis.org/astron...meteorites-v-isochron-ages-groups-meteorites/ (Perhaps I can look at this next weekend).Can you not come up with a mechanism that has THE SAME EFFECT in all these situations? You haven't even tried, so far.
Do you understand the meaning of "Theory" in scientific terms?
Yes, but I was using the word "Theory" as it is used in common speech. Certainly I wouldn't give evolution the title "theory" in the scientific sense of the word. You cannot test it by repeated observation.
Well, that is not good enough. Scientific theory is more specific. You can get away with anything generalising like that. Indeed, from the wiki article you linked in the first paragraph:
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed...
The thing with the theory of gravity, is that you can always test it again by seeing if objects fall to the floor or not (sure there are better-defined ways of testing it)
With germ theory, you can repeatedly see the effects of germs, and you can always check in a microscope to see if they are there. Emphasis on the word "repeatedly".
The difference between these and the theory of evolution is that you cannot repeat the conditions of the whole of evolution again (at least not realistically). If such an experiment were to take place, and for some reason I am still alive in a few hundred thousand years to see the outcome, then sure I will accept it for good.
Please remember that I think the theory is quite sound. I just think it is untestable.
I'm afraid you are clueless so clearly see there is no point in continuing. Of course something will fall if you drop it but that does not explain the "Theory" behind gravity, you know, General Relativity and what not. Dunce! Of course Gravity happens as does Evolution.... but it's the Theory that attempts to explain it.
Get a grip.....
Snelling has agreed to a statement of belief:However, there are journal articles from creation scientists / geologists who do answer this... https://answersingenesis.org/astron...meteorites-v-isochron-ages-groups-meteorites/ (Perhaps I can look at this next weekend).
I'm sure you don't see the humor in this, but it is funny to hear evolutionists admit that for complex laboratory-based dating to be successful, the data must be compatible with the external field evidence. External evidence? That means reject lab results of 100 million years when tools are found in the samlpe area. If the data doesn't jive with the belief... dismiss the data, seems to be part of the radiometric game.
Well, except when it conflicts with the interpretation of your Holy Book that your level of fear requires.And I support science, and the scientific method.
I'm afraid you are clueless so clearly see there is no point in continuing. Of course something will fall if you drop it but that does not explain the "Theory" behind gravity, you know, General Relativity and what not. Dunce! Of course Gravity happens as does Evolution.... but it's the Theory that attempts to explain it.
Get a grip.....
Yes...I noticed.
As you are judging what God tells us, how do you judge when He is telling the unambiguous literal truth, and when He isn't?
Surely you must not believe in the virgin birth, since secular opinion says that is not possible?
Yes, but I was using the word "Theory" as it is used in common speech. Certainly I wouldn't give evolution the title "theory" in the scientific sense of the word. You cannot test it by repeated observation.
Help me out on this, because it seems the radiodating biz is rigged
Evolutionists ignore things like isochron discordances and largely ignore articles where otherevolutionists express surprise at results. Evolutionists ignore how dates from the lab are ignored and things simply assigned a date to fit belief systems. Evolutionists dismiss evidence and results that disagree with your beliefs. Evolutionists ignore evidence of accelerated decay in helium retention in zircons. (And many other similar things). It seems even in isochron testing, the researcher ignores points that don't fit the pattern she expects. It would be interesting to compare results from a truly double blind test... and not just from a area that is expected to 'behave'
IOW... Evolutionists seem to accept the results that fit their beliefs and ignore all others.
First, we can test evolution by observation. We see populations evolve all the time. We see them evolve new traits, genetic sequences, and species.
Second, you seem to be under the impression that the only way to scientifically test whether an event occurred is to observe it directly. Before we go on, is that really your understanding of how science works?
I would like to draw emphasis to "systematic observation, measurement and experiment". Any theory concerning the past can do none of these.
Can I please remind you that I believe evolution is true, but that it does not hold the unassailable position everyone seems to think it does.