Complete border meltdown

The Barbarian

If you hang a sign on the door saying,“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” what do you expect?

Statue of Liberty; just another bleeding heart liberal. (WFTH-I)

The Barbarian

Barbarian about the 19th century American value, of welcoming immigrants:
Statue of Liberty; just another bleeding heart liberal. (WFTH-I)

If the boat is overloaded it will sink and all will be lost.

America changed drastically, as a flood of immigrants came to these shores. It became more Catholic, more Jewish, more Italian, more Irish, more German, etc. And the nation was enriched thereby.

America is again changing. We are becoming more Hispanic. Texas, with the exception of the tea party fanatics, has embraced Hispanic culture to a larger degree than most parts of the Union.

But that's understandable. If you go to the Alamo, you'll find that Hispanics were among the heroes who fought and died for Texan independence. They've been here a long time, and they are great and hard-working people, who contribute to our economy and culture.

We could have a lot more people here than we have. Each wave of immigration lifted us up. And that will happen again.


New member
Barbarian about the 19th century American value, of welcoming immigrants:
Statue of Liberty; just another bleeding heart liberal. (WFTH-I)

America changed drastically, as a flood of immigrants came to these shores. It became more Catholic, more Jewish, more Italian, more Irish, more German, etc. And the nation was enriched thereby.

America is again changing. We are becoming more Hispanic. Texas, with the exception of the tea party fanatics, has embraced Hispanic culture to a larger degree than most parts of the Union.

But that's understandable. If you go to the Alamo, you'll find that Hispanics were among the heroes who fought and died for Texan independence. They've been here a long time, and they are great and hard-working people, who contribute to our economy and culture.

We could have a lot more people here than we have. Each wave of immigration lifted us up. And that will happen again.

We have a large population of Somalis here in Minnesota. There have been many young Somali men recruited by Isis and other terrorist organizations. This group has isolated itself and we have many ongoing incidents of violence against Christians whilst they avail themselves of every one of our many handouts in this state.
But then, We have another group of Tibetans who are the most lovely, gentle people and a real asset to our community. Also we have a very large population of Hmong among us. They are very industrious and contribute a large share to our local farmer's markets.
Not every one is a winner.


Well-known member
We have a large population of Somalis here in Minnesota. There have been many young Somali men recruited by Isis and other terrorist organizations. This group has isolated itself and we have many ongoing incidents of violence against Christians whilst they avail themselves of every one of our many handouts in this state.
But then, We have another group of Tibetans who are the most lovely, gentle people and a real asset to our community. Also we have a very large population of Hmong among us. They are very industrious and contribute a large share to our local farmer's markets.
Not every one is a winner.
Different cultures tend to reinforce different personality traits. That's true. But it's also true that the way we view other people effects the way we treat them, and in turn effects the way they respond. We have a long and ugly history of prejudice and bigotry against black people in this country. And the Somalis are very black-skinned people. To pretend this has nothing to do with it, I think, would be disingenuous.


Different cultures tend to reinforce different personality traits. That's true. But it's also true that the way we view other people effects the way we treat them, and in turn effects the way they respond. We have a long and ugly history of prejudice and bigotry against black people in this country. And the Somalis are very black-skinned people. To pretend this has nothing to do with it, I think, would be disingenuous.

are you proposing that recent somalian immigrants are suffering from a practice that was ended in the united states in 1865?

The Berean

Well-known member
Different cultures tend to reinforce different personality traits. That's true. But it's also true that the way we view other people effects the way we treat them, and in turn effects the way they respond. We have a long and ugly history of prejudice and bigotry against black people in this country. And the Somalis are very black-skinned people. To pretend this has nothing to do with it, I think, would be disingenuous.

And there is also a long and ugly history of prejudice and bigotry against Asian people in this country as well. Some immigrant groups are very insular, others much more open. One way to fight bigotry is to be open and allow other people to see what the immigrant culture is about. When legendary martial artist Bruce Lee started teaching Kung Fu to non-Asians many in his Asian community were aghast. He was told to stop. Lee responded that he wanted to share the beauty of the Chinese culture so non Asians can see them as real people and not as stereotypes of caricatures.


Well-known member
And there is also a long and ugly history of prejudice and bigotry against Asian people in this country as well. Some immigrant groups are very insular, others much more open. One way to fight bigotry is to be open and allow other people to see what the immigrant culture is about. When legendary martial artist Bruce Lee started teaching Kung Fu to non-Asians many in his Asian community were aghast. He was told to stop. Lee responded that he wanted to share the beauty of the Chinese culture so non Asians can see them as real people and not as stereotypes of caricatures.
Asians are still very "insular", for the most part. But they're culturally inclined to be very economically ambitious. And that has helped them 'fit right in' in our culture, which worships wealth above all else, and imagines that wealth is justified by hard work (ambition). But not all the cultures of the world promote these same kinds of ideals. American Indians, for example. And so they get left out and left behind very easily.

The Berean

Well-known member
Asians are still very "insular", for the most part.

Not where I live (Silicon Valley) they are not.

But they're culturally inclined to be very economically ambitious. And that has helped them 'fit right in' in our culture, which worships wealth above all else, and imagines that wealth is justified by hard work (ambition).
What's wrong with hard work? :idunno:

But not all the cultures of the world promote these same kinds of ideals. American Indians, for example. And so they get left out and left behind very easily.
Really? American Indians don't like making money? :think:




The Barbarian

But they came in legally.

That's an important issue, and why Obama has, from the beginning, stepped up enforcement. As you know, we're now stopping more illegal entries at the border, and deporting more illegal entrants. And even better, enforcement is focusing on criminals first.

However, how they got here is quite another issue than the benefits we reap from them being here. The republican comptroller of Texas did a study that showed Texas makes billions annually off illegal immigrants. So it's not surprising that people are conflicted about the issue.

And you may be a bit surprised to know that lots of illegal immigrants came in from Europe in earlier waves of immigration after the late 1800s. We had effectively no laws restricting immigration before that time.

NEW YORK -- They were portrayed as a disreputable lot, the immigrant hordes of this great city.

The Germans refused for decades to give up their native tongue and raucous beer gardens. The Irish of Hell's Kitchen brawled and clung to political sinecures. The Jews crowded into the Lower East Side, speaking Yiddish, fomenting socialism and resisting forced assimilation. And by their sheer numbers, the immigrants depressed wages in the city.

As for the multitudes of Italians, who settled Mulberry Street, East Harlem and Canarsie? In 1970, seven decades after their arrival, Italians lagged behind every immigrant group in educational achievement.

The bitter arguments of the past echo loudly these days as Congress debates toughening the nation's immigration laws and immigrants from Latin America and Asia swell the streets of U.S. cities in protest. Most of the concerns voiced today -- that too many immigrants seek economic advantage and fail to understand democracy, that they refuse to learn English, overcrowd homes and overwhelm public services -- were heard a century ago. And there was a nub of truth to some complaints, not least that the vast influx of immigrants drove down working-class wages.

Yet historians and demographers are clear about the bottom line: In the long run, New York City -- and the United States -- owes much of its economic resilience to replenishing waves of immigrants. The descendants of those Italians, Jews, Irish and Germans have assimilated. Manhattan's Little Italy is vestigial, no more than a shrinking collection of restaurants.

Now another wave washes over. Fully 38 percent of New York's 8 million residents are foreign-born, nearly the same percentage as a century ago...But these accounts are flawed, historians say. Until 1918, the United States did not require passports; the term "illegal immigrant" had no meaning. New arrivals were required only to prove their identity and find a relative or friend who could vouch for them.


New member
Okay, let me get this straight. My kids have to be inoculated with all these lovely mercury based goodies or they can't attend school but ... an illegal alien can and there is nothing a school or anyone else can do about it? Hey, call me an illegal alien.

I'm an alien, an illegal alien. I'm an Englishman in New York.

- Sting

That's about right. Oh, except for the fact about the children. Your children don't have to have ethyl Mercury based vaccinations before they enter school. Thimerosal was removed from the vaccinations for political reasons several years ago.

The Barbarian

The border has been open so long it is irrelevant.

True. It wasn't until the late 1800s that anyone even bothered to track movement back and forth. And until later, no one was kept from coming in, and living here. Took a while to become a citizen, but there were no illegal immigrants, because there was no such thing back in the day.