Complete border meltdown


Well-known member
He also ignores that there are immigrants who come here illegally from all over the place and their races vary greatly. The issue has nothing to do with race, but everything to do with breaking the law, and draining resources away from those who pay into them and sickening people and possibly causing people to be terrorized or murdered (yes some illegals are criminals and terrorists)

oh I didn't see in the news that terrorist,or other races were coming across the border in Texas,,I thought the o.p. was speaking of the "border crisis on our southern border"


New member
Hall of Fame
oh I didn't see in the news that terrorist,or other races were coming across the border in Texas,,I thought the o.p. was speaking of the "border crisis on our southern border"

Yes, and whats coming along with children and some families are criminals and terrorists too.

Do you think there are no citizens other than Mexicans coming across the border?

Also why wont you answer my question?

Why does people needing to follow the law, bother you? Do you desire to be a lawbreaker and anarchist?


Well-known member
Yes, and whats coming along with children and some families are criminals and terrorists too.

Do you think there are no citizens other than Mexicans coming across the border?

Also why wont you answer my question?

Why does people needing to follow the law, bother you? Do you desire to be a lawbreaker and anarchist?

answer to your question,,"it does not bother me that anyone should follow the law",,,,and no very few citizens of Mexico are among the 50,000 or more who are involved in the border crisis we are discussing (this is the link knight gave in the o.p.),,,it states "VIVA LA RAZA",,,,or "long live the race",,,

See the manner in which it works?,,,the o.p. brings in the wording "race",no one is suppose to bring it up,,,some one comes along who understands Spanish,,says the "r,word" and they are a raciest.

well it could have been simple,truth is the guy is California screaming "viva la raza" is the true racist,that is if he would have never stated this and approached it as if they were just blue people fleeing a war torn nation,well it might be a better approach to actually getting them help.,,,


New member
Hall of Fame
answer to your question,,"it does not bother me that anyone should follow the law",,,,and no very few citizens of Mexico are among the 50,000 or more who are involved in the border crisis we are discussing (this is the link knight gave in the o.p.),,,it states "VIVA LA RAZA",,,,or "long live the race",,,

See the manner in which it works?,,,the o.p. brings in the wording "race",no one is suppose to bring it up,,,some one comes along who understands Spanish,,says the "r,word" and they are a raciest.

well it could have been simple,truth is the guy is California screaming "viva la raza" is the true racist,that is if he would have never stated this and approached it as if they were just blue people fleeing a war torn nation,well it might be a better approach to actually getting them help.,,,

And you keep ranting about race, when none of this has anything to do with race, its about breaking the law and diseasing and bankrupting America.

You should really start your own thread if all you want to talk about is race.


Well-known member
And you keep ranting about race, when none of this has anything to do with race, its about breaking the law and diseasing and bankrupting America.

You should really start your own thread if all you want to talk about is race.

go to the first post i.e.(o.p.),,,click on the link,,,,it says "viva la raza",,,,which means "long live the RACE",,,,


Well-known member
if we can get over that part,,,then go down in the same article knight posted in the o.p. and after the 3rd picture,when the bull horn is handed over to the other he screams "THEY ARE REFUGEES!",,,,oh no! whitestone,,,refugees again "we don't know where you are getting all this stuff,,must have actually read the o.p. and intended on giving your opinion",,,, look at it this way we have never posted on a thread about the antichrist without being distracted and talking about football by page 9,,,"it's like plowing fresh ground,,with a new plow",,,wow the o.p. whats that?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And illegally entering our country is the only possible solution?

We are the one with the giant statue.
And the plaque.
That says;
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
I understand all the issues you and Bybee and Angel and others raise.
I'm not ready to cover up that plaque.
I'm not ready to close that golden door.
I will never be ready for that.
Because that would mean that America was closed for business and not taking new customers.
America is not a place.
It is an idea.
That knows no bounds.
America is the one place on this planet where you can be free.
I can't find fault with people for trying to come to it.


New member
Hall of Fame
We are the one with the giant statue.
And the plaque.
That says;

I understand all the issues you and Bybee and Angel and others raise.
I'm not ready to cover up that plaque.
I'm not ready to close that golden door.
I will never be ready for that.
Because that would mean that America was closed for business and not taking new customers.
America is not a place.
It is an idea.
That knows no bounds.
America is the one place on this planet where you can be free.
I can't find fault with people for trying to come to it.

And Knight and Bybee and myself have all said we have no objection at ALL to those who want to come here legitimately the way it was done when that wonderful plaque was added.

They were screened for disease, quaranteened if they had one that could be cured - and many refused entry when they couldn't be and because of criminal activity and those who were cleared were registered and later became citizens.

What is your objection to the law being followed?


Well-known member
We are the one with the giant statue.
And the plaque.
That says;

I understand all the issues you and Bybee and Angel and others raise.
I'm not ready to cover up that plaque.
I'm not ready to close that golden door.
I will never be ready for that.
Because that would mean that America was closed for business and not taking new customers.
America is not a place.
It is an idea.
That knows no bounds.
America is the one place on this planet where you can be free.
I can't find fault with people for trying to come to it.

America is a continent not a nation,,there is north central and south America,,not every one who lives in the Americas are free i.e.(Cuba/communist) sounds kinda neat the way you word it poetically though,,,we just need to remember that some people in the Americas are trying to get to the one spot where they are actually free,,,,

Nathon Detroit

We are the one with the giant statue.
And the plaque.
That says;
And you believe that plaque is a complete run down of the immigration policy of the USA?

That's a bit like thinking the song "God bless America" is a thorough and binding document for our nation's policy on religion.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
America is the one place on this planet where you can be free.
I can't find fault with people for trying to come to it.

well said
most here can't imagine how bad it must be for those forced to try to get into this country
they are willing to work


Well-known member
well said
most here can't imagine how bad it must be for those forced to try to get into this country
they are willing to work
ever traveled abroad?,ever gone through a customs office in Venezuela?
ever been ask,,Where are you from and you said America?,and then watched the security agents bee line fore you?,,then in fear you say ''I'm from America I live in Bolivar",,then the custom agents send an agent from Venezuela to question you?,,,and after they figure out you are not an Pemon Indian and then that you are from Bolivar Texas in the united states and not from the state of Bolivar in Venezuela,,,well then about 3 days later you realize you should have said "united states instead of American",,,well then it would make sense if someone ask you where you were from and they said,,"Africa",,,and then you thought,,"why wont he tell me the nation he is from?,I ask him and he told me the continent he is from but not the nation?",,,then you think "hmm,he's trying to hide something!",,,,lol,,,so never say your from America,,,tell them up front your from the united states,and avoid the waiting period,,,,lol,,,


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
ever traveled abroad?,ever gone through a customs office in Venezuela?
ever been ask,,Where are you from and you said America?,and then watched the security agents bee line fore you?,,then in fear you say ''I'm from America I live in Bolivar",,then the custom agents send an agent from Venezuela to question you?,,,and after they figure out you are not an Pemon Indian and then that you are from Bolivar Texas in the united states and not from the state of Bolivar in Venezuela,,,well then about 3 days later you realize you should have said "united states instead of American",,,well then it would make sense if someone ask you where you were from and they said,,"Africa",,,and then you thought,,"why wont he tell me the nation he is from?,I ask him and he told me the continent he is from but not the nation?",,,then you think "hmm,he's trying to hide something!",,,,lol,,,so never say your from America,,,tell them up front your from the united states,and avoid the waiting period,,,,lol,,,

have no idea what you are talking about


Well-known member
have no idea what you are talking about

was the whole point,,,if you had gone through any customs office they would say where are you from,,,if you say America,,,they will want you to narrow it down to one certain nation in the Americas like Peru,,,or Bolivia,,,ect.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
was the whole point,,,if you had gone through any customs office they would say where are you from,,,if you say America,,,they will want you to narrow it down to one certain nation in the Americas like Peru,,,or Bolivia,,,ect.

I have been around the world and to many countries
my passport tells them where I am from
I still don't know where you are coming from


Well-known member
I have been around the world and to many countries
my passport tells them where I am from
I still don't know where you are coming from

yes it's like confusing around the world and different countries as two different things,,the same happens when they read your passport and ask where you are from.,,some do not know the answer,its like speaking of a book that you have never read,,,,


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
yes it's like confusing around the world and different countries as two different things,,the same happens when they read your passport and ask where you are from.,,some do not know the answer,its like speaking of a book that you have never read,,,,

have you been grilled by an israeli? they are right in your face and not even listening to your answer