Cosby Is a Serial Rapist


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Hall of Fame
If one knowingly keeps dangerous company and knowingly engages in dangerous behavior one has willingly entered the pit of depravity. It appears that some of the accusations against Mr. Cosby cite events in which the victim was unknowing and not at all willing to participate in these behaviors.
In any case what kind of person wishes to have sex with a stuporous, unconscious person who has not given informed consent?

A control freak predator?:idunno:


Well-known member
If one knowingly keeps dangerous company and knowingly engages in dangerous behavior one has willingly entered the pit of depravity. It appears that some of the accusations against Mr. Cosby cite events in which the victim was unknowing and not at all willing to participate in these behaviors.
In any case what kind of person wishes to have sex with a stuporous, unconscious person who has not given informed consent?
Yes, but this is TOL, where men are not to be blamed for sexual assault if the woman can somehow be made responsible. I mean, the mere fact that they went to his house/room/whatever, must mean they wanted it, right?


Well-known member
good article - different perspective and it makes sense
It makes sense except for the part about there being a difference between rape and "high pressure seduction". As I am quite sure most rapists think what they're doing is some sort of "seduction". Because, of course, the woman really wants it even though she's saying no, or incapable of saying no. After all, the sluts when to his house, what else could they have possibly wanted? Right?


Hall of Fame
It makes sense except for the part about there being a difference between rape and "high pressure seduction". As I am quite sure most rapists think what they're doing is some sort of "seduction". Because, of course, the woman really wants it even though she's saying no, or incapable of saying no. After all, the sluts when to his house, what else could they have possibly wanted? Right?

The very fact that Cosby admits to drugging women indicates his intention was to bypass their consent.


Hall of Fame
Yes, but this is TOL, where men are not to be blamed for sexual assault if the woman can somehow be made responsible. I mean, the mere fact that they went to his house/room/whatever, must mean they wanted it, right?

Of course that has been indicated by some here, however, they are wrong. A rapist is ALWAYS responsible for rape. EOS.


Hall of Fame
If one knowingly keeps dangerous company and knowingly engages in dangerous behavior one has willingly entered the pit of depravity. It appears that some of the accusations against Mr. Cosby cite events in which the victim was unknowing and not at all willing to participate in these behaviors.
In any case what kind of person wishes to have sex with a stuporous, unconscious person who has not given informed consent?

A rapist.


It appears that some of the accusations against Mr. Cosby cite events in which the victim was unknowing and not at all willing to participate in these behaviors.

Good reason not to be alone with a dirty old man.


Well-known member
good article - different perspective and it makes sense

Yep. Problem here is, in the minds of the Left, the past - just like reality itself - is completely malleable according to current political needs. If it can't be changed or denied it is to be ignored, a la Orwell's memory hole.

Twenty, thirty years ago, if it were reported at all, Cosby at worst would have been (and is today) guilty of adultery, very bad taste and scumminess...but not rape, not with however many women willingly took these pills from him. People would have rightly looked at you like you're crazy for suggesting it.

Difference now is, leftists, by way of feminists, have selectively* redefined rape to be any form of sex they do not approve of; more accurately, sex with certain persons they do not approve of.

*re: feminists' silence to this day on Bill Clinton's own rapes. Hence every woman accusing Clinton of rape or sexual harassment is a filthy, money-grubbing liar, or worse. The ones accusing Cosby? Pure innocents, every single one.

What are the odds of that?


His admittance to giving women Quaaludes (which he stocked up on) is an extremely convincing piece of evidence that he denied them of the ability to consent.

Consent :freak: is still a crime punishable by death (Lev. 20:10–12, 1 Co 6:19). :dizzy:
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Well-known member
Musty can't seem to grasp the idea that these women did not willingly take any drugs from Cosby. The drugs were hidden in drinks. A practice that still occurs to this day.


At that time we thought he was a nice guy. That was his persona. But I think the entertainment media, in general, is a place of very broad acceptance of a variety of behaviors.

If a woman is not a good judge of character, her husband should help to clue her in (Ge 31:4–16, 1 Cor 14:34, 35). She should not be alone with a man to whom she is not married.
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