Could Hugh Hefner & Donald Trump Be Homosexual?


New member
I'm sorry that you refuse to understand that it's them and those as yourself who have, for the past six years, have marched, slandered, attacked, sued, and harassed others without good cause.
I understand the motive for saying something so blatantly false but I cannot and will not accept the lie that you present as anything but a lie.

I'm sorry that you're so lost in your nonsense that you would actually scream persecution if you all were met with retaliation.
You are already screaming persecution

have an entire book with listings from 32 different states which catalog occurrences from 2009 to last year. I have the people, places, names, and testimonies.
Sounds like a fascinating book. Why don't you reference it?

It's all wasted on you, which is why I am not even furthering the discussion among those things. You all hate white America and want to sell out to immigrants, minorities, and globalization- there is no having a good conversation with crooks.
Thanks for the laugh


New member
glassjester: Do the prisoners become attracted to the other prisoners?


glassjester: What's love got to do with it? Do the prisoners become sexually attracted to other prisoners?


Gosh, you're eloquent.

Here is what I actually said:
What a stupid question.

Prison sex is rape. Rapists don't love their victims and victims don't love their rapist. (though there are a few degenerate and depraved perverts running around who like to claim otherwise. A handful of posters here certainly will try claim this)

The perpetration of rape is about power and dominance and violence no matter where it takes place or the gender of the victim. And not all rapes happen at knife point.

"...overtly violent rapes are only the most visible and dramatic form of sexual abuse behind bars. Many victims of prison rape have never had a knife to their throat. They may have never been explicitly threatened. But they have nonetheless engaged in sexual acts against their will, believing that they had no choice.

These coercive forms of sexual abuse are much more common than violent gang rapes and, for prison authorities, much easier to ignore. Prisoners, including those who had been forcibly raped, all agree that the threat of violence, or even just the implicit threat of violence, is a more common factor in sexual abuse than is actual violence. As one explained: "From my point of view, rape takes place every day. A prisoner that is engaging in sexual acts, not by force, is still a victim of rape because I know that deep inside this prisoner do not want to do the things that he is doing but he thinks that it is the only way that he can survive." Report on Male Rape in U. S. Prison the Human Rights Council.

Again the answer if no.

Of course you already know the answer just as you already knwo what I posted but that hasn't stopped you from lying about it and I'm sure you will keep on going.

At least be honest and just say, "I'd rather not answer."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
does a rapist who identifies as heterosexual usually prey upon victims of his own gender?

Obviously. It happens all the time in jails.

does that predation take the form of forced homosexual sex?

no, the rhetoric and arguments racists and homophobes use are indistinguishable but the two groups are not alike. FOr example, racists, as a rule, rarely target children

i was mocking your retarded "racists are just like homophobes" argument

gj got it


Well-known member
Of course you already know the answer just as you already knwo what I posted but that hasn't stopped you from lying about it and I'm sure you will keep on going.

Alright... then the prisoners who seek out sex with other men are not sexually attracted to other men?

That would seem impossible.

But what do I know? I'm stupid stupid stupid!


New member
If there is not consent, it is rape.


You were commenting on my post:

"overtly violent rapes are only the most visible and dramatic form of sexual abuse behind bars. Many victims of prison rape have never had a knife to their throat. They may have never been explicitly threatened. But they have nonetheless engaged in sexual acts against their will, believing that they had no choice."

you responded: "Sex without love does not necessarily equal rape."

Since prison sex is coercive it is rape which has nothing to do with love.


New member
Alright... then the prisoners who seek out sex with other men are not sexually attracted to other men?

That would seem impossible.

But what do I know? I'm stupid stupid stupid!

No your posts and questions are stupid.

Although if you can't understand that simple point...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Paradise is spell check run amok. I meant parents who were straight themselves and pushed heterosexuality.

It's not guaranteed but the chances are good for you to turn out straight if you had straight parents and plenty of hetero social cues. If you had no info whatsoever on homosexuality in your formative years, the chances of being straight are almost 100%.

No study will ever be done to compare the upbringing of straight versus strict scientific accurate study that is.

What do you mean by "pushed" heterosexuality? What kind of "strict scientific accurate study" would match your criteria for one?


Well-known member
I've answered this a half dozen times now. Is it smart of you to expect a different answer?

You've refused to give a real answer half a dozen times now.

If a heterosexual man goes into prison and starts having sex with men, then his sexual orientation changed.

Being in love doesn't change that fact.
Being a rapist doesn't change that fact.

His sexual orientation changed.
Case closed.