good article - different perspective and it makes sense
Yep. Problem here is, in the minds of the Left, the past - just like reality itself - is completely malleable according to current political needs. If it can't be changed or denied it is to be ignored,
a la Orwell's
memory hole.
Twenty, thirty years ago, if it were reported at all, Cosby
at worst would have been (and is today) guilty of adultery, very bad taste and scumminess...but not rape,
not with however many women willingly took these pills from him. People would have rightly looked at you like you're crazy for suggesting it.
Difference now is, leftists, by way of feminists, have selectively
* redefined rape to be any form of sex they do not approve of; more accurately, sex with
certain persons they do not approve of.
*re: feminists' silence
to this day on Bill Clinton's own rapes. Hence every woman accusing Clinton of rape or sexual harassment is a filthy, money-grubbing liar, or worse. The ones accusing Cosby? Pure innocents, every single one.
What are the odds of that?