Thunder's Muse
Well-known member
That's TexMex for Pot :chuckle:
Did someone say pot?
Posted from the TOL App cause that's how I roll.
That's TexMex for Pot :chuckle:
Did someone say pot?
Posted from the TOL App cause that's how I roll.
While we are on the subject, what is spoken on the Border is called TexMex. It is not true Spanish. My wife's father continually chastises her for not speaking proper Spanish. She does understand it though. The Mexican restaurant she used to work in would use her to translate when they got a customer from the interior of Mexico.
Posted from the TOL App cause that's how I roll.
Good girl.
We have had an immigration crisis for a long time in the United States. Now we also have a humanitarian crisis. It’s important we understand the distinction—and do something to solve both. Some clarifying facts are in order.
Central American children are fleeing their countries because of violence.
Central America is facing unprecedented gang warfare and violence. These criminal gangs especially target young people; if you don’t join, there are violent consequences. A young boy told the Women’s Refugee Commission, “In El Salvador, there is a wrong—it is being young. It is better to be old.” Young people face terrible threats in migrating, often alone, to the United States or elsewhere—muggings, theft, kidnappings, rape, death—but as The Washington Post reports, “that stuff, and worse, was at home.”
Central American kids are NOT fleeing their countries because of U.S. immigration policy.
The number of kids escaping Central America began to increase in 2009. There was a lull and then another uptick beginning in 2011. Both periods clearly predate President Obama’s enactment of DACA (Deferred Action for Child Arrivals) in 2012. Under any conception of linear time, there’s simply no possible argument for causality.
Added to this is the fact that Central American kids are trying to come to the United States but they’re also trying to go elsewhere. Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Belize are all seeing an increase in Central Americans seeking asylum as well.
The United States/Mexico border is NOT broken—this crisis actually shows the border is secure.
This one would seem self-evident: The fact that we have a humanitarian crisis of an unprecedented number of unaccompanied children in the custody of United States Border Patrol proves that these kids aren’t “slipping through” our “broken border” but are being stopped and detained.
One would hope simple logic would prevail. We’re not seeing an uptick of unaccompanied undocumented kids from Central America showing up in Iowa. They’re in dreadfully over-crowded and ill-equipped government facilities, deteriorating conditions that are why this is a humanitarian crisis within our own borders. Over the first 8 1/2 months of fiscal year 2014, 52,193 unaccompanied children have been taken into custody by the Border Patrol. Taken into custody. An increase in apprehensions of unaccompanied children is up 92 percent from last year.
Since these kids are being stopped and detained at our southern border, the appropriate question to conservatives calling for even more “border enforcement” is, what the hell would that mean? Armed drones firing on these kids? Big scary Transformer-like robots with heads ablaze that frighten the kids back across the treacherous desert? When they show up, they’re being detained. The border is secure. Stop pretending otherwise.
Republicans who attack Obama for not “enforcing laws” now don’t want to enforce Central American refugee laws we have on the books.
In 2008, President George W. Bush signed into law the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, which said that unaccompanied minors from countries non-contiguous with the United States (i.e., countries other than Mexico and Canada) are afforded greater legal protections.
Republicans backed that law, and now they are the ones who don’t want to enforce it but change it. GOP Rep. Raul Labrador of Idaho said the administration should “immediately deport” these children and families, which would be an open violation of the 2008 law. Democrats are balking at this idea. Hopefully President Obama will join them.
Thanks - I've heard of pot.![]()
If you pay attention to these folks they will tell you what their intent is.
Read the article.
Do you agree?
If so, then what we have are politicians who have sworn an oath to defend and protect, but are in fact subverting American sovereignty for a global agenda.
OKDefine what you want to change it to and the circumstances,
If they come here to stay then they are "At Home".are you for the more the merrier when those at home aren't being taken care of first?
Those that are coming want to work, it's those that are here who want the free ride.You know like the swamping the boat you want completely open borders for anyone who wants to come here unlimited and those already here pay for it all?
They don't know our laws, they just know the promise that is America and that they're being killed where they came from, is that not enough for refugee status?Also you haven't answered my question, whats wrong with following the law? Should you break the ones you dont like till you have the ones you like better?