Complete border meltdown


Well-known member
So how did/does the cartels/gangs wage war? If we examine the way they went from one nation to the next in central America and worked their way to the U.S./Mexico border this is the way they did it/do things and this is why I say "they don't understand what is about to come across the border" and also they don't understand what these refugees are running from.

What they did and "what they will do" is this,,,They went from town to town,they set up different people in safe houses gave them computer's then supplied them with drugs,beer,a.c's ect. and gave them a list of names the list was the mayor,chief of police,dist. attorney ect. as quickly as other police,military names were learned they were added to the list. Then they did their genealogies and set up files on each and every public offical and their family members. They then would simply tell the chief of police "you are now a cartel member,we know who your daughter is,your mother,your sons, your wife your uncle your ants and you will do what we say or we will take them all and pile them up on the out skirts of your town". Now he(police chief) knows that he cannot protect all of the people he loves and one by one they will make good on what they said so he decides to take the bribes,pass on information ect.(to keep his family safe),,So one by one they go.went through the police force(doing the same),and through all of the towns officials. And then they go from town to town doing the same.

We should be able to see this easy(it sticks out like a sore thumb),that is when you see photos of the marinas(Mexican military) none of them have name tags on(don't want the cartels to know who they are so they cant do their genealogy),so they carry no i.d.,name tags ect. and all wear mask to conceal their faces.,,(this is what has happened in the other nations,IT MAKES NO SENSE THAT THEY WOULD CHANGE THEIR TACTICS WHEN THEY HAVE HAD SUCCESS THIS FAR.

Ill post this and continue,


Well-known member
So what is about to come across the border and are we(the u.s.) ready to deal with it?,,,if they do the exact same thing they have already done in the former nations they will,(I'll give an example),,set up the same houses to do the genealogies of all of the officials,police chiefs sheriffs,deputies ect. They will do this methodically as they did in the past,using maps from Mexico(connecting highways)i.e. I 35,I 45 59 ect. and go town by town doing what they did in the other nations.

So how will this effect us? well we all know that every police/officials in the u.s. must show his badge,sign his name on the ticket,search warrants,drug bust ect. so by law they all must provide this information. If there is a huge drug bust it comes out in the paper and gives the names of the arresting officers ect.

So if we can't imagine what it would be like to live in America and have police pull us over and have no i.d.,no badge # and a mask on his face,,well it may very well be coming. I think homeland security was created for this very thing that is hardly no one knows who they actually are because they don't wear the same type uniforms,name tags ect.

So the police themselves after a while will not know who even among their own departments can or cannot be trusted(how will they know if their own partner is being forced to give information?) so the same as in these other nations they will face a difficult time with who they can trust. We already see huge crops being found in the Americas but when they go there no ones there,so they cut down the crops and burn them(definite sign they were tipped off by someone who knew they were coming).

But even then break it down to the individual citizen in America,lets say they do catch one of the gang/cartel members and they choose you to be on the jury how will you react? How will you no,with complete confidence that juror #5(you) if you vote guilty wont have your name given to the gang/cartel members(by an officer who they got to),and then they do your genealogy,you see you could be endangering all of your family members if you vote guilty.

I say all of this because for the most part we here in the u.s. are quite bold we say,,"ahh let em come!,we'll deal with them!",, Eventually this monster that has come from Central America(organized crime) will cross the border(thats why these women and children are running) and eventually we will need to take a more honest look at this issue,that is who will you be able to trust? For this reason they media and the officials are trying to think it is something it is not,that is if they tell you the truth you will not be able to trust them. If you call the police and report drug dealers down the road from you,,will one of the police call them when they bail out and give them your name?

We can hope this will never happen,although it has already happened one nation after the other south of us and is now at our border. If there is any question as to whether or not it is there at the border from most parts of Texas you can drive there in a day,fill up your car and go see first hand. If your in the next states,fill up your car and go see for yourself it's not like it's on the other side of the world it's in your backyard,,,"AND THEY,THE CARTELS AND GANGS CAN FILL THEIR CARS AND BE AT YOUR HOUSE BEFORE SUNDOWN",,,


Well-known member
You didn't go back quite far enough in time to get a proper handle on who all is involved and how this came to be. The party in Central America got started in earnest when Air America was forced to pull up stakes in South East Asia at the end of the Vietnam war and relocate to more hospital climes. Same operation, similar soil fertility a lot closer to "home" ... home being the biggest drug consuming nation on the planet. If you want to go back even further google The British East India Company and the Chinese Opium Wars. Drugs are a part of the business of those who control our monetary system and politicians and has been for centuries.


Well-known member
What is now changing the game is that, with the introduction of crystal meth, you don't have to have soil at all. You can manufacture it anywhere. The cartels just happened to be in the right place at the right time to take advantage of this development because their infrastructure was already in place as a result of previous operations.


Well-known member
You didn't go back quite far enough in time to get a proper handle on who all is involved and how this came to be. The party in Central America got started when Air America was forced to pull up stakes in South East Asia at the end of the Vietnam war and relocate to more hospital climes. Same operation, similar soil fertility a lot closer to "home" ... home being the biggest drug consuming nation on the planet. If you want to go back even further google The British East India Company and the Chinese Opium Wars. Drugs are a part of the business of those who control our monetary system and politicians and has been for centuries.

exactly its always been here but the mass public I think never understood it. I remember when Reagan was the pres. he several times sent f16's to bomb the cartels in Colombia but in the end he realized that in all the sorties they only got one 16 year old(they later found out that he had gone in after the cartel had left to see if they had left anything).

That made me think watching this all play out on the news back then that is Reagan had to have realized,,,

hmm,I'm the President of the u.s.,I call together my staff at the pentagon, I plan how many jets will be sent and what will be dropped and before I can get my jets there,someone has warned them and their gone.,,,now that would narrow it down to someone with a "need to know status",,meaning someone on his staff.


Well-known member
What is now changing the game is that, with the introduction of crystal meth, you don't have to have soil at all. You can manufacture it anywhere. The cartels just happened to be in the right place at the right time to take advantage of this development because their infrastructure was already in place as a result of previous operations.

oh I didn't know that they didn't need to grow any of it,I've heard of it from the news and such but thats all i knew about it. I do think though that the front lines in the war on drugs will end up down the road being spread out to Texas/la. border,Oklahoma,new Mexico ect. instead of the Mexican border it will just drift up into the u.s. and then we'll be hearing on the news about the drug war on the northern Texas border.(maybe not though)


Well-known member
exactly its always been here but the mass public I think never understood it. I remember when Reagan was the pres. he several times sent f16's to bomb the cartels in Colombia but in the end he realized that in all the sorties they only got one 16 year old(they later found out that he had gone in after the cartel had left to see if they had left anything).

That made me think watching this all play out on the news back then that is Reagan had to have realized,,,

hmm,I'm the President of the u.s.,I call together my staff at the pentagon, I plan how many jets will be sent and what will be dropped and before I can get my jets there,someone has warned them and their gone.,,,now that would narrow it down to someone with a "need to know status",,meaning someone on his staff.

Regan never went after the cartels ... remember Ollie North and the Contra drugs for guns scandal?


Well-known member
oh I didn't know that they didn't need to grow any of it,I've heard of it from the news and such but thats all i knew about it. I do think though that the front lines in the war on drugs will end up down the road being spread out to Texas/la. border,Oklahoma,new Mexico ect. instead of the Mexican border it will just drift up into the u.s. and then we'll be hearing on the news about the drug war on the northern Texas border.(maybe not though)

I've said for some time that we should declare I-10 our DMZ and work our way back to the Rio Grande. That's about how far this incursion has gone ... and this incursion is political, monetary and human in its scope.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And Knight and Bybee and myself have all said we have no objection at ALL to those who want to come here legitimately the way it was done when that wonderful plaque was added.
The way it was done then you just showed up, all these people just showed up but it's not like that anymore, we have quotas so even if you're a prime candidate you might have to wait.
Refugees can't wait.

They were screened for disease, quaranteened if they had one that could be cured - and many refused entry when they couldn't be and because of criminal activity and those who were cleared were registered and later became citizens.
So let's just do that then.
We already check them out medically, that's where that bus load of people that got turned back by those protesters was going, a processing facility.
What is your objection to the law being followed?
What's your objection to changing the law and allowing more people to come here?


Well-known member
For those wishing a better understanding of what is going on at our border I would offer a piece I penned some time ago concerning the history of the area in which I now live. Both the piece and the area are somewhat unique but I think it emblematic of what has happened all along our southern most border in America.


… The average citizen of Edwards County is likely not familiar with the name Leodoro Martinez but he has been a political player of some significance in South Texas politics for the last 4 decades. Mr. Martinez is currently the Executive Director of the Middle Rio Grande Development Council. This is only one of several non-profit corporations he is the leader of at the moment. Indeed, when one researches Mr. Martinez it doesn't take long to discover that, as of late, he has made a living feeding at the public trough by either creating and/or managing many various non-profits that consume taxpayer dollars but this doesn't begin to cover the extent of his political influence and activities in this area over the years.

Mr. Martinez first rose to political prominence in the 70's as a member of the La Raza Unida movement that saw a group of Hispanic activists in the South Texas area (primarily Cotulla in La Salle County, Crystal City in Zavala County and Carrizo Springs in Dimmit County) attempt to create a third political party in Texas whose primary concern was to address a perceived lack of political representation on the part of the Democratic Party that claimed them. Although this movement died within a decade of its birth it created the opportunity for several like minded individuals to develop relationships that would last for many years after most of them returned to the Democratic Party. After being elected School Board member, City Councilman, Mayor and County Judge in La Salle County, Mr. Martinez would later go on to turn his attention to the area Council of Government created at that time and that would become the economic glue that would help hold together the South Texas Democratic political machine for many years to come.

The 70's and 80's saw Mr. Martinez and others rise to power by taking advantage of an explosion of government programs designed to address perceived societal inequity be it based on race, gender, sexual orientation, income or whatever other subdivision of the human race that could be pointed to as being in need of government help at that time. The vast majority of these programs were created and funded by our federal government (using money borrowed in our name of course) as a result of the effort that began in the mid 60's during President Johnson's administration known as, “The Great Society”. This effort resulted in a series of legislation that brought us Medicare, Medicaid, COGs, Economic Development Corporations, HUD Housing, Food Stamps and an untold number of other such programs that came to be referred to collectively as “The Welfare State” by its detractors.

One facet of this program saw numerous legal advocacy groups spring up, one of which would play a pivotal role in our community. In 1974 the Legal Services Corporation was created by our national Congress and charged with the mission of being a legal advocate for the underprivileged. The LSC then funded other non-profits in the several states to carry out its mandate. The Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid non-profit corporation was created to carry out the LSC's mission in South Texas. As some of you may recall it was the TRLA that found two people willing to be named as plaintiff's in a civil suit that forced the Rocksprings ISD to go from an “At Large” voting procedure that saw the two or three top vote getters winning seats on the School Board each year to a “Single Member District” system in which Edwards County was carved into districts, each of which elected it's own representative to the School Board.

The main complaint brought forward in this suit was that the existing electoral system effectively left our Hispanic population unrepresented on the School Board and said Board was indeed made up entirely of white males at the time the suit was brought … which leads me to think that women had just as good a grounds to bring suit as anyone else. Perhaps the thought of trying to gerrymander a school district in a manner that would guaranty feminine representation on our School Board was daunting enough to make the racial angle seem like the more attractive pursuit to the TRLA lawyers charged with the mission to address the needs of the underprivileged in our county at that time. In any event, not satisfied to simply carve out districts that would insure almost all of their residents were Hispanic and thereby insure that their representatives would be Hispanic also, the TRLA successfully argued that the RISD should also be one of three school districts in the state that allows people who don't live in a given district to represent it. The practical effect of this decision now finds three people who all live in the same District (that would be the Ramirez brothers and James Palacio in District 6 which is made up of the Northern half of 2 ½ streets in Rocksprings) serving on our School Board and thereby controlling it for the whole county.

Many of the efforts of the “Great Society” programs had a much more profound effect on South Texas than the efforts of the TRLA. Perhaps the single most important event to effect the South Texas political landscape was actually a change in the health care sector. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, passed in 1986 by a Republican Congress under Ronald Reagan, stipulated that all hospitals are required to give emergency care to and stabilize anyone who comes in, regardless of immigration status. Anyone born in the U.S. automatically becomes a U.S. Citizen regardless of the citizenship status of their mother who shows up at the E.R. in labor and so this new law became a part of a set of circumstances that saw an explosion in the Hispanic population of the U.S. in general and it's southern border states in particular. As, at the time, most Hispanics were voting Democratic, this act of a Republican President and Congress served to strengthen the Democratic Party's hold on our Southern border. This is only one of several instances in which, whether deliberately or accidentally, this Country's two parties have taken turns strengthening each others position at the national level while leaving their party faithful shaking their heads at the local and regional levels. This phenomenon no doubt played some part in the emergence of the Tea Party movement some time later led by those insisting on the primacy of the U.S. Constitution who also felt unserviced by the Republican Party that claimed them.

As time passed more and more Hispanics have begun to gravitate to the Republican Party here in South Texas. Whether spurred on by the thought of not wanting to leave their children's, children's, children burdened with the debt incurred to fund the programs created as the result of implementing the ideals of “The Great Society”, or looking for an alternative to a party that failed to serve their needs, or simply voting for someone whose character they approved of; many became a part of the movement that saw Texas move from being a blue state (read here Democratic) to being a red state (read here Republican). This transition is not yet complete and this process is creating no small amount of friction as political boundaries are being redrawn to reflect this new reality ... much to the displeasure of some who have profited from the old arrangements. This friction has manifested itself in our County in several ways, one of which finds Mr. Leodoro Martinez and the COG he leads injecting themselves into our political scene by embracing our school superintendent, Mr. David Velky, and one of our City Councilmen and County Democratic Party Chairman, Mr. Andrew Barnaby, as non-voting members of the COG Mr. Martinez oversees despite the fact that Edwards County is no longer a member of said COG … which brings us back to the subject of Mr. Martinez and the intentions of him and his friends.

My first encounter with Mr. Martinez was indirect and had nothing to do with politics … or so I thought at the time. Having been asked to help our new County Judge in transitioning into office I was charged with the responsibility of understanding and communicating with the COG we were then a member of and that Mr. Martinez leads … said COG being the MRGDC. This led me to make contact with Mr. Martinez' chief of staff, Jose Alcala, via email. Our relationship was cordial up until the point I asked for the employment records of two of the ladies employed at our nutrition center through one of the programs the MRGDC administered (the Area Agency on Aging) who had been shorted two hours pay each day for years. At this point Mr. Alcala quit responding to my emails. His boss, Mr. Martinez, showed up at our next Commissioner's Court meeting and referenced my request by telling the Court that the MRGDC didn't keep such records. Though I don't doubt this is true it is unfortunate in that they are required by law to keep these records for two years in case they are audited. Before leaving the subject of audits it should be noted that the MRGDC received failing grades on their last two for a lack of internal controls.

This series of events led me to have some concern about the actions and intentions of Mr. Martinez and the Cog he oversees and this concern in turn led me to do the research necessary to craft this article. As of the writing of this article the MRGDC has lost 40% of their funding for various reasons, some of which have been discussed here, and more such cuts would appear to be on the horizon. This might explain why Leodoro and his chief of staff have begun to cast about for more fertile ground. Their most recent endeavors find them trying to find some way to cash in on the Eagle Ford Shale oil and gas boom now occurring in several of the counties that are a part of the COG that Leodoro has set astride of for so many years. Those wishing to explore this subject further might wish to visit the websites of some of his more recent non-profit endeavors:,, are good starting points for those so inclined.

It is unfortunate that so many who set out to benefit others are so quickly corrupted by the money offered up by our State and Federal Governments to champion causes that, though occasionally in need of a champion, are maybe better left championed by someone who will attend to the matter simply because it is the right thing to do for the benefit of those near and dear to them. Such folks are more likely to hang on to their integrity long enough to affect positive change without the need for money borrowed in the name of our unborn children. I would suggest that a champion bought with money is merely a mercenary and when the money is gone they will be also.


Well-known member
oh I didn't know that they didn't need to grow any of it,I've heard of it from the news and such but thats all i knew about it. I do think though that the front lines in the war on drugs will end up down the road being spread out to Texas/la. border,Oklahoma,new Mexico ect. instead of the Mexican border it will just drift up into the u.s. and then we'll be hearing on the news about the drug war on the northern Texas border.(maybe not though)

China is providing the chemicals necessary for the Mexican cartels to produce Meth.


Well-known member
China is providing the chemicals necessary for the Mexican cartels to produce Meth.

oh, mota was the only kind of drugs I was ever around I knew others were around cocaine and other drugs though the kids where I used to work with used to laugh at me about all of the new drugs because where we worked they drug tested every few months I had not been involved with mota since my 20's but they told me there were all sorts of drugs nowadays they did and could pass a drug test even when they were high. I guess as I got older I lost the understanding of all the newer drugs.

I can tell the ones who are on speed because they all have the same personality they all are jumpy and it's like they are looking around like someone is trying to sneak up on them. Also I notice those who smoke crack cocaine all have the same personality again they are always looking for stuff,I mean cans,copper,metal ect. or any thing they can sell,and they usually say "they are crack heads" about the people they don't like.

I worked in convenience stores for years and had to learn to really watch most of the workers there they as I said could be high at the time they were taking a test(mouth swabs and urine test),,but you could tell they were and several times they would tell me they were high when they took the test but they were doing drugs the test kits did not test for. They really thought it was funny one told me that they could probably catch them but they would have to send them to a clinic and get the high dollar test ran to catch what they were doing.

One woman(girl late 20's) worked with me for about a year she would be fronting the shelves or something and just turn around and put her hands on her ears and scream "stop screaming at me!!",,a while later when she wasn't high she was just as normal as all of us. I guess there's some real odd drugs out there now,I don't know what they are all called anymore,,,lol


Well-known member
oh, mota was the only kind of drugs I was ever around I knew others were around cocaine and other drugs though the kids where I used to work with used to laugh at me about all of the new drugs because where we worked they drug tested every few months I had not been involved with mota since my 20's but they told me there were all sorts of drugs nowadays they did and could pass a drug test even when they were high. I guess as I got older I lost the understanding of all the newer drugs.

I can tell the ones who are on speed because they all have the same personality they all are jumpy and it's like they are looking around like someone is trying to sneak up on them. Also I notice those who smoke crack cocaine all have the same personality again they are always looking for stuff,I mean cans,copper,metal ect. or any thing they can sell,and they usually say "they are crack heads" about the people they don't like.

I worked in convenience stores for years and had to learn to really watch most of the workers there they as I said could be high at the time they were taking a test(mouth swabs and urine test),,but you could tell they were and several times they would tell me they were high when they took the test but they were doing drugs the test kits did not test for. They really thought it was funny one told me that they could probably catch them but they would have to send them to a clinic and get the high dollar test ran to catch what they were doing.

One woman(girl late 20's) worked with me for about a year she would be fronting the shelves or something and just turn around and put her hands on her ears and scream "stop screaming at me!!",,a while later when she wasn't high she was just as normal as all of us. I guess there's some real odd drugs out there now,I don't know what they are all called anymore,,,lol

In all honesty, Mota is probably the least poisonous of what is considered illegal here in America. That said, it is illegal and those who claim the mantle of Christ have been directed to obey the laws of man unless and until they contradict the laws of God.

Withdrawal from anything, be it drugs or alcohol, is not pleasant for those going through that nor those who love them them. Faking a test is just that ... you're not only lying to your employer you're lying to yourself ... and eventually you are going to have to be honest with yourself if you are to have any hope of redemption.


New member
Hall of Fame
The way it was done then you just showed up, all these people just showed up but it's not like that anymore, we have quotas so even if you're a prime candidate you might have to wait.
Refugees can't wait.

So let's just do that then.
We already check them out medically, that's where that bus load of people that got turned back by those protesters was going, a processing facility.

What's your objection to changing the law and allowing more people to come here?

Define what you want to change it to and the circumstances, are you for the more the merrier when those at home aren't being taken care of first? You know like the swamping the boat you want completely open borders for anyone who wants to come here unlimited and those already here pay for it all?

Also you haven't answered my question, whats wrong with following the law? Should you break the ones you dont like till you have the ones you like better?
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Well-known member
In all honesty, Mota is probably the least poisonous of what is considered illegal here in America. That said, it is illegal and those who claim the mantle of Christ have been directed to obey the laws of man unless and until they contradict the laws of God.

Withdrawal from anything, be it drugs or alcohol, is not pleasant for those going through that nor those who love them them. Faking a test is just that ... you're not only lying to your employer you're lying to yourself ... and eventually you are going to have to be honest with yourself if you are to have any hope of redemption.

lol,you did understand I haven't smoked mota since my 20's right?,,I'm 52 now,,lol


Well-known member
I'm 58 and haven't smoked Mota since ... well, let me see ...20 years ... guess you got me beat. I guess it all depends on when you first felt the unction.

my kids,marriage things just look different past that,,I think I'll go to bed now good night,,,