Could Hugh Hefner & Donald Trump Be Homosexual?


Well-known member
Sure it is. This is literally like trying to say a person cannot control their sexual impulses. It just isn't true. I was A-sexual, by choice, and conveniently, by birth. It DIDN'T mean I couldn't one day choose hetero- I was 'sexual' (hetero) by choice, after that. Why? Not just for hedonistic impulses or uncontrolled 'instincts.' Such is literally dumbing us down to animals without brains to control us (a bit of proof available for further discussion on this point). Anybody saying anything different is selling what simply isn't reasonable, logical, or tenable. Imho? There is no one born a bigamist, or adulterous, or etc. Is it a solid opinion? One with data and well-reasoned logic behind it? I think it is. Until this last generation, we all knew controlling your passions and urges for the good of self and society was a good and noble thing that it was completely possible, and more, valued/virtuous/good.

So there is no chemical influence that could pervert behavior? The governing Mentalist know how to change the Brain through chemistry they convince the slaves to partake of, Look at you partaking of the worlds system and carrying its ID while pretending to be part of the invisible kingdom of God Luke 17:20-21. Show me you're papers Christian, why yes sir Master.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It was modeled to you, no?

Not sure what you mean by that.

Well... do you consider it a mere coincidence that so many Americans genuinely like Beyonce-type garbage?
Could it be that they like it because they are conditioned to (by themselves and others)?

I think you'll find there are a considerable amount in turn that don't, they just won't get the 'high profile' pop coverage that media gives out. There's plenty of innovative music going on in America that isn't going to get on the likes of 'X Factor' by way of.

So if you weren't initially attracted a particular musical piece, how did you come to be?

I would have been borerd to tears by 2001: A Space Odyssey when I was 8, not so much at 18, including the music of Ligeti.


Well-known member
Not sure what you mean by that.

You witnessed male-female relationships.
You were taught, at least indirectly (if not directly), that it was a good thing to do - something worth pursuing.

I think you'll find there are a considerable amount in turn that don't, they just won't get the 'high profile' pop coverage that media gives out. There's plenty of innovative music going on in America that isn't going to get on the likes of 'X Factor' by way of.


It just seems odd, that if musical taste was innate, that so many people in the same place would tend to like the same (relatively few) musical genres.

I would have been borerd to tears by 2001: A Space Odyssey when I was 8, not so much at 18, including the music of Ligeti.

Alright. You're saying, then, that a change in taste can simply be a matter of maturation. That seems right. Many probably are. But tastes continue to develop and change throughout adulthood.

Certainly you've experienced that. No?

What made you decide to give the all-time best episode of Black Mirror a second viewing, when you didn't like it the first time through?


New member
Did you need to have actual sex with a woman before you knew where your attractions lay?

I remember liking legs on dancing showgirls before the subject of sex was ever introduced to me. That's basic God given attraction. Homosexuality was never introduced to me in my formative years and that's very important. I picked up on social cues that physical interaction with women was highly pleasurable. That's what steered my hormones in the direction they went I believe.

If I was well treated by a dirty old man who would be very affectionate with me, my sexual steering would have ended up quite differently I believe.


Well-known member
I remember liking legs on dancing showgirls before the subject of sex was ever introduced to me. That's basic God given attraction.

In that case, those women were already being portrayed to you as objects of sexual attraction.
So you were already being conditioned to find women sexually attractive.

I picked up on social cues that physical interaction with women was highly pleasurable. That's what steered my hormones in the direction they went I believe.

Yes - socialization.

If I was well treated by a dirty old man who would be very affectionate with me, my sexual steering would have ended up quite differently I believe.

Yes, probably.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You witnessed male-female relationships.
You were taught, at least indirectly (if not directly), that it was a good thing to do - something worth pursuing.

So at five years old I was being "conditioned" to find the opposite sex attractive because what? I had the typical parent paradigm? That's what caused my crush on girls?


It just seems odd, that if musical taste was innate, that so many people in the same place would tend to like the same (relatively few) musical genres.

Few? You need to do some homework if you want to be serious on music here. There's a myriad sub genres within electronic music alone. Even sub genres of sub genres...Sure, some of the purist stuff is up it's own rear anatomy where it comes to terms but if you think there's only a few you need to think again.

Alright. You're saying, then, that a change in taste can simply be a matter of maturation. That seems right. Many probably are. But tastes continue to develop and change throughout adulthood.

Certainly you've experienced that. No?

Sure, but they don't revert and it's more a case of those tastes developing. Bog standard generic 'pop' music isn't going to suddenly become interesting is it?

What made you decide to give the all-time best episode of Black Mirror a second viewing, when you didn't like it the first time through?

Well it might be your favourite episode but the jury's still out with me as to which is mine...:p

Though in fairness it's certainly a contender.

Simple, I was tired and wasn't focusing on it properly. That's why I made sure to give it a second go as I was already a fan of the series and knew it was more likely me at fault than the episode.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I remember liking legs on dancing showgirls before the subject of sex was ever introduced to me. That's basic God given attraction. Homosexuality was never introduced to me in my formative years and that's very important. I picked up on social cues that physical interaction with women was highly pleasurable. That's what steered my hormones in the direction they went I believe.

If I was well treated by a dirty old man who would be very affectionate with me, my sexual steering would have ended up quite differently I believe.

How do you define being "well treated by a dirty old man" exactly?


New member
How do you define being "well treated by a dirty old man" exactly?

I didn't want to go explicit for fear of banning. Imagine getting any toy you wanted. Candy. Fun movies. At some point, he gains your trust. This is being well treated. At this point, getting close physically would not signal suspicion. The intro of porno mags or videos could also lessen my suspicions once he made any deliberate moves. I could see my hormones being steered in that direction if I was young enough and before I could get enough hetero social conditioning.


New member
So at five years old I was being "conditioned" to find the opposite sex attractive because what? I had the typical parent paradigm? That's what caused my crush on girls?
It wasn't necessarily a typical parent paradise but that is absolutely essential. It's the social cues you picked up on before you turned 5 from everyone you ran into and saw on the TELLIE.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I didn't want to go explicit for fear of banning. Imagine getting any toy you wanted. Candy. Fun movies. At some point, he gains your trust. This is being well treated. At this point, getting close physically would not signal suspicion. The intro of porno mags or videos could also lessen my suspicions once he made any deliberate moves. I could see my hormones being steered in that direction if I was young enough and before I could get enough hetero social conditioning.

Just for clarification purposes, is this a hypothetical or more a case from experience? I wouldn't call what you're describing being "well treat" is all, but rather being manipulated.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It wasn't necessarily a typical parent paradise but that is absolutely essential. It's the social cues you picked up on before you turned 5 from everyone you ran into and saw on the TELLIE.

Why is it? There were plenty of my peers who didn't have a stable parental background but who were straight nevertheless. If you think the only reason I fancied girls is because of "social cues" then you're way off base.


New member
Why is it? There were plenty of my peers who didn't have a stable parental background but who were straight nevertheless. If you think the only reason I fancied girls is because of "social cues" then you're way off base.

Paradise is spell check run amok. I meant parents who were straight themselves and pushed heterosexuality.

It's not guaranteed but the chances are good for you to turn out straight if you had straight parents and plenty of hetero social cues. If you had no info whatsoever on homosexuality in your formative years, the chances of being straight are almost 100%.

No study will ever be done to compare the upbringing of straight versus strict scientific accurate study that is.


New member
So the prisoners do not become attracted to the other prisoners?

What a stupid question.

Prison sex is rape. Rapists don't love their victims and victims don't love their rapist. (though there are a few degenerate and depraved perverts running around who like to claim otherwise. A handful of posters here certainly will try claim this)

The perpetration of rape is about power and dominance and violence no matter where it takes place or the gender of the victim. And not all rapes happen at knife point.

"...overtly violent rapes are only the most visible and dramatic form of sexual abuse behind bars. Many victims of prison rape have never had a knife to their throat. They may have never been explicitly threatened. But they have nonetheless engaged in sexual acts against their will, believing that they had no choice.

These coercive forms of sexual abuse are much more common than violent gang rapes and, for prison authorities, much easier to ignore. Prisoners, including those who had been forcibly raped, all agree that the threat of violence, or even just the implicit threat of violence, is a more common factor in sexual abuse than is actual violence. As one explained: "From my point of view, rape takes place every day. A prisoner that is engaging in sexual acts, not by force, is still a victim of rape because I know that deep inside this prisoner do not want to do the things that he is doing but he thinks that it is the only way that he can survive." Report on Male Rape in U. S. Prison the Human Rights Council.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What a stupid question.

Prison sex is rape. Rapists don't love their victims and victims don't love their rapist. (though there are a few degenerate and depraved perverts running around who like to claim otherwise. A handful of posters here certainly will try claim this)

The perpetration of rape is about power and dominance and violence no matter where it takes place or the gender of the victim. And not all rapes happen at knife point.

"...overtly violent rapes are only the most visible and dramatic form of sexual abuse behind bars. Many victims of prison rape have never had a knife to their throat. They may have never been explicitly threatened. But they have nonetheless engaged in sexual acts against their will, believing that they had no choice.

These coercive forms of sexual abuse are much more common than violent gang rapes and, for prison authorities, much easier to ignore. Prisoners, including those who had been forcibly raped, all agree that the threat of violence, or even just the implicit threat of violence, is a more common factor in sexual abuse than is actual violence. As one explained: "From my point of view, rape takes place every day. A prisoner that is engaging in sexual acts, not by force, is still a victim of rape because I know that deep inside this prisoner do not want to do the things that he is doing but he thinks that it is the only way that he can survive." Report on Male Rape in U. S. Prison the Human Rights Council.

true or false - those who choose to sexually victimize others of the same gender are engaging in homosexual activity