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Feminism does nobody any good, it has never been anything but a needless misery on society. As soon as society wants to realize the problem that it is, the sooner society can get back to things that matter and makes a positive difference. Feminists don't have a single thing to offer, they are all useless women whose misandry has simply been accepted as a justified norm :rolleyes:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The movement that you and Art consistently and unapologetically defend (yet are too ashamed to admit that you are a part of) is responsible for the death of millions of unborn babies, broken homes and ruined lives.

Have you got Malaria or something? I 'defend' the rights of people as afforded under your own constitution and under law so if that makes me part of a 'movement' then heck knows what it is.

And you call me "unhinged"?

Well :duh:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Feminism does nobody any good, it has never been anything but a needless misery on society. As soon as society wants to realize the problem that it is, the sooner society can get back to things that matter and makes a positive difference. Feminists don't have a single thing to offer, they are all useless women whose misandry has simply been accepted as a justified norm :rolleyes:

Wow, what an idiot.


Wow, what an idiot.

You're the idiot- name one thing feminism has had a positive effect on in society :rolleyes:

1st World women experience the least violence and the most privilege than anyone else on the planet.

And yet, it does not suffice for them- they are still imagining injustices because, as all the fathers and doctors of wisdom in history state, they are too much like Eve to have equality to men :wave2:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Patriarchy is the reason the world expanded and got anywhere
In rational parlance, that's called a neat circle.

Woman wanted quite frankly what they didn't idealize, build, or fight and die for
None of that's right, especially the dying part. I've course corrected you on the points before. So your problem isn't ignorance, which is why I continue to hope you're just a troll, the alternative being far more sad and much less entertaining.

you go back and call patriarchy evil and 'equaity' as something heroic.
I'd call denying anyone their God given rights evil and equality before the law an objective good.

The fact is that it simply is not, even God saw that farce for what it was- women trying to usurp men
The only thing more tragically funny than you trying to speak for God is...well, no. That's about the bottom of that barrel, come to think on it.

I comprehend it exactly the way everyone in history has seen it
That you think everyone has ever seen anything exactly the same way is a cry for the help of a good education.



That it winds up pompous little patriarchal cranks like you is also something to take glee in.


Equality is misogynistic to them. I'm called a misogynist for treating them as I would a man who acted the same way. That is why those such as yourself cannot argue that you aren't bound in chains, because that is by definition what defending feminist ideology is.

-They make up 60% of the voting body, and yet you all say it's an injustice that there are more elected men than women. Their right to vote was an entirely vain and selfish one which has made no impact, and there is literally nothing to celebrate of it.

-Feminism gave a sharp rise in rape, and now men must be taught not to rape because they are all potential Jack the Rippers.

-They enjoy quotas for when they want to work, and benefits when they don't. Obama sabotaged the black community by turning it into a matriarch: black people voted for who they thought would be in their interest, and all he did was cater to black women and empower them to a point where the men were made obsolete.

-Feminism is a Lie Factory, whose claims are debunked time and time again, but the facts never get much of a leg up because you all will call everyone misogynists and come up with some new way to perpetuate the same nonsense.

-The institution of marriage is a disaster; it's no wonder feminists are all for gay marriage, because they don't give one damn about God's will and neither do YOU or TOWN HERETIC

The list goes on and on. I could do this all day :wave2:


Ramble on incessantly (and insanely)?

Oh, I don't doubt it...

You can't acknowledge the reality of anything I've listed because you are in feminist fantasy land where facts are misogynistic. You're all a bunch of people who believe that women deserve for us to labor under lies- but will lie about it when it's brought up, as if it doesn't bleed out your eyes and pores :rolleyes:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You can't acknowledge the reality of anything I've listed because you are in feminist fantasy land where facts are misogynistic. You're all a bunch of people who believe that women deserve for us to labor under lies- but will lie about it when it's brought up, as if it doesn't bleed out your eyes and pores :rolleyes:

Dude, you're about as much in touch with reality as a unicorn on crack.



Dude, you're about as much in touch with reality as a unicorn on crack.

You see, that's just a lie you choose to masquerade- I suppose feminism makes people really good at it :rotfl:

You can't call anyone insane, because what you perpetuate is insane. Perpetuating things you know are nonense is a condition in need of acknowledgement- there is something simply wrong with people who support feminist bias, man or woman :wave2:


None of that's right, especially the dying part. I've course corrected you on the points before. So your problem isn't ignorance, which is why I continue to hope you're just a troll, the alternative being far more sad and much less entertaining.

You didn't correct anything because there is nothing to correct- mankind succeeded because it was a patriarchy. Mankind has nothing else to do now except pretend otherwise and convince their self that their current way is working.

I'd call denying anyone their God given rights evil and equality before the law an objective good.

Except they're not God given rights :rotfl:

Take some Bible lessons, bro.