The Evil Barbarian resorts to facts, again:
According to current figures from Immigration and Customs Enforcement -- the federal agency responsible for deportations -- Obama has removed 1.4 million people during his 42 months in office so far. Technically, that's fewer than under George W. Bush, whose cumulative total was 2 million. But Bush’s number covers eight full years, which doesn’t allow an apples-to-apples comparison.
If you instead compare the two presidents’ monthly averages, it works out to 32,886 for Obama and 20,964 for Bush, putting Obama clearly in the lead. Bill Clinton is far behind with 869,676 total and 9,059 per month. All previous occupants of the White House going back to 1892 fell well short of the level of the three most recent presidents.
We wondered whether there might have been a surge of undocumented immigrants that explained the increase, but there wasn’t. During the first two years of Obama’s tenure, the Pew Hispanic Center estimated the illegal immigrant population nationwide at 11.2 million, compared to an average during Bush’s eight-year tenure of 10.6 million. And illegal immigration actually peaked late in Bush’s second term, at which point the recession hit and the numbers declined under Obama. Such patterns do not explain the 57 percent bump in monthly deportations that we found under Obama.
So, I'm sorry to have to tell you that those weren't chicken nuggets they were feeding you, rocket.

Something I read today:
Let's say that I suffer from a delusion. I will call this delusion "Fact-check Syndrome." Under Fact-check Syndrome, I want to show people why they were wrong. If they post something wrong, I will respond to them, saying something along the lines of "No, no, that isn't correct, this link shows you why that isn't correct."
This process leads, at a greater than 90% rate, to failure. Because greater than 90% of wrong people online don't want to be corrected. They believe they are correct, and they do not care about anything that does not agree with them. And this high failure rate occurs regardless of whether my response is nice and plaintive, or angry and dismissive.
Don't know what reminded me of that just now, but...