CPAC silence on SSM is speaking volumes


I hate Time - I have a cousin from Yale who was a journalist there, and I cannot stand him. :vomit:

I ain't a liberal and I don't read Time, aCW.
I was just lonely and it is snowing hard here and I was looking for something to post :cry: :cry:
Does your BFF approve of your efforts?


I ain't a liberal and I don't read Time, aCW.

Sorry to break the news to you GFR7, but anyone that voted for B. Hussein Obama (like you admitted to doing) is a liberal.

There are a few liberals, who for various reasons are against same sex faux marriage, but that hardly puts them in the conservative camp.

Back to CPAC: Just because social issues weren't the main topic of conversation at CPAC, doesn't mean that conservatives like Ted Cruz and Rick Santorum are ignoring them. Liberals and conservatives alike know where they both stand on family values.


New member
Sorry to break the news to you GFR7, but anyone that voted for B. Hussein Obama (like you admitted to doing) is a liberal.

There are a few liberals, who for various reasons are against same sex faux marriage, but that hardly puts them in the conservative camp.

Back to CPAC: Just because social issues weren't the main topic of conversation at CPAC, doesn't mean that conservatives like Ted Cruz and Rick Santorum are ignoring them. Liberals and conservatives alike know where they both stand on family values.
This is just absurd - I don't care what I did or what my motives were/are - I KNOW I am a social conservative (social is the operative word) and I have been set apart and have suffered gravely over my natural leanings since about age 9-12. So quit flappin your lips, Big Daddy. ;)


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CPAC silence on SSM is speaking volumes

Just another thread of conservatives "circling the wagons" and complaining.

They can always take comfort by tuning in FOXNEWS and watching Bill O'Reilly defending himself against another "vast liberal conspiracy!"
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New member
Looks like the libertarian wing of the party is becoming more powerful than the conservative evangelical wing, or at least the candidates perceive the libertarian wing to be more powerful. That's probably why they didn't talk about SSM.


New member
Looks like the libertarian wing of the party is becoming more powerful than the conservative evangelical wing, or at least the candidates perceive the libertarian wing to be more powerful. That's probably why they didn't talk about SSM.

They didn't talk about marriage equality because the one thing they can all be counted on to do is WATCH THE POLLS.
And the polls say that a majority of Americans want to join the rest of the civilized world in making marriage legally available to consenting adults, regardless of sex or gender.

Its opponents are just now starting to finally realize that they are on the losing side of this, with 37 out of 50 states plus Washington D.C. recognizing a couple's legal right to marry, and Missouri respecting marriages licensed in other states.

They have been digging a hole for themselves for generations on this issue, and they know that any attempt to backpedal will just dig them deeper in the public consciousness.

The nation is finally breaking away from its bigoted past on this point, and those who have made a career of fighting for that bigoted past now have nowhere to go and nothing to do but wait to be ground under the wheels of history.


New member
CPAC silence on SSM is speaking volumes

Just another thread of conservatives "circling the wagons" and complaining.

They can always take comfort by tuning in FOXNEWS and watching Bill O'Reilly defending himself against another "vast liberal conspiracy!"
I myself don't go anywhere near FOX news. I thought this was an effect of the libertarian trend rising.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Looks like the libertarian wing of the party is becoming more powerful than the conservative evangelical wing, or at least the candidates perceive the libertarian wing to be more powerful. That's probably why they didn't talk about SSM.

and that is based on cpac?

do you go to church to find out what the libertarians are doing?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Funny how marriage went from slavery to using it as tool to recognize deviant behavior as normal.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Sorry to break the news to you GFR7, but anyone that voted for B. Hussein Obama (like you admitted to doing) is a liberal.

You forgot to include Romney.

Take it up with every major pro life organization that endorsed him.

Etc. etc. etc.

Now show us how your candidate, Libertarian Gary Johnson stood on the topic of abortion and what organizations backed him (Planned Parenthood and NARAL obviously).


New member
I just don't use it
I am using this as an example on how to answer questions

don't you think questions should be answered?
"I" see...
Or rather "i" don't, "I's" tend to get capitalised automatically these days I just noticed.
That must kind of annoy you perhaps C?
A bit like State interference? :patrol:

How dare they capitalise your "i's" C! :IA:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
"I" see...
Or rather "i" don't, "I's" tend to get capitalised automatically these days I just noticed.
That must kind of annoy you perhaps C?
A bit like State interference? :patrol:

How dare they capitalise your "i's" C? :IA:

these are hard questions
it is not an attempt to annoy you
I would rather have the state interfere with me than the federal government
this is what it would look like if i didn't do the i's

can I ask you a question?


New member
these are hard questions
it is not an attempt to annoy you
I would rather have the state interfere with me than the federal government
this is what it would look like if i didn't do the i's

can I ask you a question?
Yes do but I tend to feel that any formal ceremonies are rather daft and pointless, but if some people want to do them then the state should butt out imo.