Could Hugh Hefner & Donald Trump Be Homosexual?


[God calls the homosexual an abomination (Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27 :vomit:). What do you call him? :smokie:] Serpentdove , I don't care what YOUR God calls gay people...

Payday someday (1 Co 6:9-10). :burnlib:

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).


New member
You all are the one's who do most of the discriminating. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to bake a cake for something that imposes on one's religious beliefs- but there is something very wrong with sending death threats to people who merely state that they hold to traditional marriage.

So, put a sock in it.
Point of fact the owners of the Sweetcakes bakery in Oregon has not received one documented death threat. However the couple the bakery owners chose to discriminate against received dozens of death threats to them and their children.

No, I'm talking about the one which your liberal media didn't want to bring up.

There are hundreds of outrageous things which occurred between 2010 and now which the media never spoke on because the media is a biased liberal propaganda machine.
Since you don't want to put up a reference I can only assume your are speaking of some imaginary incident

It is the sole reason why fools like you have come out the woodwork as of late[/I]

Journalists and writers have produced a lot of testimony in these matters, and instead of spewing fantasy on others you ought to look at reality. The same retards who led you on to think Clinton was going to rule the election- and then abandoned the buildings when Trump won- are who you get your bias from.
you mean like the reality of the fake claims made about Muslim owned bakeries in Michigan?


New member
I didn't want to go explicit for fear of banning. Imagine getting any toy you wanted. Candy. Fun movies. At some point, he gains your trust. This is being well treated. At this point, getting close physically would not signal suspicion. The intro of porno mags or videos could also lessen my suspicions once he made any deliberate moves. I could see my hormones being steered in that direction if I was young enough and before I could get enough hetero social conditioning.

This is as dumb as saying that having a black neighbor who was always kind and thoughtful to you prompted your decision to be African American.


New member
Paradise is spell check run amok. I meant parents who were straight themselves and pushed heterosexuality.

It's not guaranteed but the chances are good for you to turn out straight if you had straight parents and plenty of hetero social cues.
you just described pretty much every homosexual in our society.

If you had no info whatsoever on homosexuality in your formative years, the chances of being straight are almost 100%.
This is based on....???

No study will ever be done to compare the upbringing of straight versus strict scientific accurate study that is.

What constitutes a "strict scientific accurate study"?


Point of fact the owners of the Sweetcakes bakery in Oregon has not received one documented death threat. However the couple the bakery owners chose to discriminate against received dozens of death threats to them and their children.

The ChikFila owner stated that he supported traditional marriage and it was met with thousands of people protesting and sending death threats. People like yourselves deemed anyone who went there as 'supporting hate'.

Because they are a successful business, they didn't retaliate- the baker who closed her doors and was humiliated, well, those gays deserved to be lynched for it. You're all out to ruin people's lives who don't conform to your crap :wave2:

Since you don't want to put up a reference I can only assume your are speaking of some imaginary incident

You labor under fictions- you never decided to ever look upon such things because you are just a cuckservative moron against good people- if I catered to your petty demand and produced these sources, it wouldn't change a single thing about you.


The ChikFila owner stated that he supported traditional marriage and it was met with thousands of people protesting and sending death threats.

Sodomites don't want reminders that they are evil. :sozo2:

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).


New member
Hall of Fame
Point of fact the owners of the Sweetcakes bakery in Oregon has not received one documented death threat.

Comments on social media aren't real death threats and aren't considered "documented" either, also please lay out how you "document" a phone call.


New member
Hall of Fame
leggo my ego :sibbie:

Boycott eggo happening:

Kellogg Co. announced on Tuesday its decision to pull ads from conservative media giant because its 45,000,000 monthly conservative readers are not “aligned with our values as a company.” In response, Breitbart News, one of the world’s top news publishers, has launched a #DumpKelloggs petition and called for a boycott of the ubiquitous food manufacturer.

The decision by Kellogg’s, which makes Pringles, Eggo waffles, as well as Special K and Frosted Flakes cereals, among others, will make virtually no revenue impact on It does, however, represent an escalation in the war by leftist companies like Target and Allstate against conservative customers whose values propelled Donald Trump into the White House.

“We regularly work with our media-buying partners to ensure our ads do not appear on sites that aren’t aligned with our values as a company,” said Kellogg’s flak Kris Charles. “We recently reviewed the list of sites where our ads can be placed and decided to discontinue advertising on We are working to remove ads from that site.”

Kellogg’s offered no examples of how Breitbart’s 45 million monthly readers fail to align with the breakfast maker’s values. Indeed, the move appears to be one more example of an out-of-touch corporation embracing false left-wing narratives used to cynically smear the hard working Americans that populate this nation’s heartland.

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow encouraged the boycott of Kellogg’s products, describing their war against Breitbart News as bigoted and anti-American: “Breitbart News is the largest platform for pro-family content anywhere on the Internet. We are fearless advocates for traditional American values, perhaps most important among them is freedom of speech, or our motto ‘more voices, not less.’ For Kellogg’s, an American brand, to blacklist Breitbart News in order to placate left-wing totalitarians is a disgraceful act of cowardice. They insult our incredibly diverse staff and spit in the face of our 45,000,000 highly engaged, highly perceptive, highly loyal readers, many of whom are Kellogg’s customers. Boycotting Breitbart News for presenting mainstream American ideas is an act of discrimination and intense prejudice. If you serve Kellogg’s products to your family, you are serving up bigotry at your breakfast table.”

In response, Breitbart launched its #DumpKelloggs petition to encourage its vast readership and the followers of its #1 in the world political Facebook and Twitter pages to ban bigotry from the breakfast table by boycotting Kellogg’s products.

“Kellogg’s has shown its contempt for Breitbart’s 45 million readers and for the main street American values that they hold dear,” said Breitbart President and CEO, Larry Solov. “Pulling its advertising from Breitbart News is a decidedly cynical and un-American act. The only sensible response is to join together and boycott Kellogg’s products in protest.”

Some of Kellogg’s brands:

Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes®
Kellogg’s® Nutri-Grain®
Rice Krispies®
Frosted Mini-Wheats®
Cocoa Krispies
Morningstar Farms
Famous Amos
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes®
Kellogg’s Honey Smacks® cereal
Corn Pops®
Mother’s Cookies
Keebler Company
Smart Start®
Froot Loops™
Kellogg’s Raisin Bran®
Low Fat Granola
Fruit Flavored Snacks
Apple Jacks®
Cracklin’ Oat Bran®
Smart Start®
Kellogg’s Raisin Bran®
Apple Jacks®

They dont want conservatives money. So dont give it to them.


New member
Hall of Fame
The ChikFila owner stated that he supported traditional marriage and it was met with thousands of people protesting and sending death threats. People like yourselves deemed anyone who went there as 'supporting hate'.

Because they are a successful business, they didn't retaliate- the baker who closed her doors and was humiliated, well, those gays deserved to be lynched for it. You're all out to ruin people's lives who don't conform to your crap :wave2:



Well-known member
I note he doesnt appear to be touching that question with a 10 foot pole, wonder why?

I really don't know.
The answer seems obvious enough.

He answered it as if I had asked, "Are the prisoners in love with one another?"
But it's hard to believe he could have honestly thought that's what I was asking.

Mr. Dante just said my question was stupid, and then answered a totally unrelated question that no one asked.